^^ Yeah I wonder if it has good back support- Would be awesome to kill two stones with one bird for school!
I believe it is the same back pack that came with the G1 series and from what I remember people seemed to like it a lot.
The mouse will probably look just like G70 mouse:
That is a cool looking mouse with the lights, but from the picture on xotic it looks more like a remix of MX518. I'd take this one though - it has a "cool" factor. I mean if I'm already going to look like some gaming nerd with the orange laptop might as well go all out.
Wow, I just bought a green Razer Copperhead, and was thinking, "It'd be great if this had the Asus ROG symbol in the middle".
Wow, these new gaming laptops are fugly!! What is Asus thinking?!! Will the orange color be the only color available?
It looks like their Lamborghini line, damn that orange color really kills it for me, it looks like some throwback to 70's styling (I've watched boogie nights several times). -
ViciousXUSMC Master Viking NBR Reviewer
I hope the mouse is the 518 like with the G1S, its a better mouse than the Razors I think.
Although the name of the thread is owners lounge it looks like only couple of us really owns this thing and the rest is just curious. Can anybody who owns this laptop tell me how to get the wireless work for this system?
You can upgrade to the P9500 now on Xotic. $457, I don't think so. Why would anyone pay that much for a *slightly* better processor?
ViciousXUSMC Master Viking NBR Reviewer
There are people out there with more money than sense, trust me.
Like the x9000 cpu for $1000....
2.57ghz is a nice place to be, its new cpu tech and will run really well. If it was slower like the 2ghz area (BB X1 Owners) I would probably manually upgrade to the 2.8ghz cpu, but from 2.57 --> 2.8 is not worth it. Also if I am not mistaken I saw somebody post that this laptop overclocks the cpu. So that 2.57ghz is much closer to 2.8. -
if I may ask.. what was wrong with your sig viciousXUSMC?
It's 2.53
Do you think paying the $190 for office basic is worth it? Because then I still don't get powerpoint. I wonder if open office is good enough. -
ViciousXUSMC Master Viking NBR Reviewer
Thats totally on you and if you use it or need it.
I have a full version of office laying around... So I wouldn't get it. -
ViciousXUSMC Master Viking NBR Reviewer
So say my images was 200x600 and they say its ok to have 600x200 its the same deal as far as pixel count but it was again against the rules. So after taking the time to edit it twice and then being asked to fix my sig 3x when there was nothing wrong with it in the first place I said forget it, its not worth the trouble I will just delete it.
Sad thing is what was my sig? It was a advertisment and link to desktopreview.com the sister site for here, and links to my guides & reviews. Actual good use of space and not pointless space taking junk.
I am not one for policing minor things like this, unless its honestly called for by obscene material, large images, ect. So I put the sig police has here.
One of the mods saw it and decided to get me back again and edit my sig to say yes they were here, so now I replied.
I dont want bad mojo with the mods, so hopefully they understand my sarcastic and comic nature and are just playing along and are not actually mad at me.
I am quite serious tho that it was not a big deal and should not have been enforced like it was, I can easily find 5 or 6 people in 10 minutes with sig violations if we follow the rules down to the "t" -
Just pre-ordered my A1! This will be my first laptop ever!
ViciousXUSMC Master Viking NBR Reviewer
Cool, I am getting one too most probably its a great laptop it seems.
Question about the graphics card.
If I were to try to make 3D models and games, would the 9600 GS with 1 gig be enough, or would I need the 9700 GT? I plan on using Autodesk Maya and OpenGL to try and make 3D models and games. -
Well, I think the 9600 GS is ENOUGH but it never hurts to go up! Only down
ViciousXUSMC Master Viking NBR Reviewer
I dunno I have never used those kind of programs so I can not even begin to guess what kind of gpu power they demand.
Well, I like the M50vm better because it looks nicer and most likely runs cooler, but I don't know if the 9600 GS will be enough.
Well finally pre-ordered the A1 from Xotic today. Both Justin's were a pleasure to deal with. Look forward to my very first laptop! I've built my own desktop for years..and am finally turning to a portable alternative... woohooo!! As soon as I get it... I will try to get an unboxing video going.
ordered from Excalibur yesterday (A1)...now um, just praying that they come in on time. My college starts in two weeks.
Of course you have to consider the strong possibility that it will be to much heat for the G50V to handle, as well as accept the loss of Asus' awesome warranty. But if your willing to take risks it could be worth it.
I'm also going to change out the drives to the WD Scorpio 320gb 5400rpm. And if I can recoup a total of $350 out of the T9400 and the two hdd's I'll only be in $1950 for the whole shibang.
The Asus G50V is a pretty sweet deal, I would say. -
I agree, I looked for a very long time before deciding to buy it, and I like the look of it the more I see it.
I totally agree with that. I like most other people at first glance thought the orange was so out of place and the notebook didn't look all that great. As I looked at it more and more in the forums, on the pre-order sites I started thinking it looked better and better and now I think it looks awesome! I guess its one of those looks that grow on you.
ViciousXUSMC Master Viking NBR Reviewer
It helps to see it in person too. Its not that bad. I may feel out of place with it some next time we have a meeting at work and I bust out this neon orange laptop with blue flashing lights all over it, but oh well they can deal with it.
Haha, so Vicious you are getting the G50-A1 right? If I may ask.. what sold you to the computer? JW.
ViciousXUSMC Master Viking NBR Reviewer
It just seems to have a really good balance of price and performance.
I have not found anything else that really competes with it, the M50 was close but I think this beats even the M50, especially since the cheaper M50 in my comparison only had the lower res screen. Now they have released a new model with the 1680x1050 screen for the M50 but its only $100 less than the G50, while the G50 still has the dual hdd's and the better GPU so thats a hundred bones well spent.
I honestly dont game too much so rather odd that I give so much priority to the video card and why I really was going to go with the M50, but the lower res screen of the M50 killed the deal on the original A1 & B1 models since I do lots of photo and video editing I need a high res screen with good color reproduction.
Also the new Montevinia platform brings some good enhancments to the table, Santa Rosa was a big deal but if you look at what Santa Rosa brought us its nothing compared to Montevina. DDR2 800 ram & much better cpu's they should be very good performing machines.
I would have been a C90P owner of course but Asus is taking too long and leaving us in the dark so G50 it is.
Look forward to one of my OMFG ::wall of text crits you for 99999 damage:: ::you die:: kind of reviews that I always do that has too much information to be true. The kind of stuff nobody else here really ever shows you. Screen benchmarks, lots of photo's, power draw tests, ect. -
Looking forward to seeing it
Make sure you include some usability comments too, those are usually not high on the priority list of "official" reviews.
So guys, what ARE we going to be able to upgrade on the g50v after some time? Anything? I really wanna try messing with mine in the future because I have an itch for experimenting but if it's going to be pointless anyway.
Someone said that DDR2----> DR3 won't happen because they are physically incompatible. But what about other parts?
Is it sad that I'm thinking of upgrading it and it hasn't even shipped yet? lol -
Besides RAM, HDD, and perhaps components connected via miniPCI, laptops are not really user-upgradeable.
ViciousXUSMC Master Viking NBR Reviewer
G50 has pretty much fully upgraded the RAM, the HDD's are not the highest but they are up there. Not much reason to upgrade this unit if you ask me. (A1 or B1)
can any owner of this laptop comment on the heat this laptop produces?
I don't think anyone can do that. It's still not out yet.
G50v-X1 is out, the G50v-A1 is not
Well, whoever owns a G50 X1, can you comment on heat management?
As I said in another post, the left side gets pretty hot. The CPU is very upgradable. It only takes 6 screws once you remove the back panel. Also, it seems like the GPU is not soldered so keep your fingers crossed.
The laptop has an overclock software which basically overclocks the CPU, GPU and the memory. I put a T8300 in it and it worked without a glitch. The overclock software also overclocked it with no issues. IT was working at 2.56GHZ after the overclock and the windows experience index was at 5.3. This is the highest score I ever saw on a laptop including the xps m1730s. The stock T5750 overclocks to 2.26GHZ and that is currently waht I am using.
I have one big issue though, I couldn't figure out how to get the wifi card work properly. NO BODY SEEMS TO KNOW HOW TO FIX IT. -
Is the left where the hard drives are? Seems reasonable that it would get hot. Also, could you run HWmonitor to see what the temps are for this thing under load?
HDs are at the left front. The part that gets hot is the heatsink and the CPU. Lat time I hecked I got 60 C fro the CPU after 3 rounds of 3Dmark06.
What about GPU?
It didn't show the GPU temp.
Wait, HWMonitor didn't show a GPU? That's not right. Are you sure that's what you're using to monitor temps, or are you using something else?
It was notebook HW monitor or somethnig like that.
This, right?
http://www.cpuid.com/hwmonitor.php -
Plus ASUS has its own monitoring software and it shows "normal" although no specific temerature. What I am saying is it gets warm on the left side of the computer where the heatsink and the CPU is. Not as hot as HP dv9800t tough.
That heat could be due to you OC'ing the CPU.
Well, it is warm even when not overclocked. I think it is due to the small heatsink. Basically it is 2/3rds of the size of the heatsink at Gateway fx series.
That sounds ominous. Why such a small heatsink? Wouldn't the 9700M GT warrant a larger one?
I wonder if the A1 will be different in this.
G50V Owners Lounge
Discussion in 'ASUS Reviews and Owners' Lounges' started by greyreap, Jul 30, 2008.