You will know you hit the edge when either something catches on fire or explodes ,then just back it off a degree or 2.
Stress the CPU too, well, I would suggest to try running Super PI to test the CPU power, not only the graphic power.
X38, is actually interesting (why don't they just use X48), and I'm pretty excited with the benchmark here (I want to look it closer, maybe buy it, but not sure whether it's going to be available this exhibition that' s coming to town this week)
The only wonder is that why only 15k yah? I thought 4870X2 could score a lot better than 1 4850, but it can run almost every game anyway...
Just see whether can get it too here (hopefully money doesn't stop too)
Thanks for posting the product anyway, it really helpful.
OH, one question, how bout the adaptor, is it very hot?
BTW, sorry for bad SPG. -
ok, well i got xp up and running 99%
l4d with everything maxxed out (native res) during multiplayer , tank, two moltovs on the gorund (fire) smoker boomer and a horde and four players firing i get around 50 fps.
peak tempatures (keep in mind these are on my custom cooler) after l4d maxxed totally for about 2 hours
core0/1 47c/46c
GPU 79c (stock)
hdd's 40
3dmark 06 score was a little over 10k, using old drivers. -
The GPU is pretty hot, but my tablet pc is not losing either (I'm not sure, the reading of speed fan says it is 76C for remote temperature, what does it means?)
How bout the fan noise?
BTW, for those using Vista, can you please try to use Catalyst 9.2 from here
And test whether ATI Stream is working?
or using the old driver maybe? (I think stream capability only start at ATI 8.1/8.2), as Asus doesn't accept the new driver probably.
Thank you -
Sorry about not getting the Warhead benches sooner, I think I said earlier that Steam was being junk with my WH download...
But when I get back from the Doctors, i'll take a crack at em. -
I'm glad someone else had the exact same experience as me with L4D as well- it's like 60FPS no matter what when its the light zombies who just do their thing, and drops to like 50 in a big firefight. Ive even seen like 40 on the very very finally, but incredibly fluid. Didn't feel... "microstutery" like my XPS did.
And yeah I know thats not a word -
This has to do with V-sync. Basically it caps the max FPS at the monitor refresh rates, i.e 60.
Make sure that X-fire is enabled and that V-sync is set to off, unless application specifies and you should see the FPS increase in some games. -
"Microstutery" sounds like a new word to me
Just for an update. I ordered mine. Should be here tomorrow : ) Very excited
ArmageddonAsh Mangekyo Sharingan
read the last 20+ pages
yes very interested in this
glad to see everything seems okay for the most part
cant wait to see some benches of some more games -
Just an update after first day.
I have not experienced any lockups since first turning on. Really, I don't have anything bad to say about this unit. I of course have a few, I wish they did this and that(back lit keyboard).
I spent the majority of last night downloading the AOC 4gb patch. After that I played on full settings and all I can say is "wow"
Some of the other funtions I preformed last night....
-Installed Assassin's Creed and again, maxed out it was beautiful.
-Plugged in to every port with the exception of the IEEE 1394 to make sure they worked. They did.
-Checked Optical drive.
-Installed One Care.
-Played with the Express Gate software.
and just making myself familiar with the touch controls and features.
I really would recommend this unit to anyone who is sitting on the fence. The whole package is nice with the included bag and bt mouse.
The only con I have is that the optical drive seemed a bit loud to me. I fired up the m15x to compare and the asus drive was a bit louder. However, overall, the M15x was louder because of fan noise.
I do not intend to remove any Windows services and indexing for about a week just in case system does not remain stable. After I remove them I will play a bit with the 3dmark and turbo features.
I guess that about sums it up. Filling out the warranty card right now. Gonna finish work and do what I bought it for.....
GAME ON!!!!!!! -
ArmageddonAsh Mangekyo Sharingan
the only thing thats holding me back is the size - i have the 9262 and i think thats big and heavy with a 17inch screen and the W90 is bigger and i believe heavier
any idea when i could get a comparison of both machines side by side so i can look at the size difference, maybe a NotebookReview reviewwill have one?
I am glad to read that your system has not had any issues and remains stable (knocks on wood). Did you just boot up out of the box like normal or did you do the f9 recovery process as recommended by ASUS for those experiencing issues first? -
Sager 9262
11.55LBs with Battery Pack
11.75" x 15.5" x 2.35"
Asus W90vp
Weight 11.46 lbs.
12.91" x 17.4" x 2.48"
It is slightly bigger but just barely heavier -
I just booted out of the box.
Did windows setup
Then started removing bloatware,
Norton was the first to go.. -
Curious though, if you do the F9 recovery process does that remove the bloatware as a side effect
I always find it difficult to really root some of that crude out, on both my wifes and kids PC's im still not sure I got it all out at least not without leaving pieces of programs here or there.
Maybe someone can write a nice W90 guide up for removing bloatware. -
ArmageddonAsh Mangekyo Sharingan
the weight is surprising considering the screen size
the height and width are a bit worrying - but understandable considering its got a bigger screen
the depth aint that much bigger which is good
is that weight for the w90 with the battery? -
The 9262 should be heavier than 11.55 lbs, especially if you've got multiple HDDs/GPUs.
Must... wait for Nehalem.....
If you want a size/weight comparison, convince johnkss to buy one. -
I just took the specs from each of the units web pages..
ArmageddonAsh Mangekyo Sharingan
, but good job.
Just pointing out that the 9262 should weigh heavier than that, especially if you want to compare it to the W90vp. To be fair should be dual cards as well.
From Justin@xoticpc's review.
Any owner of the W90vp got a scale handy? -
[Self-Induced Coma State]
I'm soooo picking one up! Thanks for the info everyone!
Oh, and first post -
been doing a little testing and it would seem these cards accelerate when aa is at 2x to 8x, but when off they perform worse...not sure why that it is. they perform better than the gtx with aa enabled, but when turned off, the gtx performs better. seems when you enable it on the 4870's the frames go up instead of down. also, these cards are only 512 and not 1 gig. thought it was suppose to be 1 gig. and this terabyte of something or the other...where is that at? or are these the low grade 4870's while they tinker with the high grade ones? sounds like ichime may be right, these sound more like 4850's upgraded instead of being real 4870's. im still at a loss on why the frames go up with aa on though....
i was seriously looking at one of these dtwn83, but they seem to have got a few things lost in the translation of the
i called and asked them about why the cards we're not as the ones speculated...thier reply...we'll get back to you....lmao! -
Johnksss, will this processor support the "tiny piece of tape on the chip" mod? -
Uhoh. I just had the lockup about 3 times in a row. I booted into Safe-mode first, then restarted and it came back.
Has anyone been able to keep a list of drivers for XP for this. Also I've been looking for the modded drivers for this. Striker Could you put them in your tag?
Lastly, I joined just to post here since by this Friday I will also be in this club! -
No driver changes. Just... Didn't want to work.
and you can do a system restore back to yesterday or maybe earlier today. -
i don't have my ati laptop at the moment, else i would give it a try...
waiting to hear back from E -
John, no need, it seemed that booting into Safe-Mode did the trick.
Works fine again.
I think it may have to do with the Asus power-settings. -
cool, glad it's back to working status
now go test it on vantagemark -
On the AA/AF note, it's a well documented fact over the course of the past 8 months that starting with the HD 4850 launch, it, the 4870 X2, 4870, 4830, and 4670 all perform better than their NVidia counterpart once high resolutions and AA/AF are introduced. -
I wonder why AA and AF are so important to these cards...?
Downloading and testing Vantage! -
Well as long as you dont have to take a hit by enabling them, then theres really no problem, as thats a good thing . I guess the real question would be what johnkss asked "why are they performing better with those options enabled instead of disabled". Enabling AA and AF both require more VRAM and horsepower from CPU/GPU and you should be taking some FPS even if its a frame or 2 .
ArmageddonAsh Mangekyo Sharingan
great thread, very tempting too pick one up, though it might be hard
i dont believe these will be sold in UK - any idea?
in any rate i will be waiting for a couple more weeks just so that the kinks are sorted out. its ashame some people are having trouble with it
but it is a NEW system and NEW graphics card so you cant be really surprised that their are some teething trouble with it though i hop it gets sorted out soon enough -
ArmageddonAsh Mangekyo Sharingan
thanx im not sure if they will be sold in UK and if not then i will have to look at USA maybe ebay or something - or even a fellow NBR member buying it for me and sending it to me and i send them payment through paypal
Only thing I checked off was (I think) Disable PPU 'cause I was unsure how PhysX would run on an ATi GPU...
If that was a mistake, I'll gladly run it again with that checked on. -
Slight update guys, maal11 has sighted A1 version, with Quad core CPUand bluray, for at Gentech for preorder.
The good news:
is that there is bluray, second 320gb 7200rpm drive, a quad core CPU arein the package, no susprise there .
The bad news:
While quad Q9000 is offered, its the lowest end quad, w/6mb L2 cache @ 2Ghz , and their quad core upgrade price is sky high compared price level elsewhere.
Also it is listed with 'ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4870 x2 Dual Graphics GDDR3 VRAM', which seem to confirm GDDR3 matter saddly;
Another bad news is for the current X1 owner, as the whole package only costs $200 premium over X1 model.
Its out in mid march, so short wait.
I wonder if non extreme quads can be overclocked in this? I'm under the impression its not yet possible on quad G71... -
Well, I only have the free version of 3dmark06 but figured i would do a test. This is with sidebar off, clean restart, Windows One care off and setting the overclock application to 10%
Attached Files:
Thats a pretty decent price for the blu ray, extra harddrive and Q processor upgrades. Ya those Quadprices are out of this world to upgrade $1149 ouch. -
Nice score keep em coming -
I would rather have the daul core configuration, just with the extra HD and BluRay. The quad would yield worse results in what I would really want to do with this notebook, which is gaming.
Nice little article explaining daul core vs quad core with some benchmarks. -
I'm telling you though, put these things into games at high resolutions with eye candy turned on and you'll really see them pull apart from the 9800M GTX systems. 3DMark06 and even Vantage don't paint a proper picture. -
If they bring this to the uk anytime soon, I'll be ebaying that Q9000 off for a Q9100. In theory the 25 percent overclocking feature will make Q9000 a 2.5 Ghz quad, consider W90 has done 4 ghz with QX9300 (default 2.53 ghz), I think it ought to be stable with Q9000 oc'ed to 2.5. On the hand, if 25 percent OC feature works on the quad Q9100, it goes up to 2.83 Ghz, which is quite a jump.
Although 640gb is alot, and this is not portable as such, I'd probably would like 2x500gb 7200.4 in raid 0 in my next laptop, as oppose to having external drives... -
Whoa... That's your 10% OC? That's my max...
Somethings not right here...
*Official ASUS W90Vp Owners' Lounge*
Discussion in 'ASUS Reviews and Owners' Lounges' started by -=$tR|k3r=-, Feb 19, 2009.