You can either check in the bios (press F2 at boot until the bios loads), some monitoring tool like HWiNFO64 can also give you that info.
Hi. Still don't understand what are the advantages of an modified bios...
Sent from my LG-P500 using Tapatalk -
is there a way to disable pop up animation when turn up / down volume, mute, wifi off/on, etc. really annoying sometimes.
and.. video / guide to disassemble n43sl? im about to upgrade my ram but im not sure where to start.
thx guys. -
Can upload photo for you if needed
Hi users!
I just bought this asus notebook model. Just got some issues with the touchpad. The pinchzoom is not working...anyone who can help me troubleshoot this?
When I uninstall the Elan software, the pinch zoom operates but the horizintal scrolling (using two fingers) isnt working... -
Thanks for solving the mistery too456... I bought this Asus last June (I think) and I've never find a specific answer to it.
Do you have problems with Hibernation? My computer takes about 2/3 minutes to hibernate and I think that this is a little strange. Perhaps I should buy more memory, because I have only 2x2GB. Are these two things related? -
Hibernate offloads the RAM data to teh HDD then powers the notebook off. If you get more RAM, it will actually take slightly longer. Hibernation will take longer if you are using a 5400RPM drive for example.
anyone know how to clean n43sl's fan?
im afraid for it collecting the dust since ive been outside a lot. -
I changed my keyboard as well and the typing experience improved drastically. -
I'm planning to upgrade my Asus RAM, but I wanted a little help from you about the type of RAM to buy.
I've now 2x4GB and I want to upgrade to 2x8GB, so could you suggest where can I buy a set?
I live in Portugal, so if there is a website where I can get it with a reasonable price, it would be awesome.
Thanks -
8GB SODIMMs are still quite expensive, ~$100 per SODIMM at the very least. Is there any reason why you want to up to 16GB, unless you do some heavy stuff, you really don't need it.
The performance gap from 2GB to 4GB is pretty large, and there is a small but still noticeable boost in responsiveness when upgrading 4GB to 8GB. However I think upgrading from 8GB to 16GB will produce any tangible performance benefit unless you open 10 virtual machines at one go. Also, the Asus webpage says the N43SL supports up to 8GB of RAM, so I am not sure if the bios will see the full 16GB of RAM, or if it will even see 8GB RAM sticks at all.
Sorry, its 2x4GB instead of 2x8GB...
I'm needing more memory because I'm currently working with a massive number of tabs in my browser and I noticed that the memory usage is really high. I guess that upgrading to 8GB would solve this problem... -
Yes if you're upgrading from 4GB to 8GB then massive numbers of tabs won't be a problem
Yes, going to 2x4GB should solve things for you and not cost you both legs and arms. I doubt you'll go over 6GB, but RAM is dirt cheap these days so ther eis no reason not to get a matching pair of 4GB SODIMMs. Get whichever you can find for the best price.
Would somebody be kind enough with N43Sx W7 SP1 run Linx with RealTemp 3.69.1 and post a screen shot.
Settings: 5 runs of problem size 20000, 2 threads on dual core, 4 threads on quad.This can be done by either disabling HT or assigning affinity to use 2 physical cores of dual core cpu or 4 physical cores of quad. For example dual core might use cpu0 + cpu3 or cpu0+cpu2 or cpu1+cpu3 or cpu1+cpu2. Just be careful not to select a parked thread. Thanks. -
The performance should be on par with similar laptops. I don't have my laptop now, but I left it to run Prime95 on all 8 threads (N43SL specs in sig) for a few hours some time ago, maximum was about 85 degs. This was with IC Diamond though, not sure how the stock paste would fare.
Thanks for your help. I'll search for a good deal...
I think that the prices should be around 30$ to 50$ for the set. At least it's what I've seen so far.
The main problem is the manufacturer, because I don't really know which one is more reliable. -
I would suggest Kingston/Mushkin/Crucial/Corsair. All of them have lifetime warranties. Don't choose their performance memory (CL7) as those are generally very expensive. The budget/value RAM (CL9) will do. Also, choose 1333MHz modules since those are slightly faster than 1066MHz modules.
Thanks too456. However I would really like to see the thermal headroom and if there is any throttling which the Linx test should give me a good indication of.
Just to make sure, can I replace my keyboard with U80/U80A/U80V Series keyboard?
This one? -
I'm having a few problems with the G53SW, so I'm planning on throwing in the garbage and go for an Asus N53SN..
The thing is, the model available in my country has a nVidia GT 550M with only 1 GB DDR3. Is it that bad? Does it mess up with the memory bus width? at the "" site the card is listed as a 2GB one! -
The 1GB and 2GB version should have the same memory bus. Also given the overall performance of the 550m, a 128-bit bus won't affect performance like it would for a 560m
Thank you Tijo, nice to hear it... I'm ordering my N43SN tomorrow ^^
Hi, Im thinking about ordering Asus N43SN today, and will buy a SSD with it, only for SWTOR and Win7. I guess 64gb will be enough? Is it possible to put the SSD where the DVD-drive is, and thus having both the 500gb HD and 64gb SSD in at the same time? I dont really need a DVD-drive anymore. Any special stuff I need to buy to place it in the DVD-drive?
You will need a caddy. You'll have to ask Asus for it and buy one also.
Okay, thanks. Then I rather put in a 120gb SSD and keep the 500gb as an external disc. Is Samsung 830 or Kingston HyperX good options in this computer, or a bit overkill?
I don't know, up to you to decide what kind of speed you want. I don't know if this computer supports SATA III, HM65 chipset should have 2 SATA III ports but I have yet to find any evidence of that in my N43SL, so keep that in mind while looking for SSDs.
I'd go for the 830, the HyperX has the infamous SF-2281 controller. The latest firmware was supposed to fix the BSOD issues and it did for most people, but not everyone so you still run the risk of the Sandforce induced BSOD.
HM65 has the possibility of two SATA III ports, whether both are used, that is up to Asus. I'm pretty certain the mains HDD port is SATA III, at least if Asus has any common sense. The ODD is probably on a SATA II port though. -
12.7mm SATA TO SATA 2ND HDD HARD DRIVE caddy for laptop en vente sur (fin le 17-déc.-11 02:53:41 Paris)
I could even put the DVD drive cover on the caddy for a perfect integration!
And this case to transform my DVD burner to an external one :
External CD/DVD SATA Housing Caddy NOTEBOOK LAPTOP Bk en vente sur (fin le 31-déc.-11 08:00:00 Paris)
Both working like a charm!
(Can post photo if needed) -
Hi all,
I've bought the latest specs of N43SL-V2G-VX264D with 2670QM yesterday. In the last few hours, I've updated the windows (all updates) thru Windows Update in a hope that everything would run more smoothly with the latest updates, but the problem comes when I'm about to play games (e.g. GTA etc,) I get BSOD of nvlddmkm.sys. Until now, I cannot touch the GT 540 M or i will get the same error. So now, i'm running the laptop with integrated Intel graphics. Heck, I bought this monster, because of the use of the dedicated NV graphic for my 3Ds MAX.
I hope that I could find the solution here, or I will send this monster back to the jungle for a replacement.
P.S: I've reinstalled the windows myself along with the drivers which come with the laptop and I still get the same problem. Cooling problem perhaps? -
I think the problem was the GPU was overheated because when I saw thru a monitoring program, by the time the laptop switch to NV GPU, the usage increased dramatically to 100% and the second it reaches 100%, BSOD comes..
Is this common to N43SL? and are there any special treatments to prevent the problem happening when I get my replacement?
Thanks, -
Amen to that..
It's funny tho, and strange too.. All I did was looking at a small rotating 3D Nvidia Logo at the 3D settings from NVIDIA Control Panel and the usage was 100% just to show small rotating nVidia and the logo was not even shown,.. I mean, W?T?F?!?! even Geforce 440mx dated back in 2002 could show the logo smoothly and effortlessly..
Compared to you, you actually put the load to GPU for 3-4 days and no crashes..
Other than GT540M (in this case, it is only problem), with 2670QM, 1x4GB RAM (CL9), 750GB WD, this monster is the BEST!!
Thanks Too456. -
barring that, at least you should be able to go to 100% load without crashing at all.
Hopefully when the next one arrives and works beautifully, I will throw in another 1x4GB (CL9).. Anyway, what's your current Windows Experience Index scores? -
I have no idea, I fudged with the WEI values to fool some friends and haven't rerun the test yet
However, I scored 9289 on 3DMark06 on stock clocks and a little over 10k on 750/900/1500. As for day-to-day performance, suffice it to say that no matter which processor you get, it is more than capable of handling anything and everything you throw at it. I can run Battlefield 3 on medium at >30fps on 740/900/1480, and Crysis 2 on high with DX11 and highres textures enabled at >25fps at 740/900/1480. So it's a very capable computer, can't quite play on max settings (except for COD:MW3, which uses the COD4 engine) but can handle medium-to-high settings with ease.
Oh man, I can't wait... First thing I wanna do is to try GTA IV.. Then, I want to know how long will it takes to render a site plan using Google Sketchup with Heavy Lighting Effects (vRay). Specially for rendering, it took 2 days to complete by using core 2 duo. I have Sony Vaio with core i5 and nVidia GT520m, and took less than 16 mins to render the same plan. So I expect the 2670QM should finish the job in less than 5 mins..
So I realized something that I am quite worried about actually. When I turn my laptop lef or right, like a 30ª degree view angle, I see 2 bright dots right in the middle of the screen. Anyone knows what is this? What can I do? Thanks... -
Asus N43SL/SN Owners' Lounge
Discussion in 'ASUS Reviews and Owners' Lounges' started by too456, Jul 21, 2011.