Happy to help...![]()
Can you guys see these vantage results?
score of P8138
GPU Score: 9734
CPU Score: 5455 -
Nice score there bibsy keep it up
Makes me want one even more .
Here's a GPU-Z of the 4870x2
Scores look good. Did you run 3dmark06 yet?
Here you go, 3dmark06
Very nice!!! I could have sworn that they advertised the W90vp as getting 15000 on 3dmark06. Maybe overclocked or with different drivers? -
Yea much stabler now, since the fresh reinstall of vista. Only blip was the graphical glitches on the first 3dmark06 run I tried which required a hard reboot. Nothing since... I'm hopeful.
Yea everything has been stock and with the basic drivers downloaded from asus site.
Git !!!
Git !!!
The Git !!!
Much further down south.
And much further eastwards or westwards, depending on which way you go.
On a note of comparison for 3dmark06, I get about 12+k on my 9262 stock without disabling any of the regular processes. (3dmark06 courtesy of johnkss) -
Another run of dmc4, super high settings on everything, 8x aa, 1920x1080, dx10
So know we know, an Asus with T9600 gets 13k stock, swap that somehow for an insanely overclocked QX9300 @4Ghz gets 20k in 3Dmark06.
Guess I'd be after a Q9100 soon, if turbo button works, it ought to go up to 2.7Ghz, if not, its still good.
bibsybob, very fast benching mate; have you tried ATi's new 9.2 Driver? -
Bibsybob... please resize your image so it's more screen-friendly for others.
Thanks -
I can't install the 9.2 driver, it seems only the driver this laptop came with (and is provided on the asus website) works. Otherwise, I'd eagerly try out 9.2 to see any performance differences.
The E8300 is a desktop 2.83 Ghz CPU, which definitely helps somewhat with the score.
Edit: Went digging through my files and found the results I was thinking about. 12117 using stock drivers downloaded via Sager. Haven't tried running it on the current Nvidia drivers I'm on. -
I was under the impression that only stock drivers were used
Either of you guys who actually have the W90, how's the keyboard? Any flex, "clickiness," other issues? How's the touch & keypress travel?
And how about the screen? BIG we already know, but what about color, brightness, off-axis performance, etc? Any backlight bleed, mottling, anything like that?
And finally how do the palmrest areas feel? Any heat or flex? How about the material itself - does it have a comfortable tactile feel?
Thanks for any input. -
i looked throught the mob modded inf and it show the tags for ati 4870's
i got mob modded in my sig....just sayin -
We need a official review of this monster, hey dudes at notebookreview.com get you hands on one!
Great work so far guys, as to why I'm a little pissed at ASUS is I purchased a C90's as my first gaming laptop,need I say more......but I really do hope this laptop lives up to all the hype!
ArmageddonAsh Mangekyo Sharingan
with over 18 pages since my last visit i was wondering have the issues with the laptop been fixed yet?
Hows that Tech Support coming for you Striker?
Also I got my tracking info 28 LBS!!!!! This thing has some weight!!! -
Maybe they forgot my ac adapter lol.
Mine said only 16lbs???
You got the other guys power adapter, but no laptop LMAO.
Mine states 34lbs as well. I can't wait till WED!!!!!
I have been thinking about what to name it as I like to name things dear to me.
Some of the choices:
"Bertha" -
"Chunk" -
Party Pooper!
LOL I was thinking about the power brick... wonder if my M1730's was bigger. That thing was HUGE.
Is it possible to take more pictures of the bag that came with the W90? I'm rather curious about its size. -
I am posting this for -=$tR|k3r=- because he is busy reloading his machine. Looks like -=$tR|k3r=- might fall on the sword for us and possibly be sending his machine in for evaluation.
This is the response he received from ASUS.
Please follow the recovery steps below and verify the lock up is duplicated. Additionally if the recovery can complete in its entirety it would generally indicate there is no hardware issue. Please if the recovery complete fully without any issues do not do any updates or any install of any software leave the unit in its asus factory enviorment state ( recommended for at least 1 day ) if you can not confirm the lock up in this state it would indicate an update or software install casued the issue. We have yet to receive our test mdoel to confirm any possible issues. Although currently we have had not 1 model currently or previously that had an issue with the os enviorment or applications installed that would create such an issue and currently the configuration of the w90 is similar to other gaming units we currently offer.
A easy validation tool to see if the problems you are having are related to software or hardware is to perform a system recovery to your unit , THIS IS A DESTRUCTIVE PROCESS AND WILL ERASE ALL APPLICATIONS AND INFORMATION ON YOUR UNIT. It will reset it to the day your orginally purchased your notebook. If you continue to have issues at this point it is a indicator to let you and us know you have a hardware related problem. You can complete a recovery process by following the noted steps.
1. power off the unit fully
2. power on the unit and immediately begining tapping the f9 key on your keyboard until you see a screen that says windows setup ems enabled
3. click next until you get to asus preload with 3 recovery options.
4. Pick which recovery option you would like , we ship our units default option 3 this will give you a c and d drive. If you prefer one large c drive pick option 2. Option 1 i do not recommend in almost any situation unless you have to save data that you have stored on the d drive.
Hopefully the information and links I have provided help resolve your issues or have answered your questions or clarified things for you. Thank You for contacting asus notebook technical support and for using asus for your computing needs. Additionally if you have any other questions please feel free to call in at 1-888-678-3688 option 3 then option 2.
With Regards,
Red_Dragon Notebook Nobel Laureate
Hmmm at least they responded back
I have a feeling this might b a problem for quite some time.....but I do hope this will b resolved fast as I want to get this beaty for myself too.
-=$tR|k3r=- or Bibsybob,
Did the unit come with a internal TV tuner? asus site lists but not listed on newegg specs, just curious.
ANd I am happ to hear the great news -=$tR|k3r=-!!! -
Hey striker, i'm looking at putting a ssd in my w90, and was wondering what your thoughts would be on this... http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820167005
Is it compatible? And if so, is it generally an easy install? -
Now, along the lines of the 3dmarks06 and vantage scores...
Wth, I mean, just 13k with a 2,8 CPU ? that`s about the same score as an 8800M GTX SLI...
I`d thought these babies would hit 15k stock... -
TY sir....
Hey did your single HDD W90s have a caddy for a second HDD? Or do you need to jump through hoops to get a second HDD in there like the HDX18 owners did?
Hey Striker I know you are getting a ton of requests asking if you will do certain things but when you have a chance would you mind running some benchmarks such as 3dmark06 on turbo mode? Thx bud.
*Official ASUS W90Vp Owners' Lounge*
Discussion in 'ASUS Reviews and Owners' Lounges' started by -=$tR|k3r=-, Feb 19, 2009.