No, still the Asus OEM windows and I don't think I've uninstalled any atk utilities.
Intel Core 2 Duo T9600 2.8GHz 6MB L2 Cache Socket P 35W Dual-Core Processor so this one wouldn't be able to into the 05 model of the Best Buy Asus?
Cheers, -
Well I guess I belong here since I am a proud new owner of one
Im in love so far. I was wondering what blotware I should remove. Ive already uninstalled the anti-virus and windows office. What else should I get rid of?
Turbo gear still works, the only thing that isn't working for me is the button at the top right next to the one that disables the touchpad. Anyone else had this problem? If so, how did you resolve it. If you tell me the process that should be running that controls it, I'll double check that it's running. Also Cathy, I'd update your sig to something that's more in line with the thread and not so embrassing
Thanks that linkedd helped alot!
I was wondering if you could help me out on one more thing. Ive figuered out what all but one of the buttons do.. Its between the power button mode and video mode(soft, normal etc) it has a circle with a lightning bolt. Also one more there a way to reduce the mouse pad size? my plams keep hittiing it when I type.
Thanks -
No, you cant reduce mouse pad size, but if you are using usb mouse you can turn it off. There is such button.It's located near power button. -
On mine the one that changes power plans is what looks like a man running. I have 5 buttons starting from left to right:
1 Video mode(lookes like the asus icon) > 2 ?..when hit or held down nothing happens) (looks like a circle with a lightning) > 3 turbo gear ( looks like a running man with a lightning bolt > 4 turn mouse pad off( looks like the mosue pad > and 5 power -
That's the exact same way that mine is set up but the little running man is now not functioning
Whenever I get home I'm going to recover it and see if I can just leave everything as is.
What are your guys' 3DMark06 scores? I'm getting around 9700 marks with a Q9000 quadcore and gtx 260m overclocked to stock settings (dox 195.62 drivers). Is this normal? Seems kind of low to me.
From research.. the button seems to be attached to Asus 'ExpressGate' program for this laptop..but it doesnt seem to be installed. From how it reads its really a bios program but not sure. And I am downloading 3dmark6 right noow..will post what my numbers tomrrow
RoG logo = Splendid Video Mode
Circle with Bolt = ExpressGate when off, nothing when on.
Running Man = TurboGear setting
Touchpad = touchpad
Perhaps these buttons can be reassigned to do something..but this is how they've worked on my laptop from day 1. Did you change anything or are we just getting vastly different behaviors?
I ended up just recovering from the factory partition. After reinstalling all of the ATK drivers just to be sure the button still wasn't working and I've only had it a little while so I figured give it a fresh start and I might try the dox drivers because the Nvidia ones gave me 2 BSODs.
My 3dmark:
Normal: 10131
OC 5% :10323 -
sorry forgot to update my sig..fixed now
I got another BSOD. Here's the info:
Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: BlueScreen
OS Version: 6.1.7600.
Locale ID: 1033
Additional information about the problem:
BCCode: 116
BCP1: FFFFFA8007A224E0
BCP2: FFFFF88010153230
BCP3: 0000000000000000
BCP4: 0000000000000002
OS Version: 6_1_7600
Service Pack: 0_0
Product: 768_1 -
Wow that sux man.
How long have you owned this laptop Are the Heatsinks clear?
if not blow them out.
otherwise it Seems like you have a hardware problem somwhere..
If you are within exchange period Do it ASAP.
MY G72 has been smooth sailing and have not had more than 4 BSODs due to Extreme overclocking, maybe you have Bad video or Cpu Thermal paste?
Somthing is wrong there.. -
I'd say realistically, as long as you are getting over 30-40 fps with high detail @ 720p/1080p/1200p (depending on what resolution you run at), that's what really matters.
As games progress, I believe multi-core will become more important and hence 3DMark scores for future versions will provide a true indication of the benefits of a quad-core configuration.
My $0.02 -
Yeah, tons more games than I realized are already running better on 3+ cores. And that's sure not going to go down
Whenever I overclock the CPU using TurboGear, the audio in some of the games I play is out of sync. This results in some character lines being cut off and it's a little annoying in the games that don't have subtitles.
Is this normal or is there some way to fix it? -
Hi guys, I consider switching my order from a G73 to a G72 (Best buy model) to save me some bucks (and the G73 seems like it has some problems). I already asked this question in the gaming review thread, but since this thread is mode active than the review one, I though i'd get an answer faster here.
I saw some temps in the mid 80s from the GPU during load. I just want to know if those are the temps with or without the use of a cooler (some argue that cooler gives a advantage of about 10C under load). I just want to make sure the temps would'nt be around 90c without cooler. -
I reinstalled the nVidia drivers, so I'm hoping that'll fix my BSOD problems. I never heard of driver sweeper before. What's that supposed to do? I usually don't trust software that supposedly helps with drivers and registry problems. They often don't do anything, but say they are, or infect your computer with "fun" stuff.
For example, Auslogic is a defragmentor that's supposed to defrag faster than the one built into Windows. Problem is that it doesn't actually defrag your hard drive. It says it does, of course. Auslogic has even a history of messing up your registry. -
I think I've used that Auslogic thing...I think.
It's really weird, this review recommended it, but if you actually looked at their performance data, it did WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY worse than Vista's built in defragmentor. They gave it the win because it had visual feeback :roll eyes: -
I have been playing CoDMW, CoDWaW, and Assassin's Creed. All of them play great at the highest graphics but I can't figure out one thing. I am using the Dox drivers with gpu overclocked to factory. After playing for a few minutes and the GPU getting to around 90C the game will freeze for like 3secs and then resume. I have my NvMonitor running in the background and when i looked at it it appears that my GPU gets downclocked dramatically and my temps go to around 75C but the games still run fine. Is this normal? I don't know why I am complaining but I am just curoius.
Even without the cooler my temps never go over 87C
I would also recommend investing in a good notebook cooler. -
"Did you clean out your old drivers and Physx with DriverSweeper before installing Dox drivers? also are you using 195.62 v1.1? If you did not, some old files might be hanging around like the creepy old man in the house on the corner
Even without the cooler my temps never go over 87C
I would also recommend investing in a good notebook cooler."
I did uninstall my old drivers but i did not run driver sweeper... i will try that. I thought maybe it had something to do with the Powermizer option that i cicked, was wondering if that had some sort of safety on it that downclocks the gpu.
i do run a cooler, it is a customized cooler with 1.5" blocks screwed into the back so the air can circulate and not just hit directly where the fans are mounted. It drops Idle temps about 5 celsius and game temps around 8 celsius. The cooler cost me $5.00 in Afghanistan and from the reviews i have read works better then any i have seen lol, it's just ugly =p
now i just have to dl driver sweeper on a incredibly slow connection -
Well what could the problem be? If I clocked the CPU back down to stock and it doesn't give me the trouble, what is the exact problem? Just rather curious now
well, after i did driver sweeper it seems to have fixed the issue. i haven't gotten to test extensively but I did get to 93C by what hwmonitor says and it didn't lock up. The only other issue i have is it runs smooth, i don't know my fps or how to find out but it still randomly freezes for about 1/10th of a second every minute or that normal? I see alot of people talk about Anti Aliasing, what is that? What should I have it set too. Last question is should i be playing at 1920 x 1080 or stick to the setting CoD defaults too?
Hi, from what device the ACPI is from?
It never went that high until last night it seems, I was downloading some games from steam and let it all night.
I usually turn off the LCD and let the laptop do its thing, why do you think it could cause that high temperatures? -
BSOD strikes again. Same error. I've tried everything you guys suggested and it keeps happening.
I just purchased the BB version yesterday. I moved my HD from my old G50VT BB version and it worked perfectly in the G72. All my programs (games) worked perfectly. A few asked for a re-verification (downloaded games tend to do this to keep you from duping drives into multiple machines) and of course Windows wanted to be validated (worked w/o requiring a phone call). Installed a SATA Blu-ray drive and watched a long movie (The Postman).
Been playing games on it all evening and it is wonderful. I like the screen much better than my G50VT. The CPU is a fraction slower coming from my upgraded P9500 in the G50VT to the P8700 (same clock double the cache in the P9500) and a couple of games got fewer frames with the higher 1600x900 resolution. The nvidia 260m doesn't seem any faster than the 9800 in the G50VT. Perhaps benchmarks indicate otherwise here and on the web but playing doesn't feel any faster.
I really wanted the G73 but @ $750 (used) this was a great deal. I moved the 500GB HD from this system and put it in the old G50VT. It booted up without fail, I finished the setup, loaded a bunch of games and shipped it to my son. Seems these systems are very similar. I'm running the latest nvidia mobile drivers (195.62 I believe) and have no problems with freezing so far. I will buy a cooler (I think I want that Antec with the single enormous fan).
I am primarily a Mac user. This laptop is exclusively for playing games. It looks like I'll enjoy it for a year or so until the G73 is cheaper and I can pass the G72 to my daughter.
Great system so far.
Cheers, -
1. Uninstalled drivers with Driver Sweeper.
2. Rebooted. It didn't recognize the GPU at boot, so the drivers were all successfully removed.
3. Re-installed the drivers.
4. Rebooted. -
Ok, after extensive testing *ie playing call of duty 4* if i overclock my GPU i still get the same problem of it overheating and downclocking itself, if i keep it at asus clocks I do not have that problem and it gets to 96C. When overclocked it downclocks at 94C, can't figure that out. Also I updated all the patches for CoD and got 1.7, turned my resolution down to the second from the highest something like 1690 x 1050 and i turned AA to 2x. I am still getting the brief freezes in gameplay.
I do not run the disc when i play I use Daemon. Could that be a issue, I do that so i don't have to carry alot of discs around since I frequently ride chinooks from base to base.
one other thing, if i design my own notebook cooler and put it where a fan was flush mounted to the GPU ven on the bottom pulling air instead of pushing you thing that would help keep it cooler or you thing it would just pull hot air from the CPU? -
Well i use steam and I don't use the disk either. I get the sudden freezes as well on that game and as well on world of warcraft, hell even on the new game allods. What is causing it to have that? Is it bottle necking?
Official Asus G72GX Owners Lounge
Discussion in 'ASUS Reviews and Owners' Lounges' started by Tim4, Jan 23, 2010.