Thanks a ton!
If I am using an SSD to boot, is there a reason to install InstantOn?
Asus's animation was not just somewhat childish, it was also so heavy that it displayed a second or two after the volume/brightness had actually changed...
I cant boot after 212 BIOS update i think problem caused by dead iSSD (it died some time ago after 2 days of using)
Is there any solution to run winflash and downgrade BIOS, may be kind of LiveCD? -
Here is a tutorial for Asus UEFI motherboard downgrade using a bootable USB key. I have no idea if that works for a UX32VD but I would take a closer look at this method.
Easy Guide : How to Downgrade ASUS Bios for all UEFI Motherboards -
Hmm nothing shows up on my ASUS live update. The last update I had was regards to the touchpad. -
I think it will be better to returnmy ux32vd, cause issd was alreay dead.
anyway thx for info! -
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2 -
Returning a computer to ASUS is not an attractive option. I had a bad screen when I bought mine and it took them FIVE WEEKS to ship a replacement to the repair shop in Sweden.
Further up-thread, I think someone mentioned quality being a crap shoot with ASUS products. Couldn't agree more. -
I've read a lot of posts that indicates the opposite so I do not believe that this will happen every time.
Ps. My UX32VD will be delivered tomorrow. I've been a bit concered since the RxxxxV model disappeared from the market in Sweden. Now I know why. The new RxxxxH model will arrive in November(Sweden) with Win8 64bit preinstalled. I think I'll pass.
Sent from my GT-I9300 via Tapatalk 2 -
Well, I'm sure hoping that they can handle the latest issue quicker than before. It might have taken even longer if I hadn't got in touch with the place I got it (Inet). I contacted Inet Tuesday of the fourth week and they got back to me the next day, saying that if my computer wasn't fixed by Friday, I'd be getting a refund. It was fixed Friday. Coincidance? Don't know, but they would certainly have more pull than the average, single-purchase buyer off the street.
So rather than go the UPS route this time, I'm going to see if they can fix it in their shop. If nothing else, I avoid having to wait around all day for UPS to show up, as they only specify a day of the week for pickup, rather than a time. And when ASUS sent it back, I wasn't given any notification at all. Strange way of doing business. -
1. Adjust the screen angle several times and see if the left side goes grey. Mine did, but only when I gripped the left side of the screen.
2. See if the iSSD is listed in Device Manager and/or Disk Management. I didn't check this until after I got it back from the screen replacement job. I had the computer maybe 10 days before sending it off, and I did not notice any increase in speed with common tasks during that time, so I'm guessing that mine was faulty straight out of the box or within a few days. -
My problem with iSSD started after updating different drivers from asus support, then issd dissapeared from device manager after 5-10 minutes past logon, actualy dissaperead when caching software tried to access issd.
Another test was done under Linux, using parted all partiotions on issd was deleted and one linux ext4 filesystem was created with size 24Gb,
then I ran linux ext4 filesystem/badblock check utility, and results were awful, more than that after few minutes of checking issd again dissapeared from system now from Linux.
So problem can be with motherboard maybe BIOS IO subsystem and issd can be in normal state but communication between issd and bios or mb controller causing trouble.
P.S. This ux32vd was my second one, first was replaced cause of few dead pixels, bleeding and fan issue.
Second one was again with bleeding, fan issue and little crooked, but there were no dead pixels) oh and with dead issd.
If I knew.. I would never bought this crap, in my country I cant get refund so simple just exchange using warranty. -
My original plan was to install Windows on the iSSD and then swtich to a standard SSD in a year or so, once the prices had dropped. Neither seems like a good idea now. If the iSSD fails after installing Windows there, my computer becomes a paper weight. The same thing if I replace the hybrid drive now and update the BIOS to version 212. And it's not a sure thing that the warranty would apply in either case.
The iSSD problems we're seeing here are likely just the tip of the iceberg. There must be lots of folks out there with faulty iSSDs who just haven't noticed it. After all, even with the dead iSSD, it's still fast. -
Thanks for the tip. I already have a Samsung 830 256Gb SSD waiting to be installed. I will probably use the iSSD as a secure PGP-drive or something.
Sent from my GT-I9300 via Tapatalk 2 -
I bought the ux32vd-r4002v the same day it was released in sweden (2012/06/20, mediamarkt) and two days after that I reinstalled windows7 on the iSSD (32 GB version that gives almost 30 GiB formated) and it is very smooth, havent had a single problem related to the iSSD or HDD.
And the difference in speed is like night or day compared when running from the HDD, so I can recommend people to use the iSSD for system drive.
(and i have updated bios 3 times , 206, 211, 212 and all works fine) Today there's also a new bios called 202 (strange version number tho) but havent tried it yet. -
I installed the 212 bios update, and my iSSD is still there. I have the 24GB version. I have a Samsung 830 256 installed, and am using the iSSD as cache. (I just did an Asus restore onto the Samsung 830 as I didn't have time to do a clean install yet).
Anyone brave enough to try the 202 BIOS? I'm not touching that freak thing with a pole until I hear some positive responses.
People with failing iSSDs, can you tell us the manufacturer/model and capacity that you have? Mine is SanDisk i100 32GB. All is ok with it. -
Hi guys.
I tried the 202 BIOS, but it wont install. I appears as if it's for a different Model, UX32VDA. I'm now running the 212 Version and everything seems okay, except for EFI GOP modesetting in grub (see below).
I've had my UX32VD for about a week now and I can make the following observations - note that I use Linux (Arch x86_64):
- I installed an Intel X-25 G2 SSD (74GB) and it works perfectly. It used to waste about 7 seconds during boot activating the SSD but this was remedied using a Firmware update on the SSD
- I also installed a Corsair Vengeance 8GB SO-DIMM, DDR3-1600, CL10, works without a problem for a total of 10GB ram
- GRUB2 cannot set the native mode of 1920x1080. This adds about 4-5 seconds to the boot time since the modesettings needs to be done when the i915 module is loaded. I wrote to ASUS just now and I wonder if they'll fix the BIOS.
- I haven't really used the internal SSD yet, but copying a few GB seems to work just fine, no problems there, at least for now.
- Pretty much everything works under linux, I have not found a device feature that would not work. The screen brightness is finnicky though, sometimes setting itself to maximum. This will very likely be fixed in a future Kernel release.
What I like:
- Nice display, can be very bright
- The main reason I bought it is the perfect balance of size, weight and extendability. I didn't want a piece that is heavier than 1.5kg but I still wanted to put in extra ram and my SSD.
- The keyboard is pretty good. The layout is pretty normal.
What I dislike:
- The touchpad is pretty terrible. It only has one physical button! This means no multi-click mouse gestures (e.g. hold-left+click-right). It's also badly placed. Palm detection works but you still occasionally raise and drop the palm which registers as clicks. And the click-pad is way to hard and the click noise is very loud. The pointer accuracy is completely fine though, no problem there.
- The battery life for me still kinda sucks. Others reports way better battery lifes, I get about 4.5h. I have all kinds of powersaving enabled and this is not using a bright screen setting.
- The fan noise is somewhat pronounced. There are ultrabooks out there that are more silent.
I like it though. But I hope they will fix the EFI GOP driver. This is currently delaying my boot time by 4-5 seconds, else I would have about 14s from cold to X11, which would be great. -
Asus Zenbook UX32VD Teardown - Page 2 - iFixit -
BTW, as I sad ux32vd with failed iSSD was my second one, first one was ok, except few dead pixels.
Anyway install system on iSSD or keep important data on it is still risky, cause I am not the only one with failed iSSD or ata bus IO problems. -
I doubt if you'll get much response from this as we can't see our iSSDs, at least I can't, not even in BIOS. -
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2 -
but the problem has been solved after several use and recharge.
i wonder the edge in my zenbook not truly align from the right one (see from the bottom) but there no mark been bump or scratch.maybe the ASUS QC screwing up -
Asus error on BIOS post. Disregard.
I'm owner of the UX32VD since about a month. The upgrade capability and the display were my main reasons to buy this notebook (also the speed of my old Dell E4200 kinda sucks). I almost immediately exchanged the harddisk with a Samsung 830 SSD, and also boosted the memory up to 10GB. I now use the 24GB SSD for a Kubuntu installation, and have Win7 on my main HDD. System works fine so far (also wireless using Linux is bad).
But there is one problem, which really bothers me. Since I can't get Win7 into the Grub boot manager, I chose to press ESC at start and decide which system to use. This would be fine, if it was not about something weird going on with Ubuntu. I set Win7 partition as default partition, so this should always come up, when I don't press ESC and chose Linux. But every time I boot into Linux this default set in the Bios changes. Then next time it starts, the system would boot into Linux.
Anyone have an idea, what I can do about this? -
Hello Everybody!
I'm also owner of the UX32VD-4002V, bought it in Germany about 2 month ago. From the very beginning I just installed Windows 8. Everything so far works smooth and well. However, I have very annoying issue - USB 3.0 doesn't work under Windows 8. When I stick USB 3.0 device It says: "the last usb device malfunctioned and windows does not recognize it". if I disable USB 3.0 support in BIOS (212) everything works fine, but with USB 2.0 speeds. To verify hardware issue I just rolled back to Windows 7 (pure install from MSDN image). After Intel USB 3.0 driver installation I had no any issues with USB 3.0 when running windows 7. So this seems to be pure Windows 8 issue. This happens with many USB 3.0 devices, Memory Sticks as well Hard Drives.
Does anybody of you has same issue with USB 3.0 under Windows 8? -
Received my UX32VD a couple of days ago. I have been trying to move all partitions from the original HDD to my new 256Gb Samsung 830 SSD but I can´t get it to work. I know it´s not necessary and it will probably end up with a clean install anyway but now I´m getting curious. I would really like to have the recovery partition moved and bootable. I saw the SYSTEM(Not OS) partition aswell which seems to be the one that the laptop boots from. EFI? Does anyone have any ideas about where I can find a working guide on how to proceed? I would like to have the SYSTEM and Recovery partition moved and the SSD bootable into recovery mode. So far I´ve just had the Windows Boot Manager started and it claims there is a fault with missing files.
Jocke -
Hi to everyone. Just have bought UX32 with Core i7. Very disappointing thing is 2-pin power adapter, probably without proper grounding. Every time when the notebook is plugged to the wall power supply I feel that it passes the electricity thru it’s top lid (there is a weird tingle feeling when I touch the lid with a finger and move the finger). I have noticed the similar messages in UX31 thread but surprisingly nothing here. Was this problem solved in UX32 and it's only my laptop's fault? Are there any 3 pins adapters for this notebook?
Sorry for my English, it’s a second language -
How can I start having things automatically save in my D drive? I have 500GB version one and two drives show up. O.S (C) and Data (D). C is almost filled up. I want to have it where when I download anything it saves to the D drive.
/Jocke -
Anyone having problems with their ASIX USB 2.0 to Ethernet adapter? During large downloads they will fail after a while. Sometimes after 20 Mb and sometimes after 200Mb downloaded. I have tried to transfer files within my network and it works fine but downloading from Internet does not. I´ve disconnected the adapter and tried through the WLAN and it works fine. Both LAN and WLAN goes through the same Router. Faulty adpater? Checked the driver and it should be the latest according to ASIX homepage.
//Jocke -
Guys, does replacing the standard HDD in UX32VD by an SSD makes it lighter? Does it also improves battery life a bit?
Which inexpensive yet fast 256Gb SSD would you recommend? -
I utilized the Samsung 830, and got it for 160 when it hit a sale on amazon. There aren't a lot of models you can use, as it has to be 7mm, so I can only think of the samsung, the crucial m4 (7mm version) and the ocz vertez low profile. There might be others, and you can also buy a 9mm and take the ssd part out of the case, but that would void your warranty. -
Thanks. About the SSDs, I'm deciding between the Samsung 830 and the 840 (non-Pro version). Which 8Gb kit do you recommend? I found this one: Corsair Vengeance 8GB (1x8GB) DDR3 1600 MHz (PC3 12800) Laptop Memory (CMSX8GX3M1A1600C10): Computers & Accessories -
I used the following memory as it had a CAS of 11, matching the built in and keeping the memory at 1600.
Patriot Memory Signature DDR3 8GB 1600MHz SODIMM (PC3 12800) PSD38G16002S
The main reason I went with the Samsung 830 was cost, as I just got a great deal on it. (it didn't hurt that it was also 7mm in height)
For the RAM you need to get one that matches the timings and speed of the soldered DRAM on the motherboard so you can keep the dual channel for the first 4GB. I have installed this one and it works in dual channel mode: - Mushkin Enhanced Essentials 8GB 204-Pin DDR3 SO-DIMM DDR3 1600 (PC3 12800) Laptop Memory Model 992038
This RAM module is also 1.35v which should theoretically generate less heat and consume less power.
Good luck! -
Ive own the asus 32vd for a month now but i want to upgrade the ram and SSD. From what ive understand, i want to buy 1600MHz Cl11 memory, so this is what i have in mind: Kingston Technology Company - Kingston Memory Search - Search Results for: KVR16S11/8 Is this any good?
And also, about the SSD, can i clone my HDD to the SSD (im looking at the Samsung 830, 256GB) , i.e. not do a fresh Windows 7 insallation? How do i do this and what are the pros/cons?
If i wans to do a fresh install, how do i do this, do i use some kind of recovery disk or where can i download a legal windows 7 image and use the same licence that i got when i bought the computer? -
Hello friends,
installing OS on iSSD I've lost the ability to access recovery partition by pressing F9, actually I'm not able to recover original windows installation, I'm trying it in all the possible ways...
Could someone send me a backup of original partition table/MBR?! I think it's possible using disk genius or parted magic, please help me! -
I found some SO-DIMM DDR3-1600 CL11 kits there too, which one of these would be the best? A-DATA Premier Pro Series 8 GB Single DDR3 1600Mhz CL11 SODIMM Laptop Memory AD3S1600W8G11-R: Computers & Accessories Kingston ValueRAM 8GB 1600MHz DDR3 (PC3-12800) Non-ECC CL11 SODIMM Notebook Memory (KVR16S11/8): Computers & Accessories Patriot Memory Signature 8GB DIMM DDR3 CL11 PC3-12800 (1600MHz) PSD38G16002: Computers & Accessories Patriot Memory PSD38G16002H Signature 8GB DDR3 CL11 PC3-12800 1600MHz DIMM with Heatshield: Computers & Accessories Patriot Memory Signature DDR3 8GB 1600MHz SODIMM (PC3 12800) PSD38G16002S: Computers & Accessories - Crucial 8 GB DDR3 1600 MT/s (PC3-12800) CL11 SODIMM 204-pin 1.35V/1.5V for Mac (CT8G3S160BM): Electronics -
I erased HDD as well and I need recovery partition for UX32A
If have dvd.iso will be great upload somewhere
regards V. -
MY UX32VD's LCD just died. I cannot get an image to come up even during the boot process. Anyone have this problem?
A new revision of UX32VD named UX32VD-R4002H with Windows 8 is now for sale in several Swedish shops.
I hope the screen bleeding and fan behavior is fixed, although it seems like it's the same hardware as before.
Anyone has any information on the new revision? - - RAM Test -
Desktop Boards — Single, dual, triple, quad, and flex memory modes
ARK | Intel® Core -
The manufacturer also can implement different channel configurations, many notebooks are single channel even though the CPU and chipset are dual channel capable. The UX32VD is indeed dual channel capable, but still adheres to the rules on the link for dual channel:
Rules to enable dual channel mode
To achieve dual channel mode, the following conditions must be met:
Matched DIMM configuration in each channel
Same density (128 MB, 256 MB, 512 MB, etc.)
Matched in both Channel A and Channel B memory channels
Populate symmetrical memory slots (Slot 0 or Slot 1)
Configurations that do not match the above conditions revert to Single Channel mode.
The following conditions do not need to be met:
Same brand
Same timing specifications
Same DDR speed
Memory channel speed is decided by the slowest DIMM module populated in the system.
The webpage is for the actual intel branded desktop boards which may be designed or implemented differently by other manufacturers. -
Asus UX32vd owners lounge.
Discussion in 'ASUS Reviews and Owners' Lounges' started by Hendrickson, Jul 31, 2012.