Thanks for the help anyway ALLurGroceries...
Here is the full list of everything i did on the day that DC stopped working..Maybe something here is causing it to stop working??
Everything was working fine before but then i updated my bios to 209 and now the small lcd just displays the 'Repulic of Gamers Logo and slogan'
Here is a list of the things i did before it stopped working:
From an Optimising Vista post i did:
Uninstalled Asus DataSecurity Manager, Asus MulitFrame, Asus Live update and Norton,
I then rebooted to complete the changes,
I then downloaded and installed AVG 8.0.
Turn Off Unused Windows Features (Tx and Rep LIVEFRMNYC)
unselect 'Indexing Service, Remote Differential Compression, Windows DFS Replication Service, Windows Fax & Scan.
Downloaded CCleaner and ran it.
Downloaded the 209 bios.
and flashed it using EasyFalsh
everything worked perfect. Expect DC button didnt work. LCD worked as normal , ie battery meter, cpu usage, ram usage.
Button still didint work. LCD just showed Battery meter, nothing else.
Downloaded and installed new ATK drivers from Asus Site.
Still the same, now LCD just shows Republic of Gamers logo and Slogan,
reinstalled DC, Restarted, Still the same.
Have reinstalled the ATK drivers a number of times and
also DC2.05 a few times still no good?
Thanks again for the help...Maybe one of the steps above is causing the probelm...
Im not sure about the details in that thread I have been really busy, but I did load up speedfan on my laptop and my gpu is getting to about 108 degrees CELSIUS while playing CSS at medium-high settings, this is a bummer. -
ALLurGroceries Vegan Vermin Super Moderator
can you post a mini review, I like hearing multiple sides of the story. -
UGH! I need some help and have not been able to find it anywhere.
My webcam on my G50V-A1 (Vista 64) is not working. I've never used it before until now. I've searched all over the net as well as here and haven't seen anything that is even close. I've reinstalled the driver and did manage to get it to work in Lifeframe once. But now it's back to just a black screen.
I'm really trying to get this up and running in Skype because I'm going away on a long trip next week and the wife wants to keep in contact. Usually I can figure this stuff out but I'm truly at a loss right now. Plus work has been overhwelming lately. I know you guys can do it! -
ALLurGroceries Vegan Vermin Super Moderator
I just tried that about 5 different times/ways Allurgroceries. Still nothing. RRRRR!!!
ALLurGroceries Vegan Vermin Super Moderator
Well when I uninstall it and reboot it automatically installs the same driver every time. I can't prevent it from installing that driver. But then if I install different drivers from my utilities CD I get various results with none of them getting the webcam to work.
I'm going to call it a day tonight but maybe it's partly Skypes fault in relation with Vista 64? I doubt it but I don't want to rule it out. I can't be the only one having this problem. :/ -
Having a serious issue that has me cursing the gods in anger!
Picked up my headphones today while on my g50v (the actual earbuds)and felt a light static shock and then - no sound out my left channel. Speakers still work fine. Any ideas what to do? this is highly upsetting as I use my laptop at work on a daily basis for audio/video work. -
ALLurGroceries Vegan Vermin Super Moderator
tried every pair of headphones I own, Tried everything that would involve software (drivers/ OS/ settings etc). I'm pretty sure this is a hardware issue and I'll need to send it in for repair
How long does it normally take when sending it in? -
ALLurGroceries Vegan Vermin Super Moderator
If you wanted it fixed fast you could always get a Sound Blaster card.
I'd say five business days at a minimum. Be wary.
Just a quick question, I know that in the Windows XP guide it states that the IR Driver, the Direct Console 2.0, and the Smart Logon won't work, but I'm curious if anyone has attempted to create a workaround for this. The IR Driver and the Smart Logon I can do without, but not being able to control the lights on the case or change what the LED screen says is a slight bummer.
Has there been any investigation into seeing if these functions can be made operational in XP? -
ALLurGroceries Vegan Vermin Super Moderator
Beyond that, nothing I know about. I made a post once that shows how to turn the OLED off entirely (which is what I do unless I'm in linux and actually use the thing - totally programmable). This is the thread for turning it off in XP:
Direct console won't work, if you try hex editing the installer (6 to a 5) to let it clear the windows version check, it still needs a vista DLL so it gives an insertion point error. AFAIK there's no way to turn the lights off or get the other directconsole functions working in XP.
I found an IrDA driver once that at least matches the hardware ID but it doesn't function properly. So that's a no-go as well.
You are of course welcome to try and make progress -- I very rarely reboot into windows these days and lost interest on the whole thing after my hex edit attempt. Good luck. -
directconsole by default will only work in vista, since it uses vista-only powerprof.dll functions. you could try changing the EPs to the XP equivalents (maybe i made a mistake, who knows), but its more effort then its worth.
other than that, it was built with MSVC9, and has decorated function exports. writing your own controller shouldnt be too hard (besides the vista part). -
I sent it in and Asus replaced the webcam and had it back to me in 3 days. Bittersweet ending, I guess. I seem to feel that way about this entire notebook with all the issues this $1800 computer is having... -
Hi guys, I cant get my Direct Console to work after i updated to 209 Bios..I upgrade all my ATK drivers and DC 2.05 a few times and still no good..i turn DC off at startup and tried to open it manually but still no good...However if i open Task Manager it shows in the process that DC and DC helper are there..Ant ideas wat the problem could be?? Any help would be appreciated as its really really annoying me now...
Thanks -
Hi guys,
I just bought the G50V, thanks to the information provided on this forum. First of all, thanks to everybody who wrote a review and shared thoughts, it really helped!
Anyway, I came across two minor performance glitches, but I decided to share and check with you. So, here it comes:
1) In idle state, the OLED display says the CPU activity is from 0% to around 10%. It seem to me quite a lot of activity in idle state for such a nice CPU. Your opinion?
2) That's the real question. The HDD activity LED keeps blinking all the time. No stroboscope effect, but it blinks once every second. I tried disabling system restore + indexing, disabling AV+FW (avira and comodo), cutting off the internet connection, yet it still blinks, even after an hour or so. Any tips on the potential reasons? Anybody having same problem?
Thanks for any advice and keep up this forum, it rocks -
Hello guys, I’m going to buy Asus G50Vt in this configuration:
T9400 – 2,5Ghz
9800 GS
4096 dd2
2x320 5400rpm hdd
Blu-Ray Combo
Got few questions
How much this thing gets in 3dmark06 in default settings (1280x1024) with out overclock?
How much this thing will get in CPU overclock and GPU overclock?
It there any problem in overclocking GPU?
Can anyone make this tests and submit excel file from 3dmark?
Any problems with this laptop? Strange sounds? Overheat? Keyboard bugs? Anything that have more than one guy?
BTW, I live in Russia, and this lappy cost 2400$, know that this pretty high price, but, we’ve got some economy problems so that’s best what I can get :/
P.s. is there any “official thread” on this machine? I see lots of Little threats about it, but nothing big
P.s. how it runs GTA4? -
vorob, your earlier identical message disappeared for a reason: I deleted it. The reason was that it was a duplicate of another message, for which you created a different thread in the main ASUS section: . I announced the deletion on that thread, together with the reason.
Please, stop cross posting; and continue the discussion on that thread (or if you prefer, on this one, but then I'll close the other one). Thank you.
Bottom line, don't worry about it, it happens to everyone. -
Very well, thank you for the information. I checked everywhere I could and got approximately same response.
Anyway, I wanted to share one thing that happend to me during the "turn-it-all-off" phase.
I tried disabling SuperFetch service in Vista and completely diabling disk caching. I was quite afraid that this will really worsen things up, howerver, it did not. In fact, it had no effect on the HDD activity. Also, it lowered my score in 3dmark for some reason, but it came back after few restarts. The imporatant thing is that it noticeably increased my boot up speed. Sidebar with all gadgets is there up and running after approx. 3-5 sec. afrer login. Before, it took about 10-15 sec to load. So far I haven't noticed any side effect of diabling SuperFetch and caching, RAM usage stays cool, max usage about 50%. -
One more issue to discuss, if I may:
I happen to have worse performance in 3dmark06 after I OC the processor via DirectConsole. Particularly in the next to last demo with a flying boat and a dragon. It is most noticable shortly after beggining of the demo where the ships slowly enters the canal and flies close by the camera. Four distinctive consecutive freezes occur in this moment. Without OC, it is quite smooth. Any ideas why this happens? -
Hi guys. I am thinking of buying a G50V and upgrading the harddrive and optical drive to ssd and blue-ray myself.
I have a lot of desktop customization experience but I've never dealt with a laptop. I read through the disassembly guide for the G50V. The HD and Optical bays seems pretty accessable. Is it really as easy as unscrewing the covers and taking the bays out? And are there any foreseeable bios issues with installing a ssd or blue-ray player? -
But this is all in principle. In real life, things may be different.
Hi guys, quick question for ye...I grew up with Mac's so wasnt used to the whole Windows set up...Now on my G50 my C drive is almost other 3 partitions are empty...Need advice or someone to point me in the right direction to sort this out...Maybe my program file on 1 drive and my files on another....Is there a way i can do this now without loosing all the data i have on my laptop??
Please any guidance would be much appreciated...Thanks -
Just downloaded Windows 7 beta. Just got a quick question before I uninstall my current OS, Vista. Does all the utilities like power4gear and directconsole work? And does the webcam work?
Can a couple G50v owners do something for me?
Go to command prompt, type
powercfg -a
and tell me what sleep modes it supports? mine says standby S3 is the only available mode.
I'm getting so sick of my G50v crashing when going to sleep. It'll shut off the screen like it's going to sleep, but won't successfully sleep. It's intermittent though, only happening maybe 10% of the time. -
mine is only supporting S3 as well....
What kind of battery life are you guys getting? I hear 2 hours or so...
(Not gaming of course, possibly wifi on, web browsing, word processor)
Thanks -
Right, I shall be getting my Asus g50vt-a1 in the next few days,
can anyone please refer me to a detailed manual of which programs are safe to remove and which are not?
my knowledge is high, no need to give me help or instructions just program names as i hope to do this as fast as possible. -
I would delete everything except for turbogear, direct console, expressgate and of course all the drivers.
I can't remember on top of my head, what all the unnecessary softwares are but some of them are: splendid, checkmail, live update, norton antivirus trial and some webcam software. -
Thanks David,
anyway, what kind of performance should i be expecting form top, top games like GTA IV ? -
One more question though,
how reliable is this laptop? I mean how is the build quality, like will those fancy LED bars on the back just die or fail after 5-6 months or 1 year or something?
does the screen become shaky when you move the laptop after months of usage?
will it go banana after a moderate knock? -
Mine only supports S3
I recommend Partition Magic (Windows, commercial) or qtParted (Live Linux -- can run from a CD -- free).
I think people have reported that the ATK drivers and utilities do not all work well in Windows 7. This can lead to some power management issues and hotkey functionality loss.
March 1st, indexed some new links.
Guys, i need your help...For some reason the sound has stopped working on my G50?? I tried and tweaked every setting i know..
-The sound plays through a speaker/Headphones but NOT the Laptop Speakers
-The 'Explosion' sound at the start still plays so the speakers still work
-If i have a headphone/external speaker connect AND tap the laptop around the speakers then the sound plays through the speaker so they speakers are now acting as as microphone...I have tried everything setting to change it but i'm stuck
Please if ye have any suggestions i'd be delighted
Thanks -
The first thing to try would be to remove and reinstall the audio drivers (possibly get a recent version and install it, instead of the older one you may have).
Thank for the response...i've tried all different drivers...same problem
However i think i know wats wrong...when i plug in a headphone into the headphone jack 'No message appears that its in' but the message appears for the other 2 jacks....
the latop thinks there is a headphones alwaays its a hardware issue with the headphone jack...
Anyway i could fix this?? -
I thought about hardware but the fact that the ASUS sounds plays upon bootup goes against it. Unless the headphone test is only implemented in the driver and not at the BIOS level.
If it is indeed hardware, I am not sure how it can be fixed besides changing the headphone jack.
To make sure it's not a software problem with Windows you could run a Live Linux (Ubuntu, Knoppix etc) and see if the speakers work there. -
Okay...i bought the G50Vt-A1 and reformatted it to XP and installed all the drivers in the CD save the graphics drivers (using Dox optimized) and everything works fine
but yesterday i plugged in a memory stick pro duo and my laptop BSOD'd and restarted and it kept BSOD'ing until i removed the pro duo
i already updated my drivers with vista 32bit drivers from the asus website but it still BSOD's so does anyone know which driver to get?
another irritating problem i have is the fact on my headphones, left is right and right is left....the sound is inverted and i cant do anything about it and i believe i already updated the audio drivers on this laptop -
Back to the sound problem again...
-The speakers work perfect in Express Gate but if i plug in a headphone jack nothin happens??
is this normal or should the headphones work on express gate??
I never used it before so i cant remember
Please someone tell me if this is normal, so then it could possible be hardware problem -
I have same problem. Please help. -
I have my problem down to a faulty headphone jack the laptop 'Thinks' that there is a headphone constatly connected..
So is there anyway i can disable the front jacks by changing a setting or software....??
Please let me know guys..Thanks
G50V Owners Lounge
Discussion in 'ASUS Reviews and Owners' Lounges' started by greyreap, Jul 30, 2008.