Yep, my A2 is shipped also and im soo stoked for it to get here. Thank you GenTech![]()
When did you guys order your G50V-A2? I just ordered mine on Sunday...I was told by XoticPC that quite a few people ordered this notebook ahead of me so I will probably not be one of the initial notebook holders
Man I want to know when mine is going to go phase 2, ordered it on the 10th
stupid me
Well, don't get discouraged if it doesn't go into stage 2 immediately. Mine never went to stage two, or three. So it could be just like mine and you will be notified, without warning (it's a very pleasant surprise), that it is in phase four and shipped.
I previously told you that i cancelled my order from xoticpc to go to PC VIllage well they shipped today but the weird thing is that the tracking number they gave isn't working :s
Sounds like the UPS guy had to go to hungary first to see what brown could do for them...
Also guys watch this video and stare at his right arm it does a magic trick -
Eh, they probably just printed out the shipping label and maybe got it into the hands of UPS, but sometimes it takes some time before it shows up in the system.
Yeah most tracking labels dont activate for 24 hours or the end of a business day. Thats because they are scanned into the database at their first stop. This is so that all the merchandise they put in the vehicle at the warehouse ends up at the destination, they dont need to scan at the warehouse because they are in charge of packing it too so there is no need for them. That is why it isnt tracking yet.
Ok i got my Asus G50Vm-X1
and i love it
only have one thing i wanna friggin change lol
It only gave me half the hard drive for use the other half is for...something else lol
what do i have to do specifically in order to gain use of the entire hard drive? all like i want to
because i have no clue
Ok i read the manual.
So if i load up the recovery thing by pressing F9 while botting up
and choose Recover Windows to entire HD, which apparently erases ALL partitions and creates just the C: one, would this give me back full use of the entire hard drive? -
ViciousXUSMC Master Viking NBR Reviewer
You do have your entire HDD, the X1 only comes with a 200gb HDD and you lose a small part of your HDD normally in windows.
The A1 comes with 2x 250gb HDD's ;P
did you open the link?
if i have my entire drive why is it seperated into a C: and D: drive?
does that mean i can just drag and drop files onto the D: drive?
if so then thats fine with me =] -
ok ive already understood that but thank you for further clarifying but just as i asked before, can i actually use the D: drive for storage?
theres nothing in there but a file named "msdia80.dll"
so can i use it to store files like music and such just by saving it there or dragging and dropping? or copying and any other way possible lol -
ViciousXUSMC Master Viking NBR Reviewer
Yes its the hard drive split into two virtual drives known as partitions. You can use it as normal.
Alright thank you
by the way im sure the A1 offered me more
but at the moment the best buy model is literally PERFECT for me right now =]
not a single lock up, freeze, slow down, crash, error or anything
and idk what people are saying about wireless
I have a WRT54g Linksys router on the other side of my house, and i still get a perfect signal from my room. -
ricoawr, the D: thing is just another partition. You can, and should save files there. In fact I strongly suggest you save all your personal files there, and keep C: for software installations only. In the future, when you want to reinstall Windows, you can just wipe C without worrying about your personal data.
I recommend what the others are saying about the second partition.
If you do not wish to keep it like this and you havent filled up your drives with much yet, you can simply boot from the recovery DVD and ASUS actually gives you three options for restore.
1. Restore Windows partition only
2. Restore Windows to entire Hard Drive
3. Restore Windows and 2nd Drive
So basically, you get your choice of; C drive only wipe and windows restore, complete C drive wipe with single partition windows restore, and complete wipe with a 50/50 partition. -
It's not another partition, it's a physically seperate drives. You have two 250GB HD's. One of them has Windows on it, the other has nothing. Install all of your programs and stuff to the C drive and save all your documents and everything else personal on the D drive. That way if the C drive or Windows goes kaput you don't lose everything.
No, that's not correct. Ricoawr has the X1 version with a single HDD partitioned in 2 partitions.
If he had the A1, a better solution for data security would be RAID1. -
Anyone order their A1 from excaliberpc? I'm kind of worried that they list the ETA as the 18th. Time is of definite essence for me because if it doesn't ship out by the 18-19th I might as well not buy it at all. Anyone know what's the deal?
Hi ^^
Ive been lurking on the boards for a while now but i finally decided to register today =D
Anyway, Ive decided to buy the G50 as my first laptop due to its amazing specs
I was wondering if anyone knows of any good resellers in toronto that I can visit? I was thinking about using Lu Computers, but I cant really find anything (good or bad) about them. Can anyone refer me to a good reseller?
Thank you ^^ -
iam having great trouble with only 1 thing on this laptop. I am an owener of an A1. I have it set on classic mode etc. and i set up my desktop, icons and everything. Then i turned it on and like now my task bar goes to hidden, all my icons are gone and my background is an asus background. What the hell happened!!!? also i restored to a previous time and it was ok thennn it came back!..
I am one sad panda, I found out my laptop probably wont go into production until next week, then I have to wait another week to get it
sad sad panda
I am unfortunately considering canceling my A1 order with xoticpc and just getting that new gateway that my local Best Buy just received. I need this notebook for school and still have not gotten any other indication that my laptop is even close to shipping (except being in phase 2). Not sure what else to do.
When the problem happens you can try pulling up Task Manager, killing the explorer process, and then running it again (New Task, type explorer, enter). That usually fixes GUI problems in WinXP at least.
One sure way to fix it is to reinstall Windows -- make sure to back up the data first if you reinstall. But if you don't know what caused it you may trigger the problem all over again. -
I'm in the exact same position as youI've found that the only places that carry it are PC Village (, Lu Computers and Infonec ( PC Village is reputable and has multiple locations. Infonec also has multiple locations for convenience but I have never purchased from them b4.
Hope this helps! -
thanks guys, it helps a lot
I think that I will go with PC village since this is my first laptop, and I don't want to get screwed with unreputible shops
Edit: Figures, At PCvillage it's the most expensive XD lol -
Added this thread to Info Booth. Also edited some useful links in the 1st post.
The gateway is a good deal (the Nvidia 9800GT one) except that with the continuous Nvidia Fiasco thing... well it seems the 9800GT are affected as well so I am not so confident of aquiring it heh myself.
I will see the posibility of changing to a G50sv-a1 the following months. -
Yeah, I guess you are right, I haven't cancelled yet. I am still holding out for hope of a shipping email tomorrow. I did notice that after tax and an extended warranty at Best is taking me waaaayyy over my budget. Maybe the M50 if I dont hear anything soon? -
Still no shipping from GentechPC...
For those who ordered the G50-A1 from XoticPc the support told me soon next week it should be produced (1 day of testing cause there's not much customizing they do on this model, its not like a sager from wich you have tons of choice. It actually come produced there) and then shipped. So I choosed a 1-2 days shipping option for only 50$ more and I should be able to get it before school (25th) but I recommend you guys to be patient. XoticPc support is really awesome, I think its worth the wait, they do all they can to get it done as fast as possible.
I don't know what to do either. It has now been over tw0 weeks and I am still in stage 1. I might have to upgrade shipping because I need this thing for next Saturday!
Let me know what they say, I will call also and see what they can do for me, two weeks is enough.
ViciousXUSMC Master Viking NBR Reviewer
Never mind, I just got the news that its been shipped!
It arrives August 20, the day before I leave for college. -
Ok, I just called to see if I could upgrade shipping. I was told that my order definitely is not shipping today. I was told that they are getting units from Asus, a little bit at a time. I guess as they receive it..they send it to those next in line. I am not sure how much longer I can wait. I may have to go a different route since I am getting down to crunch time.
I'm at job right now, but i just saw on the purolator website that mine was shipped to my home and my parents took it
so happy!!! can't wait to leave this job now!!!
Best Deals Finder Notebook Enthusiast
You kids crack me up with your I need it before I leave for school stuff. You act like your School or College is on a different planet. That where ever it is out of reach of any type post office or that you will not return home for years inorder to pick it up. -
Hey I just noticed that the A2 is not in stock at neweggg. The price is a tad bit more than usual + no free shipping, but it's in stock and newegg is extremely well known for those weary of unknown resellers. -
)... I may still get the g50 if I get my refund quickly, and another store has it in sock. My hair is getting thin just from pulling it! :twitcy:
XoticPC will be getting their shipment of A2s either today or Monday, so shipping begins next week!
Haha Im going to college in europe, so i think it is a bit of a stratch for me to change my shipping to OVER THE OCEAN OVER NIGHT, lol hopefully I get it soon! -
Xotic just told me they wouldn't know when mine is shipping untill mid next week, that might be too late.
G50V Owners Lounge
Discussion in 'ASUS Reviews and Owners' Lounges' started by greyreap, Jul 30, 2008.