1. To my knowledge, The throttle issue has not been solved.
2. I strongly strongly suggest the g53sw still. The higher resolution and the higher performance of the gtx460m compared to the gtx560m on the g53sx are major major purchase factors
Anyone else have an issue with USB transferring lagging up the system until the transfer of a file is complete?
I'm just speaking of all of them
So, I wanted to ask you guys if any of you travel with this latop, and put it in sleep mode. I'm afraid that if I put it in sleep mode, and then into it's sleeve, I'll suffocate it. does anyone know if this is safe? I hibernate now, which doesn't take too long, but putting it in sleep mode would be much quicker.
dragonwolf8504 Notebook Evangelist
Yeah, that makes sense. I only asked, since it seems a lot of mac users do this sleep on travel thing. I once thought I hibernated with the laptop, but it was actually on for a few hours, in it's sleeve, in the backpack. The temps were only in the 60's, so it wasn't too bad, but I wouldn't do it on purpose. My regular idle temps are 40-50 degrees, and while gaming, it can get to 86 when I don't have it on my laptop cooler, so 60 didn't seem too bad.
All G53´s models sold by amazon have the 128bit version of the GTX 560M ???? No 192bit possible?
dragonwolf8504 Notebook Evangelist
Wow this sux, sent in my G53SW for some repairs and it came back with dead pextials on the screen where it had none before sending it in!
Lots of them at that. How the tech that fixed the other problems couldn't have seen them is beyond me.
Not sure if he/she messed it up some how or if they put someone Else's bad monitor on my laptop. Anyways I now have to send it back once again.
Damn another 2 or 3 weeks without my G53SW-NX1. :-( -
The ASUS RMA center is terrible right now. I escalated my case because they returned my laptop in a condition I am not so happy with. Thermal grease specks here and there, warranty stickers unsealed. screws missing. The charging port is still broken because I have to move the charger at a certain angle.
Keyboard looked as if someone used it that had been eating and has food on there fingers. Dust and all kind of stuff on the screen and keyboard.
Outside wasn't to bad other than the themal paste and a few looked to be food spots.
I am really disapointed in the Asus RMA repairs department in Fremont Ca. -
Same here and my "repair" took almost a whole month.... The buttholes lol. I am not going to let them live that down. If I have to send my laptop in I will make sure its next day air shipping to and from, with PERFECT repairs. This will be my foruth RMA too :/. The only thing good I got out of this was when they replaced my LCD with an IPS 1080p anti glare screen because they ran out of the gloss.
Guess I got lucky some what only took 16 days round trip this time. This will be my 3rd time having to send it in.
Bad part is the only Fedex close is 35 miles away, so 70 miles round trip.
It'll be 210 miles on my part after I drop it off tomorrow and get back home. Costing me about $35.00 for each trip x3 in gas, that doen't count in the time lost from work & others.
I ask that they not recover the OS last time unless necassary and there was no need to, but they did any ways. So all my hard wok was lost.
I told them the DVD burner was bad but no sign it was changed or anything about it being replace or fixed noted on the repair sheet.
They sent it back last time with the memory chips in single chanel mode also.
after replacing the system board.
I really don't want to send it back but can't stand that the LCD now has dead spots all over & most are close to the center of the screen.
So there really noticeable when playing games or doing anything. -
Idk I haven't had an issue with my data being lost, they swapped 2 modules of my G.Skill ram with their Hyinx RAM though it pissed me right the hell off. They did me the favor of telling me the other two modules where bad though. I am going to call them up soon since its been three days since I escalated.
After seeing all this, I'm just glad I made the decision to just fix my laptop on my own instead of sending it in. Besides the upgrades I did, I had to cut the hall sensor and replace the LCD screen. I like my matted screen a lot better than the original glossy screen.
I decided not to send it back right away but to keep it here for the weekend so I can check it out more.
So far I'm sure this isn't my orginal screen, because now I have it tilt it back all the way for the color
to look right, its way to bright when set to any other way. Tried turning the brightness down doesn't help.
It use to run really cool even under full load, now it hits mid to upper 80c.
Mid 80c while playing games like Rage on the CPU, 72/73c on the video card, witch is about where it was before.
Already had it lock up twice while playing Rage today. So I been putting it threw as many stress test as possible
so I can try to get everything fix this next go round. I hope.
Doing a AI recovery burn now to see if that "the DVD" is going to record right, plus do a restore to see if its actually a good burn or not.
Oh yea another thing I found is the power connection for the main power in, is loosing connection. Maybe they gave me your old system board Tito...
I now have more problems than I did before sending it in.
I'll be checking the SS# plus the OS key on the bottom next to see if this is even my laptop I sent in. -
Hi, yesterday I bought G53SW. I have with it a terrible problem with the notebook gaming performance. Playing The Witcher 2 low, all off, FHD it's unplayable, 10-20 fps. Same with Battlefield 3 which is playable only on low and everything off but now always. FPS varies between 15 (smoke, fire) and 50. No idea what goes wrong. I've bought notebook without W7. When I bought it realized:
1. Install Windows 7 64x
2. Install all drivers without point 1. Hostfix (don't know what is it) from this:
3. Install Avast
4. Install all update for Windows (about 100)
5. Update directx for Windows site
Nothing changed. I found on forum something like this:
"First, be sure you're on high performance mode.
Second, install driver sweeper. Remove gpu drivers from add remove windows program, DONT REBOOT.
Run driver sweeper, sleect chipset and display (nvidia), then hit analyze->clean.
Now if windows is attempting to install the drivers itself, cancel the process. Download latest 280.19 Beta (Verde notebook) from nvidia.
Download the modified inf ive attached above.
Run the installer. It should create an NVIDIA folder in C:\. It should say that theres no compatible hardware found.
Go into NVIDIA folder until you reach Display.display folder. Go into it and overwrite nvam.inf with mine attached a few posts above.
Run the setup again, this time hit Customize and check the box "Perform Clean Installation".
Install everything but 3d vision controller/driver. Now reboot when asked and see if your gpu keeps on acting like that."
Don't know where is this modified inf ive, so I did this without it.
Nothing changed.
Maybe this notebook is not good enough?
Please help!
Fel0n -
I had looked at this info before but don't recall, but it just doesn't look right as what I had seen before when looking.
Field Value
Monitor Properties
Monitor Name AU Optronics B156HW01 V5
Monitor ID AUO15ED
Manufacturer AUO
Model B156HW01 V5
Monitor Type 15.6" LCD
Manufacture Date Week 1 / 2008
Serial Number None
Max. Visible Display Size 34 cm x 19 cm (15.3")
Picture Aspect Ratio 16:9
Horizontal Frequency 30 - 83 kHz
Vertical Frequency 56 - 75 Hz
Maximum Resolution 1920 x 1080
Gamma 2.20
DPMS Mode Support None
Supported Video Modes
640 x 480 75 Hz
800 x 480 75 Hz
800 x 600 75 Hz
1024 x 600 75 Hz
1024 x 768 75 Hz
1152 x 864 75 Hz
1280 x 720 75 Hz
1280 x 768 75 Hz
1280 x 800 75 Hz
1280 x 1024 75 Hz
1366 x 768 75 Hz
1400 x 1050 75 Hz
1440 x 900 75 Hz
1680 x 1050 75 Hz
1920 x 1080 70 Hz
Monitor Manufacturer
Company Name AU Optronics Corp. -
295.73 WHQL
I'm still on 290.53 BETA because I had problems with the newer released WHQL driver. -
dragonwolf8504 Notebook Evangelist
While I don't know if others are having this issue, whenever I try to watch youtube videos my graphics driver crashes. I tried everything from installing older drivers to the newest, all the way to even re-installing Windows 7, to no luck. Once the graphic drivers would crash and recover they would continue to crash even afterwards, the only fix for me was to reboot. My games ran fine, Borderlands on max everything (This is probably the most current demanding game I have installed right now since my restore.) After more digging around on the internet, I discovered, it wasn't the drivers, it was adobe flash, the newer versions support hardware acceleration for "console quality games". Will apparently it is messing up the youtube videos for a lot of people. Here is the fix:
"While we work with Adobe to smooth out a few kinks, the following steps will allow you to disable hardware-accelerated playback, and get back to watching Youtube videos:
Right-click in the middle of the video below (or on the on the video you're having issues with)
Click Settings
Click the left-most tab
Uncheck the 'Enable hardware acceleration' checkbox to disable hardware acceleration.
Refresh the page"
Make sure you have loaded a video and pause it really quick before it starts to play. Then do the above steps.
Here is a link for the actual page with instructions:
Disabling hardware accelerated video playback - YouTube Help
If your not having issues it means either you don' have the latest version of flash or your lucky and everything is working fine.
I tried the above steps and am now watching youtube videos again. Oh yeah, and I'm running the latest WHQL nvidia drivers as well.
I just thought I would post this on here since I originally thought it had to do with the laptop itself. I didn't even think of adobe flash and figured not everyone would think about it even on here. -
Is it normal for the back to be hot when I play SWTOR?
dragonwolf8504 Notebook Evangelist
I see a lot of people killing the 128 bit 560m. I have to say, having owned a g53sx I wasn't underwhelmed by its performance one bit.
Here is an album showing how ASUS left my laptop. It sucks... They tried to through the old "We attached the RAM on the outside" they did do that, but the RAM inside is the stock HYNX.
http://s72.photobucket.com/albums/i189/tito0096/Public ASUS G53SW-XN1/
The password is "IAMPISSEDOFFASUS". -
dragonwolf8504 Notebook Evangelist
Yeah. Same here, I was gonna go with MSI, but I had a budget. I regret that decision lol. I shoulda just got the MSI, and waited to upgrade to an SSD, with lots of RAM.
The worst part is that it took them almost a WHOLE MONTH, from 1/20 - 2/18 basically to complete the RMA. This looks like they did a last min job. -
dragonwolf8504 Notebook Evangelist
Amazon.com: MSI GT683DXR-633US (15.6-Inch Screen) Laptop: Computers & Accessories
This one cost about $100 more than mine did stock, and is better spec'd than mine was stock. And I'm sure by the time my asus dies I'll have enough save up for the current revision of MSI's which would be even more upgraded by than. (Of course I will be doing research when that time comes.) But Asus will NOT be in my search, I will remember all the issues I've had, and how Asus treats their ROG's and what their service center did to you as well. I will official say that Asus is no good on their gaming laptops. Your better off saving a few extra $100s to buy that MSI or even Alienware. Wow did I just say that? Oh well. I wish you luck man and hope something good breaks for you. -
I got the G53SW-A1 about 6 months ago, and never had an issue with it, appart from the power button issue. Looks like the service is better in Canada, since I had a very good service from their Toronto service center. It does appear, though, that they dropped my laptop, from the broken plastic in a corner of the screen and the base of the laptop. We're a few people with G53 and G73 laptops at college, and it appears that a lot of Asus ROG laptops have issues. I think it's a shame, seeing as I never, ever, had an issue with my 4.5 year old Asus F7Se.
I just got a Crucial M4 SSD, and was wondering if there is something I should know about the G53SW and a SSD. Does it make a difference which bay I use for the SSD vs the one with the HDD? -
Shouldn't be a problem with either bays, but i played it safe and stuck it into the primary bay
At first I used the primary bay and moved the HDD that came with the laptop.
But having to RMA it I decided to put everything back as it was before sending it in.
Once I got it back I decided to use the extra bay for SSD and all work very well even my benchmarks where just a little better.
So it doesn't matter witch you use. Make it easy on your self and just add it to the extra bay. Go in bios and change boot order to the SSD all done.
Come to think of it if your going to use the SSD as boot and OS drive better remove the other before installing the OS as it may load the boot files to it. -
I'm now getting 00000F4 BSODs, I hope I didn't get a bad SSD, but then again I don't think I would've been able to install Windows on it if it was the case no?
Guess I'll try the SSD in the desktop to see if it's that or just a compatibility issue with my laptop.... -
Put the SSD in my desktop and I don't have any issues with the SSD, so I guess the issue is probably with the laptop. Currently on it on the Windows installation of the hard drive that I was going to use as secondary..
I am PiSSED! lol
I am playing on my laptop when all of a sudden, the laptop goes on battery. I come to realize that the powercord(the end that goes into the laptop) broke off the pin/insert inside. So now its stuck in the cord and I can't power my laptop. Is this something the warranty would cover, or am i better off just takin it to a shop and having them fix it...? Already called asus they're emailing me the RMA form etc and shipping label. But honestly, i feel like its an easy fix, just not to computer savvy on fixing anything. Need some input from you guys on what to do... (sigh) i should've got the 90/degree angle adapter. . -
I got my laptop working, SSD in primary bay and hard drive in secondary bay, but the transfer speed when I copy from the different partitions on the secondary isn't constant. I believe the SATA connector to be defective... Not going to RMA for that as long as it works even if it only took 1 week to have it back on the last RMA. I should've went with a non-ROG laptop instead of this ty G53.
As for the warranty on the power plug? I'm not sure but I think it would be, seeing the number of people that had that issue. Can't be sure though. -
hey guys, quick question,
the G53SW's hard drive bays are SATA III right? -
Yes, they are.
Just found out today "actually yesterday now" lol if you have a RMA and check the stats online then see this:
Waiting-[WF1] Wait for Customer Confirmation-Upgrade
DON'T wait for them to contact you because they most likely will not.
The above showed up on my online RMA stats last Friday, I called as soon as I seen it to inquire last Friday about what I need to confirm.
Don't waste your time calling because the phone rep will not have a clue about what's going on.
Six working days go by "doesn't count the weekend" still heard nothing so I tried something different: ASUS Online Technical Service
witch is nothing more than a email service to support. But at least someone replied the same day and knew what was the hold up and what needed to be confirmed.
My stats went into repairing very soon after I replied to his email letting him know I except the Anti-glare panel.
Hope this helps others get a quicker resolution to there problems.
Edit: I also called again today just after getting the email from Frank Cruz.
To add to this they will not "or so the rep I talked to said' NOT except your conformation over the phone.
It has to be sent by email or some kind of written statement "as confirmed ok" for there records to be excepted.
So another words its a waste of time to call in this situation,
but don't expect them to contact you first as I don't believe they were ever going to contact me by email or phone.
Well may be a month from now they may have finally sent a email. Your guess is as good as mine.
BTW just so you know I checked my email and spam box every day this past week & nothing from Asus. -
I have a G53SX (not sure) I'm wondering why my keyboard is getting hot, I use a keyboard screen so I don't drop food/drinks in it, does the small spaces between release heat if so? maybe that is the cause? any ideas/suggestions?
Horay... My LCD struggles to come on now. I have to literally smack the area where the LCD connects to get it to come on after multiple reboots.... This is the last ASUS Laptop I get. I cant wait to get the 4th RMA overweath -_____- so I can have a good laptop.
How sturdy is this laptop? Lately Ive been doing my work on my bed and most of the time I pass out with the laptop on my bed
and I sometimes will move my legs and body around and the laptop gets in the sometime (yeah I know, been meaning to move it to my stand before going to sleep)
just curious how sturdy this is because this seems like a tank, like it can take this kind of thing =o -
It's been so long since I upgraded I can't remmeber if it's safe anymore to update the drivers. Being at work I can't remember if I updated the drivers or not and how I did it (through ASUS or Nvidia). Either way I had my first video card crash since I first bought the G53SW-A1 a year or so ago.
dragonwolf8504 Notebook Evangelist
Asus G53SW Owners' Lounge
Discussion in 'ASUS Reviews and Owners' Lounges' started by kaworu876, Apr 16, 2011.