Isn't that what I want? If the processor speed is capped then the battery life will last longer
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
You can also specify it yourself, see below page for more info.
How does windows "limit" the CPU (Power Options / Battery saving) - Super Userjwdink likes this. -
Has anyone gotten three finger swipe to work in firefox or chrome with the original drivers? Switching to generic elan drivers led to an extremely oversensitive tap-to-click.
I would like to know where I can buyA digitizer for the Asus tai chi, as mine is cracked and I wish to use mind touchscreen capability again. Where can I buy the entry in the sense digitizer for the Asus tai chi or a replacement digitizer of some sort that will work? Please reply if you know or email [email protected]
Hello everyone AND happy owners of a Taichi
I have a very strange issue....
I have a TAICHI 31 who was under Windows 8, i upgraded to Windows 8.1 (not important because the problem was already in Windows 8.0), and NO extra issue after upgrade,
So, the problem : Since first day, on TOUCHSCREEN (LID) i can't touch anything in the border with FINGERS. (Start Tip, Charm Bar etc..) but i can still touch it with digital pen (wacom). I can see an "effect" when my finger touch the screen, but no real action happens.
I can touch the entire touchscreen with digital pen, and only center of the screen with finger is responding.
IMPORTANT ---> That lack of reaction is ONLY in "desktop" mode, i have no problem in "Modern UI" mode with tiles, i can touch the entire screen with finger, all is responding correctly.
I'am open to all suggestions...
Thanks for your help... -
Taichi 21 Bluetooth-problem:
I am trying to connect either a Nokia Lumia 800 or an Apple Magic Mouse.
After a couple of hours of updating Intel BT-drivers and Apple drivers, the mouse suddenly appeared under "Manage Bluetooth devices" only to disappear and not come back again. I changed the batteries, but no joy. The Nokia has yet to appear at all. Anybody else with erratic BT behavior? Suggestions?
The funny thing is that the Nokia finds the Apple Magic Mouse...
ASUS' own support page does not give much help:
ASUSTeK Computer Inc. -Support- Troubleshooting TAICHI21
Other links I have used:
How To Configure An Apple Magic Mouse To Work On A Windows PC
...which lead to Getting Magic Mouse to work in my Window 8 ASUS Taichi |
This laptop is way to expensive to be thrown out from fourth floor. -
Another Tachi21 owner here! I'm also longing for driver updates to support Windows 8.1. I hope everybody here frequently contacts Asus support to remind them of this issue so they release an update beta/release.
This can occur if you have performed a calibration of the outer touch screen. Try going into control panel, then tablet or touch options (not sure what it is called), and erase the calibration. (note that there is a separate calibration for touch and pen on the outer screen.) I hope this is the solution.
Another touch issue people may notice:
When moving the finger around on the outer touch (to say scroll, or draw on the screen) it may glitch, and jump around sometimes. This can be due to the device being plugged in to the charger, which is (or may be) ungrounded. See Youtube video: Video 34: Touch Screen Glitch - Asus Transformer Prime Video (TF201, TF300, TF700) - YouTube (different Asus product, but same type of problem)
(If you don't want to unplug the charger then another solution is to touch any other part of exposed metal on the laptop with one hand while using the touch screen with the other)
Maybe your support representative has a newer beta for us?
And for everybody owning a Taichi21:
Frequently contact tech support and remind them to keep working on Windows 8.1 drivers! -
Thanks to you Xrays, i will try to erase calibration in tablet options (Pen and Touch actually) only for Touch and i will give you a feedback about it. (cross fingers)
Happy days! Well hopefully, just spotted a new graphics driver ( on the ASUS download page. Will be trying when I get home so no feedback yet...
My Taichi31 on windows 8.1 had been working pretty well, finally, with the Closed Lid 1.9 beta (thanks for that link) and (I think) graphics driver. I had been unable to update the graphics driver further however, receiving a you have to use a driver from your manufacturer type message.
Hopefully this means time to get back to just enjoying my device as it was meant to be!SCadete likes this. -
Thanks in advance
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk -
Don1 - You're not wrong. So much for thinking Asus would have only put something up there if it actually worked. I couldn't get any display on the touch screen at all. If I tried to switch display from the menu then I got a squashed display on the laptop side instead. In laptop mode the display seemed okay but I didn't really keep it installed long enough to know for sure.
Prudenteyes - I would say maybe 99% problem free in windows 8.1 using the 1.9 beta close lid from on the forum and graphics driver. I think I may have needed to restart once or twice, but so few times I can't actually remember for sure now. Not sure about Widi as I don't use it. Overall I'm definitely happier on windows 8.1 vs 8 now. -
Yes, I had all of that as well. I tried installing it using setup.exe and using driver update from within device manager and neither made a difference. As I said for the few minutes it was installed I noticed that widi was available at the bottom of settings/devices/project with a "connect to a different external display" link which then brought you into a new panel where your device would be recognized and allow you to connect. Unfortunately with all the other issues that is kind of useless. Hopefully they release a fixed version soon.
Sent from my iPhone using TapatalkSCadete likes this. -
Do they have a forum that they actually monitor? Do they even know this is garbage? Is there anyway of letting them know? -
I don't think Asus has any forums for the Tachi like they do for some other products. We have to keep contacting Asus via their support, and maybe writing on their facebook page? -
Good news!
Asus has released a bios update regarding Windows 8.1.
Please report how this works for you. -
Now that I have looked at that new BIOS it's sole purpose is to fix the issues caused by the new VGA driver. In that case I will try both and see what happens.
Didn't get too far as the BIOS doesn't match what I currently have so says Winflash so I can't even try it.
That new update is for I guess they stopped fixing problems for us who only have the TAICHI21 -
I have been using a Taichi21 for a while now, but only recently upgraded to Windows 8.1. After the upgrade, I noticed that the inner screen is completely non-functional, and the outer touch screen only seems to work (but without any touch functionality). No amount of closing and opening the lid, flicking the touchscreen enabling button on the side, or any other methods will get the inner laptop screen to work.
Looking through the Device Manager and Asus Home programs has led me to think that the system now thinks that my outer touchscreen is actually the inner screen, and is treating it as such (i.e. no touch functionality). No other screen is detected, which means that the system is completely ignoring the existance of one of the two screens.
I have tried upgrading the drivers to the version (dated 22 January 2014 in device manager, but 20 February 2014 on the Asus Taichi support website). This did not improve the issue at all.
Upon reading this thread, it appears that a particular combination of Bios version, Asus CloseLid, and Graphics Drivers are needed to restore full functionality under Windows 8.1. However, I have not yet found this exact issue anywhere else. Any advice would be appreciated. -
Flashed the new bios (208 for Taichi31) followed by installing the graphics driver. Was already on windows 8.1 with close lid 1.1.9.
One possible slight issue with brightness, some times when changing to touch screen it seems to come on at full brightness, though can adjust it back down with the slider no problem. Think it is just when the ambient light sensor is on and not necessarily every time.
Hopefully this continues to work as well as the first impression, if so I think I'm finally there! Or until windows 8.2 at least... -
Link to Microsoft forum:
[Solved] Asus Taichi back screen (lid) not working - Microsoft Community
Good luck! -
Wow, Asus released another bios update today, this time only for the Taichi21. It has version number 210.
ASUSTeK Computer Inc. -Support- Drivers and Download TAICHI21
Please report your results!SCadete likes this. -
Boot into the Bios and then press will flash in the lower right corner. If it's made for the 21A you cannot flash it to the 21, it's incompatible..and I don't really know what the differences between the two are..only that ASUS stopped supporting the 21 ages ago it seems.
Very good news about the bios. It says the 210 is for the 21A but actually it's for the 21. Just updated mine. If everything work fine I'll let you know.
You can see which model you have by running msinfo32 -
Great news! The 210 version worked and with it the latest VGA driver behaved as expected. This is my current software setup:
BIOS 210 for TAICHI21
Close Lid 1.1.9 (Beta, shared previously in this forum)
Intel Graphics Driver
Intel WiDi
I know some of you use WiDi so I tried to see if it was working. I don't have any device to really test it, so I just started the WiDi software. At first there was an error saying that my WiDi software should be reinstalled. I uninstalled and installed again the same version provided by ASUS and the now the software seems to work, at least it shows that's searching for WiDi devices.
Close Lid is working fine and the taichi function too. I tested the auto switch, outer screen touch and rotation.
I wish everything work well for you guys and thanks for keeping this forum, it's being better than all the support I got from ASUS since I bought the TAICHI
Saulo. -
Seems fine with both the BIOS update and VGA driver, although trying to configure WiDi the 8.1 way does not seem to work now. It did with the new VGA and old BIOS but nobody could live with that mess. -
I own a Taichi21 i7 model updated to the latest Bios 210 and VGA driver for windows 8.1. Now the inner LCD wont turn on but the back light is on though(no picture just black). The front touchscreen lcd works fine when the lid is closed. Has Anyone experienced this problem?
I am using closelid 1.1.9 and have restored windows 8 and still no luck. -
What i did find was that it had lost the hardware id of the inner screen. And as i understood the EDID info aswell. I tried to fix this, but it got to be to advanced for me in the end, and since i had the chanse to get a new one...
Something about EDID:
Overriding Monitor EDIDs with an INF (Windows Drivers) -
I also have the inner-screen non-functional issue. I have tried everything from upgrading the Bios to upgrading drivers.
It is interesting what you say about it losing a hardware ID because from what I have gathered by looking in Device Manager, my Taichi simply refuses to recognise the inner screen at all, and instead thinks that the outer screen is actually the inner screen.
I was about to revert back to Windows 8.0, but after reading here that it does not help, I might try this EDID route instead. -
The filename for the Taichi21 is called "TAICHI21AS210". There is an A after TAICHI21... (Luckily the 204 for 21A is named TAICHI21AAS204)
Does ASUSTeK do this on purpose to confuse us? -
There is a new bios update for the Taichi21 model not Taichi21a... about time.. I have already sent my Asus for repair now i hope I will get it back fixed soon...
Skickat från min GT-I9505 via Tapatalk -
I'm yet another victim of the completely non-functional inner screen after the updated, so as it seems this is not an isolated problem, four of us here have had the issue so far.
I own a Taichi21 i7 as well as an i5 model.
The i7 model was the first one to develop problems, with it refusing to enter sleep mode no matter what I try as I posted here:
The problem started after updating all the driver for Windows 8 from Asus page, and still has not been fixed, but both screen still work, just have to manually choose the screen through the taichi software.
Now our second taichi, the i5 model has developed the much more serious issue of a non-functional inner screen.
The i5 model was working fine for a while after updating to windows 8.1 and all the drivers from asus, including closelid 1.1.9, but then one day after normally using it and putting it to sleep, went the next day and tried to turn it on but nothing would come up on the inner screen, nothing at all, no picture just black, not even the backlight in the LCD.
I have tried everything I could, factory restore and have even opened the darn thing to see if there was any problem with the LCD connection to no avail.
This is an extremely frustrating problem, which essentially make it useless. I could live with no screen rotation, no seamless switching of the screen, but without the main inner screen the thing is just worthless.
So far I have had 100% problems with the two I have, and after finding out here that I'm not the only one with the non-functional inner screen issue I think it is just a matter of time before lots of other people start having the same issue with those broken updates from Asus.
I have a chance to exchange them, which I will do but I will probably just sell them at a loss and move on to something else, probably the new ThinkPad Yoga, it doesn't have two screen but seems much better designed than the taichi.
Shame on Asus for releasing such a poorly executed and supported device, first time I'm disappointed with an Asus computer. -
Does the non-functioning inner display problem occur on both Taichi21 and Taichi21a or only Taichi21?
Hello! I am new to here. I would like to buy Taichi 31 model with an i7 processor. Can somebody tell, how the is battery performance under Windows 8.1 in real life conditions such as light use, browsing or working in office 2013?
Sorry for my bad english.
Thx -
Hello! I am searching for a good hybrid ultrabook for a while and i almost buy a Lenovo Thinkpad Yoga model, but it has serious ghosting problem with the LG IPS panel (same used in DELL XPS 12). I readed in forums that it cant be fixed, just change another panel but with the same issue. Dell xps 12 is one year old but dell cant fix because LG is the only manufacturer for 12,5 screens. Just search in google: Dell Xps 12 ghosting or lenovo thinkpad yoga ghosting -
So i finally got it fixed by ASUS service center and they told me its the hardware problem the LCD chip or whatever is non-functioning (pretty sure it was the software that causes this?). They replaced the entire LCD screen for me for free and now it works even with the old bios and no VGA driver installed. My laptop is now updated and working fine. The Asus knew about the problem and was willing to fix it even though my laptop was out of warranty by 1 week.
I have the i5 version of the Taichi 31 and would say I can get roughly 5hours on battery with normal/light use. Possibly getting close to 6hours for very light use.
Not sure if it's a windows 8.1 thing but in the last couple of weeks it seems reluctant to go to sleep automatically so I have been ending up with an empty battery more often than before.
As an aside... 5 hours is enough for me which is why I was happy not to wait for Haswell. Also I find the new Asus hybrids a bit dissapointing so now very glad I didn't wait... for me the Taichi and TX300 were and probably still are the best form factors but I don't think either is getting Haswell as far as I know. There's the T300 but that falls short of the TX300 I think, Sony flip potentially looks the best of the current bunch for me.
Regards -
Thank you for your help!
I think 4-5 hours of battery life will be enough for me. I saw a review with Zenbook ux302 with haswell chipset and it is very interesting if you push the maximum load Taichi and Zenbook make approx. 2 hours.
Light/normal us you can get about +2 hours with haswell.
When Taichi came in to the market I instantly fall in love to this product. I waited very long time beacuse Haswell chipset promise more batery life. But realized by reading forums that there is no perfect hybrid ultrabook product. Sony Vaio Duo 13 terrible wifi, Lenovo Ideapad Yoga 2 Pro too high res, poor wifi, Lenovo Thinkpad Yoga ips ghosting issue, so I decided to turn back to my first love. I hope it will be fine for my. I will have 8 days to return the product and ask my money back if something not according to my ideal picture of this product.Next week it will be arrive, a will make a review and post it in here.
I've had my Taichi 21 for nearly 2 years now and love it, however I upgraded to 8.1 and I lost a default app that was a shredder util that was previously installed? Does anyone know the name of that file shredding utility?
mannie -
Dear bichael!
I got the Asus Taichi 31
I fully updated the Windows 8 and then updated to windows 8.1
After this i updated the bios to 208
I tried the latest intel vga driver and with the factory vga driver from asus website and the brightness controll is not working in tablet mode.
Everything seems fine, but is very annoying that i cant adjust brightness when in tablet mode.
Does your Tachi brightness work in tablet mode? Or do you know any solution?
Hope you're enjoying your new Taichi despite the issue!
The brightness control does work for me in tablet mode.
A few suggestions to try checking but nothing I can say for sure.
Driver wise try the Close Lid v1.1.9 beta version if you haven't already. I still don't think this is on the asus site but should be a link in this forum to download it somewhere. Also check you have the latest ATK, think it's version 1.0.0030.
Usage wise try with and without auto brightness (Fn+A) and also booting up straight to tablet. I sometimes get slightly odd brightness behaviour, I think with auto on when switching between displays (though am still able to adjust with the slider).
Thank you for your fast response!
I installed the beta version of close lid and atk package but it is the same.
It is interesting that when I turn on adaptive brightness, brightness is moving up and down due light condítions in tablet mode, but i think it is a half solution. I also use f.lux program to auto calibrate screen color at night. It is very useful program, you will be sleep better.
f.lux: software to make your life better
Besides this problem everthing works as expected, and it is sooooo beauty!
Maybe I reinstall windows later.
new taichi21 (i7) owner here (got it as a present), and upgraded to win8.1. Everything is working fine (thanks to all who posted here), except I dont have keyboard backlight. Can anyone enlighten me what should I do to get it working? (as the previous owner of the machine told me, it WAS working...) Im pretty sure its not a hw problem, because it blinks, when I reboot the system.
I thought I would reinstall windows (and not just reset windows8), but I have no clue how to do that.
Thank you for your input,
hoher11 -
I have a Taichi 21 (i5) with similar issue. I bought it on ebay sometime back, but started using it only yesterday and realized that backlit is not working. I am on Windows 8 and have not yet upgraded. I have tried refresh and also re-install windows 8 but did not work.
Any help is appreciated.
Asus TAICHI Owners' Lounge
Discussion in 'ASUS Reviews and Owners' Lounges' started by crabnebula, Dec 30, 2012.