Im using KUbuntu along with vista x64. Everything works out of the box!
Question: i am starting to get tired of the fingerprints, Is there any skins or sites that anyone knows of that will work with the n50vn.
I'm still running the stock installation if Vsta 32-bit that came with the laptop, lol. I'm planning on upgrading to 7 RC soon, but I don't have an external hard drive for back-up purposes right now.
Texanman, any generic 15.4" skin will fit on the N50. Here's a good website for it: -
thats where I was looking originally for a skin. And bdw if you can get your hands on a vista x64 disk, the 32bit key will work with it !
well Since I use x64 with my autocad software its sooo much faster! if your ever worrying about losing data i would make 3 partitions (size depending on your hdd, I have a 320gb) make a 30gb for vista, 200gb for games/apps, then the rest for my doc stuff then you never have to worry about losing your stuff when you reinstall
Ahhh I fried my GPU. It artifacts like crazy as soon as I'm booted into vista.
Asus has issued an RMA for me though. They're paying for shipping both ways! -
Oo PLEASE report how well there going to take care of you, such as how many days it takes, etc
Yeah I'll definitely report back when I send it out. I have to back up all of my stuff first.
Now on how I did this:
I was noticing temperatures in the high 70's for my GPU while at 100% load, so I opened up the computer to blow out any dust. I decided to replace the thermal paste while I had it open.
Afterwards, I turned the computer back on, and let it stress the CPU and GPU all night. The CPU temperatures were GREAT, at 55 degrees at max load, and I had assumed that the same would be true for the GPU, and let it stress them the entire night.
Next morning, I opened the laptop, and was greeted with this:
YIKES! I open up GPUz quickly, and see that the GPU is hovering around 105 degrees celsius. This is EXTREMELY high, and most GPUs take permanent damage at 90 degrees or higher. My GPU was at 105 the entire night....
I opened up the computer again, and saw that the GPU was making zero contact with the heatsink on it. This is why it fried.
Lesson learned: After you tinker with anything, ALWAYS monitor the temperatures for at least 15 minutes. -
105C for entire, I would be suprised if your GPU had made it intact after such torture
Still it's a wonder how it manages to display ANYTHING after that, it should be dead and give you black screen
Now I know I won't be OC'ing my GPU...EVER...I just like my 9650m too much lol. BTW I get 76-77C in stress now, I was getting 71C in winter....I think i'm right that higher temps on my GPU now are due to warm and dry weather durning the summer
Give us feedback on how your N50's hospitalization goes -
well asus might not fix it since hit had been tampered with.
Yes I realize that
Many people have told me that Asus didn't care about it when they broke their computers, so I'm going to take a chance. If they say "sorry. You broke it yourself," Then I've lost nothing, except for maybe the cost of shipping. -
Hello, this is my first post.
I got an asus N50VN since december.
2 days ago installing windows 7, i ended up without:
- recovery partition (that was my fault)
- windws 7 installed but with nvidia drivers the laptop does some kind of 'flikering' (its the same thing that happens when you overclock the graphics card) after some time doing this, the computer hangs.
- shortcut keys doesnt work
i already have read this entire post and it seems that everyone is reporting this problems..
another problem, after updating the bios laptop hang's all the time (then i did the downgrade to default bios).
what i want to ask is if there is any way to repair the recovery partition??(someone can send it to me? 10gb's) the recovery partition differs from country to country? i'am from portugal...
thanks a lot and sorry for my bad english -
you really dont need the recovery partition. just use the disk that came with the laptop for vista and for the drivers. I never had a issue with windows 7 rc at all. maybe your video is over heating?
i dint check if the card was overheating, but if it does what should i do?
so, i should install windows 7, and what kind of drivers should i use? the original driver cd?
what about the shortcut buttons? i cant even set the volume of the laptop.
thanks -
Install the vista drivers for the laptop
Hi all,
When I bought my N50vn, a service guy in the store made initial loading/installation to the notebook. During the installation he asked me which language I would prefer for Vista.
Then I prefered Turkish, so installation is done with Turkish Vista.
But I have some trouble with understanding Turkish terms (Translated from English). Therefore, I want the language of Vista be in English.
Is there any way to convert the language of Vista from Turkish to English?
Can it be done in Recovery process starting by pressing F9? i.e.Will ASUS Preload utility ask me to select language again?
Or in Vista, are there any settings doing this conversion?
Any Reply would be appreciated
Thanks -
If there are no Display Languages listed, you have to install them.
This MIGHT help, please tell me if it didn't work.
EDIT: I dug up this useful application for WinVista:
It gives you the ability to download & switch the language packs with ease. Haven't tried myself. -
still love my laptop but the mail in rebate scam was very un cool.
I Have a problem with express gate. I have formated my hdd (recovery partition also) and installed win7. Now my express gate is telling me that is not installed, so I try to reinstall it (on drive C, also on other partitions) but its still not working.
Where it should be installed? maybe I have to change some config files where is the path to the express gate? -
It didn't help, it seems for the input language, but not the lang. of vista itself.
BTW, I made an recovery action by pressing F9, at the end of the recovery process it asked me for the lang. of vista, then I chose english so that's OK now. -
I have this same issue on my desktop, I have yet to find a fix for it but on the laptop try going to asus's site and grab the latest version of ExpressGate , on the downloads page in the options pick notebook, then pick apps, then ExpressGate . bdw you can also get all the latest versions of asus software this way too!
Has anyone tried booting from a USB HDD or SDCard? I really don't think the N50 can do it, and I'm just amazed that any Netbook/Notebook lacks this ability in the last 5 years...
I have tried booting a Linux distro via SDCard, but it just doesn't work, Has anyone tried and had some success? -
it cant boot from the sdcard in my trials (maybe its cuz I have a slow sd card?)
But It can boot from a usb stick and the expresscard slot. I have installed ubantu off my usb stick once and I have booted my os backup software (third party) off my expresscard ssd -
Yeah It can boot off of USB. I doubt that it's possible to boot off of the SD card.
On a different note, I'm sending out my laptop to Asus tomorrow. They've been very helpful so far. I don't have an extra hard drive to copy my data to, so they're allowing me to keep the hard drive that's in my laptop, and send them the computer without it. -
thats cool about the hard-drive, anyways try the lastest version of expressgate from asus app download that helped me with the same issue
Hello good people, first post, have had my N50vc for around 7 months, great computer, however, the card reader doesn't work nor will it read any memory sticks, or external hard disks, can someone point me in the right direct please
Peter -
Hey people I have been doing research and I FOUND THE FIX to the WINDOWS 7 fingerprint reader!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
im going to try it now and then post the findings, I hope it works then this means the n50vn's drivers will work 100% in 7!!!!! -
Ok i tested it on 7 x64 and....
SPREAD THE NEWS!!!!!!! IT WORKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
it says its the limited version, But it actually does more then the one for vista so....ya It does the same job!!!!
the limited version only lets you:
only 3 max website registrations
No lock-box
can't create passwords.
the full version costs 15 bucks and allows you to
unlimited web site registrations
generate passwords
have a e-wallet
so Unless you use these features you really won't miss the fetures that come with this limited version....but if you use them everyday Might was well spend 15 for the extra features.
I just enjoy the autologin feature and the ability to launch certain apps other then that the full version I wouldn't use... but ya FINGERPRINT READER IN WINDOWS 7 WOOT!!!!!! -
If any of this stuff seems a big deal Asus copy-protect fills in the gaps for whats missing
To be honest, I don't even use the finger print scanner for anything other than easy/quick log-ins.
same thats why i was searching everywhere to get it to work.... BECAUSE im lazy!
the thing is though is that most asus laptops use the same fingerprint driver so this should help with all asus laptops and even some other laptops that use this suite! -
nice! .
Hi all,
I can not hear exact stereo sound from my N50vn. When I listen to music, I understand that both left and right speakers are so close to each other, i.e, both speakers are located at the right side of the N50vn I guess.
I checked from the control panel and tested the sound coming from speakers, I can hear left and right speakers separatedly, but over all when two speakers make sound, the sound is originated mostly from the right side of notebook.
Is this normal? Does everybody have the same situation?
Thank you -
you might have to set the balance options in the realtek panel, other then that I personalty don't have this issue.
I found that I had a slight imbalance. To get equal volume from both speakers while playing a song, I adjusted the balance by 2 steps to the left in the Realtek HD Audio Manager.
Mind you, I'm 62 & wear hearing aids, so it might be me being imbalanced. LOL -
I just thought I would say this But I just bought a lenovo s12 with the nano....its perfect!
It's a bit offtopic but Lenovo s12 seems like a one hell of a netbook. Good for you. -
The s12 is sold with the VIA Nano processor. It's been around for a while.
I sent Asus my laptop on Tuesday. It arrived there yesterday. Today, I check my email, and find that they already repaired it and are shipping it back to me today. Wow.
I've read some places that Asus didn't do anything to their computers; they just shipped the computer back as they were... I really hope this isn't the case with me. -
that doesn't seem like something asus would do, if they send it back to you unfixed then i would nag them to fix it! -
Yeah it doesn't sound like something that they'd do, but just take a look at the N51 owners thread. Someone there had that happen to them...
Anyways, the Asus rep told me that they just replaced my motherboard, so I should be good.
It'll get here tomorrow... Can't wait -
wow thats like a 400 buck repair!!! good job!
I kinda Expect a shipment of fail going to arrive but thats just me -
Way to go man, jinxing me.
Here's the deal. I got the laptop back today. Open up the laptop, and I see that they've definitely replaced the motherboard. The CPU socket of the old one was purple. This one is white.
Now I thought that would be the end of that... But, it's not. I still get artifacts; they're not as prominent, but they're still there.
A friend of mine said to underclock it. So I did... Nothing happened. As you can see there in the picture, it's clearly not overheating. In fact, that's pretty damn cool.
On the diagnostics report, it said that they found artifacting when they used the laptop's monitor, but none with an external monitor. Tried that... And I get artifacts either way.
I might just ask for a completely new computer... -
Uhh seems they didn't do the job right, at least less artifacts now lol
or there is something else wrong?
well. I turned on the computer again this morning, and the artifacts are the exact same amount as before now. Damn.
Asus N50 Owners/Buyers Thread
Discussion in 'ASUS Reviews and Owners' Lounges' started by Freakish123, Nov 14, 2008.