hahaha and before i buy mineJK well strikers working hard on it and i m sure it will taken care of asap
I belive someone did a fresh install with their own vista and ended up having to send it back anyway : \ Its weird tho the problem doesnt seem to happen when its not plugged into the power supply(obviously when it has enough juice). Anyone else notice this? Maybe its just a coincidence
just to give an update on my w90.
everything is 90% perfect.
running windows xp.
no lock ups/freeze's
no funky stuff on the screen.
just cant use the asus turbo gear/ai, and had to mod the ati drivers myself.
video card is running on run "core" due to lack of proper drivers
and i was too lazy to find the right SATA drivers so its running in ide emulation mode -
pioneers cant be lazy!!..find those drivers buddy!..LOL
j/k -
Unfortunately I have now experienced my first "lock-up" on start up just a few minutes ago.
Also need to figure out why when I am playing Warhammer Online I can see a slight flicker effect very subtle but there. When I change the resolution then change it back it goes away...odd.
Also again not sure if it is my lappy or in general since the only thing I have to compare this to is my work thinkpad which is a real PoS, but I have a slight brighter whitish light at the bottom of the screen it seems. Anyone else have this? Again a subtle thing but im not sure if this is typical with big LCD laptop screens. -
-=$tR|k3r=- any news on the break fixes?
http://www.pcadvisor.co.uk/news/index.cfm?NewsID=13585 -
Then I had lockups, repeating lockups. It's very strange, for the first few start/stops everything ran like a swiss watch.
So I'm going to try what you suggested, clean Vista install from a disk, then we will know if it's drivers, hardware, or some BS factory software ASUS put on there (Norton!!!!!!!) -
aww man thts awfull if its tht bad with every one lptp out there asus shudnt b sleepin now
So far, so good. -
Another pic;
I've done 5 restarts (one plugged in "restart", one plugged in "shut down, start up, etc.) and NOT A SINGLE LOCK UP. So I agree with $str|ker, I'm thinking driver issue. I'm going to start putting in drivers one at a time; ideally it isn't the video drivers, I'm hoping it's something stupid I can live without until they fix it (webcam or fingerprint-reader or some such thing).
I'm going to thumbnail images from now on, don't want to run out of bandwidth. -
Edit; Video driver in, running fine, no lock-ups, now time for sound driver.
Edit 2; Forgot to add, right after the video driver went in, when the computer restarted, the screen was dim for a bit, then once I clicked on the little ATI "icon", it brightened up, weird, on further restarts, this did not happen. -
ill be here. install them as u suggested, but don't do the ai software just yet.
do not install norton either. -
"Don't leave me"
"I won't."
"I'm scared."
"Don't be, I'm here."
yeah huh?
Good luck with finding out what the problem is.
The lock-ups that everyone is reporting are really upsetting, seems ASUS rushed this laptop out without any extensive testing, it does offer great performance potential but is a very poorly executed final product that ASUS put out.F+N ASUS!(Yes I'm still pissed off at them about the whole C90s fiasco).
I feel really bad for all those who purchased this laptop and have to go through all this crap to get it running, and to all those W90Vp fanboys that say "Oh that's OK, ASUS will have it fixed soon", It's NOT OK because this should not happen on a $2000+ laptop.
I know some new products have some bugs in them but this one has a whole swarm.
GOOD LUCK everyone and until ASUS fixes this problem I'm jumping off the bandwagon. -
Runs fine now!
If any of you guys get a chance, look through your driver folders on the driver disk, there are REAMS of stuff I have no idea about; bloatware, password banks, around 8 different Norton things (the Norton installer files alone were around 450mb.)
Edit; I guess I could keep putting in more drivers and stuff to try to find an issue, but IT RUNS, I don't want to screw it up.
I don't see this as entirely Asus' fault. ATI's drivers for laptops have been severely lacking, which constitutes a part of the problem.
Certainly, Asus is not innocent. -
im still siding with the asus software and not the drivers just yet...
the ati driver can crash true enough, but that asus software has allot to do with the power management.... but then...i don't own a w90 as of right now...so im speculating... -
I went to a computer bazaar in the city
Asking distributor about Asus W90Pv in here, and they say that "It won't be sold in Indonesia". Duh, where suppose I bought it yah? At least this lock-up problem reduce the pressure of buying this baby... -
so what's going on now? -
Any owner can confirm the laptop is indeed 2.5 inch thick? (6.25cm)
I thought it was a typo at first...
Haven't read all 822 posts in this thread but what Im hearing sounds like this is a 4850x2 card that's overclocked to perform as a 4870.
If it's using 512Mb of GDDR3 and is 2 GPUs on a single card then corresponds to all the info released for a 4850.
When the drivers were leaked showing the 4800 cards and when Mobility 4800 series were officially shown at CES the only card that was 2 GPUs on a single board was the 4850x2.
Meanwhile all the info shown for the 4870 including the info on ATI's official site showed the 4870 as using 1GB of GDDR5 and was a single GPU on it's own card.
If the cards in the W90 is an overclocked 4850x2 there's no surprise that it would lock up when Turbo Gear is used. -
Darn you -=$tR|k3r=- lol. Mine is in the mail and will be here Wednesday
but hearing you brag about isn't helping. Oooo it's so cool, oooo it's soo powerful, oooo it runs sooo well. Darn you, stop teasing me lmao.
I agree about the nay sayers. It's been out for about a week, patience is a virtue. But, some people will find any reason they can to poop on something. (Oh yea, I went there, I dropped the P bomb)
All I know is that I have been using Asus motherboards, laptops and many other products for years and the quality is second to non. Sure somethings need improvement, but they do work on it.
So until Wednesday, I will just keep reading the forums and listening to -=$tR|k3r=- be all like Oooo I have it and you don't (smug bas**rd)and if there is still anything to resolve after Wednesday, I will help with the solution instead of whine about it.
Hey -=$tR|k3r=-,
Have you received your LG BRD writer yet?
If so - does it fit/work well with the W90 and any problems getting the faceplate of the W90 onto the drive?
I'm from up here in the great white north (aka. Canada) and have been considering getting the W90vp-x1 since it was released on Newegg last week, but I really would like a blu-ray drive and maybe even a 2nd hard drive.
The hard drive is easy enough to get but slimline blu-ray drives seem to be almost non-existent around here. The LG you've ordered looks great although it obviously means ordering from overseas to get one at the moment. I'd like to know if it at least works well before taking the plunge.
My original plan was to just sit tight and wait for the A1, but I'm quite disappointed that it's being paired with the Q9000. I'd much rather go with the T9600.
Cheers -
Wednesday...Those drivers better be out by Wednesday or feces will hit the perverbial fan! I hold you accountable for this Stiker lol -
If only 1 PCB inside, any room for 2'nd one
-=$tR|k3r=-, can you post a pic of W90 next to, err... a laptop?
since striker was the first on NBR to get this machine, has he posted any benchmarks since?
Thanks... Suppose now it's just the wait for Newegg.ca to get more W90's in stock. -
Ok, everyone wanted an update, it's still working fine, and runs everything great EXCEPT it won't let me run 3D mark. Does anybody have any ideas?
run the test one at at time.
run test 1 first and see how far it gets. if it crashes, then restart and run the second test. then jump to running test 5 and 6. make sure you have the lastest version of 3dmark06 if you got an earlier one. it would need the patch.
and depending on what ati driver you installed, you may need the 8.5 something driver...not sure on this part just yet. -
Check out the fourth link (a Czech website) the first page is of the hardware and it has a picture of the underside of the W90 opened up. The two video cards are on the far left (middle) and left center (middle), both left of the RAM. One of the cards is rotated 90 degrees from the position of the other, but you can tell they are exactly the same (die layout, memory placement etc.). -
found it.
well i got bad news about my w90vp....i got it yesterday...turned it on..and it froze immediately. I cant get past the system load screen. Even with going to the f9 process, it still froze my system..
I got an RMA from asus and am sending it back to get fixed
So do you think I'll be able to pick one of these up in the UK? I'm in no hurry, I could just about wait till May...maybe.
Wait till these get fixed imo
*Official ASUS W90Vp Owners' Lounge*
Discussion in 'ASUS Reviews and Owners' Lounges' started by -=$tR|k3r=-, Feb 19, 2009.