Where the hell are the vents lol![]()
That really is a nice bonus. I hope mine comes with 1333 RAM too.
0100 1010 0101 0011, can you test the speaker and tell us the overall quality/volume? -
0100 1010 0101 0011 Notebook Evangelist
Thanks for the update. Is it loud enough? I remember G51J-A1's volume was so low that I had to use earphones.
How is the integrated microphone? -
0100 1010 0101 0011 Notebook Evangelist
I am in the cafeteria at school and it is way too loud! You will not need headphones, unless you are using it at an NBA game!
0100 1010 0101 0011 Notebook Evangelist
If anyone is keeping score, Justin at Xotic OC'd the G73 and got 8913 in Vantage! OC'd to 799/1200
Quagmire LXIX Have Laptop, Will Travel!
Thanks for the pics and info current owners. I feel the Zalman ZM-NC2000 Notebook Cooler will do very well gently pushing cool air into the memory vents while air is also sucked in from the top.
I will also attempt to reverse the fans so the cooler will suck air out of the memory and HDD compartment and compare to air pushed in.
EDIT: As pointed out by 0100 1010 0101 0011, air is drawn in through the memory vents by the Asus fans, so only use a cooler that pushes air in (or a passive cooler). It will assist with the overall cooling design with only the force of the air to be tested.
...This post is reserved for my testing and results of that cooler...
Q -
0100 1010 0101 0011 Notebook Evangelist
It was fun reviewing the different computer languages in my last iSeries class last semester. At 36, I was able to "fit in" haha.
ziddy123 someone keyed your old laptop, those bstards!
You guys are in for a treat. Trust, me Dell does not deserve your money. -
ViciousXUSMC Master Viking NBR Reviewer
Hey guys, I am home from my bike ride. Totally beat did 21 miles of off road rough riding. Took a shower and now I am all cleaned up I can open up my G73.
Pictures have been great posted by others so far, with the mess that is my house and the non existent lighting I wont have much better to offer until I work on Sunday and have some space.
I have another 22 mile ride to do in the morning too, but will be working on installing stuff all day Sunday and then start my benching and reviewing Sunday night. -
ViciousXUSMC Master Viking NBR Reviewer
0100 1010 0101 0011 Notebook Evangelist
Hey guys, I don't mean to raid in on your parade, new to the forums and stuff.
First, I'd like to thank Vicious for his AMAZING product summary of the Asus G73 in his first post, they should hire you or something
Secondly, I'd like to thank 0100 1010 0101 0011 and the other people who posted pics upon receiving the laptop, you've all but convinced me to buy one. Just need that darn tax return money >.>
And I just want to ask, those of you that received the kingston 1333mhz ram stock ordered from 1toppc/gentech right? Because that's totally where I am ordering mine. -
0100 1010 etc. and myself got it from ExcaliberPC. But Asus hasn't said they changed the stock of the ram, so suspicion they are just out of 1066 atm.
Hm, I think I might order it from Gen Tech, I'll be calling around anyway once I'm ready to order it just to make sure that I'm not getting it on back order and waiting for eons.
Thanks Ziddy! -
ViciousXUSMC Master Viking NBR Reviewer
Ok guys here are the teaser unboxing pictures.
<embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="http://picasaweb.google.com/s/c/bin/slideshow.swf" width='800' height="533" flashvars="host=picasaweb.google.com&hl=en_US&feat=flashalbum&RGB=0x000000&feed=http%3A%2F%2Fpicasaweb.google.com%2Fdata%2Ffeed%2Fapi%2Fuser%2Fmasakakoi%2Falbumid%2F5435270351140520705%3Falt%3Drss%26kind%3Dphoto%26hl%3Den_US" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer"></embed>
View the larger images directly in the gallery HERELast edited by a moderator: May 6, 2015 -
ViciousXUSMC Master Viking NBR Reviewer
ViciousXUSMC Master Viking NBR Reviewer
Looks as though the Blu-Ray software is included. Awesome
The reason I say that is due Asus not including it with previous systems that had Blu-Ray players (and therefore couldn't play Blue-Ray unless the software was bought separately, which at the time was close to $100.) -
ViciousXUSMC Master Viking NBR Reviewer
Just a "first impressions" kinda thing, I'll compare it to the W90 in some way since that is what I just upgraded from.
> Screen is really nice in that it has great colors and superb contrast and backlighting. The LED pays off and should also give better battery life. The flaw is that its still a mirror with the super glossy finish.
> The laptop is pretty light for what it is, almost half the weight of the W90
> Speakers sound good, subwoofer really works I can hear bass in the built in speakers a rarity for a laptop. However not as much overall sound as the 5 speaker solution of the W90
> Bag I like more with the looks the solid black is good, means you can use it anywhere without looking strange and also doesn't advertise that you have nearly $2000 strapped to your back. But I do not like the fit for the laptop in the bag, it is a tight fit into the sleeve I liked how the W90 had the sleeve in the center of the bag made it easier to use and also gave more storage space options.
> Touchpad is really big and easy to use, the material of the palm rest is not plastic its almost a rubber, I hope it doesnt scratch easy or show wear but its an interesting material for sure.
> Keyboard is fully lit up, I know this is a big deal for a lot of people so here you go finally an Asus unit with this feature. Its my first chicklet style keyboard and right away I can type fast on it. I did see my accuracy messed up a tad but what do you expect for the first 10 minutes on a new keyboard. I see my typing speed going up due to shorter strokes though once I am used to it. No more strange touch media controls on the G73 like the w90 had. A good move I think as it cut cost and was not needed. Still upset that we have a truncated number pad and embedded arrow keys though I want a full keyboard on a 17"+ unit! This is the only thing the M17X got right that Asus did not, but I am not paying $1000+ more just for a slight keyboard change.
> Power brick not as big or heavy as the W90 so thats nice.
And with the first impressions done, I will get more hands on tomorrow and start seeing some of the more in depth things about the system. -
The screen on this is incredible! For those like me who are upgrading from a 15.4" to a 17.3"
Well, I still have some stuff to get off the G1 to transfer over, and after playing FEAR 2 for a bit, I went over the G1 to burn something onto a DVD. The G1 felt like a Netbook. I'm sure others who are veterans to 17-18" notebooks are laughing at me, but this is just awesome. -
say can someone please confirm if this laptop comes with an express card slot ?
The Realtek Soundcard sounds good in game with the Creative Audigy software for the EAX 4.0. I use Audio Technica AD900 and Sennheiser HD650 headphones. And it sounds good!
Foobar with WASAPI output is also excellent! -
I'm just about to order one of these but i have a quick questions.
Do you think we ill have throttling issues if i choose a 920XM instead of the 720QM as the Alienwares are having this problem i've heard? -
I don't think so. Maybe you should wait because Quadzilla is getting 920XM soon.
GuardianOfForEver Notebook Enthusiast
OMG, I feel like a 10 year old a week before X-mas, I can't stop looking at the vids posted by Justin and Ken....all I can manage is a sigh...excruciating wait..Enjoy your machines those lucky enough to get them already
You're not alone
12,59 4th pre-orderer of the Asus G73 -
And you don't have to worry about people thinking you two are a couple. I can't wait either. Except it's going to be ~3 weeks
GuardianOfForEver Notebook Enthusiast
I'll be waiting til next month.
At least I have a lot of videos and plenty of reviews til then. -
1st Post....
I really don't like you guys as you made me spend money on this awesome laptop. I just pre-ordered the A2.....I build water-cooled pc's and I'm really looking forward to testing this thing out.... -
ok thanks..
For those who went with the A2 in order to get theirs faster, did your reseller offer to upgrade you to the Blu-Ray at no charge since that was your original order?
Lhiannon Justin called some people who ordered an A1 and asked them if they wanted an A2 with an upgraded BluRay drive. Those are shipping next week I believe.
I've never played Crysis before, my gaming machine was the Asus G1 with Go7700 which I used for Killing Floor, TF2 and WoW. Seeing Crysis Warhead for the first time in all Gamer settings 1920 1080, AA Off is just absolutely stunning. I saw no framerate slowdown or stuttering, very smoother.
I'll be using this: http://downloads.guru3d.com/AMD-GPU-Clock-Tool-v0.9.26.0-For-HD-5870-download-2383.html to test the O/C. Justin said he got it to 799/1200. -
0100 1010 0101 0011 Notebook Evangelist
Ziddy, I downloaded that and it works great. Super easy to use.
Just don't forget to highlight each of the 3 thermal sensors, check the box that says "Enable Reading" and start for each one. -
Alright I'm sorry I don't have Fraps running right now. But I used that program and have the setting at 749.99/1100.
Crysis Warhead Gamer Settings 4AA, 1080p is running incredibly smooth. It's unreal. The program says 85C
- Downloading Fraps now. Completed Ishmael level with the O/C settings, no artifacts, temperature steady 83-85C
ObjectDock runs beautifully on Windows 7 64. If you don't have this dock, you should. -
Could any of the owners enlighten me about the aerodynamics of the machine's cooling system..
i read earlier it pulled in air from above the keyboard.. is that the only place or it uses the bottom vents as well
and is the small vent near the cpu are used for decompression as was hypothesized earlier?? -
It was a price increase for the Blu-ray upgrade for Xotic, if you didn't want to wait and still wanted Blu-ray. Labor, I guess but then they get a perfectly good DVD drive out of it.
Anyone have CPU temps when turbo boosted to 1,7ghz? xotic PC recorded 73c on stock which is high for stock in my opinion. Could someone test at what temps the CPU will throttle? Maybe if a 3rd party fan controller was used this could come down as well. -
^^ the intakes arent in the front to the best of my knowledge.. that was made clear very early on.. the images are just false advertising from asus, which is why my question was directed at the owners
Official Asus G73JH Owners Lounge
Discussion in 'ASUS Reviews and Owners' Lounges' started by ViciousXUSMC, Feb 4, 2010.