really dumb question but does updating those drivers void warranty on the laptop??
ALLurGroceries Vegan Vermin Super Moderator
when I turbo overclock the T9600 in the direct console my CPU speed goes from 2.8Ghz to a noted 3.1Ghz as seen from the CPU-Z/CPU-ID does that mean its supported from the DC?
ALLurGroceries Vegan Vermin Super Moderator
Hello guys!
I just received my G50Vt-A1 today from NewEgg. I have to say it is an AMAZING machine!!!
I just updated the firmware to version 209 - posted on the Asus site. Didn't have a keyboard lag problem, but figured I might as well have the latest. Also, I downloaded de 180.48 from LaptopVideo2Go.
Now, what I'm trying to figure out is if I can have the drives work on RAID. They came with four partitions - around 110GB each one. Normally I would see some kind of option on the BIOS to set the drives on RAID config. I know I can go the software "RAID"/Dynamic HD route, but it would be sweet for them to be hardware RAID'ed.
I know, I figure doing this would mean popping the recovery disk and installing everything from scratch, but... what the hell! I bought this laptop for a reason
Also, have any of you decided on some form of external sound card? I looking in direction of the X-Fi Surround 5.1 Thoughts?
Catch ya later! -
Okay, as an answer to my own post, I found out the answer
I applied the old adage: RTFM!!!
Found the option in the BIOS and how to configure the RAID volume. It's on the Appendix of the manual. I set a RAID 0 with a stripe of 64Kb; kinda like the middle ground.
I know all about the risks of RAID 0, but in my whole time using them on my desktop - over 2 years - never have I had a problem. Also, I'm kinda paranoid, so I have my backups ready.
I'm currently re-installing everything.
Can't wait! -
Good luck with RAID! I'm thinking about doing the same thing when I get mine, although I will test and bench it first in its stock form so I can quantify the differences. Let us know how it works out.
Well, everything has been installed back on - OS and driver wise. No big problems. What I did was use the Windows Vista recovery CD that came with the computer. It installed the OS but nearly no drivers; those I had to look for. I used the ASUS Driver CD to install most of the applications.
So far so good, I'm enjoying it. I do notice and improvement on how fast Windows itself loads. I shall be installing WoW and FO3 to see how loading times change. -
I just recieved my asus G50 x2 and am very happy with it
. After updating the bios the computer runs perfectly. I am having none of the problems which I have read about on these forums (lucky me).
Hello there!
I was playing WoW, and when I unplugged the machine to move to another room I noticed the framerate fell through the floor. My guess is that it underclocks the video card.
Does anyone know where I can look/edit those settings for the video card? Thanks in advance! -
Hi all,
i am having a little "problem" .. or at last it "feels" wrong. My Display seems to be a liitle to bright. are there any gamma settings i should make?
i use the drivers from -
Those settings are there for a reason; the reason is that batteries are not intended for gaming...
this is regarding my Asus G50Vt-A2 with the T9600 2.8GHz processor. I sent it in for repair to and their tech support team told me that the 2.8GHz T9600 processor was not compatible with the Asus G50Vt-A2 Laptop. Soo they switched out the T9600 and placed in the T9400 Processor into my laptop. They also gave me the $525 difference back.
I checked on their website recently that they took out the T9600 option. -
Do all the G50vt versions come with the tv tuner feature so I can just plug in the coaxial on the side?
I know for sure the X1 does not, not sure about the rest
ALLurGroceries Vegan Vermin Super Moderator
So basically its there for "display", as in... its part of the chassis but on the back, it leads to nowhere? Is it possible to make it work?
Does anyone know if the G50V motherboard would support the new penryn quad core processors?
I think for the heat vs. performance I would be better suited selling my x9100 and going for one of the quads. I just don't know if the motherboard would support it. From what I understand they have different voltage requirements or something like that.
Anyone who knows for sure (or even has an educated hunch) I would appreciate it. -
ALLurGroceries Vegan Vermin Super Moderator
I have a T9600 and will upgrade to a T9800 ASAP. Same 35W TDP as the stock T9400. Anything higher will have a 45Wish TDP which IMHO is pushing the G50V's cooling capabilities. The Q9100 also has a higher core voltage requirement, 1.05V-1.2125V as opposed to 1.05V-1.162V of the T9400.
Q9100: -
ALLurGroceries Vegan Vermin Super Moderator
P.S. sorry for the dupe post, I am tired -
im not sure if anyone can help me with this..
I just recently bought an LCD tv, and have been using it to watch movies with my laptop and occasionally use it as my monitor to play games.
my issue is sound...i have to go to my sound options and set the HDMI output as default for my sound to work through the tv, doing this of course disables my laptop audio.
however if i want to use my laptop audio again, i need to go and change it agian to the realtek output as default.
is there anyway to be able to use both audio outputs? without having to switch one from default back and forth? -
also one more question can i get my laptop to run its native res on its screen, while i have my LCD tv run its native res while running the same desktop?
ALLurGroceries Vegan Vermin Super Moderator
Hey Guys, qucik question, i upgrade my bios to 209 and now the Direct Console button doesnt work. All of the other touch buttons work, i also tried opening the applacation from the menu and nothing happens. Any ideas??
ALLurGroceries Vegan Vermin Super Moderator
Hi very sorry for thr triple post, some of the other threads were old so i thought nobody would see it, so sorry again, ya i installed all the new ATK drivers twice and still doesnt work, i tried to re-install Direct Console but i cant, i try to uninstall the old version but the status bar goes about 25% and stops and nothing else happens, have to use task manager to exit it. any other ideas? thanks for the help. much apreciated
just installed windows 7 and many asus Utility programs dont work, such as the Power4Gear, the Direct Console and the Splendid utility, also it seems that the webcam doesnt want to work.
anyone got driver tips for this ? -
ALLurGroceries Vegan Vermin Super Moderator
whew . . . . . its been almost three months. Havent gotten into this site for a long time. Glad to be back!
I got my asus G50 a half a month ago, and I havnt had any trouble with it. No keyboard lag too. Arrived in perfect condition.
I didnt know windows 7 was out. -
ALLurGroceries Vegan Vermin Super Moderator -
is anyone else here using their G50v to hook up to a HDTV?
whats the best way to the the best picture possible from the HDMI connection? it just seems that my video isn't as clear for 720p video...
just comparing it to the output of my popcorn hour on another tv i have downstairs -
Check the HDTV, it might be a 420p/1080i with no native support for 720p resolution.
Keep changing the output resolution until you find the sweet spot. -
its native res is 1366x768
i have my output set on my laptop for that resolution, i still find its just not as clear compared to my popcorn hour -
Did you try setting the laptop to 720p not 768p?
Are you viewing the same video as the popcorn hour, the exact same one? Popcorn hour has a 1.3 HDMI spec, I think the G50s have the 1.2 spec.
1.3 is a slight change though...
What do you mean by unclear? -
where as i find the video coming from my laptop to my LCD up here doesn't have the clarity....the fine details you can normally see, seem a tad fuzzy
and yes im watching the same movie...everything i play is off of my NAS...its a central storage area for all computers and media players -
-reinstalled my ATK drivers a few times and DC still wont work
-i installed DC 2.05 from Ken GenTech but it installs as DC 2.0?? Not sure if thats right..
Anyone have a link for DC 2.05 Download and i'll give that another go?
Or try going back to an older bios?? 207?? Currently using 209??
Any ideas would be great thanks -
I originally posted this in the Asus Forum, but this is probably more applicable.
First, I have to say thank you to everyone here for the TOP NOTCH help! I've spent quite a bit of time tweaking my G50V-A2 and after finally solving the freeze/lag issue (no easy task for me), I was ready to start enjoying a movie.
I didn't like the interface for WinDVD, so I got the Cyberlink PowerDVD Ultra. I'm now getting "graphic card incompatibility" errors when I try to play a Blu-Ray disc.
I've tried the laptopvideo2go drivers 179.28, 181.20, and the new 185 drivers with no luck.
Does anyone have experience with this?
Got it: 179.28 works, but the Mobility Modders must not have made the modded inf file native when I tried
What do you use for Blu-Ray? -
Can anyone give me a hint as to what forceware driver I should use? I'm doing my best to up my 3dmark06 score. Also, what do you think should be changed in the nvidia control panel for even bigger score on 3dmark06 and/or gamewise?
Just got my new G50vt-x1! Love it and glad I chose it over the Gateway p805u. Thanks everyone!
reading a bit into my problem....i see that using a vga cable over and HDMI cable to my tv will solve some of the video issues...especially removing the black border around my picture
Is anyone else having problems with their G50-VA1? I got the laptop in the summer a few weeks after it first came out and it has run fine for the most part. Until about a month ago, I play CSS and I get random fps drops from the mid 100's to 10fps and it bugs me, I then play Bioshock on high and dont have a similar problem for the most part, The lcd screen is angering me as well, I get ghosting on my screen every so often where the letters look shadowed in the background in a teal and yellow mix of color, unrelated to the hardware WMI is spiking and eating up CPU cycles randomly especially when I play games, my CPU probe monitor doesn't work, nor will it display on my OLED, My drivers had to be reinstalled 2 times now and even then some functions arent working properly like smart logon.
So these are my complaints and I feel kind of jaded by asus by the fact that they released a revamped VT model shortly after releasing the original model, it seems like they left me in the dark, so if anyone can get me the tech support info that would be great.
tl;dr my computer is acting annoying, asus left me in the dark, I need the tech support info. -
Im using the default driver that came standard with the system.
ALLurGroceries Vegan Vermin Super Moderator
Make sure you are on the latest graphics driver, currently 179.28 for vista x64: -
Hey all, I just got an x1 from BB. One annoying thing I find is the sound control. Using the function keys the jump in volume ticks (for lack of a better word) seems to be quite big. What I find is that I'll jump in a game and it's quite loud but going down one notch will mute it.
Outside of tinkering with each games sound - is there a way to have more control over the increase/decrease of volume using the function keys? -
ALLurGroceries Vegan Vermin Super Moderator
Hey guys, having trouble with Direct Console...I updated the bios to 209 from 203 and then update the ATK driver and DC 2.05 and DC wont work...I have tried re-installing the ATK drivers and DC 2.05 a few times and no good..any ideas?? Maybe go back to an older Bios??
Thanks for any sugestions -
ALLurGroceries Vegan Vermin Super Moderator
G50V Owners Lounge
Discussion in 'ASUS Reviews and Owners' Lounges' started by greyreap, Jul 30, 2008.