I had the same issue as you. I had a fresh install of windows and using the powermizer switch didn't work for me so I requested an RMA. I believe it was a hardware issue as my gpu idled at 70 celsius in the BIOS screen before windows started up. I haven't received a new unit back yet but I should by next week and I'll let you guys know.
Install, Enjoy Just be carefull!
http://www.nvidia.com/object/nvidia_system_tools_6.03.html -
I can't get rid of the infamous BSOD!!!... no matter what driver I install 8619 (ASUS website), 195.62 (nVidia Website), 196.34(modded laptopvideo2go)...
The problem happens when I put it to sleep... when I click on the Windows logon icon it goes to blue screen. If I reboot it I am able to get in although with 195.62 I keep getting to blue screen until I completely uninstall it.
Have you guys done something that I am missing??... I use DriverSweeper on safe mode to delete all driver leftovers... -
ICantFeelMyFace Notebook Evangelist
I'm currently using the newest Dox drivers and I guess he implemented a safegaurd that even prevents my computer from going safe mode to avoid getting BSODs upon awake -
Am I Invisible Or Something???
Has anyone tried upgrading to a blu-ray drive on a best buy edition G72GX? I bought a drive rencently but cant get it to work.
I made a thread here http://forum.notebookreview.com/showthread.php?p=5838357#post5838357 -
and the laptop freezes every time i try to overclock it ! -
Hi, I recently picked up this laptop and am totally thrilled with it. I stumbled upon this forum while searching for solutions on google. I got it from a best buys & had a question I was hoping someone could find the time to help me with.
I think best buy left a bunch of trial or needless software apps on the pc & I don't see that a recovery partition was set up. I tried searching google but haven't found anything yet on how to reformat my drive (I did see the bit a few pages back about using Fnc 8 while booting so I guess this would be part of it), reinstall the os, & partition for the recovery disk. If anyone can point me towards a link explaining how to do this (or could explain themselves) that would be very appreciated.
Oh, another separate question. Does anyone use a program to record audio/video from the built in webcam? I'm googling around for something like that too.
Thanks for any help and have fun with your Asus G72GXs,
Peace! -
If not try this,
Click get FSB It should show the current CPU Frequency 1992 MHz aprox
the upper slider bar should become active now, click the right arrow in tiny increments 2 to 5 left mouse clicks at a time then click set FSB then wait a few seconds it should start showing an increase in MHz.
i have Over clocked my Q9000 to 2.200 Stable gaming and got it to 2485
I hear the Q9000 can go to 2800 or so but not in the G72 being limited in the cooling @ these speeds
Right now i'm running a X9100 And works the same But a Extreme running 3400
Den -
ICantFeelMyFace Notebook Evangelist
What notebook cooler do y'all use?
what do use for cooling?
i got Q9000 & right now im @ 2.2 stable but temp is 69 - 73 C
And where did you get the X9100 from?
and can i upgrade my G72?
P.S: I got it from amazon -
Can you upgrade it Sure The Q9000 Is Good
The X9100 if Faster per core But Only 2 cores But the quad is faster in many apps and the x9100 faster in some games I did for benching. -
and what do you use for cooling?
sorry , i know i ask many Q's.
And thanks. -
Hi G72 owners,
I just ordered mine from bestbuy and it shall arrive in a couple of days. If I'm not wrong based on reading some of the reviews above, this laptop shall have two HDD bay, but only 1 installed and there's no bracket included for the 2nd HDD, right? So anyone tried to install another HDD yet? how to do that? (DIY a bracket? or buy from somewhere?)
Thanks! -
Hello guys, I just recently purchased my laptop from best buy about a week ago. So far I'm still floored at the performance of this machine. Running the cpu and gpu stock (well stock by nvidia standards and not best buy underclocking it) and it handles everything I can throw at it and then some. Been playing the mess out of Mass Effect 2, Wow, Dragon's Age and it handles it like there is nothing to it.
I also don't know what is going on with people and the laptop having trouble coming back from sleep mode. When I read that I tested mine and mine booted right up. I would love to know what is going on with that issue.
gaming for hours without sleep involved proved this so i simply disabled it in all power profiles and when i'm not needing it on i shut it down or leave it on..
Not saying if you want to use sleep for normal usage in school etc but just reboot before gaming on it then you should be fine.
Den -
Dang it, so it sounds like the G72 has stability issues?
I hate spending the same price on a G72 as the G73 costs, but I have to rule out anything with ATi graphics because I care about Blu Ray...so that leaves me with options like the G72 -A1.
But...I don't want a system that's at all unstable. -
Well the G73 is better for the same price for sure but i got this for $1299 back when BB was running the 09 model and i;m happy with it. -
Cool-so the stability stuff is only related to sleep? That's okay with me, I don't really use sleep much if ever.
Yeah, the A1 is like $1650ish, same as the G73-A1, which...makes it a bit painful, but ATi just isn't an option since I love Blu Ray in addition to games :-/ -
Also thought about the Blu-ray but i can just upgrade the drive when i want.
I would take the G73 if you can find one for that money otherwise i think Newegg still has like 5 G72A1s W/O bluray and 1080p Lcd which I sadly regret not getting now But still not a bad machine.
Handles Some Mile OCing too Easy to access CPU which Is a Major + from the G73
Still that g73 5870 is nice! When avail i may get that and keep both
Den -
I have no problem with mine either if the case about the frame rate. I can play this for at least 4 to 5 hours with no drop in frame rate, and I don't even have a fan under mine XD. I play mass effect 2 with everything maxed and it pulls about 45 to 55 fps with nothing OC'ed. I also asked this in another thread but you guys seem to respond faster. Is there a way to change the GTX 260 video card inside this laptop? It looks like it can be removed but I just wanted to know. Been searching google and can't find a straight answer. And one more thing (sorry about all the questions) If I change the the stock HDD 5400 RPM with a 7200 RPM will there be a heat increase enough to increase the heat of my cpu and gpu? I'm doing this all without an external fan
Which CPU do you have? The dual core or quad? Good to hear it's running well!
I have the dual core. Just curious if it's possible to swap out the GPU and what are temps that are dangerous to my gpu and cpu I should be looking for. My cpu temps normally get around 62 or 65 while my gpu peaks at like 80. Is that bad? And also as previously asked question, is the gpu upgradeable? Thank you so much for the help guys, ASUS customer support couldn't even try to answer all the questions I have, they told me I would have to call best buy back, and we all know they don't know squat about these machines.
Those temps are Good.
Is the GPU Up gradable? Yes
Only Problem there isn't Any Reverse MXM2.1 Cards that are better than the 260MGTX in this form factor.
the best upgrade would be to get a T9900 CPU or X9100 ($300 range on E-bay) you will see a nice improvement and will maintain similar temps. -
Darn, I was hoping you guys had the quad, just since it presumably runs hotter, and that's probably what I'll get if I get this.
Very cool it runs okay though!With all the issues on the G51j/G51jx...
This came stock with the Q9000 And I even Overclocked it to like 2.5 not stable. but 2.2Ghz /2.3 stable
I switch them to see what has the best benifits.
i like the x9100 for cod4 best frame rates but Crysis likes quad better.
gtg i have a Online COD game minimized running now.
Cheers -
Awesome! Glad to hear it's doing great with the quad too! All right...maybe this is the system I need to get. At least it apparently WORKS :lol:
Hello all, this is the best forum i could find for this question so here it goes. Im looking to do a fresh full reformat and reinstallation of win7 64 on my g72gx. As far as i have heard asus besides the basic drivers adds some utilities that help performance on the laptop. when i get to the area of the asus website there is a massive list of drivers just for this model. Can anyone tell me what are the base drivers neccassary drivers for full functionality and which are there for performance booosters?? the desired effect is maximum gaming performance, go figure, and wireless pereformance. pretty standard needs for this crowd. any help or links on this subject would be appreciated. thx much guys/girls. have a good one.
None of them boost performance. Personally I install as few extra things as possible Chipset (can use the one off Intel.com), Nvidia (from Nvidia.com), and I think I had one Asus specific driver installed to use some of the function keys, but I don't have all that software on it.
I also wanted to know if I replaced the stock HDD 5400 rpm with a 7200 rpm drive, will there be a noticeable heat increase, such as raising the temp of my gpu and cpu?
I really wouldn't worry about it. I'm not even sure it's consistent that all 7200RPM drives are hotter than all 5400RPM drives.
Even if they are, I mean it's not something I'd worry about in a 13" notebook, and this sucker is 17", and should have a good cooling system. -
Ok, I just ran into a problem. For some reason when I open steam on this thing it just locks up. I played left 4 dead 2 on it just fine yesterday and for some reason today it's locking up. Someone said it's because of the creative software that was put on the computer, but I removed it completely and it's still locking up. I don't know what to do in order to fix this. When I boot up in safe mode it works just fine but out of safe mode it just freezes the whole computer where I have to manually reboot the thing. Please help.
Dumb question probably, but are you running Nvidia's newest drivers from their site?
Yes I am "195.62"
hey, got a question. I had this computer sent to my brothers house so he could put some stuff on it then had it mailed to me in Afghanistan. Within 12 hours the harddrive failed. Couldn't exactly mail it back so i pulled out the hard drive and put in my old laptops hard drive. First off did I void the warranty??? Second can I just mail Asus the hard drive when i visit the states on r&r instead of the whole computer? Also can I overclock it and not worry about them saying that the warranty is void although the issue was unrelated?
ps the harddrive is definatel dead...it screams like crazy when you turn it on. -
Someone please help, this steam lock up are driving me crazy. It's gonna force me to bring this laptop back
No I didn't. I didn't think that would have anything to do with it, and if I removed it wouldn't it cause me to have no sound?
Yeah that worked. Man that's extremely annoying. Isn't that HD audio for when you have the HDMI cable going to a tv for a movie or something?
I'm not sure what it's used for, but Realtek also offers HDMI output.
No, it doesn't have anything to do with that. It's...well IMO it's absolute garbage. Just Creative trying to sell something. Adds optional processing effects, I guess.
Actually on Windows 7 you can probably get away with just using Microsoft's drivers for audio, not even Realtecs. That's what I'm doing on my system from last year (can't remember who makes my audio though).
Official Asus G72GX Owners Lounge
Discussion in 'ASUS Reviews and Owners' Lounges' started by Tim4, Jan 23, 2010.