Hi, I tried searching the other threads, but could not find an answer to my question.
Does the G53JW-XN1 on newegg Newegg.com - ASUS G Series G53JW-XN1 NoteBook Intel Core i7 740QM(1.73GHz) 15.6" 4GB Memory DDR3 1333 500GB HDD 7200rpm DVD Super Multi NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460M
have the same specs as the G53JW-A1? I know the RAM and HDD are different, but is the display and Mother board the same? They both list a 1080 display, but does anyone no if the displays are the same model #. I was wondering if the one on Newegg had a cheaper display, i.e. less contrast.
Thanks for any help!
Support.4@XOTIC PC Company Representative
It appears that the XN1 from Newegg will have less Ram (4GB instead of 6GB) and a smaller hard drive (500 GB instead of 750 GB) than the A1 version. Otherwise they appear to be the same!
And yes, it's the same screen as the A1. -
The screen on xn1 and a1 is probably the same, my friend has a xa1 model and it has the same screen as the a1...
which is the best 3d mark to run and test your notebook?what should be the average score of g53jw-3d?
need some examples of overclocks on your g53 that proves to be stable...so i will try mine similarly... -
Does anybody have any pics of a vinyl wrapped G53?? I read a few posts about doing this a while back and really would like to see how it looks afterward....
hey everyone, so i got my g53jw-a1 today... everything was good in the beginning, i installed guildwars and my fps was 60 and ping was under 120... as soon as i updated some drivers and bunch of windows updates.... guildwars' ping was averaging 250+ which was laggy and freezin.
its not what i expected, thought this machine b running applications very smoothly... but atm its not
so what might b the problem here? -
Wonder how many of you have had your G53 for a while and would like to comment on its features, both good and bad? I posted this is the wrong area of the forum so, here it is again. My G53 has been upgraded to include a Crucial 128GB SSD for the operating system, 8 GB of memory and a blue ray drive. Clean install of W7 Pro. Comments, so far, from another forum member are,
BTW here's bad ( I agree totally)
# No easy access to internal components.
# Poor power port (easy to break)
# Stupid power port location
My additional complaints:
Screen has very poor viewing angles
Poor location of USB ports ( I use a mouse)
Good ( I agree)
# Superb performance
# Good build quality
How about you? -
Has alot of this model had this power port problem with it breaking?? or is is a pretty rare occurance??
I personally, haven't had a problem with breakage but handle the plug very carefully. My G53 has a straight in plug, which is really in the way if you use a mouse and I would imagine if you were to bump it hard, it could break. Some of the G53's have been delivered with a right angle plug which should be much better. I've been trying to locate one through Asus but no luck so far. While they show it on their parts web site, they told me they won't guaranty that the adapter they send out would have the right angle plug as shown in the photo!
Hmm...does anybody else know where one could purchase this right angle adapter??
Hello PPL,
I buy a G53JW-XN1, it will arrive here until day 15 to 20+-
Some youtube talk about keyboard color change, and others talk about a MOD to use a color film to change the color key.
What is the right ? it can change color by setup or by MOD ?
You guys with a XN1, what do you talk about it ? like it? I believe it is the same of A1 with low memory and HD, it is it?
BR -
@ noelsairplanes & blackjack997:
I got a straight plug for my G53 and didn't like it, so I bought a new Asus OEM adapter with angled plug on eBay fairly cheap.
ASUS AC ADAPTER 19V 6.32A 120W ADP-120ZB BB CORD PLUG - eBay (item 260664262044 end time Feb-10-11 13:36:38 PST)
That's the one I got. -
Hey Muyfa666, I just looked up the eBay auction from your link. The adapter is a 120 watt while the adapter that came with my G53 is 150 watt unit. Are you sure the one you bought will have sufficient power to handle the G53?
Well, my adapter was 120W. I guess it's due to region differences (I'm in Sweden, Europe). Shouldn't be too hard to find a 150W one. The same seller may even have it.
If you want something way cheaper I also ordered this:
It does the trick just fine, but I ordered a extra adapter from ebay anyways to have a spare. -
Anyone knows if it's possible to find the firmware file for the dvd anywhere? I was hoping to MediaCodeSpeedEdit it, but I can't find it anywhere. Asus does not provide it on their homepage at least.
does uninstalling "power4gear hybrid" improve gaming performance??
please answer this as i am facing problems playing GTA4 as the game is stopping suddenly and returning to desktop giving a "fatal error" message...which is very annoying in the middle of a mission as i have to play that out again....
I am a soon to be an owner a g54jw-a3! So excited.
I am reading every page of this thread to try to figure out what to do with my laptop when I get it, and so that I can ask questions after. -
So start off slow, install updates, then install software, restart often and don't rush (installing multiple items) and good luck! -
Haha thanks. Yup, G53. I must have been too excited to have caught that lol.
Well I am on page 39 and I guess I'll ask some of the questions I have gathered so far.
First off, I am a total noob on computer stuff. This is my second laptop. The first laptop I owned was back in 6th grade for a laptop program class. That was in 2000. Well here are my questions!
1. When I get my laptop, the first thing I am thinking about is doing the http://forum.notebookreview.com/asu...ugh-doing-clean-windows-7-install.html#nobios shohld I? I purchased the back up recovery DVD.
2. Does windows automatically update? Or do I have to manually do it?
3. I've seen multiple posts regarding installing ATK drivers, What is that?
4. What is P4G?
5. Also, I have a 320GB hd, from what I think I understand is that partitioning a hd is spliting it? Should I or am I able to partition? I was thinking I don't need to, and I also have a 3.0 USB 500gb external HD so I'm not worried about space.
6. Do I need to update my vid card to this 260.99 I have been reading about asap?
Again sorry, I am really clueless on computer stuff, and I thank you all in advance. I really just got this laptop for some work here and there, but mainly games like bad company 2, and planning on getting crysis 2. Im tired of lugging around my desktop for LANs ( can barely run bad company2) -
1. If you have the possibility to do it, a clean install is always best. Make sure you got all the needed drivers before formatting thou.
2. You will be asked if you want updates to be done manually or auto when you install Windows 7.
3. Drivers for hotkeys. (eg. FN+F10 to mute sound)
4. P4G is Asus power scheme handler. It's integrated with dedicated buttons.
5. Yes. The latest drivers are far better than the stock ones from Asus. -
any one ordered from pro-star.. how r they and do they offer free bag and mouse coz they r like 50 $ cheaper than other resellers..
nvmd jst ordered from xoticpc.. g53jw A3 base config + 320 + 500 gb 7200 rpm..
total 1452$ -
i ordered through them as well.
Only difference is the mouse/bag, are you telling me that you are paying the xtra $250 for the mouse/bag? -
Dude exact diff.= 210 $ coz i changed to A1 and got it for 1432 and newegg=1220 inc shipping
And diff is 4 gb ram and 320 gb hdd + bag + mouse (which i needed any way)
so doesnt matter much -
So now i am the proud owner of g53jwAny tips ? How to clean, etc.
Clean? Why would you want to do that?
Get some games installed and enjoy it -
I'm thinking maybe he means how to get rid of all the bloatware etc?
Ebifurya, if that is what you mean, there's a excellent guide on the first page. Scroll down to find it. -
Yeah got it in phase 2 by changing two hdds into one 750 gb
anyone know of a better software regarding the webcam and taking pictures with the g53, i don't really like the one that came installed.
any news on g53sw? I am ready to pull the trigger on g53jw as we speak, but the thought of a SB inside a refresh keeps me on hold :|
could some of you, happy owners, try to convince me not to wait?
many thanks -
i was going to wait for the sw, but since the recall, i just ordered the jw. Im sure ill be very content...but my lappy still hasnt shipped yet and its killing me! ive been religiously checking my email and the website for any updates.
Hi xoticpc says 6-12 days for the phase 2 . Isnt it a long period considering i ordered only the base config. with free ram upgrade (G53jw A1) -
Maybe they are busy lol. I changed my hd, got the upgraded ram, and upgraded wireless to the N6200. I ordered it on Wed 2/9 in the morning, soon after on the same day, status changed to phase 2. so that is 8 weekdays loL! im still checking every morning and evening..... I CANT WAIT!
ps im also super excited for the backpack! it looks nice -
got a g53jw and was wondering if you can access and change the cpu without taking off the display?
sorry if this was already asked, but I couldn't find the answer.....
cheers -
Donald@Paladin44 Retired
You have to remove the screen, take the bottom case apart and remove the motherboard.
Of course doing so will void your warranty. -
Does adw cover internationally for Notebooks purchsed in US?
Donald@Paladin44 Retired
No, ADW is only honored in the US. You would have to send it back to the US for repair.
The power pin for my Asus G53 broke. I have a midterm coming up and all my notes are saved on the laptop. My question is, does the G73 have the same battery? Because if it does, I can use my friend's battery to boot up my laptop and print the notes before sending the laptop in for repair. Thanks
Donald@Paladin44 Retired
Yes, they use the same battery. They are totally interchangeable between the two models.
YES! Thanks, I was panicking for awhile.
Yippe phase 4 ... shipped
It seems the pin is a little weak... can u guys sugget something that will prevent the breaking like a 90 degree connector
Asus G53JW (A1 & 3DE) Owners' Lounge
Discussion in 'ASUS Reviews and Owners' Lounges' started by TipTip, Oct 22, 2010.