Did you turn on VSync? The GPU is the culprit here and high ambient temps don't helpI replaced my stock thermal paste with AS5 and that helped me a bunch along with the copper blocks I put on the GPU, Heatpipes and CPU. See my sig for the pic of the copper blocks.
just did that, only played for like 30secs and it seems to have fixed it. what exactly does that do? I am assuming Vsync = Sync Every Frame
well I have the v-sync turned on all my games.. and I still get that wierd little glitch where it seems like the game stops for a brief moment but sometimes more worse than usual.
I assume you are running non-stock NVIDIA drivers and the latest PhysX package. -
ok so i was able to purchase my G72 for a very low NIB price of $700 and i was searching for a new CPU to swap in....and I found a qx9300, q9000, and a q9100. all of these say they support the PM45 chipset.
now for my question...are all the spec sheets and CPUz in the Mainboard->Chipset section leaving out the 'm' or is this a different chipset? -
maybe it's the reason they can be had for so much cheaper than the Quad G72.
Somone here tried a Quad TIM i think? and No Post. BIOS Update? Not sure but doubt it.
The Next best thing would be T9900 or better yet X9100 that i have now, i get better frames than the (Q9000 that mine came with) in the non quad supported games COD4 etc. -
What is the best chip that we can put into the G72 if we got the Duo version?
Does everyone here use the Dox video drivers? If I'm the only one getting video driver BSODs, then maybe Nvidia's latest version of drivers just suck?
I Use Nvida system tools 6.03
driver version
Never any BSOD from it unless i OC too much
Runs perfectly for me. -
Hmm... You're using old drivers. Is there a reason for that?
I even can OC cpu and Gpu for hours Np -
I guess you can't complain if you're not getting BSODs like me. lol
Anything is possible.??
I would at this point backup do a fresh install. -
I play CoD2, Mass Effect 2 games like that.. AA is turned down to x2, and ambient is turned down. Eve on wow it does the weird little glitch where it just skips frames randomly
My Computer -> Right-Click -> Manage -> Device Manager -> Battery -> "ACPI Battery devices" -> Right-Click -> Disable. (there should be 2 of them).
If that doesn't work I am out of ideas :S -
I did some asking around and this is what i found
I noticed just after exiting the game, I started CPU-Z and I looked at the video card tab. I saw that some values changed something like core: 275 Shaders: 375 or they kept in 400 cant remember and Memory: 125
Should I disable the overclock in the Bios because I started to notice this issues after enabling them on it, even though I never use it overclocked. Also, I havent updated the Bios because I didnt have any problems till now though. -
BIOS OC should not be the cause.
Those clocks look like what is clocks on battery power.
And otherwise the Video card will down clock if overheated if i OC my Vid card too high they will go to 375mhz like then you need to reboot to get it back to 500/800/1250 but Keep it 550/950/1375 all the time with np.
Are you Ocing the card? -
No i'm running the card at stock 550/950/1375 and I'm getting that problem. The temps are fine. I just started playing the free mmo allods and it does it a lot on there.. What could be the problem?
Today i received my tube of Arctic Cooling MX-3
I have tonight tore my G72 apart Took out my GPU And took this awful stock Dried Putty like crust for paste off then re-placed the thermal compound on the GPU, Northbridge and Cpu, Now for the first time i was able to run 3dmark 06 stock cpu clocks....
With the GPU @ 600/950/1450 With out it down clocking or crashing and it's running very stable.
Before the max i could go was 560/950/1375 W/O it Down clocking through 3d06
Do you have any coolers handy to see if it helps i have one and don't use that often really i do Prop the rear of the laptop on 2 AA battery cases to help airflow you can put 2 Gatoraid caps under the rear rubber pads to give the same result.
The laptop should be able to handle the cooling reasonably well.
i did that for just a test but i leave it with it @550/950/1375 always no problem
Meaning maybe you have a Poor thermal contact on your Gpu heatsink?
This Considering your heat sinks and fans are clear of dust? and the vents are clear? -
the poor thermal compound would be causing frame skips in mmy games? it doesn't get hot.. hottest I've ever seen it peak at was 80.. that's playing mass effect 2 maxxed out with no coolers.
the thermal upgrade would be a help IMO.
Do you have the Quad? I see it slightly with the q9000 than the x9100 no skips ever. -
does anyone know of a sight with a tutorial on how to change the thermal compound on the GPU? if it makes a difference i will definately do it, I have just never done it before, as long as i dont touch that yellow "void warranty" tab I am ok right?
No I don't have the quad I have the dual core one the p8700 If i'm not mistaken. I just want to know why I'm getting frame skips and if the compound is the problem I will get that changed. Could it possibly be the hard drive is only the 5400 RPM and it's still loading? I have a 7200 RPM in my desktop and don't see any issues as frame skips. desktop specs are 2.3 Intel core 2 quad (OC to 2.8) 8 gigs of ddr2 800mhz, nvidia GTS 250... The laptop is the Intel Core 2 2.53 GHZ stock, 6 gigs of ddr2 memory and nvidia GTX 260m (550, 950, 1375)
So after some research I finally went and bought this laptop. I'm really impressed by it so far! I was worried about the temperature issue at first but turns out my gpu temp is around 75C while gaming (with a cooler of course). Thanks for the help you provided to make my choice guys!
Naldonnis, I'm not sure if this will work for you but try going to the nvidia control panel, under manage 3d settings, and change power management mode to prefer maximum performance. It fixed a different but related problem for me.
I have found that running on A/C without the battery also does the same.
The latency (spikes in red) in latency checker vanished when i did this. -
I'll give the power management a try. I figured if I chose maximum performance it will increase my GPU temps which I don't want because I don't play with a cooler. Or that it possibly lowers the quality of the games.
Ok I just tried the power management and it didn't fix the problem. It seems the game is running smooth but I'm having horrible frame skips. The game was only running for 4 minutes and it was doing that so I don't think it's a heat issue. I don't know what else to try. My last resort it getting a new HDD, the 7200 rpm ones
Did you try to turn Vsync on? I know it may sound stupid, but Vsync actually says to the gpu when the monitor is ready for another frame.
http://ark.intel.com/Compare.aspx?ids=35431,39312, -
Without any overclocking they are the same,
The X9100 will overclocknicely
You can't go wrong with either of them. -
Damn, freaked out a bit here after playing some WC3 ( DOTA ) exited the game because it was like slow then the LCD did a quick blink and appeared like color lines for a sec then it was normal. Is that normal?
BTW, I decided to use the Max power option when I launched those games and it solved my frame skipping and I changed the GPU values to the Nvidias values instead... -
I don't recall seeing a real answer to this question in any of the G72 threads (and yes I searched). Where can someone buy a spare AC adapter/PSU for the G72GX-RBBX05 model? I believe it runs on a 150W (I'm at work on a desktop, so I don't have my new baby around to check). I know finding a 2nd HDD bracket in stock is gonna be hard, but I really want to buy a spare AC adapter.
Thanks for any help,
David -
GentechPC and Xotics (however you spell that) MIGHT have ones they can sell separately, not sure.
Is usually out of stock and
Seems to have stock right now. -
I've Heard if it being capable of over clocking the X9100 to 3.53GHz
It Will perform different depending on the model laptop Used along with Undervolting and Cooling.
And not all CPUs will have the same limit. -
ok I've turned on v-sync in the global settings for the nvidia performance tools. Did't fix the problem. I'm out of my return policy. V-sync is supposed to be screen tearing not frame skipping.. someone please hellp.
Ok I think i've fixed it. The triple buffering was turned off XD
Ok nope didn't fix it. Next thing to try is the hard drive.. gonna replace it with a 7200rpm and see if that's gonna make a differernce. I think it could be causing an issue because of a low loading speed. Also should I set it to single display? or multiple?
Sorry Naldonnis that we cannot find a resolution I'm Out suggestions
besides try a fresh install then troubleshoot from there.
I have messed with V-sync that doesn't cause this.
The triple buffering is off by default and not the cause...
If you upgrade to a 7200 RPM HD that will improve performance and a Good Idea I but doubt this is the cause either,
I went from a 7200 to an SSD and mainly you will See Better Load times IE Games Load, Booting & Write to HD ETC ,Not gaming improvements or frame rates,
Once the game is loaded its loaded and then plays At the GPUs performance...
This is One of the earliest G72s to be out of Warranty or just return? otherwise call ASUS on this..
Official Asus G72GX Owners Lounge
Discussion in 'ASUS Reviews and Owners' Lounges' started by Tim4, Jan 23, 2010.