I'm just hoping one of two things happened;
1. Real Life called, and they answered, so they'll get to it when they can,
2. They are so completely enthralled with it they cant put it down.
Either way, we'll know soon enough.
how are the canadian taxes playing into this ? is it $2727 +13% ?
I guess I will go to bed and hope that a little W90 elf posts while I'm banking ZZZzzz. Just hope for the best. -
I did the 3 day select thing... I didn't want to overdraw my account- I had been thinking it was a 2000 dollar price tag all along. Had enough to cover it, it was just more than I wanted it to be
I know it works out with the conversion from US to Canadian, but 2200.00 is easier to pass by the wife rather than 2700.00 even though it's the same money lol.
It's all in the optics -
Come on strike, I've been following your path since you asked about the 8930G
Don't disappear now. -
Dammit, I am dying to get some input from the first buyers!
And those worried by the initial log on freezing, it also happened to me with my first M50 laptop, but after reinstalling I never had issues with it. So I wouldn't worry about it.
I gotta admit though, it is worrysome that ther hasn't been much news, but to their defense, when I got my M50 it took me more than a couple of days to actually make my first impressions over the interneteven more so with my G50vt which I spent more time tinkering with it instead of posting around
I seriously want this monster, but to be honest I am more than happy with my current G50vt, so there is a high probability I will just pass on this amazing W90 until next year, when a new version appears -
Ya sometimes your so overwhelmed with pure awesomeness you cant bring yourself to type anything constructive so you just dont
. Im sure with newegg now shipping these things out and people getting them overnighted it wont be long before you get some user comments . Im seriously eyeballing this machine (not that i need it ,but thats a different story
) so im really hoping people are truly impressed with this thing.
Just ordered mine as well. Yayy!! Might get here before other post pics lol.
shame shame shame
i´m still waiting for the preview from the user "striker". where the f*ck is it?
Is this user a faker? -
be patient
1 owner of this setup has reported that his/her setup froze and had to be reinstalled ...
I was wondering if you encountered any such problems with you new setup ???
how is system stability ???
A Falling Cat named Spangky
9 Lives only ... -
please keep us up to date with the freezing problem ...
A Falling Cat named Spangky
9 Lives Only ... -
Thats good.
Well, I anticipate this thread getting bulkier today, with lots of goodies -
I'm sorry didn´t mean it so bad -
to simulate ... perhaps you would like to leave your system running for some time ... to see if it freezes up after some time ...
you seem to be the 2nd person on this forum that has this problem ...
and there are only 2 people who has this setup too so far ...
A Falling Cat named Spangky
9 Lives only ... -
Hmm... I think I'm going to watch the open box returns on NewEgg for a couple weeks...
After all, lots of people won't try to fix the problem, they will complain and send it back for a replacement.
*Edit - sounds good so far, less the freezes of course. -
Lol, newegg is already out of stock
Just an update... Ill be clear with what happened when i tried to initially start it up after taking it out of the box. I went through the typical windows setup and account setup and while it was loading the desktop and startup programs it locked up. When attempting to a manual shutdown and power on, the screen would simply stay dark and I had to remove the battery like striker said to get it to work again. I did attempt this but the system would simply freeze or lockup again while attempting to load the desktop after login.
Anyway, I did a complete system recovery and driver reinstallation... This took several hours. However, I still experienced two random lockups immediately after logging in and during the process of loading the desktop and programs, and while installing wow, the screen went completely haywire and displayed just white lines, obv requiring a manual shut down and power on... So, I'm not convinced that the lockups and freezes went away...
In my view, there is something definitely a little buggy about this first batch of w90s since I bet asus tried pretty hard to rush these out asap... -
I'll head out for a little bit but I should be home by mid afternoon, let me know what you guys want me to benchmark and test, I really have no games on hand with me except wow lol, so you might have to provide download locations for demos or benchmarking programs. I'll run 3dmark06 of course.
Just to inform everyone of my system lockup ...
I had a different brand of computer previously that also locked up randomly ...
It was a very very expensive gaming laptop ...
I wont go into the details of brand names and such ...
But the problem with that system was that ... there was something wrong with the motherboard configuration ...
Everytime the cpu went into power conservation or sleep mode ... it would hang ...
The system literally hung everytime the cpu went into power conservation mode ... it would freeze totally and you cannot get a respond from keyboard or mouse ... you had to hard reboot the setup to gain control back ...
I wonder if this is a similar issue with the Asus ...
So in the end I returned the thing and got a refund ...
It was a pity as ... it was an extremely good notebook ... solidly built ... almost flawless ... except for the random hanging ...
A Falling Cat named Spangky.
9 Lives only ... -
so... is the screen led or what?
Another interesting thing to note, when reinstalled vista, I only had to use one recovery disc even tho asus provided 2, one marked recovery disc 1/2 and another marked 2/2... And during the install process, it asked for the driver cd but didn't appear to do anything with it, even though it was doing something i guess for 30 minutes to an hour after i inserted the driver/utility cd like the instructions said. The reason I say this is because after the first login, I had no drivers whatsoever, and had to put the driver cd back in and manually install every driver/software update, this taking a loooooong time.
I'm going to leave the w90 on while I leave and go run some errands. When I'm back in a few hours, I'm curious to see whether the system will respond normally and resume from a sleep/hibernate/power saving.
So... I guess I was right to say that striker's unit D.O.A as well?
At any rate, I'm rather curious about the weight of the unit. I'm finding figures that range from 11+ lbs to 13lbs and up. -
From what I gather here no units at all are D.O.A. just a quick fix. I'm still psyched to get mine, and I love playing with the OS, so in a way, it's kind of a treat (especially since people really shouldn't order new technology and expect it to be 100% perfect...)
Excited- Strike, pictures any time -
Still, Asus USA is supposed to be rather decent with its service, I guess the new owners are merely testing that as well. -
It sounds like software installation conflicts to me, based on very little evidence. As we all know Windows on first boot is doing a huge amount of stuff with many simultaneous loads coming from and writes going to the hard disk, and all the while in the background the insane and grossly inefficient Vista indexing is trying to accomplish its task. All you need is one bit to flip and you can generate a hardware interrupt and a hung machine, so I really wouldn't say there's much reason to worry based on these start-up events. Get everything running, play a game or two at the highest settings to generate maximum heat and see if the system is stable then over a period of hours and days, that'll be a true indicator of whether or not there's a real problem.
On my Asus P6Tdeluxe Motherboard in my current rig when i installed the software that lets you manually OC via windows, it would make my system hardlock upon boot . it would try to load a profile and then bam it would lock . wonder if its something similar. i ended up removing it as i did not need it anyhow but its just a suggestion for the time being .
Are you guys still getting hang ups or has the storm passed?
Hey, do u pay taxes on newegg.com ?
or is it $2200 +shipping only ? -
Um... So i came back and it seemed to come out of hibernate ok. I started installing some wow patches and the same screen i saw before with just vertical white lines throughout happened which required a hard reboot. Not sure what's causing this.
In any case, I am excited. I'll use my XP-64bit if I absolutely haveeeeeee to, but I think I'll be able to work something out with Vista X64.
Can you request that you pick the package up from UPS after it gets to your state? I'd drive for it, considering I'm at a LAN party tonight / tomorrow and I have a laptop with a 4500MHD to play on... L4D is going to be miserable! -
ArmageddonAsh Mangekyo Sharingan
its very sad to hear about all the problems people have been having with their new machines
ArmageddonAsh Mangekyo Sharingan
great thanx for all the pics, whats the thing in pic 17 is that what you see when it loads?
just ran 3dmark06 stock with 9.2 drivers, 13510 3dmarks
5928 sm2
7528 sm3
2555 cpu
i ran this on balanced power option, ill try on performance to see if there's a difference -
So on the second run, it froze on the first test and the system restarted by itself...
Hi all,
My unit is in transit and will be here on Wed.
Quick question, where is the fingerprint reader located?
I can't tell from the pictures.
Thanks -
That bag is awesome. Hey striker, would you mind taking measurements of the W90?
And you can get charged tax on Newegg, it depends on which state you're in.
*Official ASUS W90Vp Owners' Lounge*
Discussion in 'ASUS Reviews and Owners' Lounges' started by -=$tR|k3r=-, Feb 19, 2009.