Ditto on the 1333 and 1066 RAM: the real performance difference is not disernable outside of memory benchmarks.
Isn't having slightly slower mem actually better for overclocking since increasing FSB (or unclock) bumps up the memory speed? In my experience, having a lower mem speed usually means there's a bit more overhead in the DIMMS. Or am I confusing Core 2 with Core i7 overclocking?
On that note, do we know if SetFSB will work with G73 yet?
I think Vicious said he will take the G73 for a spin tomorrow and update us with the goodies.
- I have never wasted so much time on a forum at work before, this is getting out of handAnd I'll be visiting again tomorrow waiting for Vicious's updates!
Just got off the phone with ExcaliberPC - All the A2 in stock are now allocated to orders
However, they may be receiving more in today...
And the Wait Continues. -
0100 1010 0101 0011 Notebook Evangelist
That was SOOO damn quick. I called right at 10am Pacific Time and I was the very first person to even order the machine from them. I see that one other NBR forum member got confirmation, but they are now all gone? How many were they allocated, 6?
I feel better, knowing my A2 is being Overnighted for a Saturday delivery. $158 shipping does hurt a little, though. He didn't even offer me some vaseline first. -
Just confirmed my order with Gentech, should ship out on monday ^_^. Feels good to be part of the crew.
*edit --- First post ever even though I joined in December while checking out the G51J, sure glad I waited. -
Glad you got the deal also! -
ViciousXUSMC Master Viking NBR Reviewer
For most people thinking about a ram upgrade they are looking for a speed upgrade, if thats the case tuck that money away and save it for a good SSD your money will be much better served that way. -
ViciousXUSMC Master Viking NBR Reviewer
I really have so much freakin stuff to do right now that im preoccupied. I have a bunch of music stuff I am doing on my desktop. I have a lot of projects for work, and I have like 6 PC games I have not even played yet.
I have like an hour of time on my hands right now and I cant decide to play
> Mass Effect 1 since I never beat it
> Mass Effect 2 and skip the first one
> Dirt 2 and hook up my wheel because its awesome
> AVP demo to see what it is like
> Left 4 Dead 2 because I paid for a game I never play and it supports eyefinity
> Serious Sam HD because its fun to play and fast action, just join a game and play.
> BF BC2 because I have a beta key
> Farcry 2 because I bought it from a forum member like 4 months ago and have not even taken the disk out of the box to install it yet.
> Blazblue & Guily Gear XX since I just got both of those for my PC
> No More Heros 2 for Wii becaue I started it and its super fun
> New Super Mario Brothers wii because I can play that with the wife
> Tatsunoko vs Capcom the US version finally got it to play instead of the japanese import.
> Work on taking measurements for my arcade rebuild so I can play the shumps and fighter games with my joysticks again.
And the list is even longer than that. For now just opting to sit back listen to music and browse the forums. -
Left 4 Dead 1&2 is great fun, especially if you can get 7 friends over for hilarious 4v4
ViciousXUSMC Master Viking NBR Reviewer
Looks like me and Quadzilla will both have our units in less than a days time. Gentech sent them overnight shipping
Its supposed to be guaranteed before 12PM so thats only about 15 hours away at the most. -
I look forward to your assessment and OC instructions!
I'll be playing FEAR 2 only because I loved FEAR (Original), I heard it's not as atmospheric, creepy and compelling. But I have faith Monolith found a way to entertain me.
Crysis because my current rig can't play it.
Play Killing Floor will all details high, curious, addictive co-op horror game.
I'll be buying Borderlands because like above co-op fun (I prefer co-op over dying, spawning, dying spawning. I'll admit it, those kids kick my , I just don't have the time to play MW2 as much as they do, and apparently lack natural talent).
League of Legends (I love MMO, this is the closest thing to it without dedicating my life away).
And patiently wait for Diablo 3 and hope it's released before I grow a white beard.
As for Mass Effect 2, I'm on the offense. I really dislike 3rd person shooters and Bioware's type of RPG. -
ViciousXUSMC Master Viking NBR Reviewer
Oh sweet welcome to the club
Definitely a display of superior customer service in your case, that kind of support is why I have bought all my laptops from them so far.
Now we just need to organize the G73 international LAN Partybecause 2's a treat but 3 is a party.
Wait guys, what is genTECH shipping on monday? A2???
I got my order from xoticpc but unfortunatelly I've already paid with bank transfer..So I can't buy anywhere else..:-( wait...wait...wait....wait...uff! -
ViciousXUSMC Master Viking NBR Reviewer
Its probably a split shipment, they got some out today and will get more out on Monday.
Anybody that had overnight shipping would have gotten the priority for today. It just shipped so they probably only had time to get a few out on Friday. -
Yeah EXcaliberPC said they just received the A2 from Asus in the afternoon and had to get them out the door quick. FedEx needs the packages ready by 4:30. I'm expecting Gentech and Xotic be the same considering all are in California. So they probably didn't have time to get everyone's out unless you asked for overnight.
XoticPC also said, if you asked for anything custom, it would be middle of next week. -
Anyway, xoticPC isn't in California.. -
I ordered the A1 in early January, but got the upgraded SSD and thermal compound. I'm not as knowledgeable as most on these forums so I'm just using the delay as a way for others to test it out while I can still cancel
I look at it as a way to still be able to cancel without losing my place in line of the first shipment. -
ViciousXUSMC Master Viking NBR Reviewer
Yeah I will self upgrade when the time comes if I need.
I really want a SSD but I am picky I want a very specific one. Currently only the Intel 160GB G2 is a SSD I would want to own, and the price is too high. Mid 2010 the 320gb model comes out and hopefully that drives down prices some. -
Vicious the same here. And was reading someone who just got the N71 also got the 1333 ram when it says 1066 on the box. So far the N71 and the G51 are arriving with upgraded ram. Let's hope same for the G73, even if not a noticeable difference, it's a pleasant surprise.
ATM I'm looking through DeviantArt for a new theme for Windows 7. Really dislike both Vista and Windows 7 look, too bulky and hideous. Me wants minimalist thin bar!
- Thinking of using this one: http://mini-slash.deviantart.com/art/SlanXP-2-0-For-7-134955170?offset=100
- Logon screen editor: http://pacmani.deviantart.com/art/Logon-Editor-RC-149922645 -
ViciousXUSMC Master Viking NBR Reviewer
Well guys I am turning in for the night, I have been only getting about 1 or 2 hours of sleep a day for the last few days. Tonight I do not have to work so getting some shut eye.
Are you sure you can sleep?
. I just needed to make sure I had money left from building my desktop to actually buy this
Hydeo, how much about did you pay for the desktop? Specifications seem really nice!!!
I just built an m17x with similiar specs to this and... holy crap expensive.
I plan on blasting Two Steps From Hell while opening the box. Two Steps From Hell makes everything feel momentous, even bowel movements. -
daddyd302, no no not delayed. Backlogged. Meaning if I was to place an order, I wouldn't receive it til March. Don't worry, you should be fine.
0100 1010 0101 0011 Notebook Evangelist
Looks like she's right on time. Not much longer!
ViciousXUSMC Master Viking NBR Reviewer
Mines on truck for delivery been on truck for an hour so its close.
Belive it or not right after it gets here I have to leave for a few hours. I promised my little brother I would go for a mountain bike ride with him earlier this week.
I never see him and we never do anything together, he is about to move out of state here soon and getting married so I am not calling off our plans.
Got the State Fair today too, all the kids are going to that with my parents so when I get back I should be able to come home to a quiet and empty house and start cracking away at the G73. -
Its cool Vicious, you can just add in more pictures for all this slacking
Jokes! Have fun with your bro! Looking forward to your review and impression -
ViciousXUSMC Master Viking NBR Reviewer
I'll take some pictures to just post in our thread right away but the review pictures will be taken at my workplace where I have more room to work and better lighting.
Uhh without the 3 monitors it comes to around the same to the G73 (hence why I canceled my preorder in the first place). But I got a deal on certain parts which made me able to pay a whole lot less than I normally would. -
Kingston ASU1333D3S9DR8/2G 9-10-F0
Here are some pictures until Vicious or someone with photography skills. I'll be installing software and mess around. Hope the photos help.
Last edited by a moderator: May 8, 2015 -
Thanks for the pictures. This laptop is looking better every minute!
Yeah it's a bit of a mess in the living room atm. Breakfast plate on the floor.
Thanks for the update, Ziddy!! Great Pics! Man, that's a sweet macine next to your older lappy. Ordered my A1 on 1-9.
Looks awesome. I'm a bit disappointed that the power plug isn't an L adapter, but that's just nitpicking hahah.
Looks like only 2 antennae in the pictures above...
Good catch, iclicku! Ziddy, any chance to verify 2 or 3 antennae when u get the chance?
Looking at that picture, it does look like they can install a bigger 5300/5100 card, but I'm not sure there would be any performance benefit...I'm not sure though.
Since there are 2antennas, it's not worth upgrading to 5300/5100 card.
I think I'll stick with the intel 5300 and see how it works out. I could always mod it and add a 3rd antenna for 10 bucks.
edit: here's a tip. If you have a local PC repair shop, you can ask to take a "destruct" laptop from them and you could strip it for the antenna inside... -
I can't express how amazing the screen is. You will all be very happy I think when you see it for yourself.
As for antennae, I only see 2, maybe there is more, but I don't want to dig around. I see 2 attached to the card, and two going into the motherboard. I don't see a loose third one. But like I said, I don't want to take it all apart, just the main cover only. -
I have never seen so much bloat-ware before. I'm going to be sitting here for 2 hours just uninstalling crap.
0100 1010 0101 0011 Notebook Evangelist
A few more pics. Definitely were supposed to get 1066 memory, but got 1333. That's a really nice bonus.
big ole' power block
yup, 1333 memory
Subwoofer is up front, I dig that location
Official Asus G73JH Owners Lounge
Discussion in 'ASUS Reviews and Owners' Lounges' started by ViciousXUSMC, Feb 4, 2010.