I backed up , and ran the registery and confirmed it say its done tried from keyboard test .. , same :S
And I already sent for asus and waiting for answer,
I will try the ATK program now and tell you
Edit :
hhh , I tried the script and worked it switched between the buttons , but still same!!! when I press the left ctrl on the keyboard test it show I am pressing the right but the problem is same!! :S!! when i press the right key it say its left but it work !
Almost seems it's hardware related. I guess you'll have to wait and see what ASUS says. BTW, I think you have the same issue with LShift+Space+e combination.
The only thing I can add is that you could play around with Autohotkey's send command to send a key sequence.
Something like:
Code:; will send ctrl+space e combo when you press d d::Send ^{Space}e
It's for sale on tigerdirect for $949, is that a good deal? I have no idea what the original price is.
Ye shift too .... and that command wont work for thing I want, I must keep jumping and croushing same time and press E when its time to shoot ...oh well.. I am waiting :S
And btw not only E , 3 and f3 f4 there is a filter -
Ye , because there is alot of "it's" , n53sn/n53sv , i7 /i5 , full hd/ HD , and alot other..
I paid 940$ for SN 1366x768 i7 quad core 6gb ram 550m gt
Guys any suggestion for the ctrl problem? :S -
Imho 99% certain it's just a hardware limitation.
Wanna play with multi button combos -> go buy gamer usb keyboard. -
Ye ... I think I will get other keyboard ..... :S what a waste of money xD
or ... guys do you know xbox controller for pc??
N53SV users, after sending Asus 3 emails, and 3 weeks of waiting, I finally got a hold of the correct Intel Graphics Driver for 64-bit OS. Enjoy.
Asus N53SV Intel Graphics Driver 64-bit V8.15.10.2405 -
I hope they bring some improvements.
Guys I've tested my notebook a little (2 hours LOL) more and I can tell you that so far my temps were down 5°-10° C or even 15° C so I'm pleased with BIOS 214 as my notebook was running hot. Can't wait for my cooler to arrive
If you want me to, I can test it a bit tomorrow and take some screen shots so you can compare them with the previous one I posted. -
I saw that and went to see if it was available on the N53SN download page for Win7 64 - it is listed as being added on 28th Aug, so I downloaded it from there. But it would not install - I checked inside the package and the vesion Asus have online for 64 bit is for 32 bit !!!! I'll also send them an e-mail.
So - downloaded the above link, and installed smoothly
Thanks again.
D. -
I tried downloading the driver and after it's finished I get an error saying the compressed folder is invalid. Am I the only one getting this error after downloading the zip file?
I tried earlier today, and it was still the 32 bit version. I sent support an e-mail.
D. -
Ok, so I downloaded the driver directly from ASUS and installed without problems. However now my temps are up high again so I´m intending to roll back to the previous drivers I was using ( wich were directly downloaded from Intel page. But i can´t download them, anybody in here has them? also, wich would be the best way to roll back to that previous version?
EDIT: Never mind about the drivers, I was able to download them now. -
My drivers are updated?
Those are the latest ones on Intel's site but the ones posted here a few posts ago are a newer version.
Guys I still don't know the best way to roll my drivers bavk please help me. -
What about rolling them back from the device manager menu in Windows 7? Usually works for me.
I tend not to mess with drivers unless I'm having an issue, and the release notes on the updated driver specifically fixes them. For example, many people have problems with Optimus. Out of the box, I've had 100% success with Optimus. Thus, I'm not touching my nVidia drivers in any way at all unless I suddenly get some sort of fatal errors. Same goes with my Intel drivers. Everything is working perfectly and flawlessly, so no reason to go messing with them and risk causing more harm than good. -
Yeah I learned that leason now LOL. I was curious to update them as I thought it would be better for me to have the ones provided from ASUS rather than the ones from Intel. But I was certainly wrong. I was also tempted to update them because the notebook is mainly been used for gaming by my two little brothers. I have little time to use it really so it's more "their" notebook than mine :/
I'm going to bed now and tomorrow I will do the rollback. Thank you. -
what is the safest way to update BIOS, and what did u guys use?
10x -
http://forum.notebookreview.com/asus/174395-bios-update-guide-asus-notebooks.html -
I also downloaded the driver off the asus website and it says its incompatible...Is it still not the 64 bit driver?
I was able to get an updated driver directly from Intel's site.
What's the deal with that driver link??? Am I the only having this problem or are others having the same problem too? -
I own for 2 months an Asus N53SN-SZ084D and im happy with it but...
I noticed that my full-hd display looks weird comparing to othe full hd screens.
I can see a grid, like the screen is interlaced or something. Is really annoing that my screen is not clear like all others.
Is something wrog with it or there are diferent kind of panels and i had a bad luck with it?
Thanks. -
About intel HD Graphics:
Station-Drivers: le site de drivers, bios, firmwares avec un forum d'aide always has the latest
intel drivers pour chipsets Graphiques
I'm running
Thanks -
It been 2 days and no reply from ASUS about the keyboard...
Guys do you recommend me to update the drivers? like go and look for them ? and guys is it possible to make nvidia work even if i was running a notepad? like it keep working ..? I tried from the nvidia control panel it go white then 5 sec go blue and like nothing happened.. dunno if its impossible or possible.. -
Just why all You people want to have nvidia running all the time that bad?
Because there is some old games it detect Intel for it and I want it nvidia... and I can't add it in nvidia control panel
I've been able to add every single app I want via the Nvidia control panel just search for the .exe, or you can allways do right click.... and run it using Nvidia High Performance.... bla bla bla....
But I see you want it so bad so I'll see if I can keep it on all the time and let you know. -
"or you can allways do right click.... and run it using Nvidia High Performance.... bla bla bla....
" HA???
btw almost 100 page , yuppiee n53S ftw xD -
I can't unfortunately give any more hints as I haven't disassembled the laptop myself yet. -
hey does anyone know where this laptop get its air from? the vents underneath the notebook doesn't seem to be sucking air and yet it's blowing hot air out of it left vent. could there be some hidden vent in the speakers?
The intake is beneath the keyboard, easy to be cleaned
I've had my N53SV for a while and now marks are beginning to appear to the left and right of the touch pad. Upon inspection I realized the the rubber feet/spacers don't 'space' enough as the flat space (that holds the touchpad) drops off towards the front. So while there is space where the feet are (on the screen) there is not enough of it a bit further in. So when I carry it around in a tight bag it gets squeezed to the point where it touches. I've looked at an identical model off a co-worker and it has the exact same issue. I've now placed some extra rubber feet in the top left and right corners of the screen frame. Has no one else noticed this?
Yes, I have read the disassembly guide post but he is kind of vague on how to remove the top cover. I'm still having trouble popping the top panel off from the base. I have removed all the necessary screws as instructed in this guide along with all of the necessary ribbons and the blu-ray drive but I can't seem to be able to pry the top cover loose. Is their a safe way to remove the top cover without scratching up my laptop?
I recently got the N53SN and it is working great so far. Apart from the ridiculous amount of bloatware that it came with, there haven't been any problems. The fan is so quiet and the laptop remains cool. After having a series of noisy machines, this laptop is amazing in that regard. The resolution of 1920x1080 is also good, even though I have it hooked up to an external monitor most of the time.
Guys about my left ctrl and so....
I got this reply from ASUS :
Dear Valued Customer,
For this issue, it seems to be a shortcut key in Windows. Please contact Microsoft support team for help. Sorry for the inconvenience and thanks for your understanding!
If having any problems, please don't hesitate to contact us.
Best Regards,
ASUS Customer Service Center -
Guys how does the monitor appears to you at Device Manager?
Because for me it's just a generic PnP. If this isn't the case with yours could you please provide the drivers? or tell me where to get them please.Attached Files:
I got same as yours, but what that means
Have the same, and that's ok. No drivers needed...
It's a monitor on a laptop, you don't need drivers for it. You have video drivers. Getting the correct resolution? You're good then
Asus N53SV & N53SN SandyBridge Owner Thread
Discussion in 'ASUS Reviews and Owners' Lounges' started by nama8137, Mar 19, 2011.