I talked to Asus, the missing screws are for Video card and HD, they want us just ship it if it's just barebones and Asus will send the missing screws to all customers.
Geared2play.com Company Representative
4 cpu screws missing
or 2 vga card and 2 hdd drive
same screws for all 3 parts. how in the world do you expect asus to ship to end users? thats beoyond me. responsibility falls on the dealer here. any dealer that does not agree with me needs to step his game up a bit. there were a totla of 1000 units received in the states. there is no way asus is going to send out 1000 packets to end users. call your dealer. dont call me we already got all the screws for our customers -
Geared2play.com Company Representative
The Forerunner Notebook Virtuoso
Wait I am confused, whats the deal for the people that had the whole system built not barebones?
oh jeez...yeah i'm not exactly looking forward to waiting on a set of screws all the way from taiwan, lol, i've waited long enough already...but i have faith in gentech.
I'm assuming since I ordered the system with parts installed I'll receive the screws since you cant just ship a laptop with a loose gpu, hdd, and cpu... at least i hope. lol. Seriously though I think those who ordered a built system will be fine. Does anyone know what type of screw it is, maybe it can be found online or at a boutique computer store?
We found lots of screws and it's enough for everyone, so no missing screws from us.
The Forerunner Notebook Virtuoso
Yeah thanks alot Ken.
As far as excaliberpc goes, I just got off the phone with Alan who is over the Asus notebooks theres. He is going to open up my laptop package and physically check for the screws for the HDD, VGA, and CPU. He will call me back in 15 minutes.
Geared2play.com Company Representative
Alan called back and checked the screws. 3 for the vga (correct). 4 for the hdd(dont know if this is correct cause i cant see how many are needed based on pictures), 4 for the cpu. Sounds good to me.
vinceboiii Animals are friends, not food.
so the laptops are coming to us with missing screws?? which isnt much of a big deal right, we can lookf or the same ones and put it in
Correction to my ealier post. I will definately get it before I go to work tommorrow. Ill say something about it that night after 10:00PM EAST but not too much
TheoryDependence Notebook Consultant
Need... battery life stats... and game fps info... so badly right now you guys.. talking... like... Shatner..
Thats awesome ken
THIS IS A LITTLE OF THE TOPIC, but i just registered a minute ago to post this very important message. I have ordered my c90s months ago and the last 3 weeks was extending my ticket just to be able to stay in the states and get the laptop. Now I told Ken, that I had to leave this Saturday(tomorrow) to Europe and I would be gone for a minimun a year. And i know in europe i would never get something like this c90s...anyways...I even upgraded to 2 day shipping and told them not to assemble it to speed up the process...in end I just recieved my laptop it is AMAZING!!! and i didnt have to assemble anything. Just want to say KEN is a lifesaver and the best online expirience i ever had...no puns..here...anyways...
All of you guys who bought you lappie from KEN, trust me he will take care of you! So buy away!!!
vinceboiii Animals are friends, not food.
i sent ken an email about my order status cause i couldn't view it because i made an account after i made the purchase of the C90S therefore on the account i have no record of any purchases and never got a response..i order it on 6/28
The Forerunner Notebook Virtuoso
I ordered on the 26th and order is still processing. It should be done by today according to Ken as well as most or all of the pre-orders.
vinceboiii Animals are friends, not food.
oh okay thanks for the news forerunner :]
Remember that Gentech is in CA; mine didn't ship untill about 7:00pm EST.
The Forerunner Notebook Virtuoso
vinceboiii Animals are friends, not food.
im in CA too san jose. thats up north of where gentechpc is i believe
(what the point of a 10 char min?) -
probably to make sure posts have a point and help decrease bumping. idk just a guess since you could just as easily type 10 s's or something.
Gentech only 45 miles from my house. Hehehe
halfhalo mind if i stay over a night so i can pick up my c90 in person instead of waiting for it to come cross country
there shipping it to me
vinceboiii Animals are friends, not food.
ken finally answered me last night and says he will ship mine early next week so have you gotten yours yet The Forerunner?
The Forerunner Notebook Virtuoso
He said mine should ship by tuesday. Thing is I dont know if I want to do 3 day shipping. If it doesn't ship tuesday and I do 3 day i will get it monday. If it doesnt ship tuesday and I do ground shipping I get it definitely by tuesday. Its another 25 bucks for 3 day and I'm dead broke after this new laptop, speakers, and games. So I don't know I will call him tomorrow. Mine was ordered 26th, yours was too right? I will get the 3day shipping if he can confirm that will arrive by friday.
An update on temps for those interested:
e6600 in standard mode - idle - 51 degrees
e6600 in overclock mode @ 2.763 GHz - idle - 56.5
e6600 in overclock mode @ 2.763 GHz with nvidia 163.11 driver
3dmark06 1280x1024 - 3160
peak temperature during 3dmark06 overclocked test - 77 degrees
ambient temperatures were higher during the overclocked tests -
Did you select the right overclock mode in turbo gear? Its supposed to go to 2.93ghz using the 20% overclock. Also do you have artic silver 5 or stock paste on cpu/gpu?
vinceboiii Animals are friends, not food.
i ordered mine on 28th , i gave ken 2 emails but he didnt respond so i just emailed service and they told me it will take 3 business day to ship, and when ken finally replied he said he will get it ship early next week
I still waiting on the reply about mine, but then again I ordered recently 7/12/07
hi swoley. I have the 2.4 GHz processor so I think its 20 percent higher in overclock mode. I'm running stock thermal grease
AlexOnFyre Needs to get back to work NBR Reviewer
Yea I talk to Ken pretty often, he wanted to let you guys know that he has a small office staff and a lot of them are dedicated to things outside of emails. He and a couple other people personally answer each one, and since the C90 launch (and even the G1S launch) he has been getting a ton of emails. If he hasn't gotten back to you it is merely because they are really backed up right now with emails, PMs, calls, all in addition to actually running the business. He does apologise for the wait, and thanks you for your patience.
Good to know. Was wondering if they were back up cause of the all C90S questions
I just wanted to say that my C90 has shipped from GenTechPC!! I should get it on the 23rd, can't wait =)
The Forerunner Notebook Virtuoso
Mine too getting it thursday woot!
Mine shipped last wednesday, but I still haven't gotten it! I wish I had just paid the extra for fast shipping. The wait is killing me.
I'm glad I upgraded to 3 day shipping...it went out last night at 9pm, and it was in Philly by 9am this morning!
Still waiting to hear from mine... didnt preorder but I ordered thursday last week.
Did anybody else order from XoticPc or am I the only door-stop? I ordered at the beginning of June and I don't think they've shipped any yet.
Really??? why ??? if I recall correctly they had the c90 for a much higher price than other sites.... maybe you could cancel the order an order form either btotech.com or 1toppc.com they are best resellers for asus (imo) and are regualrs here on the forums... (plus youll get it cheaper)
Ahhhh...there. I feel better now. Cancelled my order with Xotic and placed a new one with GenTech. They'll treat me with the respect I deserve.
Official C90/C90S/C91/C80 Owners Lounge
Discussion in 'ASUS Reviews and Owners' Lounges' started by FrostFire, Jun 26, 2007.