unfortunately not yetits being shipped as we speak..but ill get to play with it on friday for sure!!
So what is everyone getting for battery life? No one's mentioned that yet
I am actually really interested in those new drivers, I think they could seriously help.... Ours seem... pretty old. Though the Mobility modder tool doesn't have support for our series cards yet.
Just a FYI .... the lappy is back in-stock in newegg (as of this posting, well technically it has been in-stock for at least 20min before I posted this)
in this game of benching and finding the best for games..it's not going to be your stock asus drivers...
also, faisalhero with his 4850 seen major improvements when he went to the newer drivers. almost double -
I'm not in a hurry, but I am always down for more performance
Crysis Warhead maybe done soon....??? I have no idea, Steam for huge downloads is flaky.
Also; thank goodness I don't have a girlfriend anymore so this thing can sit next to me on my bed. Putting it on my stomach makes me feel like I'm gonna explode! LOL -
and that's every manufactures standard response..use only thiers till they figure out what went wrong...
but this is in direct connection to the cards and their performance. and that home made stock driver they put out is just to say the cards work..lol
this is what happen with the 3870's..same thing. it was a driver waiting game...
you will need an experienced modder to mod the newer drivers for your 4870's. everything these cards and others do are 98 percent based on drivers. it's reverse for the gtx in terms of 3dmark06 only and stock drivers.
if i had this machine, i would already be working on them.... and since E doesn't have one as of yet...he cant really test them for stability, but im sure he will mod some for you guys to try if you ask nicely...lol -
Yea I'm still around, just a bit disappointed that it seems my laptop is the only one with problems
Well if theres anything I can do to help send me a PM any time, I think Strike would say the same.
Thing is, the flickering and screen glitches ONLY start happening at the exact same timepoint during the second test of 3dmark06, every single time. Anyone have any idea if this could mean anything?
Okay well, it just rebooted itself after the screen completely shut off.... not sure what that means. -
Hey bibsybob, did you try -=$tR|k3r=-'s sure fire F9 reinstall fix?
Seems like that might be the magic solution. -
if so, then one of your vga cards are probably bad...i had to send mine in when it was doing this..
it means your cards are not keeping in sync. with the video it is trying to render. -
my preload is already erased when i installed a clean vista 64 from my own retail cds.
Try it, they usually put it on a hidden partition.
it's one of your video cards. so no amount of reinstalling is going to help...i tried that with 4 different os's...in the end, i had to send it back and they gladly fixed it at no cost to me.
edit: also rule of thumb. i dont care who it is around here that says it's cool to delete your hidden partition to make more room..IT IS NEVER COOL! period. that 3 to 8 gigs it's taking up is in no way harming you. if you need to make a raid drive...then copy that partition onto and external drive or a dual layer dvd. those partitions usually hold all your drivers and os if done correctly. i still have all my old original hidden partitions, because you never know when you may need them.... -
go with the replace. it insures a another one pretty quick. just make sure you already have it setup to recreate the problem. then box it back up and send it off with instructions. once they see it for them selves, they should ship your replacement the next business day.(speculation of course)
and if it's an issue with newegg, then contact asus. they may send for pickup or you will have to ship it to them..don't know for sure... -
mess around and just get a free card replacement and a scuffed up case....
yes, try the f9 first... you still have to wait for an rma number and then to ship or drop it off....so now is the time to try everything....
For the HD 4870x2 not performing question (not said by me).
http://forum.notebookreview.com/showthread.php?t=356484&page=2, from post 30 to next page. -
Lol enjoy the W90.
It might be cheaper in Asia? lol NO.
yes i want it. lol..
But i am not as lucky as you all. I'll live with my Asus M50 for a now.
Enjoy. -
Not to mention the wave of Nvidia fanboys you have to sort through. Already people have reliably scored in the 15k's with just turbo. Give the attention and the time those Nvidia cards have had the luxury of having i.e. the 8800GTX or the 9800GTX along with some actual performance drivers and a W90 will not leave you wanting.
Not to mention the difference in price between the W90 and those machines and your ahead of the game in more ways than one. -
So i bought the Intel x25-m 80 gig ssd and read this quote on newegg: "Make sure your system supports SATA-II, or [the x25-m] it will only read at 100-120 MB/s (still not that bad, but why buy something this fast if the system doesn't support it)." So my question is, does the w90vp support sata-II so my ssd will run at full performance?
Thanks -
so i guess that makes you a ati fan boy as well? yes.
me, i put no faith in words test but the fact based test proven by our members and other trusted sources.
15k in free 3dmark06....nice, but what about 20 dollar 3dmark vantage or the 20 or so demo games up for download?
people are always quick to jump on others in the forums...hahaha..to dammn funny. -
sucks ...when you live on the edge there will be problems ... hope the drivers are mature by the time i get mine
Living on the edge and the problems associated with that are all the fun parts if you ask me
I think its very fair to say that taking 1 benchmark (not to mention the first from a NBR forum member) off a single machine that was having severe stability issues with the OS and probably one of the GPUs and running with it to a thread on the next line of Nvidia mobile GPUs is a little irresponsible and misleading. Some like myself might say fanboyish.
I am hoping that as more units get into the hands of the NBR crowd that those scores will go up as more and more attention/love is shown. As you now have read we have confirmed stable machines producing numbers in the 15k range with no GPU love. Unfortunately I am the furthest from a computer expert, although my W90 should arrive tomorrow.
I can only hope the W90 can garnish the kind of support that FH received with his GT725 (a model I had on pre-order but the W90 made it to market first) and a thread I still follow daily.
***Edited because I just wanted to add more hopefully for a better read -
i was more hoping that that was a gest of sorts more than you making a judgment call.is why i replied accordingly. me, the comments means nothing, but there are quite a few that get really heated around here..
. im not one of them.
edit: im about benchmarking to the best of ones ability not trying to keep someone elses machine down. we learn nothing from a machine benched in correctly... -
Where's the Crysis Warhead benches?
I may be relatively new to the forums but it is not hard to quickly realize there are distinct "camps", and when people start saying things like "I heard X cards performance is weak" it's not so bad to remind folks where and in what context the information they are using might be coming from. I just felt that it was severely premature and irresponsible to try and draw comparisons from the first benchmark off a quirky W90 (easy to tell by reading this thread).
Ok enough on that as I don't want to detract from what should be one of the focuses of this thread (getting the best benchs out of the W90/4870s. I will do my best once mine gets here tomorrow to move the thread forward but like I said before I am no computer expert. -
i threw the bench stuff in for kicks but corrected it already...lol
sorry for the confusion. -
the snow man will melt soon ...
poor poor snow man ...
I must say that the GT725 owner's thread is a good read for anyone interested in the W90 from the perspective of the new ATI GPUs potential.
I am very excited at what results FH has been able to put together with everyone's help and hope the same can be done here.
Not sure that it will have any bearing on the end of the day performance but it seems that the W90 might have the edge over the GT725 by way of cooling just based on the dedicated fan setup (3 vs 1). Although I don't think the GT725 has reached any worrisome temps throughout the tweaking process but this might not only be attributed to good MSI design but the fact that it seems the ATI tool limits the GPU OC'ing. -
it has more than a slight edge...the problem is finding just how much....
*Official ASUS W90Vp Owners' Lounge*
Discussion in 'ASUS Reviews and Owners' Lounges' started by -=$tR|k3r=-, Feb 19, 2009.