I'm new here and an owner of M51Ta too. I've got both XP and Win7 on my laptop.
My question towards you is graphic cards related (of course).
I'am able to use 3650 under my Win7. No troubles on that OS.
Recently I've installed XP 64 because I love to play old games and had no luck with virtual systems or compatible modes. I've found all the necessary drivers for XP except the grahic cards driver. Now I can't enable nor the 3200 nor the 3650 and without working graphic card games look awfull.
I've tried many drivers for both the 3200 and 3650 (via Ati Catalyst Suite XP 64 version). Neither the newest neither the older modded drivers from Catalyst Suite 9.10 do work. Tried all combinations of enabling/disabling the devices but every time after Win XP boots up I got black screen (or instant restart if 3200 is disabled and 3650 is enabled - Somekind of blue screen comes out too. Tells me about memory overflow(?) )
Please help me if you can! I don't need full solution with switchable cards or both cards working. I just need to enable a graphic card (doesn't matter which) in advance to play again my old games.
P.S.: I' ve read that you were expermineting with many things under Win7 with succes but XP is different so I've decided to ask this question. Sorry for my bad speaking.
I was only ever able to get the 3200 to work under XP 32bit. XP 64bit won't have ANY support for the 3200 or 3650 what so ever.
I would strongly recommend removing XP 64bit and instead stick with Win7 X64 and use VirutalBox or VMware to get XP 32bit running, these both have better emulated hardware for games and I've had plenty of success with them both.
For everything else there is Dfend-Reloaded which works far nicer for older dos games and has very strong support.
Hope this helped -
Thanks for the quick reply and all the advice. It's good to know that still exists a place where people know what m51 is.
I've already tried virtual box (but not VMware). The problem was that games didn't function properly (little screen, graphical problems). I'm trying to run games like Powerslide, Re-Volt, Grim Fandango from the '98, '99 era. In XP-s compatibility mode they ran perfectly under my old desktop PC.
I have never played DOS games but good to know how can I start to play them
Anyway, if you could explain me how did you manage to get 3200 work under XP 32 I would be fully, totally happy. Cause if I could do that too than I could run all these legendary pieces again. -
Sure the only thing required is the modified XP mobility drivers, and setting XP to run with a single core during setup instead of dual-cores. Press F5 right after it boots the XP installation and choose ACPI Uniprocessor PC.
That's all, then you just have to hunt down the XP drivers for the rest of the system.
Now the REAL issue is going to be emulated sound since most the older games require some type of SoundBlaster dos legacy mode to run, which our Realtek does not.
Grab VDMsound to add a compatibility for this.
I can't think of any other caveats I encountered before as it's been a while since I did this.
So if you have more issues let me know because I've pretty much solved every one of them so far
M51TA Guru out! -
This sounds great! I have some sideprojects which I have to do now but as soon as possible I will start build these things up.
I'm truly thankfull. You gave me instructions which I wasn't able to find anywhere on the net. -
Hi again! Installed W7 32bit and it works great, big performance boost. For a while I've been trying to install ati driver higher than 9.9 and I faced a lot of problemos :| My main is that I'm unable to install 11.x drivers. Tried 11.1 and latest 11.8. When I try to uninstall 9.9 driver I have two problems: I uninstall them and my screen goes black. But not black as screen was off, instead it is on but I can't do anything besides reset. Second problem is that when I uninstall drivers Windows does automatic installation of them and it's very frustrating. When I try to install 11.x driver without uninstalling older driver, there are some bad reports after installation and nothing happens. Everything from setup is installed besides display driver. Please help.
Use the links in my signature to get the latest everything needed.
Hey. Thanks for step by step guide. I managed to get 11.8 installed but I can't get 3650 card working. Logon screen loads and I can see it. When I insert password screen becomes black, waited few minutes and nothing happens. I must use W+R and type "enable3200.bat" to get the screen working.
Try editing the scripts like I mentioned in the last part of my post and see if that helps.
Let me know. -
Tried editing and it didn't help but I found some solution. Firstly I didn't point out earlier that I have W7 Home Premium, sorry for that. I found some help on google to make gpedit.msc working on Home Premium but it seems that there must be some problems in this gpedit because scripts does not work. However they are still important to my solution. When windows boot up my screen looks like there was no display driver installed, then I go to device manager I enable 3200 card and computer ask to reboot, then I disable 3650 card and reboot. After that I can see logon screen, I put password and screen goes black. I put W+R and type "c:\fix\enable3650.bat" and voilà. Now I can play Deus ex: HR with playable, average 30+ FPS and normal settings without AA and vertical refresh on 1152x864 resolution.
Btw: What can I do to make run this laptop even better? Do You use some tweaks or something? -
I don't have home to test with, so THIS LINK might not work but if it does then this should make things much easier, unless this is already how you made it work. Other than this I don't really know a method to run those scripts automatically on shutdown. Otherwise for startup just drop a shortcut to Enable3650.bat in the Startup menu.
As for performance, you can tweak only so much then you just have to accept the bad performance on modern games. The real FPS hit on the laptop comes when VSYNC is turned on. Leave it off in all cases or if the games visual tearing is too bad, then turn it on and use VSYNC/triplebuffer if possible. This will give you higher FPS in most cases. -
a question: is it safe to update to the latest drivers(11.9)? I was so happy that the fix mentioned in this thread works I didn't update them (11.2) because I am afraid that something will go wrong... thanks
If your running the scrips automatically, then just install all new drivers as normal. I'm running the 11.9 right now and haven't noticed any issues. So update away!
Thank you, I just installed the 11.9. I must say that the display went blank during the installation, but I have teamviewer installed just for this case, so I was able to check the installation progress and restart the machine properly. After that the display came back and everything seems to be ok.
Hi again!
Sorry for not letting you know about the XP thing. I didn't have time to try it out so far (my life is burning from every side).
But now I have another problem. Back than I've managed to make a triboot (Win7, XP, Ubuntu) because I need all these operating systems for learning purposes.
Now I need to use some graphical programs which run under Linux to create my homework.
But on Ubuntu 11.04 I couldn't managed any graphic card to work properly. I've been trying to do that for hours and I 've read this forum too but simply I couldn't find out the solution.
Please, if you know the solution, share with me. I truly like Ubuntu but it's so slow without a graphic card.
I know that I could search more but the forum posts are old now and I don't know what to do on 11.04.
Thanks in advance!
Robert -
you can try to switch to the discrete card.
read on about this stuff here:
ASUSM51Ta & Linux: Enjoy Hybrid Graphics with switcheroo
I recommend reading the comments under the articles as well..
For me ubuntu does not seem to be slow, the 10.10 version was the first one where compiz actually worked for me (by using the default card - I guess its the integrated). -
Thank you for your help!
I think that the integrated one works for me too. I've tried out the ATI Linux driver. Nothing changed in performance but in Catalyst I can see the HD 3200.
The switcheroo way didn't work for me. It wasn't able to switch to the discrete card when executing the shell script.
I think that I can live with this little low graphical performance if somebody won't give me a good and simple solution. It just bothers me sometimes if for example scrolling doesn't go smoothly or switching between windows is slow. -
This is strange. I am on ubuntu since 10.04 or 09.10 I don't remember and I know that since 10.10 I am able to use the compiz effects (currently on 11.10) and I don't know about any scroll problems. Did you try to turn on the extra graphics somewhere in the appeareances?
note that I don't use the switcheroo thingy as well.. -
No I haven't turned on anything. I installed Ubuntu 11.04 from scratch and from the beginning it is a bit slow.
OK. I've solved the problem. I've installed Unity 2D and now everything is fast like lightning.
I could never find this solution without your help. I'm thankfull.
But I don't really understand why it works nowIs it because I don't have a 3D acceleration and the default Unity requires it?
But if so than can I ask you whether do you have 3d acceleration on your HD3200 card or you are using this Unity 2D too? -
I somehow missed these questions, sorry about that. I dont know if this is still actual but: I use normal Unity (and I hate it). Its a bit slower then the old Gnome 2 shell with compiz..and yes the default Unity does require hw acceleration.
On an other note, my left LCD hinge has brokenI would like to fix it by myself but I am not sure if this is the correct part to buy. Does anyone know?
Sorry for the belated reply, I didn't receive an email notification of a response to this thread.
Those look like the right ones, as the M51TA is a M51 shell. Mine recently got loose and simply had to be tightened down. -
Thanks for the reply..I assume you have already disassembled the lcd then. They sent me a picture, could you confirm for me that it is ok?
The picture (4.5MB)
Could you also tell me under which rubbers are the screws keeping the plastic together?
I am confused because the seller (or even others) sells two types of M51 hinges:
Brand NEW ASUS M51T M51SN Series LCD Laptop Hinges L&R (the one I posted earlier)
As you can see there is no TA code mentioned.. -
Sorry, but I didn't take apart my lcd, just the hinge caps and tightened the screws down. So I can't really help as I do not know
I've been playing around with overclocking to see how much more performance I could squeeze out.
I recently decided to clean the heatsink assembly since my idle temps were getting up in the 80c range.
While I had it apart I noticed that the thermal compound was baking into a hard solid crust on the gpu, so I chipped it off with a razorblade careful not to scratch up the heatsink. I saw that the heatsink had a very dull and coarse surface, as most every PC enthusiast knows this is not an ideal surface for heat transference, as it's desirable to have a mirror like finish instead.
So I got out a small block of wood and some sandpaper of ascending grit 200/400/600/800/1000 and started to wet lap the surface to a smooth finish using a bit of dishsoap and cold water, afterwards I polished it with baking soda toothpaste and it was done. I replaced the AS5 I was using before with a Liquid Metalpad my friend gave me, I believe it was this stuff and cut it down to size.
All in all my idle temps right now are GPU[55]/CPU[62c] But I was opening and closing programs, so I'll be rechecking the baselines and max when I do the benchmarking later on.
Time for some CPU undervolting and GPU overclocking!
After a bit of searching I came across MSI afterburner and K10stat
K10stat allows you to change the CPU powerstate voltages and clocks. After lots of BSOD and stability testing my ZM-82 is currently set to:
P0:2200, 1.0625v
P1:400, 0.7500v
P2:200, 0.7500v
If you'd like to try this yourself then refer to THIS tutorial. The benefits are lower power consumption and temps. My FID is locked at 14, if I try to set it higher it has no effect, but it will allow setting it lower than 14 for underclocking.
MSI afterburner needs it's RTCore.cfg edited to allow it to properly detect the 3650.
Change the RV635 = 9596h-9598h to RV635 = 9591h-9598h
and in the MSIAfterburner.cfg make these changes to the [ATIADLHAL] section at the bottom:
I've tested clocks GPU[725]/MEM[550] for the last few days and it passes all burn in tests, however I did go as high as 800/610 and it "seemed" stable as well, but the temps were getting in the mid 90c's so I didn't push it too hard. At 725/550 they hold around the low 80c's so this seems a good speed to keep. (edit: The temps are now spiking up in the 90 range, probably due to warmer ambient room temps than when I initially tested)
I'm going to go get some benchmark results here for 3Dmark06 and some various games I have. I'll edit this post with the results later on. Let me know if you have any specific benchmark requests.
[3Dmark06] (note: the house heater was on during benchmarking so my room was a toasty 86f)
the fan wouldn't kick up until the GPU reached 95c at which time it brought it back down to 80c, I would like to force the fan speed at 100% and rerun the benchmark to see the ideal temps.
I've successfully modded the GPU bios which is embedded in the main system bios, I've undervolted the GPU to 0.95v from 1.1v and adjusted it's powerstate clocks to [110/400 LOW POWER]/[300/400 2D]/[625/550 3D], The performance is slightly in the low/middle of the default vs 725/550 clocks. However the temps dropped more then 10c underload, BIG difference! I tested the max stable clocks which for mine are [635/565], then I backed them off a bit just to be safe. Running lower voltage + more heat causes more resistance, so if things ever get toasty then there isn't extra voltage to compensate. However with this setup now, the laptop should never EVER again get hot. It idles in the low 50c's and underload never crests above 80c! Plus I now get better performance than the stock clocks which used to get in the high 90c's!!!
[edit]By increasing the voltage to 1.0v I can achieve [680/580], temps fluctuate between the mid/high 80c's and low 90c's.
If you'd like to try the modded 207 bios let me know and I'll PM it too you, but this will be at your own risk and liability.
It is for the M51TA-X2 with the Turion ZM-82 CPU and Radeon HD3650 ONLY. -
It's mine first post in this forum, and i wont to say everybody hi!
From the begening sory for my speling, i don't know english very well.
Could anybody guide my step by step what i need to do to make my 3650 working on 7 ultimate? I've just instaled cleen system and i cant make it work... i've did everything just like in ZanQuance post on 66 page and it didnt work out... mabe version od GPU drivers isn't compatible for this solution? Yes i've downloaded everything just like you have in botom section of your's post
i've hope sombody can help me -
What version of catalyst are you using? What are the "symptoms" (blank screen, cannot see 3650..etc)?
I've [put .bat files in c:\fix directory, then uninstal all drivers (ccc wasn't instalet yet) from windows managment. Then screen make it selv very smal in center of LCD, all around it was black the same like i'll have 11''. then I've run the automatic downlaod ccc drivers. It downlaoded 12.2 version. dureing the instalation it tunr off LCD (it's not like dureing boting windows from bios, it's all black, back lite is off and i cant do anything) I cant run c:\fix\enable3200.bat from cmd (win+r) and only thing i can do is turn it off and bacup windows from windows repair CD...
The thing goes similarly for me when I am installing/updating the drivers. While doing so I got the black screen, but I think its normal - during installation I think both cards are activated. You have to wait sometime until the drivers are completely installed. I use TeamViewer to remotely connect to the machine from my phone to see the progress and restart the system when its finished. After that it should be ok.
Also dont forget to make the correct .bat files to be executed on windows startup/shutdown. -
Today morning I've decidet do do similar as you wrote (i read it just now
I've conectet by remote desctop service with secound PC then instal drivers from another PC... when everything was instaled, i've restarted PC, and everything was fine! I've coneted asus by HDMI to LCD LED and 1920x1080 was detected automaticly... Dureing restarting nothing was wrong, until i've went to the bus and decided to configure PC dureing the travel. I've started up PC and since that moment i can't do anything to turn on screen ;/
I think that it has place becous of power from acu... Have you any ideas how to deal with it ? ;/ Had you the same problem when you wont to use PC without a cable power? ;/
BTW - .bat files made exactly like ZanQuance said at 66 page in "tutorial"
EDIT : I've reinstaled windows7, and one more time instaled drivers by useing remote desktop service. It was instaled, but after instalation and restart, i can't see screen on asus even after type password and heard voice of "logon". I've changed .bak files 3650 and enableall with CD \FIX at top of them and there is no change ... Theam it! I'm gona throw it throught the window!!
EDIT2 : Something goes as it has to... I've corected all files .bak to be as it should to be. And I have stil one problem... Screen is turning on only after loging in. I cant see screen to type pasword, and screen exiting windows. Is it normal ? -
Yes the blank screen before login and at shutdown are normal for this workaround.
[edit]No more black screens with my latest scripts! get them from my signature. -
Ok, Sory that i had not serch earlier all topic to find a solution's. Today i have some time and i read a lot of those posts and everything is working now as you said
Big thanks ZanQuance for doing grate job, and cartman09 for guiding me!
I'm wondering if drivers delived by crk81 at 64page realy works ?
I found (heven't downlaoding and instaling, then i don't know if it is realy what it looks to be) such a thing
Asus M51 Ta Windows 7 X32 X64 Drivers Manual Adsm Win 7 32 64 - download from rapidshare.com
anyone sees it before or tried to instal?
BTW. Did you try to undervolting ZM-80 to get lower temp ?i'm woundering what voltages for states i need to put to make it work as quick as normal with smaler temp, cause in normal work at vista x86 cooler was turning on at 48*C on CPU first gear was between 48-56 next 57-63 and then 63-73 and last over those values... at 7x86 (i've 3gb ram) CPU temp is ~8-10C higher than at vista.
The powerstates on the ZM family should be the same, I think the only differences are the clock speeds. You can install K10stat and test with the voltages I posted and see if they hold stable.
The heatsink is shared between GPU and CPU, so if the GPU get's hot then the CPU temps will rise as well.
I also don't recall what those drivers crk81 posted were. -
Did anyone instal newer bios then that from asus support for m51ta ? I've used some internet driver update detector and it detected that bios need to be updated? Do you recomend some programs or ways to easy detect and update drivers?
I'm running bios version 2.07 which I've modded for better temps and clock speeds.
I don't recommend any driver update wizards as they tend to install incorrect driver versions most the time.
I would instead recommend downloading the drivers from the chipset manufactures.
Ati Mobility X32 drivers Win7
Ati Mobility X64 drivers Win7
Atheros WinXP 32bit
Atheros Win7 x32/x64
[RICOH SD card reader]
RICOH SD card reader <-latest I could find
HDA Audio x32/x64
[REALTEK X-FI mod 2.66] <-my preferred driver
Realtek HDA X-FI 2.66 mod
SITE for updates: Working Realtek->X-FI thread -
I've rewritten the scripts and added easy installer and cleanup batch files. (Get from signature)
also read the readme I wrote along with them for MUCH simpler installation instructions.
The new scripts solve the black screen issues on login and logoff, with the exception of a short delay they now work close to how the drivers " SHOULD" behave.
With this, I think all the issues should be solved finally. -
Hello ZanQuance! I'm new in this topic, but I'm also a proud owner of an ASUS M51TA notebook.
I wanted to update it to the new AMD drivers... and I broke everything in the process
Then I looked all over the web for a cure, and I found this great topic!
Of course I've done everything you mentioned in your last post and the readme file: the ATI software was uninstalled, all the drivers uninstalled, and I used your Custom Ati Driver Cleaner.
Next: the instructions from the readme.exe. So, Cleanup-FIX.bat, then Install-FIX.bat and the latest ATI Drivers - 12.3.
During the installation of the drivers the screen went black. I've started the "3200" run, the screen blinked, for a brief second the desktop reappeared, but again everything went black. I've tried this a couple of times, every time with the same result. I gave it a very good wait, and rebooted.
After the restart the 3200 GPU was enabled, and I've made all the hotkey bindings. I've rebooted once again.
The system started with the 3200 GPU and it stays like this. I can't make it run 3650 GPU. After I use the Ctrl+Alt+Shift+F1 hotkey the screen just turns black, and I have to do the WIN+R "3200" trick to get back to 3200 GPU.
When I check my device manager, only 3200 GPU is listed as installed.
I run Vista 64-bit.
Can you help me with this problem? Did I do something wrong? -
I haven't encountered this scenario under windows 7 as of yet, but it's not really important to have the 3200 enabled at this point, it's only so you can see what your doing. CTRL+R type "shutdown -f -r -t 000" and it will reboot the machine.
Navigate to the where you extracted my scripts, and run LOGOFF.vbs (wait for it to finish) then run LOGON.vbs (just double-click them to run)
It should switch you over to the 3650, if both however are failing to run then UAC might be preventing the scripts from running. I checked and vbs scripting is supported all the way back to XP, so there shouldn't be any real problems with running them.
After a clean reboot and in 3200 mode, this will be the only device listed, the 3650 is actually there but hidden until it's enabled through the driver, which the hotkeys do. After it's enabled and the 3200 disabled, you can look again and see that both now appear there. This is not really an issue
Question for you: Upon login and after waiting for the CCC tray icon, does the LOGON.vbs script NOT run? meaning it doesn't blank the display and flicker for a second while it switches over to the 3650? Is it firing off at all? It will only run if it detects CCC.exe in the first minute of login. -
Hey! Thanks for your quick reply. But unfortunately I think that I broke everything here, hmpf
My initial thought was that I interrupted the installation with my hard reset and it caused all the problems. Soo, I wanted to repeat the whole process. I've once again uninstalled all the ATI software, uninstalled all the drivers etc., rebooted and went through your readme.
Everything went fine until the 12.3 ATI driver installation... which went smooth. No flickering, no black screens, everything 100% great. This I did not expect.
OK, I did a reboot after this. And before the login screen everything went black. I blindly logged in and went to the WIN+R "3200" for help.
The desktop appeared alright, but the strangeness began: my right-click context menu shows the new ATI options (CCC), but there is no CCC icon in the toolbar. And I can't do anything to actually run ccc.exe - nothing happens. So I can't do the key bindings...
In the device manager both GPUs (3200 and 3650) are shown - the first one enabled, the second one disabled.
I'm really confused by this whole thing. It just doesn't make any sense... I'll wait for your reply this timeNot touching a thing, because it seems, that all I did so far, was making things worse
At this point I recommend cleaning up the drivers 100%, first run the catalyst removal removing everything ATI, then reboot and run the custom ati cleaner. No need to reboot after running it. No need to remove my scripts once they have been installed either, they go inert if the hotkeys aren't setup.
Install the 9.12 drivers first to get things running, setup the hotkeys (this activates the 3650 script). Reboot and see if the scripts auto switch to the 3650 for you. If so then just install the 12.3 as normal overtop the 9.12s and reboot once they finish, no hard resets. use the 3200 script for seeing the CCC install progress. If everything is okay then restart and things should work as normal. -
Hello ZanQuance.
I have installed the 12.4 catalyst suite from your link and your 3200 script works brilliantly. I also have set up hotkeys and moved the logon/logoff to the specified locations in the gpedit.msc.
On startup the 3200 is enabled, then ccc loads up and the logon script switches off the 3200, only to leave me with 800*600 and software graphics.
Now from what I can tell your scripts work in that they do do something. However, somehow the 3650 does not come to life. I never encountered a problem with the 3650 and upon initial installation it appears to work. Ie it comes up in device manager and windows experience index.
What is it that I am doing wrong? Also which drivers do you recommend, I don't have to have the newest ones but the should allow the 3650 to work.
Thanks a lot. -
Welcome to the forums.
[edit]irrelevant post removed, the script issues has been addressed in the latest build.
Get from signature. -
Ok, so I did program features express uninstall all amd and your ati cleaner. Then clean up fix and install fix. Then I installed the 12.4 mobility win7 64 dd ccc.
Bottom line: it does work, however, the ccc takes a long while to properly load up and from what I understand your logon script has a time limit of one minute.
But not to worry, this is great. I will reinstall windows over the weekend and see how it works. Maybe ccc starts up a little quicker on a fresh install. I tried to get this to work for a long time and installed a lot of rubbish so I was planning to do that anyways. (One wonders why there is only one forum in the web where this is solved...)
Another thing, sometimes when I startup my laptop from cold the fan blasts away as fast as it can, is that a common bug? If so, how can I fix it?
Thanks again, you have been a real help. I was starting to loose my mind. -
The reason this thread has any type of workaround fix is because no one elsewhere seems to care about this laptops issues. But I do since it's still my main PC
so I'll try and support it as much as I can.
Alright, reinstalled it is. Manually your scripts work, automatically somehow not. But this is quite acceptable. Do you have any experience with additional RAM? I am thinking of buying a new set of 2x2gb.
Also I cleaned my Fan exhaust with a hoover a straw and some gaffa tape. It worked quite well. I don't know about yours but mine made the(!) most annoying sound. Now it sounds like a laptop again.
Also why does the BIOS not allow one to do anything? My previous computers did allow at least adjusting the clocking speeds, this one doesn't?! -
I found the behavior of the 12.4 drivers to be quirky, sometimes my scripts would fail and in games some graphic issues started creeping up. I rolled back to the 12.1 and those issues seems to have cleared up.
I cannot speak for the lack of bios options, ASUS didn't want to give midclass laptops tweaking abilities and that's how it is. Our issues perhaps could have been solved by allowing us to completely disable the integrated 3200 via bios, but we won't know unless the bios gets hacked completely and that option added.
The fan always sounds like a dustbuster when it revs up, really annoying. After modding mine it never revs up unless I make it, and runs super cool now.
The only clock speeds that can be properly overclocked are the GPU clocks, I have a long post about this a few pages back, makes quite a difference. The CPU clocks can be lowered but not raised.
Mine is already running 2x2GB sticks and I haven't had any issues, came like this when I purchased it. I think 4GB is the max supported mem-size on the M51TA-X2. -
And again I have a problem with my X56ta... This time I'll start with a small question: where does this notebook have the sensor, that detects if the lid is open/closed?
Long story short: my right hinge has broken off. Ugly thing, but the notebook has worked fine with this minor problem. But suddenly a very disturbing thing happened - the notebook failed to start. After pushing the power button the initial PING signal runs, the fans start, but the LCD is black and HDD light does not blink. Nothing happens. And it stays like this.
So my guess is that the open/close sensor (switch?) was somehow pushed into "closed" state permanently by the broken hinge. But I can't find where it is...
PS. My warranty has expired, so I would like to fix this on my own.
PS2. Yes, I'm writing this using an another notebook (that belongs to my wife)
Sorry, but I have no idea where the switch is located.
I would assume it's a ground switch that contacts when the hinges are in a closed position.
I'm not about to tear apart my lcd screen to test this idea, so unless there are some schematics online or someone else knows, you may be short on luck with this one. -
I just finished writing a small program I named PowerXpress.exe, this replaces the need for hotkeys and will do the job properly this time.
HOTKEYS are not required anymore, you can remove them if you've set them up in the past for the older script.
The timing issues present in the old script were fixed properly for the most part, there is still a required delay when switching to the 3650 though.
I cannot disable the 3200 too fast, otherwise it borks the display and you get low res mode ect... so I use a 5 second delay once the screen goes black before disabling the 3200.
This seems to work well enough but can be adjusted if you edit the 3650.bat file to your systems needs.
Change line: PowerXpress.exe 5 to whatever number in seconds you like, then rerun the Install-FIX.bat to update your system.
Other than that, it should switch to the 3650 much faster on login (almost right away).
You can still manually switch the GPU's with the 3200.bat and 3650.bat if you like.
I DO NOT recommend trying to switch the GPU's via the ATI Control center, this will still cause a BSOD. This is not something I can fix or work with, so just don't use it!
If you get any Catalyst control center errors during the switching then just remove that bothersome program as it likes to interfere with my nice scripts now and again
ENJOY!!! Let me know how they work out for you. -
Did anyone tryed to instal custom asus drivers from vista in win 8 ?;> i'm wondering if there is hope for properly work ate win8
Asus M51Ta Owners' Lounge
Discussion in 'ASUS Reviews and Owners' Lounges' started by Tshroom, Aug 10, 2008.