No, it does not. it cycles thru Power Save & Standard modes only.
The performance settings icon in the systray offers Battery saving mode, and Standard mode, performance mode is greyed out until I click on it, then a dropdown menu apppears for showing a pre-set list overclock modes, but this menu is blank, and then the setting reverts to one of the other two modes when I exit that menu.
And the performance window in direct console is altogether missing, the space for it is still there, but that space has been covered over with an ROG logo.
Aren't those missing performance options & menus part of the "Turbo Gear" software? The manual says something about those missing menus should offer a "turbo-extreme" mode...![]()
I have contacted the seller, and Asus tech support . . .
I also did a complete F9 system restore from the emergency partition, Twice, and all options to speed up the CPU or Ram from Asus' windows consoles are still disabled...
The seller, says these things are not supposed happen, and it looks like a bios incompatibility with the quad core processor. (Mine was shipped with Bios Version 0411, and a 2GHz, Q9000 quad core cpu) BTO said that I (as an end-user) should report this Asus tech support immediately. When enough end-users report this, Asus will generate a new bios version to fix it.
Asus tech support says the unit is so new, they never heard of this issue before with the G71G- Q1 model, and they will contact me after the supervisors are back on monday and study it . . .
So if there are any other G71G-Q1 owners out there, check your direct console, and your turbo gear consoles.
If any of these consoles have anything greyed out, or if you are unable to increase the speed of your processor or RAM in either of these consoles, Contact Asus Tech support about it immediately, and if your Q1 has these functions working just fine, tell us what Bios you have, or if/what you did to unlock these functions in yours! -
I should be getting my G71G-Q1 on Wednesday and I'll post here if mine is the same way and contact support.
Hi guys,
I was wondering whether anyone has noticed a problem with the keyboard in which you will get two characters when pressing a single key on the keyboard. I seemed to have noticed this after installing the new BIOS 411, but I will not be downgrading my BIOs until I do confirm that it is the BIOS problem. Furthermore, does anyone have any solutions to solve this? I tried going to the keyboard options in control panel but had no luck.
Another question is the CPU and GPU temperatures. I noticed that when the computer is IDLE my CPU temp runs at around 52 degrees and my GPU at 65-67 degrees. This seems a bit high imo and was wondering if anyone else is getting the same trends. -
That keyboard problem could be indeed caused by the BIOS. It's not too difficult to check: revert to the old BIOS temporarily and see if it goes away.
As to the temps, maybe it's time for a dust cleaning? -
I also upgraded bios to 411, but don't want to revert as that seemed to help with the low mic levels. Pick your poison
At the moment the startup fan noise is the most annoying thing. Anyone know if they've fixed this issue? What happened with your issue kiwibuddy (page 11 of this thread).Last edited by a moderator: Feb 2, 2015 -
Direct console has no way to overclock and overclock is grayed out in turbo gear. I'm going to do a default Vista install and install the Asus software manually to see if that helps and I'll report back.
I may have to revert back to the old BIOS because this keyboard problem is something that can potentially me over as I am writing my medical school applications and sometimes microsoft word's spell check decides to not work. What Bios are you guys using that has confirmed to not have this keyboard problem?
Hey si618, are you also getting the keyboard problem? Also, Asustek hasnt responded to my call about the fan. It doesnt annoy me as much as this keyboard problem when i have to be really careful about my typing. I'll be calling their tech support service today again and I will update you guys. I know Taiwan usually holds their weekly meetings on Mondays so we'll see if they will decide to give us new parts etc.
I received my Q1 a couple of days ago. It has the 0411 BIOS with no overclocking function, although the keyboard works fine.
When I looked for updates on the ASUS website, the BIOS was updated to 411 to "support Turbo Gear funtions with Q9000 CPU" (amongst other things). The Q1 is the only G71G model with Q9000 as far as I know, so maybe this means they're working up towards giving the Q1 overclocking?
On the other hand, I don't have any issues with the fan whatsoever. Almost seems too quiet compared to my last laptop! I do have the popping speakers, but I haven't gotten round to downloading the update, yet. -
My keyboard is working fine and after a clean install of Vista I still don't get overclocking features. I'll email support about it shortly.
Can't say for certain that it was after the bios update, but I didn't notice it before.
Thanks for keeping us updated about the fan, I bought the G71 so I could have a good notebook to work overseas with, and it's embarrassing to have it make so much noise at the office! Also very difficult to send it back for repair since I can't do my job without it, so once I know there's a fix I'll see if they can do a swap. -
Quit scarring me!
I've been waiting and waiting to get a G71G laptop...I was told to wait it out a little...Cause they were gonna drop some prices and then break out a Q2...
I keep visiting this forum, so I know what sorts of trouble i'll be getting in. Although I've picked up a lot of know how...I still have no clue what to do when I get one...
Then it seems like it's just a load of problems after problems...I'm getting really worried...almost more scared of this then the BoogeyMan! -
I personally don't mind waiting a little while for the overclocking ability + the popping speakers can be fixed easily enough.
I have noticed a bit of a keyboard issue, actually. But it occurs very rarely - I haven't had any double keys in this post, for example. Not that I really notice anyway; I'm not the most brilliant of typers, so before finding out others have this issue I thought it was just me!
If you have the fan issue, but don't want to void the warranty/possibly break the laptop by opening it up: have you tried contacting Asus + asking them to make a gap between the fan and its cover? I've not personally asked them to do something particular before, but they seem pretty helpful.
Anyway, despite the issues I have, I still love this laptop. <3 -
The overclock issue is something each of us end users will need to aggressively follow up on with Asus until it gets resolved though, (the alternative is putting up with poor quad-core performance/support in some CPU intensive apps & poor upgradeability down the road if you ever want to drop in the 2.53GHz Quad with that beautifully Huge L2Cache someday)
So when you get yours, all you need to do is call an Asus Tech support SUPERVISOR about it twice a week till the new software that will take full advantage of the quad core processors is on their site for you. (push them them produce the update now, while they still produce the model, & still want to sell more of them!)
As for the Q2? The Q1 and the Q2 are completely identical machines. the ONLY difference is the amount of hard drive space Asus puts in them when they ship out. 500GB vs 640GB (both versions use 7200 rpm drives, just different sizes) compare their prices & see if its worth the extra $$$ for another 140GB. -
Does anyone know were the UK Asus call centre is based? The first had an accent that could've been either Australian or American, + the second seemed vaguely English. I also had an in-between woman who seemed possibly-African yet possibly-Asian. They all had rather strange (but nice) accents!
I also emailed support yesterday after I was unable to get through, and the reply gave me a link to download TurboGear. I didn't think it'd work, and it didn't. Emailed back with screenshots of the issue + now awaiting reply.
I don't think there's any general issue with Direct Console (other than the overclocking doesn't show on Q1 models). Is it possible to download + reinstall from the Asus website? I can't see it listed, but it may be under a very-slightly-different-name. XD
To be honest, it's the popping that annoys me the most (or really, the only thing that annoys me more than a little), but as I spend most of my time in 7 (and have forgone audio drivers altogether - not like I notice any difference!), I get to avoid it. I'm sorry to hear that the unaviodable issues are the ones that bug you the most. With any luck, they'll be fixed soon enough!
Something occured to me earlier, and I wondered why MOST - but not all - G71G laptops have a problem with the fan scraping its cover. With the laptop in front of me and fan as quiet as it possibly could be, I hear nothing.
But if I put my ear close to the fan vent, I can - just a little - hear a slight mechanical scraping noise, distinctly like what I would imagine a fan brushing against its cover would sound like. It's not continous, just short, random scrapes.
I'm not worried; when the fan speeds up the scraping disappears, and the sound is so slight that I doubt it's doing any extreme damage - but it would begin to explain why there are a lucky few without any apparent fan problems.
Could anyone confirm that I'm not, actually, going mad; that's it's not normal; and that it's not just the movable parts of a computer doing what they do best? Pretty please?
/and thus ends my extremely long post. Sorry 'bout that! -
Finally, the popping noise is really easy to fix. Simply update your realtek sound drivers by making sure you click on the install application TWICE! The first time it is for the installer to uninstall the old sound driver and after you boot the machine you'll need to click on the install exe again. -
It's (most likely) a BIOS issue because:
1. It's not a driver issue (my OS had the problem before I installed any drivers);
2. It's very unlikely a hardware issue (otherwise it'd probably happen almost constantly);
3. A lot of people have said that this has only started happening after flashing the latest BIOS (that is, almost everyone who's updated).
It really doesn't look like it could be anything else. -
I'm going to suggest everyone with this problem to revert back to the old drivers. I myself will be testing the BIOS 410 and I need someone to check BIOS 406. I will be posting my findings within a few days of use and determine whether reverting BIOS 411 to older versions will help. Can anyone install 406 to see if its fixed while i try out 410?
ive been thinking about the keyboard, audio & fan issues with the G71series, As far as the audio tick, I used to work as a soundman for about 9 years & any audio amplifier (large or small) will make a pop, a thump, (or a tick) noise whenever you turn it on or off. (anybody with a hi-performance aftermarket car stereo system can tell you stories about this phenomenon too)
There are several wiring tricks that can be done to minimize that noise, but the bottom line is, that my G71 only ticks before & after it needs to (or thinks its about to) play something on the speakers. When you scale everything down to microchips, you still need a tiny little audio amp inside the laptop to run these speakers, & maybe Asus' designers forgot to ground their amplifier chip well enough, or design room for a teeny weeny filter capacitor on it, to silence such a tick.
As for the keyboard, I understand Asus tried something new with the mechanical design of their keyboards for the G71 seriees, they make them spill resistant now, this CAN change the way the little switches are built in each of the keyboard's keys, and Asus's Really cool little innovation may not have all the mechanical bugs worked out.
Why do I say that? Sometimes, when you tap just right on a spring loaded switch, like on a control console, or a typewriter keyboard, the contacts inside that switch can actually "Bounce" off of each other and cause that button to act as if you tapped it twice, when you only tapped it once (albeit maybe a little too hard, or too gentle that time). I know laptop keyboards have spring loaded keys, and they also use keyboards that have a certain amount of springy "flex" to them too (though Asus has been real experts about keeping that "Keyboard Flex" to a minimum on the G71's (with these cool new "spill resistant" keys). --all I suggest is that there may be enough spring action in these keys, and "flex" in these keyboards that the two could combine to cause the buttons to "bounce" a little bit if you come down on one of them just right while you type. I never had a double typing issue with my G71 except for once, when I got frustrated & I know I wound up hitting one of my keys a little bit harder than normal.
Maybe a new driver or bios can account for these things? I dont know-but dont forget the limits of mechanical design when you are trying to figure out an problem with it.
As for me and my Malfunctioning Direct Console and Turbo Gear programs, Still trying to figure that one out! I wonder if it may not be a Bios issue, since the latest Bios claims to have been created to address it already, but maybe this could a driver issue, or one where the application itself was written for only Dual-Core processors? and simply overlooked in the release?
Now I believe that this TurboGear and the Performance features in Direct Console are features Asus had been showing off in their advertising to help sell these machines, and it was one of the points that helped sway my decision away from buying a Toshiba Qosmio with similar specs. Wouldnt you think Asus should be held accountable to their advertising?
If anyone managed to get these apps to work 100% Please tell us all what version numbers you are using. Mine still do not work properly, and here's their version numbers (as an example of the versions that are NOT working properly:
- Direct Console 2: Version 2.0.6
- Turbo Gear Extreme: Version 1.00.18
- --PAIRED WITH: TurboGear Enhance Driver Version
As I described, this combination is whats been installed on my G71G-Q1, and all options these contain that help it run any FASTER than oem stock specs, are disabled. Contrary to advertising.
Do either of these share a common driver that might be out of date?
(sorry about the long post folks, I figured all the details could help somehow) - Direct Console 2: Version 2.0.6
I just wanted to ask you all about your GPU temperatures when overclocking. I'm hitting around 70+ degrees which freaked me out. I was playing Crysis Warhead on enthusiast settings with 1600x1024 which is pretty impressive imo for a laptop. What is a safe range for the temp of my gpu and cpu anyways?
The audio 'popping' isn't a hardware issue and has already been fixed. There are links to driver downloads throughout this thread.
Christ knows what's going on with this overclocking thing. I'm not sure if it's possible to tell whether it's a BIOS, driver or hardware issue, because all we've got to go on is some greyed-out settings.
Do the G71v series use the same BIOS? No-one with a G71v-Q1 have reported this issue here or on the ASUS forums, but if they use a different BIOS, then it's a very good theory.
To be fair to ASUS though, they are completely stumped and didn't expect this at all. And as they weren't aware that the overclocking function wasn't working, they can't be held accountable for advertising it as working (other than fixing it, obviously).
Also, I think those are the only driver versions released for our model - I don't remember seeing any others on the site, unfortunately. :/
To be honest, at this point I'm considering overclocking manually. The thing is, the reason I bought it (and, I'm guessing, the reason it swayed you) is because the auto-ocing shows it can handle it. Just a bit extra hassle, that's all.
Personally, I like to keep it under 90. But mid-70, on Crysis, OC'd, is very nice!
As for CPU, that tends to follow GPU (the temp of CPU is lower, and the limit tends to be lower, too). I don't know the exact temps for this system, but keep under 90 on your GPU for most of the time, and you'll be perfectly fine! -
If you look on the back of the G71 series laptops at the serial number sticker, you will find the Motherboard revision there too, and it corresponds with the Model number of the laptop itself. ie: G71G-A1 laptop lists motherboard G71G. G71V-A2 models show G71V, etc.
Also another super-cool featire the G71V's offered was a built in subwoofer! It was located on the bottom of the laptop, just below where the ram modules are located on our g71G models, and the Ram on the g71V models was located elsewhere, (toward the center of the motherboard I think)
This suggests that the G71V models had a different motherboard, & maybe different Bios requirements too bad those machines are out of production now. -Check this out:
The g71V-Q1 version was a real multimedia machine! :yes: But was offered for a very short time. If I had the money available back then I would've bought one! Reviews say it had a LOUD built in Subwoofer, That 2.53GHz QUAD CORE EXTREME cpu I like so much
, and Get this! Some vendors reported it came with an SSD in one of the Hard drive bays!
but the model disappeared in just a week or two, because of massive reports it shipped with the wrong hard drives installed. Too Bad!
I can add my own SSD, & my own Quad core Extreme cpu (if the Bios will recognize it) but I want that built-in subwoofer on my g71G! The G71G is a very powerful machine with lots of horsepower, and awesome video hardware, I love it! but these 4 speakers sound like they need a woofer really bad! -
I agree, is there any way you can get the subwoofer seperate and install it yourself?
Hello Guys, can someone tell the quality of the G71q screen. I am thinking to buy one but I heard it's screen gets cloudy if increase the brightness to maximum. is that true?
To be honest, I'm not very good with speakers - I'd probably not notice much difference even with subwoofers built in! ^.^ But yeah, I have to admit, that was one of the things that attracted me to the G71 series in the first place!
Personally, I don't have any cloudiness whatsoever. Some do, but most have been able to almost literally wipe it away with a cloth (provided with the comp) or by putting pressure on the back of the screen.
Otherwise, I think the quality is awesome. -
Anyone having problems with the Microphone? I've tried using it in games or Skyping, but it sounds like I'm in a tunnel. I'm pretty sure I still have the Mic drivers loaded (may have removed them for the audio pop, but then again I still have the Realtek controls for the speakers/mic so I wouldn't think I still would if I removed the drivers, but I don't know).
I've tried adjusting the settings, volume...etc but it's still not working right...also when I touch the top of the panel, I can hear it through the speakers a little. -
I'm always on here reading, and mentioning I'd be going for the G71G...Been waiting and waiting...and finally it's time!
Everyone recently brought a stir of the Q1 having no overclocking.
So I just emailed my questions to GenTech. Cause everyone always talks big and good of them. Anyway, before all this. I'd been talking with my Tech friend. I mentioned the overclocking deal and Quadness.
He didn't reply to me if this was stupid or not...But I said, "How come everyone is in such a fret with the quad not overclocking? I mean it's 2 dual cores and all, would you really need to overclock them at this time?" He had told me the quad was just 2 dual cores...
Anyway, I mentioned this in my questions. Brian the rep, told me that Asus has disabled the overclocking for the quad. He also says this...
"We should be at 5 GHz at least but that's probably not gonna happen since multiple core is more efficient and less power consumption.
Samething happen with single core CPUs, it has been replace by less clock speed Dual Core processors.
So Quad core only a 2 dual core? isn't dual core only a 2 single core?"
Which I understand but don't understand the second half...
So yea...not sure if this really helps or destroys dreams...but I figured it'd be just a little helpful somehow... -
FWIW Realtek 2.16 audio drivers has been released (it was 2.14) and I'm just grabbing them now (had to manually FTP from their download express a whopping 1.8KB/s!). Maybe that will improve things. -
I downgraded my bios to 410 to see if the keyboard problem would disappear. To my dismay, the keyboard problem still exists. I would highly encourage people to try installing BIOS406 to test out whether the keyboard problem would disappear and post their results here.
Everyones dead!!
G why!? -
I had to send my Q1 in for a bad pixel, had it back in a week good as new. Now, if we can just get a BIOS update for the overclocking and double keystroke issue I'll be a happy camper.
I just got the Q1 last week and I have two problems:
1. According to the Asus website, the BIOS 0411 should be able to a)fix logo sound appears twice; and b)support Turbo Gear funtions with Q9000 CPU. But when I checked my BIOS, IT IS 0411, and I still have these problems!!
2. I accidentally remove the turbogear enhanced graphic card driver. (since I deleted it, I couldn't remember the exact name of that driver) How can I get it back? -
1: enter BIOS and load User default.
2: save the settings and exit.
3: enter BIOS again and load user default again.
4: save and exit.
(Instructions were provided by GenTechPC)
I'm not exactly sure about the turbogear enhanced graphic card driver, but i'd start with reinstalling the graphics drivers and turbogear from the drivers disk. -
Thanks for quick reply!!!
So there is still no way to fix the turbogear issue for Q1/Q2 owners?
I am not a everything-has-to-be-overclocked person, I just hate buying things that comes out without full functions. -
Zombies! You live again!
Ah, that's cool!
Anyway...Youngame dude...I just ordered my Q1 on Friday...but before that I contacted GentechPC and asked them the questions that been spurring up on here.
Which the most current and important one from everyone is...will the Q1-Q2 have overclock, and Brian from GTPC said "no, they disabled the feature on these models" something among those lines...So in order to discover if anyone else is saying the same thing...Would be to ask all the other stores too...
But maybe one of the dudes on here will discover the secret to break down the door and overclock!
So...sit some brains and have fun! -
alright, this double key stroke problem is really beginning to become a burden. Has anyone found a solution to the problem?
Its more of a keyboard issue than anything else. For instance, when i'm typing, sometimes i will get two letters with just one press of a key (double characters with one keyboard press). Thus, I don't really know whether this is a touchpad problem. Furthermore, I have tried to change the control panel keyboard typing repetition settings to test whether it was Window's fault but it seems to be on Asus's end. Any suggestions to fix this problem would be highly appreciated as this is the only set back from making this one of the best laptop's I've ever owned. -
btw, has anyone updated from their Nvidia drivers? I'm thinking about upgrading from tthe 179.14 to the 179.48 but I don't have any benchmarks to show which is better. I'm contemplating between the 179.48 and thhe 179.24. Any suggestions?
i got the same double key stroke problem too. A $2000 laptop shouldn't behave like this...
So...I should finally get my Gness Saturday or maybe unluckyness will set in and it'll come Monday.
Anyway...Does anyone got Charter internet? I'd preferre it not be wi-finess...My choices of internet around here are Qwest and Charter...and some low budget dial ups I think...but my friend has Charter and it's good, and my cousin has Qwest which is also good. Price doesn't matter cause it seems the same.
But it'd be better to have others with the opinions of there nets and experience.
Thanks! -
1. control panel - ease of access- check "use filter keys" - bullet "ignore repeated keystrokes."
2. run regedit
3. My Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Accessibility\Keyboard Response
4. Enter following Values.
AutoRepeatDelay = 520
AutoRepeatRate = 60
BounceTime = 40
5. Reboot.
See if this works out for you -
ok guys lemme first start off by saying i bought the g71g-a1 back in i believe november-december and i ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT! I myself had issues with the fan noise and simply opened it and took a pair of pliars and slight bent the edge of the inner opening outward and voila never had any noise since. I also had to send it back because of bright dots but it took a week and they fixed it perfect no problems since. I also had a popping noise that just decided to go away not sure why didnt do anything to fix it. If you are deciding wether to buy this laptop or any g71g series I would definately recommend it to anyone, you cant beat the performance for the price, its the fastest computer I have ever used even vs desktops. Gaming is quite impressive with most games a few you might have to turn settings to medium but the quality is still amazing. Everywhere I go I everyone envies my laptop
. Also as far as overclocking goes on the quad core version people come on ITS A QUAD CORE shortening the life of your processor by jacking it up is pointless considering the performance gain is so minimal especially with a quad core. The only other gripe i have is that you cant adjust the webcam angle which would be wonderful and the doors that cover the usb and audio ports are a pain in the to open if you dont have nails
But all in all I would recommend this laptop over any other brand even alienware its just a great laptop. Hope this helps
Asus G71G Owners
Discussion in 'ASUS Reviews and Owners' Lounges' started by jbbnet, Dec 2, 2008.