Just ordered my G53JW-A1 on Monday based on reviews and input from this forum. Thanks for all of the great, informative posts. I can't wait to see this thing. I'm upgrading from a 2.0 GHz laptop with 4 GB of memory and a Geforce 7400 Go GPU. The G53 is going to smear it all over the place!
Anyway, thanks again for the great input. Enjoy the holidays everyone.
Congrats on your purchase. If you're into gaming almost all games can be run in Maxed settings.
BTW this driver is quite unstable, I got driver crash problems, when I play BF:BC2
Temperature hit 92C -
Do you have the steam version for BFBC2? I also experience crashes when playing bfbc2 but don't know if the steam version is causing it or the driver itself. I tried to overclock GPU clock and Shader by adding 5 gives me 21.1GT. Mine also hit around 80-90C.
Saw that yesterday.With only 10-20% increase in cpu power and the same videocard I wouldn't recommend it if people have the current G53jw. If they probably put maybe new GF5xx series or ATI 6xxx series video cards then it will probably a good buy. -
The headphone out is good to me, but I use an external DAC for better quality anyways.
The laptop does sound good though, the headphone out is very spacious sounding to me. -
Andrea BT200 -
80-90 is high, but still normal for this laptop.
Got the steam version. The error I got is when I'm playing I suddenly got booted out of the game and back to desktop.
Yep pretty much normal temp for where I live.
Happy New year to Everyone -
Is there a confirmation that Asus sends once they receive the receipt and warranty form? I am just curious to know whether my 2 year warranty has been enabled or not. -
Shout out to PowerNotebooks.com and Donald Stratton. My Asus G53-JWSSD purchased from their website totally kicks .
Great customer service with accurate and quick friendly responses.
I highly recommend to get a SSD with this laptop, as the standard HDD will bottleneck the possible performance of the system.
I got my G53JW around mid-November and I love it. It performs excellently, it's quiet, and well priced. Yesterday the power port's centerpiece broke off, leaving the laptop entirely unable to charge itself. This disappointed me a lot, I hope it was just a freak accident and not bad workmanship.
To Rapboy,
Thank you for the video LOL! I bought the G73 a month and a half of months ago now and remember the day from your video. Thanks for sharing, and congrats on the one-handed video! Hope to afford the G53 as my "portable" soon... -
Has anyone else experienced the video drivers going all wonky after awhile?
My nVidia driver version is, dated 8/6/2010.
What happens is if I leave the system running overnight for virus scans, the darn thing starts crashing the next morning when I go to use it, and recovers at first, then finally fails completely, leaving me with a screen that looks like something out of a Dada or a Picasso painting--All kinds of weird lines, windows, and what have you. Forcing a system shutdown enables bringing the system back up, and it runs fine afterward.
This has happened three times since I started working with this system, and it's a little annoying.
Has anyone else seen this behavior? -
laptopvideotogo.com -
I'm currently looking for a adaptor or replacement for my power cord to have a 90 angle on it, but I will definatly be more careful about placement when its returned. Any advice or where to find a cable would be great! -
Hi guys, i bought my G53JW for probably 3 weeks now. So far for about 90% of the time i used it pluged in to a 22" samsung LCD screen. No Problems everything runs smoothly.
However, last night i disconnected my G53 from the monitor and brought it out to use, the whole LCD screen on the laptop was out of focus and sort of a double-vision look to it. It was so bad. the resolution was 1920X1080. When i bought the laptop and used it, nothing was wrong. I only saw the problem yesterday as i only unplugged it from the Samsung monitor yesterday. I uninstall the nvidia driver and reinstalled it but the problem persists.
UP close, the screen seems to have very fine vertical lines that break up the images. I tried playing a 720p video on the G53's screen and it is fine. picture perfect. but texts, icons all look out of focus.
Plugged it back to the samsung monitor and it is fine.
Can any1 help me with this?? -
OK for whatever reason - my laptop now recognises my home network, and uses it to full speed. I did not change a thing, the only thing different was that it was in the loungeroom, not in my bedroom. Odd but now it's working I'm happy.
I'm now on the hunt for a 120hz 1080 capable monitor for gaming purposes - It needs HDMI 1.4 support also to carry the 120hz signal. Does anyone know of any new models that are out that will work nicely with the g53? -
Is the G53 offered at any brick n mortar stores yet?
i got p2064 3dmark11 overclocked to 8001600 1400
YouTube - Asus G53jw Quick tour
Got bored tonight.. Some keyboard flex in my unit.
Youtube - Asus G53JW DiRT 2 Demo
Also a Dirt 2 demo. -
I'm thinking of returning my g53jw and getting a g73 (i7 740qm and fhd display). The main reason behind this is the FHD screen as there is no option to buy a g53 with fhd.
Any thoughts? -
In this snake hole where I live there ain't no direct distribution channel so I must buy preconfigured from resellers and there's absolutely no FHD g53 available. There is on G73 though (jw) with a fhd screen that atm seems to be out of stock at all stores. I'm guessing that it's ocuse of the SW version coming out soon. Might as well order that if no G53 fhd options arise anytime soon.
Fully understand you. I live in Germany and the G53-FHD version should be available since October 2010. Now, after 3 months, you can buy one (~1500-1600 ). But i think, i'll wait for the SW.
Nevertheless, if u could handle a non-romanian keyoard layout, why not try ebay?! And since Romania is in the EU now, shipping will be cheaper. If this won't work: What about a nice trip to Germany?
(Thx guys for posting about the G53! - a constant reader) -
It's not about the keyboard, since there is no RO layout available. Most equipment designated for RO market is with US qwerty layout.
On the other hand I hand your DE qwertz layout -
Hehe, i looked the RO-layout up and yea, it's similar to DE.
I experience frequent disconnects, especially during gaming...
This is using ethernet connection and wireless disabled,
anybody has similar problems? -
@jiwwy-ast I don't have any of the issues you mentioned, nor did I come across anything similar while reading this thread.
On the other hand, did anybody install the latest bios available on asus.com ? Version 210. It mentions something about update usb 3.0. -
Has anyone tried overclocking their G53 yet? I'm new to overclocking and would love to know how to do it and was wondering if it's worth it?
& what other drivers we need to update ?
How do update the Bios just run is as like we do with a software
or need to burn it on CD & then run it
Thanks -
Restart the computer> Enter BIOS> Select EasyFlash> Select BIOS Update File > Follow The Instructions. -
Has anyone tried hooking up a CRT monitor to this laptop via vga? I wonder what the refresh rate would be..
Donald@Paladin44 Retired
The refresh rate would be controlled by your CRT.
I just scratch my laptop lid. The paint is basically peeled off from the lid. Is there anything I can do? So sads.
Justin@XoticPC Company Representative
+1 -
Justin@XoticPC Company Representative
I'm kinda a noob, but my G53jw-a1 lags when i play 1080p videos, does any one have a solution?
thanks -
I recommend Media player classic home cinema.
Asus G53JW (A1 & 3DE) Owners' Lounge
Discussion in 'ASUS Reviews and Owners' Lounges' started by TipTip, Oct 22, 2010.