I have the new Crucial M500 SSD. I replace the Hitachi drive with it, and then plug an Asus external disc drive, but it just doesn't read the Ultimate disc at all. I wonder what happens
EDIT: Never mind, I got myself a new ISO off the web, put it in my USB and installed off it. It was a Great Success, now downloading drivers on my laptop. It was way easier than I thought it would be. (though The screen turned off rght after finish installation and when I turned it back on again, it went like the first time u bought a computer (windows setting up computer for first time use)), seemingly Disk drives are not very friendly for Windows installation for me, or it was my disc >_>
Thanks for everyone's help
signo3d likes this.
any solutions for the fan issue?! My right fan is going insane sometimes.. pretty annoying
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Have you double checked the temperatures when it does?
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
What about the other temperatures in the machine like the southbridge?
Does anyone with the DS72 variant (or anyone without the HDD by default) know if the iSSD is absent?
I am worried about the iSSD dying if I get this notebook. Does this problem look resolved on the more recent batches?
EDIT: I got the DS72 anyway and it in fact does not have the iSSD, and uses a slightly different BIOS. -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
What about the southbridge (ICH).
In Arch I am around 48-50C although I have much less processes running then Windows 7/8.
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Cool, i'll have to keep that program in mind
Welp, I really did it this time. I broke my power port on my UX32VD. I took off the back and inspected it. There are 7 pins to desolder to get the thing loose. It also appears as if I need to remove the motherboard to get the part out of there. I called ASUS and they quoted me $97, which isn't too bad, but the part is only $10 so I am strongly considering doing it myself. I think I can handle the soldering, but taking off the board is kind of a black hole for me. I really don't know what to expect. ASUS refused access to the service manual also.... :\.
So, anyone have any experience with this repair? Does anyone have a guide for removing the board? Should I just stop trying to be man and send it to ASUS? Support told me I could go to best buy too, but I'm not sure if I trust them. Also requesting a quote from cheapsquad, a place that is local to me.
Here's the damage if you can tell from the pic: http://i.imgur.com/GhRXAmg.jpg
The part: Replacement DC Power Jack Socket Asus Vivobook Zenbook UX31A UX31 UX32VD X201E | eBay
Wish me luck! -
Also, I apologize for just barging in before learning a bit more about the site
. Hi, I'm Dan. I found the repo of repair manuals but it looks like the UX32VD is not in there or goes by another name. I'll try to catch up a bit more on what's available here in the meantime. Thanks!
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Most places will be able to do a jack repair for you, it's bread and butter work but I would only use a place I properly trust.
Been away a while. Has anyone figured out why the fans kicking on happens? I ask because I do not have this problem. I run 3 monitors a music DAW Studio one so using external sound card (Audiobox USB), IE open and surfing. My temps are 135F to 145F but even at 150F (I think 65/66C) no fans.
So I feel lucky. Almost 1 year. My point I guess is the excessive fan activity is not "normal". I hope you guys figure it out.
You guys can set your cooling policies to passive in "Power 4Gear" by pressing advanced options twice. -
Hey all, I recently picked up a ux32vd 72. ive had this laptop for about a month and everything has been great... Until a few days ago when i turned on my laptop to find it flickering, i did a quick search and updated my geforce graphics card driver, but the flickering persists. I tried to disable the intel card, and then the geforce card to see if that would solve the problem, neither did
i created a short video of what it looks like
(it flickers when plugged in and with battery power)
anyone know what the issue could be? -
I wonder if it's a loose video cable. If you move your screen does it stop?
The YouTube video you linked is marked private, so we can't see it. -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
The video comes up as private for me but yes the screen cable is the first thing to check.
thanks for the reply, i made the video public
MUTE_20130924_161447.mp4 - YouTube
the screen flicker comes and goes, but not when i move it -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Are you near any sources of interference like a microwave?
I'm wondering if there are any UX32VD owners who might tell me where I could buy some Tor-X screws of the same type that are used on the back cover?
I've upgraded my RAM and HDD, however I seem to have lost one of the screws in the process.
Thanks! -
it seems you can order on the Asus site:
Lot de vis torx pour Zenbook Asus UX32 - cover divers -
You can search for Zenbook screws on eBay, usually they're sold in sets but they will definitely have the Torx ones you need. Can't hurt to have a few spares, and might be easier than dealing with a lesser known 3rd party site.
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
It would require opening the screen housing and checking the cable at the back of the panel.
Just wanted to put this out there if anyone has the same problem, and it may already be posted in this forum, but I do not want to scan 150 pages to check honestly. The other night I left my laptop charging as usual. I woke up and it was EXTREMELY hot (Nearly too hot to pick up). I turned it off and let it cool down. When I turned it back on later that day, the laptop works fine, but the charging cable was blinking orange and green, and it refused to charge. After some research, it looks like a battery issue. To fix it, I removed the battery.
1) Remove the torx screws on the bottom of the laptop
2) Unscrew the long battery near the top (by the screen hinge) of the laptop.
3) Unplug the battery cable from the mobo (be careful, its kind of a pain, especially trying to get it snapped back in flat)
4) With battery unplugged, hold down power button for ~ 1 minute
5) Plug batter back in, plug in computer, start computer.
6) Hopefully it is now charging again and you can put your laptop back together.
Disclaimer: I have NO IDEA what caused my laptop to overheat, but if anyone else has this issue, I would like to possibly help them. If this does not help, I am sorry, but Asus wanted me to pay them to fix it (told me it was out of warranty even though my box says 2 year warranty and I have had it 14 months....) and I refused to be without my laptop for weeks.
Hopefully this helps someone, and sorry if it's already posted here. -
What is the best current option for fixing the touchpad?
I have searched and read through this thread, and find several references to a specific Elantek driver (Samsung branded), but all links to it are broken and I am unable to find it.
Basically I am hoping to disable the touchpad-functionality on the buttons themselves. When I use it now, about one in three times when I doubleclick, the mouse moves enough for it not to register as a doubleclick - driving me absolutely nuts. -
Honestly, I have no problems with my touchpad, but maybe I'm either a) not very picky or b) really lucky to not have problems. I do have my own question here however. I use a Logitech M570 wireless trackball. I love it but hate the 'Unifying Receiver' BS. Anyone have any insight as to whether or not I can add some sort of internal USB port to put it INSIDE my computer? I have broken 2 of these by leaving the receiver in the side of my laptop in my bag. I will take it apart this weekend and take a look either way.
Issues I'm expecting
1) Is there any open mini pci-e port to add anything on to? Or any other way I could accomplish it
2) Is hardware 'whitelisted' so that my bios will only boot with regular hardware.
Thanks in advance for any insight. -
I'm having wifi issues every now and then I tend to disconnected from my router, this just started happening. I have Ivy Bridge bought June 2012. I did a virus scan using Kaspersky and a Malware bytes scan and they did find some threats but removed them. I have no idea what else I can do find the problem and fix it.
I had updated to the latest WiFi software from Intel and found it dropped connections a lot. I rolled back the driver in the device manager and now everything is working ok again.
If all else fails you can uninstall the WiFi card, check the box that says "delete driver software for this device," scan for hardware changes, and it will reinstall the card using the stock Windows 8 drivers. They work pretty well. -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Or you can try a different set if you have not updated.
Wait - so nobody else than me has problems with the touchpad buttons? That the cursor moves when you tap the buttons?
You might try other drivers from the french site, station drivers. Search for anything Elan. I can't link to the driver here since the site doesn't allow direct links. -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Do you double tap or double click? Getting used to tapping to click usually is worth it as it gets you a better experience with all touch pads.
I just installed win 8.1 and had to reinstall my touchpad driver. Ive been using this Elan Driver its the latest from Station-Drivers and its been extremely responsive so far.
I have a weird issue with my screen, it started happening a few weeks ago and im not sure what to do about it. Its only noticeable if there is a dark background on the screen. Anyone else experiencing this kind of anomaly? Should I speak with ASUS?
Notice the white line marks towards the left center of the screen
Hey Guys,
Can somebody tell me how I can set the system to use the Nvidia graphics instead of the Intel 4000? Next, how can I ensure if the Nvidia graphics is really being used and not the Intel one?
I go to power management setting and set to maximum performance. I do the same in the Intel Graphics Control Panel. Next I check 'Performance Information and Tools' (WEI) and it shows the Intel 4000 graphics is still in use. Restarting does not affect this.
In the Nvidia Control Panel, -> Manage 3D Settings, there are two tabs: Global Settings where I have selected 'Use Nvidia Processor' and, there is a 'Program Settings'. There I have set Adobe program to use Nvidia Processor while some such as IE, Firefox, VLC are set to use INtegrated graphics. This is confusing. Does it means both graphics can be used at the same time and each application can use which GPU to use? How is that possible?
I also tried disabling the Intel Display Adapter in Device Manager and while it deactivated the Intel GPU, it doesn't enable the Nvidia GPU and Windows falls into using its basic built-in video driver and, WEI index falls down to 3.2.
Thanks in advance. -
It looks like I found the answer to my own question: The discrete Nvidia GPU in this ultrabook is of Optimus type which means it cannot run on its own as a standalone GPU. It only runs alongside the Intel 4000 GPU and one can have it activated per each application separately. Somehow, like Nvidia Tesla cards, I guess, right? Optimus can also be set to automatically start using the Nvidia processor when a 3D intensive application runs.
Correct me if I am wrong? -
Correct 100%.
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
You can also tell it to run any application on the GPU if you find it hard to tag which EXE you need to run.
I upgraded my ux32vd from Windows 8 to 8.1. I now have a watermark that says secure boot is not properly configured. Googling tells me I need to enable secure boot in the Bios. However I don't see that in mine. I updated to 214 but no change. If it matters this machine was delivered with Win 7. I thought there should be an option for csm or secure boot?
Also this machine us straight stock - no upgrades and no SSD. Just what it came with.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4 -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
You can remove that watermark as it makes no difference to how you were running under 8.0.
Two Brilliant Ways to Remove Watermark from Windows 8.1 Preview Copy
I did NOT test, I stay with WIN8. I read to many problems with 8.1 and not usefull without touchscreen... -
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
If you came with windows 7 then your bios does not support it.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk -
Microsoft have issued a fix for the Secure Boot watermark problem.
Update removes the "Windows 8.1 SecureBoot isn't configured correctly" watermark in Windows 8.1 and Windows Server 2012 R2
Asus UX32vd owners lounge.
Discussion in 'ASUS Reviews and Owners' Lounges' started by Hendrickson, Jul 31, 2012.