We're not trying to prove that the G60 is better/worse than the G51, we're trying to call that one guy out on BS.
SoundOf1HandClapping Was once a Forge
Hi everyone! I'm new here, joined because I'm planning to get this lapbook in a few weeks time, I almost have enough $. I was wonderin, srry if this has already been asked before, if someone can tell what are the optimal settings for running Crysis on this computer?
SoundOf1HandClapping Was once a Forge
Define optimal? You want the best eye candy, or the best FPS?
Or a blend? -
At the stock res you can expect to play with everything on high and no AA @ stock clocks and achieve moderate and playable framerates (30-35FPS)
Forge, hey could you could give me all 3?; best graphics, best FPS, best blend of both...
howard911s Notebook Deity NBR Reviewer
wooo..life is super super busy, barely had time to stop by and this thread has grown! Used my Alienware Orion backpack from newegg to carry book, misc stuff , G60, charger everything doesnt feel heavy at all. Best bag I ever bought.
After update, cleaning junks out, from pressing the power button to this laptop fully logged in and usable, only 45 seconds!!!!! long live windows 7! That's how long my MBP with 2.4 ghz 4 gb ddr 3 ram and osx needs to boot up! -
Hi guys, first post for me, I'm in teh market for a laptop and until this morning I was looking at a DELL studio 17 with ATI 4650 and core2 6600 for about 1000$cdn. The price is really similar on the asus and it seems it would be better than the DELL . I intend to replace my 2003 athlon desktop 2600+ and NVIDIA 7600 with this one. I cannot run nearly nothing anymore on my desktop which is used as a web browser. I do most of my gaming on my ps3 and 360.
I suppose this laptop would be a decent upgrade compared to my dekstop as I don't intend to buy a new desktop. It would be used for word processing, web surfing and some gaming (been hoping to play crysis one day, my current rig was giving me about 20fp max at 1024*768 on everything low so i did not try more games after that). I have a 1080p projector in my family room, would I be able to use higher res (than the screen 720p) on it if I want to?
Also This laptop does not seem to be sold atm in Canada so I would have to drive down to the US (not a big deal I'm living on the south shore of Montreal) to buy it. Problem is the warranty, would you think Best buy would not honor it if I'm living in canada(if there is a problem I would drive it back to the US). Does anyone have some kind of comparison to the DELL studio 17 with a 4650? -
Does your Wireless On/Off switch have a lot of play in it? Does it rattle with light finger pressure moving up and down?
"wooo..life is super super busy, barely had time to stop by and this thread has grown"---yeah my review at BestBuy said to read your full review and the forum discussion following for help making decision. hehe
Catzpa -
i have also warranty problem if i buy g60vx rbbx09 coz i live in europe in Turkey.Howard have any problem with g60vx(heating,noise,display etc)?do you recommend it to buy?i ll buy rbbx09(p8700)
At least I'm closer to the US, I can drive there easily if I don't forget my passport
wow 22 pages and still cant find out if my g60vx has an tv/radio antenna or not. does anybody know? it has an antenna slot the ant. symbol is on the side of the computer the asus cd comes with tv drivers but they wont install.
any help? -
howard911s Notebook Deity NBR Reviewer
Slight play for the wireless on off switch but overall it is tight.
howard911s Notebook Deity NBR Reviewer
thanks love this laptop the only small little con is the documentation/ user guide is horrible. doesnt really give specs to the max memory/type etc
CitizenPanda Notebook Deity NBR Reviewer
Should be on the front of the laptop, to the left of the battery/power indicator lights.
CitizenPanda Notebook Deity NBR Reviewer
Where did you buy this laptop from? I have been looking at this one for some time, but cant find a price or where to buy?
Thanks -
BestBuy. Aka worstbuy.
Hello Every one,
I have been following this thread for a while, does anyone no if there is new release from asus, on the G60VX (on the resolution side), is there a way that I can find more about it..
cheers, -
howard911s Notebook Deity NBR Reviewer
howard911s Notebook Deity NBR Reviewer
damn this is sad...I'm using the G60 more than my Core i7 + ati 5870 desktop...
This is a very nice laptop
For the money you pay it's great deal. -
SoundOf1HandClapping Was once a Forge
And that one guy hasn't replied. BS destructed. Have a nice night. -
howard911s Notebook Deity NBR Reviewer
Is this the make and model G60vx you have?
I thought it came with a white shell?? -
th Euro/AU version of the G60 came with a white lid.
I think I'm gonna buy one of these tomorrow. The gpu on the computer in my sig just died and a new one costs 199$. I'm not payin 200 for an outdated card, so I figured that I would just buy a new laptop.
Does anybody know if I could upgrade the g60vx to a core i7 later on down the road? -
No, you could not. They use different sockets.
CitizenPanda Notebook Deity NBR Reviewer
howard911s Notebook Deity NBR Reviewer
Had a strange phenomenom this morning...probably normal but I just never paid attention. Booted the laptop up.. cold 40 something degrees morning...and dunno why but i opened the HW monitor, CPU was 39C, HDD was 27C GTX 260 was 50...60...70..up to 85C just creeping up. It got to 85 c in under 2 minutes if even, I was like holy crap something's broke. Then suddenly the fan came on. which was near silent (fan) then the temperature quickly went back down to 60C then high 50's. THe cooling ability is very impressive for getting it down so fast. Of course the cold air helped but the heating rate for gtx 260 awed me. Kudo to the silent fan Asus put in there that's why i never realized how much heat it's been suppressing.
CitizenPanda Notebook Deity NBR Reviewer
howard911s Notebook Deity NBR Reviewer
CitizenPanda Notebook Deity NBR Reviewer
Check CPU-Z or GPU-Z on desktop to see your clocks. -
howard911s Notebook Deity NBR Reviewer
CitizenPanda Notebook Deity NBR Reviewer
I'm running 187s and it doesn't work, but I am manually controlling my clocks (underclocking and overclocking) via NTools. -
howard911s Notebook Deity NBR Reviewer
very nice thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!! have u tried? how does it work? lag or latency while gaming ? any cons? how about system resource, how much does it use
CitizenPanda Notebook Deity NBR Reviewer
Just use CPU-Z's Graphics tab. It only shows active Core, Memory & Shaders. -
CitizenPanda Notebook Deity NBR Reviewer
It's Windows 7 drivers causing the problem. -
hi to all have u seen g60vx rbbx09 with 9 cell battery.is it like this http://www.netbookin.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/08/Asus-G60Vx-Gaming.jpg in other words does it has huger battery than rbbx05 with 6cell?
Just installed powermizer and it works on my G60 with 186.81 drivers.
Howard's Asus G60VX-RBBX05 REVIEW
Discussion in 'ASUS Reviews and Owners' Lounges' started by howard911s, Oct 23, 2009.