See my post a few posts above: Windows Experience is highly inaccurate. It's using the Intel card. You could probably find a way to have it use the GeForce, but it's really not important nor worth the time.
If you are having a problem with graphics, switching, showing correctely on windows experience INTEL has a new driver found here Intel® Driver Update Utility and let the app check your LT for updates!
This cured the switching and other interactive problems reference Optimus on my N53sv- a1, BTW this driver is not listed on ASUS site just the 32 bit version which won't work on 64bit OS.
This driver auto switches to the Nividia card to perform the WI as well as when needed.I just set mine to auto on the Nividia card. Hope this helps you!
DeanAttached Files:
no luck for me, what drivers are you running for the 550m?
cpu 7.4,
ram 5.9,
gpu4.8 / 6.6.
hdd 5.9
Asus N53SN-SZ076V -
Why we need to update the Intel ? The nvidia Control panel which switch , I updated the nvidia drivers and still when I choosed from nvidia control panel the 3d tab ,it just go white for 5 second then it go blue....
And other thing , um guys how I make it keep changing background in windows 7 im new to it >.>
And does that intel driver work for64bit?
And um, I didn't get a Windows 7 cd, I heard that I must backup it from the installed one, can someone tell me how -
Windows Experience is worthless and not accurate, don't bother with it.
Control panel>system and security>Backup and restore to make a backup. I prefer EaseUS Todo myself, however. -
The two cards Nividia and Intel 3000 are combined in optimus.
I can't advise on the 550 mine is a 540.
These are my setings for N53SV-A1Attached Files:
You are definately highly opinionated however that does not mean that it is switching cards automaticaly as intended by the manufacture and does little to help the posters question!! Have a nice day..
Have a nice day because you're wrong? Sure. I'm not opinionated. Go check out the gaming forum. WEI is highly inaccurate. Go research some more. Thanks anyway
Guys please don't make this as argument.... , everyone has his personal opionion and this thread is for support and reviews..
And I noticed something, on AC power and you touch the surface of the laptop there is a bit eletric if you move with ONE hand only
I don't really got pissed from it because i always got 2 hands on the laptop, but if someone got solution please tell!
And um, What are ASUS registration benefits?
And I can't make nVidia ON always? -
Has anyone tried installing Ubuntu on the N53SN, either 11.04, or 11.10?
I have had issues with it not booting after updates and what not. -
2) The registration is useful if You buy a warranty extension/upgrade in order to activate it
3) Afaik no, just able to define the *.exe to run always with it.
anyone with any ideas on why my scores are so low compaired to others?
Try a different outlet. Some others here and elsewhere reported electric leaks, but they had bad/non grounded outlets.
You get 1 year warranty with accidental coverage. Go to their website and register within 60 days. Not sure if international is 2 years or not, depends on model. Check their terms for more details to see if they apply to your area.
I don't think you can have it on always. But like I said, there's really no reason to have that anyway. Optimus was designed to switch between the cards when needed in order to give the performance for the situation needed. You don't need GeForce graphics when listening to music, browsing the web, or writing a document. -
Quote"I can't make nVidia ON always?" Quote.
See help section >Nvidia card >top menu bar > help >manage 3D> Global
Global Settings
From the Global Settings tab, you can select from a list of pre-installed global settings (for workstation products) or create your own custom settings to use when running 3D applications.
Preferred graphics processor (Only on systems using NVIDIA® Optimus technology.) From the options in the list box, you can specify to
Use the high-performance NVIDIA processor for maximum performance or for decoding all video played on displays connected to the integrated graphics, or
Use integrated graphics for longer battery life or for decoding all video content played on displays connected to the integrated graphics, or
Let the driver auto-select the most compatible graphics processor, depending on the program or video codec.
Programs and videos that launch on external displays that are driven by the NVIDIA GPU will always use the NVIDIA GPU rather than the integrated graphics processor.
When you modify an Optimus setting, programs that are already running will continue to use the same graphics processor uninterrupted. To allow the "Preferred Graphics Processor" settings to take effect, you must restart the program.
Manage updates link opens the Manage Update window.
Restore button (bottom corner) restores the default global settings.
Restore button (Global presets) restores the settings for the selected global preset to the default settings. -
Hmm, ye seem I have to get the ground outlet ....
Can't find help section >Nvidia card >top menu bar > help >manage 3D> Globa
And guys , when I start recovery backup , and say I need 6 CDs, does it write directl on DVDs or It put it somewhere else and I have to copy?
Because I started it then I hadn't dvd inside so I went to get DVD so fast , then I cancelled it , then I checked My Computer there was a new Hard partion R: called recovery, thats what its been writting while im getting the dvd or that was before? its 25gb / 30gb -
The recovery partition is generally hidden with Asus, you may be writing to the drive. I'm not sure. I erased that when I installed on my SSD. I just use a backup program on my own
I want to get backup of the Windows 7 because there is no CD .... , can someone tell me exactly how? and how I can delete that Partition
Well none of the manufacturers provide Windows cds anymore. That went out years ago. The "Windows CD" is now making your own backup. You can also download an ISO here:
Your WIndows 7 key on the bottom of the laptop is your Windows license. Download the ISO for Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit. There's your Windows DVD. -
Hey everyone. Great thread. I read the whole thing while I was waiting to receive my N53SV-XV1. I got it a couple days ago and I'm very happy with it. A couple of questions...
Those of you who have replaced the keyboard with the chiclet style...does it make a big difference? Is there less flex with this style? I like the chiclet style, but the stock keyboard doesn't seem too bad.
Also, I've been playing some 720p videos and they seem a bit grainy and washed out compared to how they looked on my old Gateway. Is this common, or perhaps something I can remedy?
Looking forward to your answers! -
Why people are annoyyed from the keyboard? ITS AWESOME!
I'm not annoyed with the keyboard at all. I think it's perfectly fine and I don't notice the flex unless I actually look at the keyboard while typing. Otherwise I'd never notice it at all. Although, I am still considering the chiclet style keyboard because THAT is an awesome keyboard. It's not every expensive either so it's a worthwhile upgrade for me. So far I've added 8GB of Corsair memory for a total of 12GB RAM.
Future upgrades are:
Chiclet keyboard
Full HD 1920x1080 screen, if possible (does anyone know if a N53SN can be upgraded?)
SSD or Momentus XT Hybrid drive -
still cant understand ..., there is no flex at ALL! and if someone is annoyed from the numb pad, then just put num lock ON , or get some kind of cover covers the numpad >.<
I need grounded plug so i wont feel the eletric, but I don't have grounded .... , is there other solution like something I put it like it prevent eletric ? -
Here's my take on the chiclet kb...
The laptop as a whole, feels uber solid. The ONLY part that felt somewhat flimsy was the stock kb. Now, I feel, the WHOLE laptop is solid as a rock.
Guys, if you're on the fence about putting in an SSD for other reasons besides the price, don't hesitate! This screams with an SSD. Not to mention, it's completely silent. -
New BIOS for the N53SV Version 214. Seems it doesn´t bring any major enhacement except for the LAN optimization. I´ll give it a try.
the problem in SSD , its small and high price... , What SSD you will be using? Can you suggest some with prices?
Thanks, -
Short post: any advanced notebook tracking (GPS) avaible anywhere?
Long post: guys, I just acquired an N53SV-SX1 and use it in in college everyday, but the thefts around my university is rising by the day, just a quick info on why I'm so worried, the neighbourd behind the university is called Matadouro (Slaughterhouse), so I wanna know if there was any modding on adding an GPS for later tracking the device or such, just IP tracking won't do me any good, since the justice here would take 2 years just to break the location in the internet provider.
just a place to search trough would be great, been googling for hours without luck.
If anyone is curious i live in Brazil. -
I did notice a new BIOS feature called EasyFlash or something like that I'm guessing it's a BIOS Flash utility? -
Anyone knows why the media keys (the dedicated play/pause key and the ones on the arrow keys) won't be reconised by Winamp? all the others work(display brightnes, volume controll...) and if i activate media center or player they also start up when i press any of the play/pause keys. Not cool, i am depending on these keys^^
- -
When I use the AR9002WB-1NG while the bluetooth radio is not disabled with the latest drivers from Station-Drivers: le site de drivers, bios, firmwares avec un forum d'aide ( and respectively), and I ping my router, every 15th ping fails and skype connectivity is terrible. If I use a different wireless usb card, or disable bluetooth, everything works fine.
Qualcomm Atheros :: Technology :: WLAN :: AR9002WB-1NGCD
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I been making videos, trying games and so, the n53sn is awesome
, just the static problem goes and i hate the battery... , its powerful laptop , 6 cell battery on high performence wont stay alive for 2 hours..
- -
Ye, on AC its powerful as a desktop or more, on battery its above laptop a bit
I got problem on the keyboard , I am playing counterstrike, Soccerjam if some know it, I have to Jump and Croush and Shoot (E key) , I can jump + croush, but I can't press E .... I croush with Left ctrl, if I used right ctrl it will work , but left doesn't work, if I tried other key to shoot it would work but I want E ... , it work on my desktop but not on laptop -
does anyone know what's upgradeable in this notebook? like additional ram or videocard
Video card: no.
CPU, display: don't know. -
Guys please help me in keyboard....
I think its filter or something
Space + LEFT CTRL + E wont work
Space + Right CTRL + E work
Mwheeldown + LEFT CTRL + E wont work
so problem in the left ctrl ... E wont work when Space and CTRL are pressed , can someone please help?? -
I checked all keys...
Left ctrl + Space + X = Not work
X :-
Num pad enter
Right CTRL
Caps Lock
E -
Anyhow, since your right ctrl works fine, you could remap ctrl keys (make your left ctrl behave like right and your right like left, or both like right if you want to).
Option 1: Autohotkey.
Options 2: Scancode Map. Manually edit registry or use KeyTweak.
For pros and cons of the above options see section Remapping via the Registry's "Scancode Map"
PS: I attached both Autohotkey script (.ahk) and registry fix (.reg, requires reboot for modifications to take place) that will swap ctrl keys. BTW, you can see the content of the files in notepad or any other text editor, e.g. Notepad++. I personally prefer Vim.
PPS: Might be a good idea to make a backup of the registry before you apply reg fix. (run regedit, file-menu -> export and select export range all at the bottom)Attached Files:
Asus N53SV & N53SN SandyBridge Owner Thread
Discussion in 'ASUS Reviews and Owners' Lounges' started by nama8137, Mar 19, 2011.