I'm going to be trying out win8 here in a bit, I'll let you know how it works out.
I edited my scripts so they run "Manually" under Win8 (use them to switch to the 3200 after installing any drivers)
however it refuses to switch properly over to the 3650 still.
I think this is a driver issue, and we should wait for them to release proper Win8 drivers for our mobility chipset.
This will only be AFTER the Win8 RTM builds, so it might be a while. I'll search for a workaround in the mean time though![]()
Zanquance, did you have a guide for this machine to work with the latest ATI drivers? I tried to install it a couple of months ago but got black screen so I just gave up. I'm at old 9.9, it works pretty good but I really would like to have the newer ones to work properly. If I do remember correctly you have to connect to the laptop from another computer to get it working.
Ok, I did find a guide at page 66, thank you for that one and have a nice evening. -
There is a new readme.txt included with the latest scripts, I wrote an installer batch file that sets everything up for you. -
Thank you Zanquance. One question, where can I get the catalyst 12.1 drivers?
Drivers new and old are now in my signature
Did you have the link for Home Premium X32. I have reinstalled Windows with that version and forgot to change my sig. Now it's changed though.
[edit] I've cleaned up the readme.txt and included all needed info there for each windows version.
That should about do it for now
I wish there was a way to announce that things are much easier/better now and get everyone to try it out.
I've tried going over and updating all my old posts to remove the old information which is no longer relevant, this way people searching for fixes still can get the new stuff insteadyour posting Maus64 inspired me to do so. Thanks!
I couldn't install catalyst 12.1 drivers, don't know why, could it be that they are desktop drivers? However 12.4 drivers installed just fine and are working good as far as I have observed. The only issue is that I can't switch graphics with Win + P buttons, I must use your short cuts, but that I don't see as a problem really, I do not switch graphics so often. You have done a great job with the scipts, terrific to be able to use the latest drivers. Thank you very much for that.
DOH! your right, those links are for the desktop and not mobility drivers.
I can't seem to locate the older mobility ones from amds site, so I'll remove the links from my sig in the mean time.
WIN+P stopped working from 10.x>onward, so you have to use the scripts. But at least it's working for ya!
The 12.4's have graphic corruption on occasion in firefox (menu bar disappears), the desktop will sometime not refresh after removing or adding icons, games have missing polygons ect... -
I found the 12.1 mobility drivers on this site:
Download ATI Mobility Catalyst Display Drivers 12.1 for Win Vista/7 32bit, Win Vista/7 64bit
The 12.4 drivers made my fan spinning at full speed when waking up from sleep so I couldn't use those. -
Ok, the same problem with 12.1 drivers. Who needs a cooling fan when you have a M51Ta
Back to 9.9
Next time I will buy an acabus. -
Are you running bios 207? That was supposed to have fixed the sleep/fan speed issue.
Yes, I do have 207 and have only that problem when 3200 is active, not with 3650. But when I shut down and restart with 3650 active the computer starts with 800*600 resolution and I get a popup window saying in short "No AMD graphichs driver is installed, or the AMD graphics driver is not functioning properly...." when I switch back to 3200.
So I have to restart with 3200 active to have it functioning properly and switch to 3650 after that, and not to forget to switch back to 3200 when shutting down. Funny isn't it -
Hi guys
i have a problem with drivers on windows 8 x86 Release Preview on my notebook M51Ta
so here is the deal:
i did a clean install of windows 8 , everything works fine but i am unable to install drivers from ati.com
everytime there goes black screen
so can someone be so kind and write guide how to install latest drivers on this notebook?
i also try to install other drivers but everyone has some bugs...flickering in games,missing textures,apps in metro doesnt show properly etc.
and yeah i am able to run both cards (no code 10) with some several drivers but as i mentioned noone is "stable" -
"Can you run gpedit.msc and verify that the scripts are assigned to logon/logoff?"
Yes they are assigned to Logon and Logoff. -
So it's not an issue on how the scripts set them up, they just don't fire off automatically. I'll see what info I can dig up, but without being able to observe it first hand, I can only grasp at what it "might" be.
ZanQuance firts off all thanks for your scripts
i reinstalled windows 7 back to try them and they are working perfectly and i finally succesfully updated driver to latest one (12.4)
but there is problem
everytime i need to restart my laptop i have to switch to 3200 , because windows wont load properly i mean i have the same problem as maus64
my question is :
Is there a way how to have both graphics enabled when using latest driver? -
It seems to be an issue with group policy scripts not running automatically on home premium. I have no way to automate the gpu switching which is required for this to work properly besides using group policy.
I don't have any current idea on how to solve yours or maus64's issues on home premium, besides upgrading to ultimate instead. -
Problem is I have Enterprise x86 version
It's just really odd, everything I read says group policies should work across all versions of windows 7, and that home premium simply lacks the gpedit.msc console snap-in, but that group policy still works without it.
I haven't the slightest idea why it wont work automatically. If you can double click the logon.vbs and logoff.vbs and have them run manually, then they should have no issues running automatically as well.
If there is another method to running scripts on logon and logoff, let me know and I can redo the installers to make us of an alternative method. however I think group policy is the only built in method for doing this... -
They run perfectly when you click on them but windows seems not to run them at logon or logoff. I have searched internet for solutions without any fortune. There are tons of information and it's not easy to sift out which is useful. So I have given up on that. I have been running the 9.9 drivers without any problem so I can always revert back to them.
Hi again! Well my laptop went down 2 days ago
and I'm trying to revive it myself. Laptop froze while I was installing game and after that I can't turn it on. When I click power button I hear computer starting to work, power light is on, fan starts after a while. But the screen is blank, no asus logo, no further boot up, no sound.
I did a few things which I read about on net like: taking out battery, power cord and pushing power button for ~45 secs, turning laptop on only with power corde or battery, removed hdd, swapping ram to check that is their fault. I read that I could try to reset bios by pushing >O< button with paperclip for 1 minute. Nothing worked so far.
I got same freeze about two weeks ago but after a few attempts laptop powered up. Is my laptop dead? Can I do something else to revive it or service is the only option left? Again sorry for bad English. -
Hi songo! I occationally have the same problem as you, the computer won't power up. I have been able to start it up by twisting or bending it or blowing hot air with a hairdrier through the fan exhaust for a minut or so. I think in my case it's a bad contact somewhere. You can also open up the flap on the back and push gently on the main chips like cpu and gpu when power is on and see if it runs. Be careful to ground yourself first else you can damage the circuitry.
PS. if you have warranty left send it to service, if not it's going to be an expensive affair to get it repaired. -
The latest drivers now dropped support for all pre 5xxx cards, for us the last ones we can use are the 12.6 betas which I have direct linked into my signature. The older link pointed to their installer utility which no longer supports the 3200/3650s
I installed the 32bit version of 7 Ultimate and encountered your issue with the scripts not running automatically. I've traced it to an error in my installer batch file. I've updated the scripts in the signature, however if you would like to manually fix it, change the following line in the
"2 Install-Fix.cmd" file
Thank you for taking time to correct the error Zanquance. For the time being I'm on the modded 9.9 drivers but I will try it when I have a little time free time.
Hi all,
My M51ta that I got as a replacement for an Asus lemon from Asus has been OVERHEATING for some time. It goes up to 103 Celsius AFAI, mostly when I play Fallout 3. This is the only use I have for it in fact. I've been using this lappy for 28 months or so.
It runs Vista Premium that came with it.
It seems that thermal sensors won't detect any temp higher than 100-105. Anyone can confirm that? I use CPU ID Hardware Monitor.
Is there a solution?
I've been thinking about disassembling it, putting fresh grease on the CPU and GPU chips but a rather thourough Internet search doesn't yield any how to. I've read there's aluminum foil in addition to grease on the chips. Since I've never replaced thermal grease, I need comprehensive instructions.
I've been cleaning my laptops with a vacuum cleaner all of me life. Anyone else does that?
Also: what's the cheapest notebook cooling stand that'll do the trick? There are a few flimsy ones with one or two USB powered fans available from a local store where I reside but I'm hesitant to buy them since they accept no returns. They cost anywhere from 20 to 50 USD.
See my post HERE It's REALLY simple to disassemble this laptops cooling bay, just unscrew the 5(guessing, not looking right now) on the bottom and remove the plate. Then unscrew the heatsink mount and clean it out with some compressed air, use some alcohol and remove the caked on thermal grease from the heatsinks/cpu/gpu and northbridge. Be careful not to destroy that aluminum metal pad as it's not really aluminum but a Liquid MetalPad made for transferring heat much more efficiently than thermal grease.
After it's all clean, make that metal pad as flat as possible and rub a small SMALL amount of thermal grease (arctic silver) on both sides and stick it to the GPU die, then apply some thermal grease to the cpu and reassemble. Then follow what I did in the post I've linked and run K10stat to under-clock your CPU when it isn't being used, this will greatly reduce your temperatures. Also if you really want to get fancy, you can give my modded bios a go and under-volt / overclock the 3650 GPU which also reduces the temps and increases performance.
Let us know if you encounter any issues with this.
[edit] Sorry, forgot you asked some other question as well.
I use CoreTemp and have seen this laptop reach 110c+ before, so the sensors do work higher than 105c
Get a basic targus cooling pad, mine was $9.99 on sale and works fine.
Also if you've never used thermal grease before the amount applied varies, but you want a very thin smooth surface of the thermal grease on the CPU and north-bridge chips. There might be some youtube videos on applying thermal grease that you can learn from, but they aren't for this laptop exactly.
Applying Thermal Grease -
Hi Zan,
could I ask you to send me the modded 207 BIOS to my gmail please?
It's oooooory[at]gmail[dot]com
Thanks! -
Sorry for the delay, worked a 10h shift today. Email sent.
Hi ZanQuance, can you send me modded 2.07 BIOS to my gmail please? Thank you for your scripts.
My gmail:
[email protected] -
Hi Songo,
my notebook had the same issue u reported and it happened after installing ZanQuance script. It happened in the same period you reported problem. I have tried everything to get my computer working again but nothing. I then decided to bring my computer to technical assistance and 3 different people confirmed my suspect. The graphic card was fried. Nothing I could do but buying a new motherboard.
I would like to hear from you if u also had installed ZanQuance script in July before that issue.
I would also like to thank ZanQuance for his patient work with those scripts, but unfortunately doesn't work for everyone and I had serious consequences... So let's be careful please... -
I would be extremely impressed if a person could write a script that damages a persons hardware, but this is nearly impossible to do.
But thanks for the concern, you can look at my scripts and see how they operate if you would like.
You'll be pleased to find that they simply disable the unused gpu in the device manager and nothing more. This is very safe and would not cause the mentioned failures even if a person wanted.
The scripts not working before is due to a permissions bug that has been fixed in the latest release. Please give them a try instead.
Thank you for helping support these fine laptops.
[edit] I posted this at work on my phone, so there were grammatical errors that I have now fixed. I also wanted to add that, if anyone doesn't want to suffer a GPU hardware failure like macaco has, then I strongly suggest keeping your laptop cool and clean. This also involves changing the thermal paste on both the CPU and GPU, as the stuff provided from the manufacture will be LONG overdue for a reapplication if you haven't changed it already. Software (aside from bricking due to bad rom flashing), has no methods for destroying hardware.
Anyone saying otherwise is speaking out of ignorance and should do their own research to confirm their suspicions.
Having your laptop fail after using my scripts is merely coincidental. -
Dear ZanQuance,
I am sorry. I wasn't precise.
I did not intend to blame the script itself for the gpu failure. I remember downloading the "drivers+script" from you digital signature in that period and installing it. It was working fine right at the beginning but, after a few switches the gpu broke down (in less than 24hs from installing those drivers+script), reporting the same symptoms that Songo described. I've found it a strange coincidence that my pc broke down in the same period and with the same symptoms of Songo's. That's why I asked Songo for a feedback.
I know that post was two months old but I didn't check this forum anymore after my computer crashed, so I just saw it yesterday.
So, end of the speech, I now suspect (but I am not an expert) that the those drivers that I downloaded in that period together with the script, were not fully compatible with the gpus, which got "overcharged" and failed. That's my naive explanation.
But of course, it could just be a coincidence... but a strange coincidence I would say.
Thanks for suggesting me to download those drivers, but I think that I now want to think twice before giving it a try (new motherboard= 180 euro).
Cheers! -
And I assure you as can lot's of other people, that your failure was indeed just a coincidence. I suspect its because you failed to properly maintain adequate cooling on your laptop and it overheated. Though this is all speculation on my part.
If any laptop is to fail due to my work, it would definitely be my own! I've overclocked and voltage modded mine, however it's running cooler and better than it ever has. Remember, I am here to help everyone and support this (unsupported) laptop to the best of my abilities.
So rest assured that I have everyone's best interests in mind. Including yours -
Post deleted.
DERP! Your doing WAY more than required to get the drivers running. First your attempting to install the desktop's 12.6 and not the mobility, download the proper one from my signature instead. Second don't modify the GPO startup policies, they should "NOT" be set to run synchronously. This will attempt to load the scripts at the wrong time, which causes them to fail every time. Please revert those changes.
Your low resolution is because the driver failed to load, this is also due to the fact you modified the driver config which now doesn't pass the certificate validation and Windows X64 MUST have signed drivers, otherwise you will have to press F8 and disable driver signing enforcement upon each reboot. Don't bother, just use the official mobility drivers and install them without modifications over your existing setup. And let the scripts do their thing.
It should work fine after this. -
Hi! Everything was and is working fine for me. I installed the drivers which were linked in your signature. My drivers are signed.
You were right, the original GPO script settings work for me too.
I 've deleted my previous reply. I regret I bothered you. If you delete your previous reply I will delete this one too and noone will ever be confused because of my fault.
Have a nice day! -
Tell me pls, how you modded your bios, VGA 3650 bios for m51ta? -
Maybe it's trivial for most people to update their BIOS but I've never done a BIOS update before. But now I have to do it because I have the full speed fan issue on turn on if I shut down the notebook from Ubuntu. Please could someone write me the instructions on how to update the BIOS of my ASUS M51Ta? Is it very risky to do a BIOS update? Can one do anything if the update fails?
(Should I just follow this video Guide?: Guide : ASUS EZ Flash bios update - YouTube)
And one more thing: Has anyone been experimenting with the graphic card drivers under Linux recently? I have never managed to get the graphic cards work properly under Ubuntu. -
Ati mobility hd 3650 driver for Windows 8
http://support.amd.com/us/kbarticles/Pages/catalystlegacywin8.aspx -
Hello, ZanQuance!
Please help, the video driver was downloaded by following the link, I do everything on your instructions, the script is executed, but the black screen is lost. Mode does not help and "rescue". Laptop Pro57T (M51Ta) Win7 Ultimate x64.
I apologize for my English - translated by Google translate.
In advance, thank you! -
to ZanQuance
ask you to send me your modified bios too.
[email protected]
Thanks for your enthusiasm. -
I would like to thank ZanQuance for his great work! I like your scripts a lot sir!
I am not offering any further support for this laptop. Ati has hammered the last nail into the coffin by dropping driver support.
The modded BIOS is no longer available (don't know what I did with the file) and I don't feel like remodding it. The only tools you need are a Brain, Mmtool, and Radeon bios editor. Used together in the proper way you can mod the 3650 clocks and voltages.
My scripts run under windows 8 with the new drivers just fine MANUALLY! they will not run automatically for whatever reason
With user account control enabled while switching GPUs, it will prompt you to click yes during a black screen, if you listen you can hear the audio alert, at this time you can hit Alt+Y to accept and continue switching GPU's.
I am currently running Win8 32bit without any issues. Disable UAC for easy switching. Although doing this will not allow you to use the Metro APPS.
For win8 all you do is enable both GPU's, the screen will go black then manually reboot. Do one blind login and run the 3650 script manually, this will switch you over and let you run. If you close the laptop lid, the screen will stay black and you'll have to blindly reenable the 3200 and then switch back to the 3650. I suggest to switch to the 3200 before closing the lid, this way you can see when you reopen the laptop, the 3200 works flawless.
I strongly suggest if you run windows 8, to have teamviewer setup for auto login, this way when the screen goes black you can use another pc or tablet/phone to teamview in and run the scripts.
So long and thanks for all the fish!!! I shall not return anymore. -
ZanQuance, what Windows have you now? Windows 7 x64 or Windows 8 x64?
Im running dual-boot win7 64bit and win8 32bit.
Windows 8 is very nice when you have touch monitor, but manual-switch 3200-3650 is really uncomfortable. Windows 8 running faster then Windows 7, startup and shutdown, but Windows 7 performance is best in games programms and really good work autoswitch 3200-3650.
Asus M51Ta Owners' Lounge
Discussion in 'ASUS Reviews and Owners' Lounges' started by Tshroom, Aug 10, 2008.