Well, I think a recent Win update must have neutralized the Close Lid 1.19
I was the first person on it - it's worked 90% of the time for the past several months, but for the past couple of days, my screen flip has ceased to function altogether.
JeffersonCampervan Notebook Enthusiast
Was your issue fixed ? I am having similar issue for a Taichi purchased on ebay.
Duplicate post..pls ignore.
I experienced this today (actually yesterday, 3/22, as it's already past midnight). Have you found any solution? I tried going back to previous working drivers (graphics 9.17.xxx, ATK, closelid either 1.1.8 or 1.1.9 beta) without any luck.
Edit: Or maybe it was sclui56 who posted it, maybe he can check if there is a newer version? -
Hi, it seems my drivers are up to date an I haven't that issue with the close lid 1.1.9. Have you guys checked in the device manager if its really the latest VGA driver that's being used?
The first time I updated the VGA driver it worked and then rolled back to the 9.x.x. I had to remove it completelly through the device manager and reinstall the 10.x.x
The problem I noticed with the latest drivers is that in the mirror mode, the outer screen is upside down and I can't rotate it. Does anyone know how to fix it?
Thanks and good luck -
Did anyone here have any issues inserting the nib in the stylus?
When I insert the nib all the way in, it doesn't latch on to anything, and will fall out once I turn it around.
I don't believe it's supposed to go any further in - the last indentation sits just at the edge.
Anything I'm missing? You're just supposed to insert it right? Not screw anything into place?
As a temporary solution I've wrapped some paper around the inner part of the nib to hold it in place, but it's not a very sturdy solution. -
I tried updating to 8.1 in early November 2013 and had all sorts of issues. Had to nuke the laptop and start fresh with 8.0. Even had trouble doing that as I couldn't access the recovery partition. Got there in the end though. No problems since then.
Judging by this thread, its still a bit of a gamble upgrading to 8.1? -
Skickat från min GT-I9505 via Tapatalk -
Looks like a new 8.1 update is comming hopefully it doesnt cause any more problems.
My Taichi has been working perfectly since I installed 8.1 and rolled back the video card driver, not sure if ill be the guinea pig with this new update -
Anyone having the same problem in mirror mode? (Outside screen is upside down)
I think it's related to the VGA driver 10.x
Can anyone tell me how to make total factory recovery on asus taichi 21. I tried the one via windows and it has resulted partition D no longer visible. I tried pressing F9 in the start but it appears to have no effect and laptop boots up as usual. Any help?
I also got the keyboard backlight problems. I got the taichi 21 , 3 days ago . Installed Windows 8, no backlight on keyboard.
Upgraded to Windows 8.1 ..... and still no backlight
Anyone .... HELP ! -
You need to press the F9 key two times per second on startup
I downloaded Asus Backtracker and it worked perfectly. I created the factory recovery disk on a usb hard drive. -
Skickat från min GT-I9505 via Tapatalk -
<br />
There is a way built in win 8/8.1 trough the advanced boot options. Guide here: http://pcsupport.about.com/od/terms... Skickat från min GT-I9505 via Tapatalk -
Skickat från min GT-I9505 via Tapatalk -
Hi gays and Gals
Not sure if this is the right place or not, But here goes. I bought a Taichi21 back in December and like all of you have had a few issues. It all seems to be fine now. Win 8.1 with reinstalled drivers that SCadet mentioned on page 12/13 of this forum. So rig is not been used since then and life is taking me another direction so I would like to sell the rig. I have original packaging all items that came with it. As I said use on the rig was limited to making it work and not being the computer guy I must part with it. I will sell it for $950.00 (US) plus shipping if anyone here is interested. Thanks so much for everyones help during the past couple of months this is a great forum
Thanks again -
Just a warning and perhaps a question regarding the new win 8.1 update...
Has anyone else tried to install the win 8.1 update? My Tai became slower then i'm able to describe, reboot takes over 2 minutes now. Also outer screen stopped working.
Uninstalled the update KB2919355 and got the screen working again.
Skickat från min GT-I9505 via Tapatalk -
Didn't notice slower boot or other operations. Of course, I uninstalled the update while waiting for updated drivers... -
Hi guys!
So I have a Taichi31 for 3 weeks, and despite a few problems, I am generally satisfied.
By cons, like you, I tried the update yesterday, and it made me lose touch display.
I will try reinstalling the drivers and the whole shebang, but I do not have much hope, seems inevitable downgrade.
It's still pathetic that a product at this price point is not correctly followed. -
Re guys, well, I tried, as I said yesterday, reinstalling drivers and programs, but to no avail, that damn touchscreen still does not work.
So we have to wait for Asus to move his a.s.s to enjoy our machine fully, especially for it to be updated. -
Someone with the same issue, here:
Google Translate -
Same issue on my taichi21. After installing the KB291935 the outer screen didn't work anymore. Trying to switch only caused the resolution to change on the inner screen.
JeffersonCampervan Notebook Enthusiast
same here - have uninstalled the update. Win 8.1 has never had the consistent seamless screen switching that 8,0 had, but at least it was tolerable once we received Close Lid 1.19 - now we're back to square one.
Damn... This is unbelievable... When they will start to correctly updating the machine?
Same problem here.
JeffersonCampervan Notebook Enthusiast
Go over here - the original 8.1 problem thread has been revived with this issue, starting on page 11:
[Solved] Asus Taichi back screen (lid) not working - Microsoft Community -
Posted on it, thanks.
Guys, I'm stumped!!!
I just bought a used Taichi21 i7 on eBay. It has some minor wear and a bit of a loose bezel on the inner screen, and I am seeing some noticeable screen bleeding on the inner screen (like as soon as I turn the computer on). Considering all this, the inner screen seems to work perfectly.
Here is the real problem: I cannot get a picture on the outer screen AT ALL. I can see the backlight come on and the Windows logo lights up, but I cannot seem to get any picture at all. When I close the lid, it looks like the screen wants to show a picture, but all you see is the black screen with backlight on. I tried shining a light on the outer screen, but I am not able to see a picture that way either.
I am running factory version of Windows 8, using the V9.17.10.2857 Intel graphics drivers, and BIOS 208.
I just tried updating to CloseLid v1.1.9, updating to the BIOS 210, and updating to the v10.18.10.3412 graphics drivers, but there's no change.
Here's the screwy part: The outer screen's touch functions work fine. In "dual screen mode", if I tap the part of the screen where the date would appear, it will register a touch and the clock appear. The entire touch panel is working fine, but I have no picture.
I find it hard to believe that the outer screen is broken since the backlight is coming on.
What do you guys think? Anyone in this same situation? What else can I do for my Taichi? I have yet to see anything on the outer screen at all except for the black backlight. -
Did you try the factory reset?
If you've already done it, try to remove the Graphics Drivers, close_lid AND taichi_display, then, reinstall them.
If it dosen't work, contact Asus for repair.
If you can't, make first a backup of the drivers located in your c: drive, in a folder named "eSupport", then, try to reinstall windows yourself, with a Windows 8 installation disk, update it to Windows 8.1 (without the last big update). After that, install the drivers and all the mess with the wizard of the "eSupport" folder.
Good luck..
Thanks for the quick reply. I'm going to try what you suggested. I'll probably try going to Windows 8.1 first just to make sure. Then if that doesn't work, fresh install Windows 8 on my own and manually install drivers.
I'll have some time to continue working on it today, and I will report back with my results.
Does anyone know how the Asus warranty works on these Taichis? It's got to be over a year since the build date and customer sale date. Am I correct in assuming I will only get a 20% the repair cost since I am a Asus VIP member? I have had horrible exeriences with Asus RMA in the past, what about everyone else with their Taichi? -
I sent it to them (Asus), and they've repaired my TAICHI two times, for free, of course.
If you have your proof of purchase, you can ask for a RMA and free repair.
Try, you have nothing to lose. -
If you cannot get it working under 8.0, going to 8.1 will make it that much more unpleasant.
I'm currently on my 3rd RMA with the same TF701T Android tablet, and Asus hasn't fixed it yet. That's why I'm so weary of Asus RMAs.
Also included in the VIP i think there is free "home pickup" of your device, unless local support instead asks you to send it in.
I returned my 1st one after inner screen stopped working, only backlit but with no picture.
The unit didnt recognice the screen due to lost EDID and/or hardware ID.
Might be fixable if thats it.
Both screens should be called the same very specific name if you look them up in "monitor-info", not "standard screen" or whatever it's called otherwise.
Im running the drivers reccomended for win 8.1 (using win 8.1 and closelid beta ) with no issues.
Sorry that i dont know all the correct terms in English.
Skickat från min GT-I9505 via Tapatalk -
Both of the screens are recognized in the Screen Resolution menu. Both are called Mobile PC Display.
My warranty card states that it is a one year warranty. There is the ADP Accidental Damage Plan that can be used 60 days from the date of purchase, but if I purchased the computer used, does that mean I am ineligible? -
My screens are called something else. Mobile PC display sounds wrong. Have you uninstalled all windows updates installed on your Tai?
Skickat från min GT-I9505 via Tapatalk -
JeffersonCampervan Notebook Enthusiast
I have tried uninstalling all the updates, no good.
I'm now thinking the screen was replaced and now doesn't work. Could someone check and see what the hardware name of the Taichi screens are?
Attached is a screenshot of the Screen resolution menu. The device manager calls both screens Generic PnP monitor, I believe that's pretty standard though.
Thanks for the advice here. I just might try that. I'd like to wait until a weekday to call customer support and see what they say first. Interesting that you didn't have to pay anything after warranty was up. Just wondering, did you complain or did you just send it in like a regular RMA? Thanks.
JeffersonCampervan Notebook Enthusiast
JeffersonCampervan Notebook Enthusiast
I'd expect so - ask them.
I think it's time someone invites one of the Asus support people here...
Skickat från min GT-I9505 via Tapatalk -
Truthfully, I think ASUS has already given us the fix - i.e. do not upgrade to 8.1. -
Skickat från min GT-I9505 via Tapatalk -
Ok Guys,
I've received an answer from Asus, this morning:
Wow, that's a really strange answer to get from a rep.
In other news, I sent my Taichi 21 i7 in for RMA today. Hoping for the best that they won't make me pay for repairs to get the outer screen fixed!
Asus TAICHI Owners' Lounge
Discussion in 'ASUS Reviews and Owners' Lounges' started by crabnebula, Dec 30, 2012.