I very much doubt it, since Asus has release the model to manufacturing with the BB version. The internal components and orientation are unlikely to be any different from that, as the internal engineering is complete.... Placing a high-power gpu like the 9700 into a slim 15.4" chassis is going to generate heat.... internal airflow patterns aren't like the big Clevo boxes.
Asus builds their chassis and products to match thermal operating specs provided by the component manufacturers. It's just that, around here, users tend to push them further and harder so more is said about the temperatures when it may not necessarily be detrimental or relevant, and every Asus model containing a dedicated gpu over the past 3-1/2 years has had multiple threads here dedicated to possible internal heat issues. Not a bad thing, but forum members tend to be a picky bunch when it comes to their hardware (myself included) so small issues can get blown up into larger proportions.
ClearSkies Well no, I'm still here..
By the way, I'm assuming that the OC software provided with Asus doesn't void the warranty?
ClearSkies Well no, I'm still here..
I'll bet there's a disclaimer in there somewhere when you activate it for "use at your own risk," i.e. what nVidia did with Coolbits. Else, Asus is just setting themselves up for users frying their gpu with bad overclocking and claiming manufacturing defect under warranty.
Do you know when the A1 is coming out? It says the first week of August on several sites, but I want to know if anyone has an actual date.
I cannot see Asus releasing another product with heat issues if it is used the way it was intended to be. With the biggest problem of the last G-series being heat, they would be shooting themselves in the foot by releasing another product with heat issues.
Man, I hope that I can get decent temps out of the X9100. Maybe I can rig up a bigger heat sink if space allows.
supposedly today is it's arrival date at resellers.
Justin@XoticPC Company Representative
The A1's have arrived @ ASUS today. ASUS has to ship them out to each respected reseller either today or tomorrow.
whoopie... A1's when does the A2 come? lol thats the one i need asap.
EXcaliberPC Company Representative
Is EXcaliberPC the only company who currently has them in stock? I don't think XoticPC has them yet.
Look like mine should be arriving Wednesday. Can't wait.
ViciousXUSMC Master Viking NBR Reviewer
Thats good news I hope to get mine soon, at work tonight with no laptop really sucks and I cant do my usual photoshop work. Atleast by some means I can get on NBR on the workstation computer its normally blocked, I think its because I am using firefox and not IE, but I would think the firewall blocks any browser.
How close to release do we usually get reviews like Gentech's?
Well, if you guys tell me what you want in a review; I'll do it. I can get you plenty of photo shots (I'm a photographer), and I'm pretty damn techie but I'm a relative noobie on NPR, so lemme know what you want and I'll get it for you.
Ah thank you! Can you please measure temps of the CPU, GPU, etc while on idle, while doing some word processing and internet browsing, and on full load (gaming)? Also if you could comment on the cooling and noise levels of this laptop that would be great
I'm curious how this thing performs in games...maybe put on Crysis or another graphic intensive game and see how well the GPU handles it. Thank you! -
You bet.
The most demanding I have at the moment is CoD4.
I also have a few CPU stressing tools, I'll try a 3dmark run as well. I'll do my best to let you all know the max and min, all that stuff. -
ViciousXUSMC Master Viking NBR Reviewer
I have all of those things planned + more. I would hope to have my unit by weeks end so expect a review maybe near Sunday night.
I love photography as it goes hand in hand with photoshop but don't have any professional tools/cameras what kind of stuff do you have RdWing?
My stuff is gonna be done on my point & shootbut it always comes out good as its a rather high quality one (fujifilm finpix f30)
I love Fuji cameras and believe them to be under-rated. I have had my S5000 for 3 years and it has never let me down. Did you guys get fast shipping? I stuck with the free ground. I waited so long so I figured why not save some money on shipping and sacrifice a few days?
Nikon D300 but honestly I'll most likely be using my Canon SD1000.
I philosophy is that it isn't what tool you are using, it's how you use it.
To be frank I've had more "wow" shots from the SD1000 than the big camera. -
ViciousXUSMC Master Viking NBR Reviewer
My philosophy is that it doesn't matter how good the picture is if you cant take it. the F30 fits in my pocket so I can keep in on me at all times so if a good photo opportunity comes up I can take it. While if I could afford a big shot Nikon or Canon it would be locked up in some case at home.
Its like a $300 camera but I got a super awesome deal on it online like $100 off and I got like a $15 mini tripod at wallymart to go with it. I kind of need a bigger one tho as I find the mini one is not working for every situation. I saw a really cool "flexipod" or something at circuit city the other day its like a super small tripid with feet that flex and can fit to any surface so you can say wrap it around a pole. I wanted to get it but for $20 it was too much.
I think the best solution will maybe just be a nice monopod, see if my hands are steady enough to take no flash low iso shots with it. -
I wholeheartedly agree with you about the small cameras, hence one reason why I love the SD1000 so much. It literally travels with me every day in my pocket.
Coincidentally, I own one of those "flexipods". Well worth the money, especially with the P&S cameras in low light. You can also get some really creative shots off with it that previously would have been impossible. -
ViciousXUSMC Master Viking NBR Reviewer
Well I think I will get one now. I will get it online tho.
I froogled for flexible tripod and came up with sevreal different brands/models. Looks like the Joby Gorillapod is supposed to be the best if my quick research is correct. It looks like a spider monster in this picture:
Its like $22 here: http://www.campmor.com/outdoor/gear/Product___96541?CS_003=2477120&CS_010=96541
A cheaper version for only $19 is here: http://www.overstock.com/Electronic...d=123620&fp=F&ci_src=14110944&ci_sku=10761044
one of the reviews said it wont hold to a tree branch like the other one will tho. also there are still others like sunpack ect.
Do you know which one you have? -
thats a crazy looking tripod.
I own a Gorillapod.
I have the small version designed for point and shoot cameras (which is the one in the photo). They also make a larger version which can comfortably support an SLR.
It will hold on most objects, poles and trees included. Sometimes it won't, but you can just wrestle it around another object.
But definitely go with the gorillapod, it is the best one.
Oh, and check radioshack. I picked mine up for $9 on sale probably a year ago. -
ViciousXUSMC Master Viking NBR Reviewer
Wow thats a surprise radioshack is one of the more overpriced places for most things. I usually on go there for electronic components (leds, solder, resistors ect)
i tried the link and it did show some results
problem is i have no idea if the temp are good or bad hehehe
btw temp readings are not done on a G50V
thanks -
ViciousXUSMC Master Viking NBR Reviewer
You have to look at the specs for the hardware in the laptop to determin good temps addbot. Newer technology based on a smaller nm process generally does not have as high of a max temp safe zone as the older stuff.
the 65nm quads vs the new 45nm quads for desktops is an example thats fresh in my mind. The best general rule I can think of that may or may not apply to the newest release of cpu's & gpu's is for a video card you want to keep it under 90c max, preferably under 80c for "good" temps.
For CPU's I say keep it under 70c and under 60c for good temps.
These are my desktop rules I follow, laptops tend to run hotter since they can not achieve the same kind of airflow or cooling, but they also use components that procuce less heat so all in all the temps should be about the same.
edit: oh and I bought one of those gorillapods. Pricegrabber found a good site that had it for 21.95 w/ free ship. but when i was checking out they had 2-4day ship for $2 as compared to the free ship of 5-7 days so I got the $2 shipping. Total $24 is not too bad. It may get here fast enough for my G50V review, I guess I have piece of mind knowing next time I am up in a tree with my laptop I can easily take pictures of it lol. Infact I may do just that since I bough it, that would be for some interesting photo's too bad my max timer is 10 seconds tho so it would be hard to climb up in a tree place the camera and then get down low enough and pose. This thing would be great for a camera with a remote. -
Well, from what I understand, idle temp should be around 50 and below. 60 and above is a bit bad. Also, load temps should not exceed 90 for GPU and 80 or so for CPU.
These are rough estimates, so don't quote me on this. -
Again, Count Kaiser is right, but I have to lookup the thermal maximums for the components.
ViciousXUSMC Master Viking NBR Reviewer
80c for the cpu is too hot for my taste. Tcase max is pretty close to that.
<s>Perhaps it was the GPU @ 80C?</s>
Lol, mixing up two threads.
Agreed with the temp maximums. -
It seems like the people who ordered from gentech are getting theirs first. Xotic doesn't seem to have them in stock yet.
Excaliber for me.
ViciousXUSMC Master Viking NBR Reviewer
A day or two shouldn't matter. Patience my son
Just sit and meditate and the time will pass, while your at it I'll go sit next to my G50 and play some games.
J/K -
Then maybe everywhere but xotic haha? I ordered from Xotic because I had asked them a few questions and they were very helpful, hopefully they get theirs in soon I am jealous of you guys.
I am really looking forward to your review though, it will help me get through my G50-less days. -
Vicious, I disagree with your statement about the heat tolerance being not as high as a larger process. My understanding is that the die-shrink to 45nm enable less power to be used for the same operating speed, less circuit distance to travel, and therefore less electricity needed. So in theory, the 45nm processors should run cooler and more efficiently than the larger 60 or 90nm ones. I don't think it has anything to do with a lower max temp.
ViciousXUSMC Master Viking NBR Reviewer
You just answered the statement yourself, they use less power and run cooler and thus they are designed with lower tcase and tjmax specs.
I know my 65nm q6600 has a tjmax of 105c, let me go see if I can find the tjmax of a 45nm quad.
Q9450 45nm quad TJmax 90-95c.
As you can see about 10c cooler.
If you do not know what TJmax is, its a hidden spec that tells the cpu the absolute highest temp it can run before it forces thermal throttling to prevent damage to the cpu. -
I'm familiar with the term.
I guess what I'm stating, I think (thought?) that even though the die-shrink enables lower thermal output, doesn't necessarily mean that the max is lower. Make sense? -
ViciousXUSMC Master Viking NBR Reviewer
Eh its smaller and more fragile it cant handle as much heat/power.
Same goes for basic stuff like just a good ol wire. thin wires will burn in half with too much load while a big one does just fine
Think about wood, a thin piece of wood catches fire much qucker and easier then a thick one.
Ect. Its just the laws of physics at play. -
Makes sense
ViciousXUSMC Master Viking NBR Reviewer
Ok I am now an official owner, had the unit for about 2 hours. Working on installing utilities and removing bloatware. Snaped a few pics of the box and stuff but will get the actual unit pictures later at work with more space and better lighting.
Im not going to rush the review and post it tonight or tomorrow and add to it as I go as people will see it in its mini form and never bother to come back to read the full version. If you have small questions you can ask them here and I will try to answer, but the full review has just entered its first step. -
Best Deals Finder Notebook Enthusiast
Can't wait.
ViciousXUSMC Master Viking NBR Reviewer
So far so good, a piece of information I wanted that I didnt see is how fast is the cpu in extreme turbo mode? Well its 2.78ghz so pretty much 2.8ghz. Its doing wprime in like 28 seconds in that mode so this is a very good cpu. I am running the big test now to see what max load temps are and with the zalmans NC1000 its no higher than 57/58c on the cores with a 100% load for over 3 minutes. So very very cool cpu. Once strange thing that excites me is that I had cpu-z up and runnig when I swiched from normal to turbo extreme mode and the multi for about 2 seconds went to 10.5 instead of 9.5 and the cpu was at near 3ghz. I think this means we can expect a way to override it for a near 3ghz speed in the future.
lightning penguin Notebook Consultant
I'm curious about hinges(is the screen shaky when opened) and build quality. Thanks for answering -
ViciousXUSMC Master Viking NBR Reviewer
Well I wont sugar coat anything I will give you a brutaly honest opinion, and I also tend to catch flaws and mention them more than others might so my first impressions.
Its big, not huge and definitely not a 17" but its wider than my C90S was for sure. They made use of that spce with the numaric keypad but it does not have the standard layout so that bothers me. Keyboard is good already I can type on it very easy and fast except the entire thing seems to be shifted about 1 key over to the left from what I am used to so my fingers naturally fall one key over.
Touchpad is wonderful so big and easy to use, 8x better than the c90s. For once I dont need to use a mouse all the time. I do not care for the buttons for it tho its one piece of metal instead of individually pressable buttons.
I did a screen test and no dead pixels but I do have minor backlight bleed from the bottom with a black screen, cant see it with normal colors tho. It would maybe bother me if I watched a dark movie tho so I have to test. The hinge is tight and no screen wobble. -
Mine hasn't arrived yet, being in California has its downfalls.
G50V Owners Lounge
Discussion in 'ASUS Reviews and Owners' Lounges' started by greyreap, Jul 30, 2008.