Ah, sorry Warhammer- didn't think of it like that.
What I can say though, is that I am typing this from the W90 and it's running perfectly with no hangs whatsoever.
My W90 is supposed to be here tomorrow however UPS tracking has had it sitting a state away since Sunday morning.and of course UPS won't help since it still says the package is on time.
I'm pretty confident in this machine- I'm removing the bloatware while downloading 3D mark, so I'll try and get the High Performance run and the Turbo run going and see what we get.
Edit: I hope they get in gear and get it to you... Or that tracking just didn't update and it'll be at your door waiting for you when you get home -
What does the 2.8 CPU T9600 ramp up to when in turbo?
ROFL~ ~~!!!!!!!
When you hit the Overclock button it actually says, (and I quote)
As a result of the margin diversity of Intel CPU, which this model could not guarantee to overclock successfully.
Do you want to continue?"
< ----Clicks yes!
Ok, in CPU-Z I've seen it hit 3Ghz already, but it isn't being stressed, so I'll run 3DMark with it on. -
It's just hilarious how badly worded and grammatically incorrect that is!
It just threw me off when you said swap the ssd for the existing drive...implying take out the original.
Do i literally have to put the ssd in the original hard drives's spot and then put the original hard drive in the other open spot? -
mine just came via ups, ordered on monday (there was about an hour where they were in stock)
when it came i thought it was a 5ft christmas tree. jesus that box is huge
and good lord is it heavy, and big. dont let the pictures fool you, its freaking huge.
and i totally agree, the build quality feels excellent. i have a hp 9700 and now it feels like a lady of the night from downtown. time to find xp drivers, yay. -
For those wondering:
My CPU-Z shows my RAM as 800Mhz (PC 6400) not 667 like some sites have reported. -
I mean ASUS said it would OC up to 25% and even with simple math taking a 2.8 to 3.0 isn't even close to a 25% improvement more like a 7.5% improvement, big whippie do..... -
Templesa's initial reactions:
Speakers- wow, they are loud. Sound good too.
3D Mark06 - With only CPU Overclock stock drivers -
Screen - Gorgeous. Huge.
Backpack - surprisingly nice!
Overclocking - Expected more than 3.1Ghz tops... (?)
Also, I wonder why we didn't get the LCD screen the G50VT and other Asus models get... seemed a perfect fit. -
Please excuse me guys- there's way more OC available than that it seems- I didn't play with the OC tool long enough to see the extra options- I will be testing again with the max OC possible and report back clock speeds and 3D Marks! My mistake!
just to report, i have had 0 freezeups/lockups/crashing in anyway on first boot, second boot, third boot.
3DMark Score
15118 3DMarks
SM 2.0 Score
SM 3.0 Score
CPU Score
Result name
Not sure why it's giving me no link to the page, but the new score... Its over 15k!
Remember, no GPU overclock, CPU overclock Asus set maximum (3.3ghz) and stock drivers all around! Great room for improvement!
Now, I am sick of watching the 06 moviesI'm going to do Vantage later, and right now I am going to plop in my other HDD and start trying some games.
Thats great to hear Templesa . Congrats on your new toy and keep the numbers coming
Templesa stop givin such a good info, u makin me drool on the keyboard
I have to say the price/performance is gunna be tuff to touch right now. -
OK guys, I am in Dalaran (For those of us that play World of Warcraft) with everything maxed out (Except shadows, which appear to be permanently broken...) running @ 60FPS. Anyone who knows Dalaran knows that is a pretty good FPS!
Next game I will test I think will be the Crysis Warhead Benchmark tool, stay tuned*Loads up Steam*
Edit: Oh yeah, please do remember guys, Dalaran could also easily slow down on super peak hours or in WG or something, haven't gotten to test them yet. -
That's correct Strike- right out of the box! Just the CPU OC!
Also for all those with the W90 already how is the heat? Is this thing even breaking a sweat? I think it has what 3 internal fans? -
I got to treat myself this time.
I just want a stupid UPS update, going on 52hours with no update. Thing hasn't moved. -
Hey guys this is actually my first post on notebook forums ever, but I'm a frequent visitor. Especially for this topic. First I'm glad for the most part everyones new beauty is working great. I'm curious on the fan noise, under load and off. Rating 1-10 (10 being loudest), what would you rate it?
The fan even under OC has BARELY been audible, but I also live in a noisy house- so- I am not sure about quiet conditions. When I'm feeling better and have a chance to get out to the library (People still go there!?) I'll take a better listen
And welcome to NBR~ Any other questions, ask away! -
Thanks : ) I am kind of a nub so I may take advantage of that! Hope ya feel better tho! Do you guys think it'll even be worth waiting for the GDDR5 version to come out? Cuz right now I'm just waiting for the autonotify from newegg to go away
That screen must be huge though, has anyone got any spec for it? e.g: brightness? and is it single lamp or dual lamp like G71?
doh, the feedback/test results make me more want to buy this monster...
but I am in med school...no time to play computer games as before
plus Calpella platform is going out this year...(USB3.0 might be out early next year...so does windows 7...larger capacity and cheaper SSD)
My Acer TravelMate 8204 is going to retire (had it for almost 3 years and it's my first laptop). But it will live for one more year if I don't play any new games (i will definitely buy a new laptop next year if I don't buy one this year)
looking forwards to see a full review (and also graphic card OC results) -
Yea thats what I'm thinking. I'm kind of a squirrel when it comes to my money. These new cards seem to be a dream come true as far as performance/heat/noise output and price. I think I'll just order it as soon as its available : )
Just got done with FRAPS and Bioshock- ran rock steady every option maxed out max resolution 60FPS.
Edit: Fraps I didn't buy so I couldn't get one of those cool charts... I just got a Excel readout. But looking over it, it is just 60 down the entire thing except for a brief 2 or 3 times when I alt tabbed out to check if FRAPS was still going. I've never really used it before, but I want concrete numbers for everyone. -
as for me, so far heat also is non issue but still havn't installed my speed fan to get a reading.
Fan noise, well I can only say this, My m15x is louder at idle then this thing was messing with 3dmark. They are still side by side so it is ez to compare.
So far, (knocks wood) NO REGRETS and busting with pride!!!!! -
Well, I doubt that is the case, but I don't know why it would have been sitting for over 2 days or taken that long even WITHOUT an update. -
No lockups and must have rebooted 4 or 5 times while doing udates, installing one care, deleting norton and other crud.
I have yet to do the close inspection as I am at work atm. I will go over everything tonight to verify but all seems not only stable, but FLIPPING AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!! -
To the W90 owners, hows the keypad? does it give good travel?
Just fine boys!
have the W90 Keyboard-backlight function? -
I'm pretty used to quality lappy keypads, and especially the one on the thinkpads, so hopefully when I order this, I won't return it immedately due to bad keypad; though not having keyboard backlight is slightly disappointing.
Just one more thing though, can someone confirm that there is definately a Turbo mode/ overclocking button?
Just found the laptop I'm going to buy thanks to you guys! Thanks for the rapid updates too! Can't wait to order mine
I take it there is also a built in raid controller? -
But Can It Play Doom !?!?!?!?!?!
Anyone bench Lemonade Stand or Oregon Trail? -
I just hope the box doesnt look like it went through one of those old Samsonite commercials. -
Doom?!? surely you don't say! thats a real hard one to predicate, as the game is extremely hardware demanding. If you overclock your QX9300 to 4Ghz while OC the 4870 x2 drastically, through in a pair of X25-E SSD while at it, you might be able to, I'm not saying you would, but just might, might get nearly playable frame rate if your lucky - in Doom 1 and 2, but certainly no chance in later releases...
I saw a few threads about the 4870x2 not performing. How issit by you guys?
striker...you are typing this from your new shiny w90vp-x1 right?? cause it would be a travesty if you were not
It's been great in all the games I've run so far... L4D, Bioshock, WoW, HL2
Testing more as Steam finishes them. -
Most of the pre-release reviews have had nothing buy high marks and kudos for the W90. -
*Official ASUS W90Vp Owners' Lounge*
Discussion in 'ASUS Reviews and Owners' Lounges' started by -=$tR|k3r=-, Feb 19, 2009.