thanks, you know how much longer the g53's battery can last compared to the g73?
- thought is to purchase the G53 and once I get the laptop I would back it up to my Windows Home Server. Would it then be best for me to reinstall from the "recovery DVD" to get rid of the bloatware or should I just use Decrapifier?
In other installing from the recovery DVD the same as the new laptop...justwithout all the bloatware? -
Donald@Paladin44 Retired
@ Metallic...The whole point of the ASUS recovery DVD is that we do NOT use the A1Recovery program to make the disk. What we offer is a SINGLE DVD, not a set of 6, which provides a CLEAN install of the OS.
What A1Recovery gives the user is the joy of burning 6 DVDs that will include all of the original Bloatware (Free utilities, most if not all of which are worthless space wasters, from companies that pay ASUS to install them on all their laptops) & Scamware ("Trial" software from companies that also pay ASUS to install on all their laptops in hopes that you will just fall in love with it and buy it sometime during the trial period). It is impossible to get a clean OS install with the A1Recovery set of 6 DVDs, and the only way to get rid of all the JUNK is to delete them, one by one, in Programs & Features...which will take longer than doing the original burn of your lovely 6 DVD set.
@ JediTim...Hmmm, interesting...Decrapifier? Hadn't heard of that one but I like it
ASUS does provide the Drivers & Utilities DVD so if you buy the $15 ASUS recovery DVD you will have the tools necessary to do a complete fresh install, but without all the Bloatware. There would be no point to backing up or taking an image when you first get it because you would be sucking up all the JUNK, although you might want to do so after you complete your fresh install. -
PC Decrapifier is mentioned in PC Magazine, Maximum PC and other places to delete the unwanted junk from a new installation. I prefer the idea of using your recovery DVD instead to rebuild the system without all of the bloatware in the firstplace.
I originally was going to get a G51 (prior to the G53 being released) and installing a SSD drive in its place with a new version of Windows 7, however, I like the idea of getting the OCZ Vertex 2 120GB drive as the main drive and a a hard drive as the backup. One question though...can I use the 750GB drive that comes with the laptop as the second drive?
Thanks, Tim -
Donald@Paladin44 Retired
I am assuming from your question that you intend to install the SSD yourself and move the 750GB to the 2nd HDD that correct?
If it is, the only problem you will encounter is that ASUS does not provide the mounting bracket for the 2nd HDD bay, nor do they sell them separately. -
Actually I plan on having you install the SSD and the 2nd hard drive...didn't know if the drive in the 2nd bay would be the original drive or a different drive...I know there is a purchase price for the 2nd drive and part of the cost is probably for reinstalling the software to the drive onto the SSD.
In other words...your site offers a 750GB drive as the drive for the 2nd you just move it over or install a new drive? -
With all of this recovery disc talk, I am curious about the creation process. For those of us that have purchased this (or any ASUS notebook) already, is there a way to make them without the bloatware, maybe another way besides the A1 Recovery software?
hey any answers about my question on the stock wi-fi card if i should upgrade it? im almost final on my decision to preorder one from xoticpc
instead of making 6 disk ? -
Donald@Paladin44 Retired
Okay I really don't see what is so special with the 3DE version considering it has a lower resolution. Why is there no "Full HD" to compliment a beautiful LED display with 3D graphics?
To those who buy this I hope you do enjoy it. Personally I think due to the lower resolution and more compact form factor the unit will not be as good as it's bigger brothers the G73 line. Asus keeps making claims these units have the good cooling of the G73 but I can't overlook the fact that a smaller size nets you less airflow to work with bottom line resulting in more heat.
The 17's on the other hand handle everything better and it would be wise for Asus to build a 3DE off of the G73 platform.
Anybody know if this is coming out and will it have the 1080 resolution like G73's do? -
I think we are now at the point where alot of questions that are being asked have been answered multiple times....
my g53 should arrive in a couple of day, I'm like uber excited.
has anyone done any gaming benchmarks first hand yet? I'm curious as to how well bad company 2 will run.
Also, do the 260.99 drivers require modding on the g53? -
I've currently been waiting almost 2 weeks still nothing
ordered it through amazon. -
I won't go to the 17 inch... I saw the difference in my own eyes... huge for my travels. -
so no one is having any issues with the 260.99? I'm really hesitant about downloading them -
Mine is actually planning on arriving this week!!!
I'm planning on playing starcraft 2 and other games on it, would I need to download any driver updates before i began? -
Hey guys,
I posted a little guide for taking apart the G53 and putting in a second drive:
Hope it helps -
@bendok: Very nice and helpful guide. Thanks for the effort.
Justin@XoticPC Company Representative
please i need some feedback on gpu drivers.
Hey, I've got about $1500 to spend on a new gaming computer and I'm coming really close to buying the G53JW-A1 but I keep hearing from people that buying a gaming laptop is not a smart idea as one could buy an equivalent desktop for hundreds of dollars cheaper.
I'm looking for a computer (desktop OR laptop) that will last me a good number of years (at least in terms of upgradeability. I understand the hardware will eventually fade out) and am curious if anyone knows any desktops with comparable specs to that of the G53JW-A1 yet at a cheaper cost. i7 processor, 460M nvidia graphics or better, 6GB of RAM etc.
Otherwise I think I might just buy the G53.
P.S. - Being available in Canada is a plus. (I don't mean being able to ship from the U.S. That's what I want to avoid. The duty and shipping costs usually stack up too high) -
if you are okaish with a desktop,then buy a desktop with amd phenom quad and gtx 460(it will wipe the floor of 460m and it runs about 200$)
You can get a pretty decent rig for about 750-800$ without monitor.Get aa netbook worth 300$(with decent ion) and 150$ for decent monitor!
You will still get these for 1500$ but in terms of upgradbility,theres nothing except the desktop! -
I wanted to build one a while back, but I've decided having a laptop that does everything I need it to do is much more worthwhile than lugging a desktop everywhere I go. Only thing is the lack of lengthy battery life, but there's outlets almost everywhere in college.
Best of luck to you. Building a desktop is fun, but having a a laptop is way more convenient especially if you're a student.
P.S. Does anyone know where to find a tutorial/checklist for a clean install of Win7 for the G53? -
Call up GenTechPc
they will ship it to canada
I will be getting mine Today -
just ordered mine today from Xotic PC!
8gb, two 500gb drives (dont have money right now for ssd), also upgraded wifi card.. also got the recovery discs cause i just dont want the hassle of doing that myself.. total of $1571.00.
hopefully i can get mine soon.. although there's still the matter of the extra hdd bay being available.. so yeah, hopefully they get that early.. -
Im looking to purchase this model, will i be able to connect it to an external monitor?
Wow fast repies. Thanks.
Two more questions... what is a good SSD and how easy/hard is it to put in?
Which is a good Usb Ext Monitor
For how to install, check Guide to disassembling the G53JW and installing second hard drive -
Can anyone explain me the pros and cons of g53 compared to the g73 except the size and weight
The G73 is ALOT easier to get into the internals.
The touch pad is a tad bit smaller on the G53.
The G73HW has a overheating problems, but that is solved with the newer G73JW model.
The G53 is extremely cheap and affordable if bought from Amazon.
That's all i can really think of, Hope that helps. -
Yep get those samsungs, I have 2 in mine and windows starts up in as little as 15 seconds
I got mine today & am very happy
Asus G53Jw-A1 -
Okay my g53jw is coming in tomorrow and I am uber excited. It's going to be my first laptop ever and I've been stuck with the PC in my sig since like 2005. I know I've asked before, but I just need some reassurance on this.
- Has anybody experienced any problems with the 260.99 drivers for the 460m?
- Do these drivers need to be modified in order for them to function properly?
I don't know how I'm going to keep my grades up now haha.
This forum has been EXTREMELY informative, thank you all for providing invaluable knowledge. -
Thanks for the suggestions in helping me decide what PC I should buy.
Ended up going with the G53.
Picking it up on saturday. So stoked! -
Also, where does one buy that table thing you have for the laptop with the pvc legs?
And, last question cuz ya'll completely skipped over it: Where can one find a tutorial/checklist for a clean install of Windows 7 for the G53? -
My zune software keeps blinking repeatedly at a random times, when I shut down the hardware acceleration it stops.
Also, for some weird reason, my 3d turned on by-itself and I can't stop it unless I restart the computer.
EDIT: ACTUALLY, that was the zune software, also my colors switched to 16bit as well... fricken zune software, it's nice but very buggy, imagine having 10,000 songs with 1 album cover... Akon's album cover.
My vga and hdmi outputs have a very heavy RED hue when black colors are displayed.
My bluetooth mouse stops responding at random times, sometimes after 15 mins, sometimes after 2 hours... getting annoying and frustrated with this CRAP.
Also, I can't seem to be able to dim or brighten my keyboard anymore (fn + f3, fn + f4) but all the other buttons work fine....
Asus G53JW (A1 & 3DE) Owners' Lounge
Discussion in 'ASUS Reviews and Owners' Lounges' started by TipTip, Oct 22, 2010.