I am occasionally getting the dreaded blue screen of death and I think it is because I added an extra 8gb of memory.
Does anyone know how to check if the modules are set up in the BIOS correctly?
I went into the BIOS, but I couldn't see an option.
Or does anyone have any other suggestions or experience?
Normal 2.5" SATA laptop HDD -
This is the product: Corsair Memory ? 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3 SODIMM Memory (CMSO8GX3M2A1333C9) - Notebook Memory Upgrades - Memory by Platform
Apparently you have to go into the BIOS and check if the module settings match the tech specs for speed, voltage, latency etc...
Any help is appreciated. -
Just picked up my Asus N53SV B1.. Loving it so far ! Except for the flex around the enter key and the num pad!
Installing bf3 right now, what kind of settings will i be able to play it at? -
Control Panel\System and Security\Administrative Tools\Windows Memory Diagnostics
Zero errors should occur.
Also, please make .dmp files available for us to analyse.
See http://www.sevenforums.com/crashes-debugging/ -
Hi guys, I wonder if someone has found the way to improve the webcam quality? or switched it.
I will pick My new n53sn-sz023v next week.
Specs:Intel i7 2630qm
gt550m,750GB 7,200RPM HDD,2x4GB Ram and
full HD.
I'm thinking of upgrading the ram to 12GB as some
reviewers say 16GB will slow down a system.
Has anyone tried this or is it better to go with 16GB.
Thanks in advace. -
No one has this issue (see below)? Also what's the purpose of the smaller cover on the back side of the laptop? The one in the middle?
http://forum.notebookreview.com/asu...sandybridge-owner-thread-163.html#post8247114 -
Here's the error:
Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: BlueScreen
OS Version: 6.1.7600.
Locale ID: 1033
Additional information about the problem:
BCCode: 9f
BCP1: 0000000000000003
BCP2: FFFFFA800B2A5060
BCP3: FFFFF80000BA2748
BCP4: FFFFFA80110AD090
OS Version: 6_1_7600
Service Pack: 0_0
Product: 768_1
Files that help describe the problem:
C:\Windows\Minidump\020412-31496-01.dmp -
Wow! Sorry to hear about that rockntractor. I know exactly the level of frustration you would've felt. Since people will often have completely different experiences with a particular brand. Maybe what we all need is a Brand Compatibility Aura Checker. Are our bio-electric fields interfering with a particular brands atomic stability?!?!
Thanks dk00111! Any idea where I can d/l that version?
Another issue I'm having is that touchpad will not work after I unplugged the external mouse when I check the "disable when external mouse plugged in" option. Have you experienced this issue w/
Download -> Select model manually -> Drivers -> Touchpad -
Hi everyone,
I am considering purchasing this laptop and I was wondering if it is possible to install 2 Hard Drives in the laptop. I was hoping to have one SSD and one regular HD.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you very much. -
I have one problem with my Atheros 9002 wi-fi card:
1) some time the connection is very unstable
2) is not possile to connect to my Telsey wi-fi router, but all my pc work fine with this router
3) is possible to connect sitecom router the conection work fine
also I Hate my webcam, is very poor in low ligth condiction.
I tried all drivers I find in the asus site and by google. I have a N53SN-SZ237V -
Atheros & Zidas drivers
are the latest. Which do you use. Otherwise buy intel 6230 or so. Make sure you don't loose bluetooth if you use it. -
Is there a wireless card that anyone would care to recommend? Looking for an abgn for 5ghz connections.
Anyone know what's with this error?
Crashes and Debugging - Windows 7 Forums
Please post the minidump for download, or load it in windows debugger (debugging tools for windows).
It's a bad driver. Any foreign driver (e.g. usb) installed?
A 09xf bug usually occurs after ~20 minutes of a standby/resume event. -
nama8137, in your signature I see modified keyboard installed on notebook - how did you do this? Just replace them - or there is some secrets?
Nope, just bought the chicklet version on ebay , popthe tabs at top, detatch ribbon, attach new kb ribbon and push the kb in place so tabs engage. 1 min job
Yep ) it was one more notebook - K53 - replace keyboards )))
hi, can anyone provide a full service manual or detailed instructions to disassemble N53 notebook? I can just find guides to disassemble back cover for ram & hd... i need to remove the front cover, everything. Expecially for reaching the wifi card, graphics cable (motherboard side) and other things.
Thanks in advance! -
I just got my new asus laptop (N53SV)
i'm wondering whats the best way to keep the battery in good condition.
I only take it to school once a week, so during the other days should i remove the battery and just run it off AC power?
OR should i keep the battery in the laptop with the ac plugged in 24.6 ?
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk -
just keep it plugged. This battery has protection from continous charging
i have to set im all my router the "tkip+aes" instead of "aes"....
in telsey router the card use tkip, but in sitecom router use aes....
I have not understood why!!!! -
Can someone tell me about the ASUS N53SV-B1? I mean, personal assessment or review of yours?
It only has a 6-cell battery. How long does it last, generally? 4hrs?
Does anyone know if it works well with Linux? Is the default wifi card, an Intel?
What is a 'fair' or typical price for this laptop? $750?
Thanks. -
++ Rock solid with original 6GB and up to date drivers
++ up to 32 GB
+ Backtrack 5 R1 linux compatible (non-accelerated gpu)
+ USB 3.0
++ Full HD
+ Optical bay replacable by 2nd HDD
- Blue ray drive seems broken now
- Coating on some keys comes off
- HDD slow
- no edge scrolling
- can't disable LED's
- can't lower intensity further
- no firewire/expresscard/esata
-- Azurewave camera slow -
Body is solid
Airflow is great, stays cool with me having an i7. Your i5 should have no problems.
Keyboard takes some getting used to, but I'm great with it now. Similar to jumping to any new machine really.
Screen is great
I put an SSD in mine and it flies. 0 problems -
I can confirm that there are problems when using the 2x4GB upgrade kit from Corsair. Getting lot of blue screens after upgrading. I removed the corsair ram I am returning it. Probably the best thing would be to find similar memory to what is installed already(Hynix).
I was just playing bf3 on Med/high settings with around 27 fps.
I do a lot of electronic simulation and labs and stuff and this thing can handle all of it. The 1080p screen is honesty amazing. Don't settle for any garbage 1366 screen
I got mine about two weeks ago for 699+ tax
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk -
Here's what happened to my N53SN that went to service with dead power:
1) Came back from repair with a "we fixed it tested it" note, the machine booted, but the screen now had several vertical black lines running down it.
2) Back to repair, came back and now the radio (WLAN/BT) is not working at all. It's simply off.
3) Back to repair and back again. Now everything works seemingly, until I start installing windows, and have trouble running the intel graphics drivers.
But then I notice it! There's a tape strip covering the webcam, perhaps from it's earlier replacement in 2). I remove the strip and what do I see? There's now no webcam installed in the screen!!!"Fixed and tested" yeah right, and maybe also slapped around a bit on it's 10+ travels around the region.
End of story, got money back and bought another config that pleases my hands but doesn't have the high res screen. Too bad with the many months of not having this system available though. -
What did you end up buying?
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk -
N53SV new Bios version 215:
BIOS 215
1.Show system serial number on setup menu
2.Add New CPU function support
3.Update CPU microcode
4.Fix sometimes system can't boot after press power button.
5.Update EC firmware
No info about the new CPU function support, I guess I'll stick with ver 214 since I had no problems yet... -
I don't mess with BIOS updates unless there's already a glaring problem. Too many people in this topic alone have bricked their machines from bad BIOS flashes. No problems with this laptop for me since August 2011, so not touching any BIOS updates.
Does it support AES-NI?
If not, can you flash from 215 to 214 with AES?
For SN version:
BIOS 206
1.Change EC firmware to 202D08
2.Restrict Aflash2 version up to 3.14 for BIOS build date check.
3.Add build date check in EZFlash. BIOS can't be update if the build date of new chosen BIOS is equal or early to original.
So it might not be possible to flash to an older version.
"winflash.exe /nodate filename" might work
Asus has quietly enabled AES-NI on U56E
New Fresco USB 3.0 drivers
Microsoft Update Catalog
with internet explorer -
Guys I haven't even had this laptop for a full year and my battery life is already cut in half. I don't leave it plugged in all the time and I usually run it down unless I'm gaming. Today it was at around 40% and then went straight to the 7% battery warning. When I plugged in my charger is suggested replacing the battery like old batteries usually do. Does the warranty cover batteries in this case?
If i recall correctly, you have a one year warranty on the battery. You could try recalibrating it before initiating the RMA process though.
Ok I got it
Hi guys, I recently bought an Asus n53sm-es71. I know that the graphics switch back and forth depending on load, but for some reason the led that indicates whether I'm using integrated or dedicated graphics always stays white on my laptop. Does white led indicate integrated or dedicated?
Blue LED = intel (integrated) -
So the N53SM is so new it is not even on the Asus web site yet.
It has up to 4 sodimms,
but xoticpc only offers it with up to 16GB, and not 32 GB.
It has the GT 630M, which is a renamed GT 540/550/555, so it is not clear if there is any real change.
NVIDIA GeForce GT 630M - Notebookcheck.net Tech
It's not clear if there is an HD version, but I guess elbolo knows how to deal with that.
The previous bios mentions
support for Intel wireless 2230 combo card
which is curious, because
a) we are using Atheros Bluetooth/Wifi combo
b) we are able to switch to intel 6320 without bios support
The intel wireless 2230 might be confidential until April
so johnnyc418 tell us about it if you have it! -
Asus N53SV & N53SN SandyBridge Owner Thread
Discussion in 'ASUS Reviews and Owners' Lounges' started by nama8137, Mar 19, 2011.