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    Asus G51Jx Owners Lounge

    Discussion in 'ASUS Reviews and Owners' Lounges' started by janvandongen, May 28, 2010.

  1. PrivateReid

    PrivateReid Notebook Consultant

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    Wow. That smells very fishy.
  2. CpxAzn

    CpxAzn Notebook Evangelist

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    I have that same battery. I'm currently talking to the guy I bought it from on ebay about this. His listing stated 100% genuine, but it does not seem so.
  3. oneb1t

    oneb1t Notebook Consultant

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    100% genuine china copy :D :D
  4. Hino

    Hino Notebook Enthusiast

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    Should ask nfshp253 about this 9cell, he's the one that didn't get it from ebay. Not to scare you guys or anything, but I think you guys should stop using that 9cell until you find a confirmation if that's a fake or not, those knockoff battery might explode if they overheat, just like those knockoff cell phone battery. Which there's few case about it in Hong Kong, with the cellphone exploding in their pocket. :(
  5. neochikara

    neochikara Notebook Enthusiast

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    Greetings, everyone. I've had my G51Jx since Thursday and I just thought I'd drop by and post in the Owners' Lounge. This thread was pivotal in helping me make an informed decision on whether or not to buy the G51Jx, so thanks to all of you.

    I've been running 257.21 since day one after doing a clean install of Windows 7 Ultimate x64 (legitimate). I have yet to experience any odd issues in Bad Company 2, Just Cause 2, and Mass Effect 2 (gee, I'm playing a lot of sequels these days...). Performance is great for me, even at stock clocks. I don't have any plans to OC as the laptop already runs mind-bendingly hot (to my standards, which are based on years of gaming on custom-built desktop rigs), despite IC Diamond paste on the CPU and GPU and running the Zalman NC2000 cooler full tilt. My CPU stays cool, but I'm unnerved by my load temps which float around 80-85C in the aforementioned games. My specific setup of this laptop does cool down quick, though, and idles very cool, which I'm very happy to admit. The left palm rest does get uncomfortably hot, though, and I'm looking into ways to insulate my left hand from that intense heat.

    I don't recall it being posted in this topic (though there is another), but I have unfortunately run into the webcam bug. None of ASUS' official drivers will install and using the stock Windows drivers yields crazy results in Skype (e.g. inverted colors or massive reaction lag). I may just save up and buy an external webcam, though, as I will be using it frequently this Fall and don't really want to put up with a broken webcam.

    Anyway, I suppose these are my impressions of the G51Jx. I'm very happy with mine, and like I said above, I'm glad to join in on the continued discussions of this laptop.
  6. AndyB17

    AndyB17 Notebook Enthusiast

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    Make sure you have no other camera driver installed and maybe this will help! Thank rexrzer727 for the post ;)
  7. rexrzer727

    rexrzer727 Notebook Deity

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    Where did you purchase the battery, pray tell? eBay perhaps?

    I bought my 9-cell there after a bit of "investigating" various resellers, and I came up with the battery company that supplies Asus batteries in the Far East, the company being the battery company behind the eBay company "Best-Shoper" from China. I have every hope that my battery is genuine and Asus OEM stock, and it performs fine... such as a battery can perform in the power-hungry G51JX-Core i7-equipped laptop. :radar:

    I will quickly pull my battery and check out the "spelling" where yours is mis-spelled, which can indicate a forgery or as you suspect, a "fake" battery-- which could be trouble down the road, even right when new...who knows with "fake" things...I prefer the genuine article also, which is why I carefully chose my battery company when I bought the 9-cell battery for my G51JX-A1 laptop...but then again there *are difficulties* with the English language for even factory suppliers. ;)

    Guess what? My "official OEM Asus battery" has the exact, same mis-spelled words that your battery has mis-spelled! So I can only say this: if your battery is "fake" then so is mine! :yes: Hah-Hah! That is priceless! :laugh:

    Honestly, I don't think either you or I have anything to worry about if the battery has good specifications, and I trust my battery is a good one because all of my battery utilities say that it is: Everest Ultimate, Battery Monitor, and EmBatPower utilities all say that my battery specs out perfectly, so I am going to put a blessing on my battery, and maybe you should do the same for yours if it also specs out correctly, and performs well too. :D

    You know the English language is a very complicated thing, spellings are tricky to say the least with many words and syllables and syntax events playing into any "translation" by a manufacturer of specialty parts and pieces like a battery company, so I don't think that we can necessarily always give the thumbs down sign to a simple mis-spelled word or two on a product, or in the product literature or packaging for that matter, either. :spinny:

    I like to think that I do everything perfectly when I am writing for publication but I know that I sometimes can make a slight error or two, :( given a difficult circumstance perhaps, but overall it doesn't make a hoot of difference if you miss a crossed "t" or don't dot an "i" when it comes to those who read your copy. Then again the companies who actually *PRINT* the copy can make a mistake there are variables that can detract from a finished product that we just don't have any control over, a disturbing but true fact. :rolleyes:

    The bottom line? The actual battery itself! If it specs perfect, if the mAh and mWh are right, if it actually works fine and has a linear discharge and the curves on your graphs are right, then we have to assume that things ARE right! :yes: Go figure the problems with the can just happen no matter how careful we all are sometimes, and that is what I think is the case with these 9-cell batteries from Asus. :cool:
  8. njlx016

    njlx016 Notebook Enthusiast

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    Yeah, I bought my battery from "Best-Shoper" on eBay as well. Actually the reason I'm asking was that it recently crapped out on me, it was probably only the 3rd or 4th time I've discharged it. I was using my laptop on battery, it was about 25-30% charge and my laptop shut off unexpectedly. I plugged it in and my computer was reporting the charge level was only 1%. I ran HWMonitor and it reported that the wear level was 29%. Before this happened the battery was only like 1% worn, and it was performing great as well.

    I contacted "Best-Shoper" and they've been really great about this whole thing. They're going to exchange it for me. I just have to pay shipping back to them.

    I guess ASUS isn't really good in the spell checking dept. The most recent BIOS update for my G51Jx-X3 even has spelling errors.
  9. Ri3tN

    Ri3tN Notebook Enthusiast

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    Hello everybody, sorry if this sounds really noobish, but I was reading through the whole thread, and am expecting my g51jx-x5 to arrive in about a week. I want to be prepared to do a clean install, but have never done any sort of clean install in my life. It seems that I have to download many drivers and pieces of software, but I tried googling for them and couldn't find a couple. Is there a site or some such that would have all of the drivers from rexrzer727's clean install guide ?

    Sorry for the dumb question, and thanks in advanced.
  10. neochikara

    neochikara Notebook Enthusiast

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    I've tried all that and it still doesn't work. Or it works till I restart and then bugs out again. I've considered sending my laptop in for warranty, but to be honest, I'd rather go out and spend a few minutes and a bit of cash to buy a halfway-decent webcam for $30-40 than ship my laptop and potentially have it gone for weeks. Yeah, for what we're paying for our G51Jx's everything should be perfect, but I've gotta draw the line somewhere and just make due with what I've got.

    I've been having a major problem with the Intel 6300 that I opted to have my reseller install (Power Notebooks--excellent service and customer care!). Pretty sure I got it worked out, though. Anyone running BIOS 206 and having issues with the Intel 6300 wifi mini-card being off and not waking from hardware keys (e.g. the switch or Fn + F2)? I downgraded to BIOS 204 and I'm pretty sure I got it working again, but I'll know more in the next few days as I continue to test it. It's pretty annoying.
  11. PrivateReid

    PrivateReid Notebook Consultant

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    @ Ri3tN

    Why do you want to do a clean install?
    I just uninstalled the bloatware and used ccleaner to fix the registry errors and everything is running smooth.
  12. nfshp253

    nfshp253 Notebook Evangelist

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    My 9 cell battery that I've got does not have the spelling errors, which means that you guys just got ripped off! You see, don't buy stuff from people in China, especially Hong Kong. Full of rip-offs. I'm a Hong Konger and I know very well how good the fakes are. But nonetheless, they are still fakes and do really pose a hazard. The salesmen are nice, but Westerners are the easiest targets for them because they are good at convincing just by being extremely friendly and helpful.

    Regarding the webcam install issue, you should go to Device Manager and click Update driver. Then point to the specific camera .inf and it will install. The ASUS installer will never work!
  13. Hino

    Hino Notebook Enthusiast

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    and I am sure you heard of the "EXPLODING cellphone" a few years back in HK, and what cause them to explode ;)
  14. VanDean

    VanDean Newbie

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    Hey guys, hoping someone here may have had this issue:

    Short version: Ran down my battery to 3% because I forgot my adapter. Now with my adapter back, the laptop won't boot, with or without the battery. I was able to get it to boot at one point by playing with the paper clip hole, but I accidentally tried to boot off the battery yesterday and now it's dead again. I know the adapter is fine, tested with 2 others. I'm pretty certain the battery is bad and waiting on a RMA replacement, but how can I get it to boot with no battery?
  15. 3DMadness

    3DMadness Newbie

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  16. ginnipig

    ginnipig Notebook Enthusiast

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    i picked up a G73 for my sis and it came with the *tears* voodoo mouse. i didn't like it, too tall with strange buttons. IMO the basic Razor is better :)
  17. EOM

    EOM Notebook Consultant

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    I recently did a clean install, and I got almost all of the drivers I needed from the driver DVD included with the laptop. The rest I got from Asus' website.

    ASUSTeK Computer Inc.

    I highly recommend a clean install, my laptop is running flawlessly since my clean install.
  18. AndyB17

    AndyB17 Notebook Enthusiast

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    Nvidia driver 258.96 for 360m out today! :D Just installed and running great. No OC attempts tho, yet...

    EDIT: First stable OC of 600/1500/1900
  19. rexrzer727

    rexrzer727 Notebook Deity

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    What's this apologizing for a "dumb question"? There IS no dumb question in my book, you know that? So relax, and ask anything you want here, we don't care, Hah-Hah! :laugh: Welcome to our club early, even though you don't have your new laptop yet...I did the same thing when I got mine it turns out...starting asking questions *before* I got the laptop in hand, which is sort of confusing when you get right down to it, as it really does help to have the machine right there in front of you when you are querying things about it.

    You want "the master list" handled right? It's like this: when you get your new laptop you will get a Driver and Utility DVD ROM, and that is the source for the majority of the drivers and software used in my guide for a Clean Install.

    All you have to do is go through the DVD and pick out all of the necessary drivers and software, anything you want to include in your install, and put all of that on a USB Flash Drive, or make a CD ROM/DVD ROM with a software utility like PowerDVD or the built-in Windows burning software in Windows 7/Vista/XP, and include everything necessary for your Clean Install on disc and get it all organized for the work ahead. That is the only logical way to deal with such a massive amount of information/drivers/utilities for a Clean Install. I mean what is the alternative? Leaving them loose on the desktop of another computer? I don't think that will work out well when it comes time to get it all together for the installations. :err:

    Some of the utilities/drivers can be downloaded from the Asus web site also. Newer versions of key software/drivers are there for the taking, but be *careful* doing that because there is no logical, purposeful manner used by Asus Tech Support for listing the drivers/utilities/software, ie it seems random when you stand back and look at that web page, so careful is as careful does using Asus web software download web pages. :wink:

    Chances are pretty slim for you getting the OS installer DVD ROM from Asus also (I did receive one with my early edition G51 laptop...made in January, 2010), so you will need a legitimate copy of Windows 7, and where you get that is your own business, of course. Be aware that if you install something other than Win 7 Home Premium 64-bit that you'll also need the product key for the retail kit, ie the one on the bottom of the laptop (COA, certificate of authenticity) won't necessarily work with a different version of Windows than Home Premium 64-bit...Catch-22! :rolleyes2:

    Other than those *insider tips* the rest is very simple, just follow the guide and away you'll be done before you know it. :biggrin:

    Good luck with the Clean Install! :cool:
  20. rexrzer727

    rexrzer727 Notebook Deity

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    'Playing with the paper clip hole'?--??? :confused:

    Don't do that, or anything close to that! You probably just put the battery into Negative Discharge by running it down so far, and when the laptop shut down it ran out of power to officially shut itself down correctly via Windows.

    My suggestion:

    1) remove the AC adapter cable from the computer, and remove the battery

    2) hold down the Power button for 30 seconds

    3) insert the AC adapter cable into the computer and push the Power button, the laptop should boot normally into Windows.

    You may get the "incorrect shut down" screen at first, but just let the laptop boot normally, ie hit the Return key when asked what do you want to do. The laptop should boot with or without a battery installed, by the way... I am running my G51 laptop without a battery at home this week, because there is no sense in having a battery installed if you are not going to use it. ;)

    The correct thing to do is to store your battery with about 40-50% charge in it, in a cool, dark place in an anti-static bag if possible, when it isn't being used for a long time. Having it installed and constantly charging when it's not being used is very hard on a battery over time. :(

    That is my tip for the day! :cool:
  21. darrix

    darrix Newbie

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    Can someone run 3dMark06 on your g51s? I just tried to run using all default setting (1280X1024) and I can clearly remember that I could get above 9000 points on it, now the score wont even go past 4000 points.
  22. rexrzer727

    rexrzer727 Notebook Deity

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    RE the "battery FAKE or NOT" issue, let me just say a couple things, and I'm done with it. If people want to continue on about it be my guest, but it's talking to the wind, you know that?

    Best-Shoper eBay company is in the business of selling batteries, and I think that they have stepped *over the line* by calling their batteries "OEM Asus Battery Genuine* because they are not that, only USA Asus OEM Batteries are genuine, real Asus batteries...and I've told them this in the past...especially their principal, a Mr. Chen, and he knows the deal, and I told him that we know what is going on over here about the "OEM Asus Battery" and others, too. I told him that his reputation is not perfect because of these facts, and that is sad.

    Nonetheless the batteries are xlnt quality, and they are specifically Panasonic (Japanese) Cells assembled in China to exacting standards and quality, and they work great with rare exception (to wit our poster here whose battery has failed, which they are replacing). I have examined and tested my specific 9-cell battery repeatedly, and it comes up Rose and Red every time, so I cannot complain about the battery.

    It is neither "unsafe" or going to "explode" and damage my computer or person anymore than an OEM battery might do the same, so paaallleeeze, lighten up on the claims of material damages from using one of these batteries, it's not real! I have seen the writing on the wall, and I am not expert enough on batteries to call these "Fakes" or "Bad Quality" or worse, when they are apparently fine quality, with good cells, xlnt construction, and they are made to specs of an OEM battery company's batteries...or better.

    However, I think it is wrong to call them "OEM Asus Batteries Original" as I said above, and they should be called perhaps "OEM Asus equivalent or better" batteries, and this whole deal would be old news and we could stop bickering about it. I am not sending my battery back, because it works great! It has a 2-year warranty from Best-Shoper's company (parent company, a battery manufacturer in China), which is more than adequate for my purposes, to wit the OEM Asus Batteries only have a 6-month warranty.

    That is the whole, unexpurgated story, and we can say they are wrong, and they are for calling them "OEM Asus Battery Original" as they continue to do, but they are selling good, high quality cells in a particularly good 'wrapper' with xlnt construction and I assume adequate safety precautions included in these batteries, and that is the end of the story as far as I am concerned. I do not feel "ripped off" Mr. 253, nor do I feel cheated or do I feel unsafe for using this battery, so be it, end of discussion.

    Look, my wife is 100% Chinese, 16th-generation Han registry, and you don't get much thriftier or bargain conscious than my wife is I assure you! I am not a stupid "Westerner" buying mindlessly wherever I feel that I am getting a "good deal" from the nice Chinese battery makers... nor am I convincing myself that I have an OEM Asus Battery, when I probably do not have such a battery in my G51 laptop. I have what I have, an xlnt quality, good performing, 9-cell knock-off Asus Original Battery OEM (!!), and it seems to work fantastic for my purposes, which is almost never using it in the 1st place!

    Did I pay too much ($115US)? Probably not for what it is...I think that is fair market value for this type of battery, including Priority Mail delivery (3 days-- from China to my place in California!), and Mr. Chen is not going anywhere...he or his company will be there if the battery fails or acts screwy or badly, and they will replace it if it happens like that to my battery...for 2 years, no less!

    That is the story of my 9-cell battery, with the "Asustak" word instead of the "Asustek" word on the battery label, with its Chinese warranty sticker instead of a USA Asus warranty sticker on it, and so be it. Thanks, Mr. Chen and his company, I feel fairly compensated for my $115US, and I am done with this subject, and hopefully you all are too. :cool:
  23. 3DMadness

    3DMadness Newbie

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    Hey guys, after 1 week working with my G51JX-A1 I got some questions I would like to share with you.

    First is about the battery: I'm switching from a 3-years old compal IFL-90 and the cpuid hardware monitor showed 0% of wear level! Now after 1 week with my G51 I got 1% of wear level... I'm scared! So, my old laptod had a software called smart battery that didn't charge if the level wasn't under 50% unless I pressed a button telling it to charge, and it seems to have worked great with 0% of wear after 3 years of use always with the battery inside and using 80% of the time plugged on. So, any tips to avoid wearing my battery? I hate when a I have to move to another place and just unplugging and pluggin again 1 minute latter the battery will charge again from 99% to 100%... I bet this will ruin my battery.... any idea?

    Another question is about the touchpad: is there any way to make it recognize two fingers touched? I had this feature in my old compal to work as middle mouse button, great to open links in new tabs.


  24. ginnipig

    ginnipig Notebook Enthusiast

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    i can still run 620-1620-2100, i'll check later if i can push it more :)
  25. ginnipig

    ginnipig Notebook Enthusiast

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    On a side note, I'm using MSI afterburner to do my OC's. so far i like what i see, good layout :)
  26. oneb1t

    oneb1t Notebook Consultant

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    FL90 missing ability to check battery wear level so thats why you have 0% :D

    620-1620-2100 is pretty high for me max stable is
    maybe vbios voltage edit can boost results
  27. AndyB17

    AndyB17 Notebook Enthusiast

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    Has anyone else got a windows notification telling you to download the "new" Asus BIOS? I have BIOS version 206. It is a .rar file that says WHEA124_4...?? :confused:

    EDIT: In the folder it contains the BIOS's listed as...


    With my BIOS version of 206 aren't I up to date? Or should I get version 208??
  28. ginnipig

    ginnipig Notebook Enthusiast

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    i like a higher shader for more PPD :)
  29. 3DMadness

    3DMadness Newbie

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    LOL I was wondering about the same thing, but the battery seems to last as long as when it was new... :D
    Should I be concerned with this 1% of wear on my new G51?
  30. oneb1t

    oneb1t Notebook Consultant

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    i have 6% now after 4 months
    not a big issue
  31. neochikara

    neochikara Notebook Enthusiast

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    I'm not sure that would be a wise idea. We have the G51Jx, which ASUS likes to call the "G60JXAS." I think that "G60JAS.208" is for a slightly different model. Who knows what would happen if you flashed your BIOS with that file. Worst case is, of course, that you brick your laptop and have to send it out for warranty repair. I'm currently awaiting a new, proper BIOS as 206 keeps disabling my Intel 6300 Wifi card and refusing to enable it again.
  32. AndyB17

    AndyB17 Notebook Enthusiast

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    Yeah that is exactly what I was thinking, just wanted another user's input so thx! :D I figured 208 wouldn't work but was curious as windows told me to update it :rolleyes:
  33. rexrzer727

    rexrzer727 Notebook Deity

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    Purrrrhaps you need to replace your Intel WiFi N-6300 Ultimate Card? :yes: Mine works 110% and never suffers any sort of "disabling" action, BIOS v.206 notwithstanding... I think you are barking up the wrong tree. :no:

    I see absolutely ZERO correlation between the BIOS and your WiFi card being unreliable. You may have just gotten a bad unit, and it's showing up now...I have run BIOS v.206 since Day No.1 with this laptop, the same day I replaced the WiFi card (Atheros 5985S) with the new Intel N-6300 Ultimate WiFi Card, and installed the correct driver for the card which is *not* on the CD ROM that comes with the WiFi card... :nah: Get the newest driver at the Intel Support Web Site for WiFi cards, that is the latest driver, and it works a treat. :D

    Try that driver out 1st if you are not using it, and if you are using it already I'd suggest a new/replacment N-6300 Ultimate WiFi card because BIOS has nothing to do with WiFi least in this laptop it is true.

    Where did you purchase your WiFi card? eBay? From BabyHemi? I bought my "brown box" N-6300 from BabyHemi here at, and if you are having any problem with yours and got it from him, he will most likely work with you and replace the thing if it's giving you problems...he's a very reasonable person, and has plenty of stock of those WiFi cards, last time I checked with him that was true anyway. :radar:

    Are you using all 3 antennas, also? Probably are, but just in case simply asking the question. Good luck, and I hope that you have better luck with the N-6300 WiFi Card because it's the best there is... :wink:

    You're not the 1st to be almost fooled into updating the BIOS to v.208 just because it's numerically similar to the model laptop that *does* get that particular BIOS, so don't feel alone. :rolleyes2: That BIOS is for the the previous version of this laptop, which had terrificly terminal problems with its original and subsequent BIOS's, and then v208 pretty much *saved the day* for that laptop. But in no way does it apply to our G51JX-A1/X1 laptops, not in the very least, so please don't brick your new baby, it doesn't deserve it... :eek2:

    The history of the BIOS v206 is pretty interesting, and involved lots of user input from issues we were having with this laptop via Windows dmp files that were submitted to Asus, and Asus produced the new BIOS accordingly, ie much of it was based on actual user issues with various things, from software to hardware issues, and this BIOS truly is a Godsend for this laptop...pretty much fixed EVERYTHING of note. :biggrin:

    I have been 100% pleased with the v.206 BIOS and the laptop since Day No.1, and I mean I am quite a critic of things like this laptop, complicated, intricately-woven laptops with lots of interesting software that works key angles of the product, and this setup just ROCKS! :notworthy: I don't know what they could improve frankly, with a new BIOS for this one, and plan on leaving mine alone even IF they DO come out with anything new because I have zero issues with my G51JX-A1, and there are many just like me out there in laptop land with the same feelings. :smile:
  34. extremepower

    extremepower Newbie

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    Hi rexrzer727,

    I was wondering what Bios you use and what nVidia drivers you use?



    P.S. New owner of the G51 and of these boards :)
  35. AndyB17

    AndyB17 Notebook Enthusiast

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    Gosh man you gotta read a little or your gonna kill this man! (He answers every single question over and over :p)...

    The post exactly right above you he rambles on about how great BIOS v.206 is (he uses 206). As far as the nvidia driver goes I can't say but I'm almost certain he uses one of the 197.xx drivers (either 197.16 or 197.59) really can't say but I can tell you that the latest nvidia driver 258.96 is working wonders for me and a few other members here! :D

    Hope this helps ya out for the time being!
  36. neochikara

    neochikara Notebook Enthusiast

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    I was afraid of that. My card was purchased and installed thru Power Notebooks and I'm inclined to believe they did a great job and that any failure of the card is totally out of their hands and just a stroke of bad luck. Oddly enough, I've found a way to live with this issue. Whenever I startup after the laptop has been off for a long time (e.g. overnight) and the Wifi card isn't turned on, turning off and doing a power drain fixes the problem immediately. I'm still confused, but I may end up sending it in for warranty work anyway. I'm just hoping my reseller can do it so I can avoid ASUS. Thanks for your advice and insight, rexrzer727.
  37. Donald@Paladin44

    Donald@Paladin44 Retired

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    Your modified ASUS G51JX-A1 comes with support...just click on Support in the header of every page on our website to get the phone number.
  38. rexrzer727

    rexrzer727 Notebook Deity

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    God dang, you are good by the way! Thanks for the votes of confidence, it's appreciated...and yes, I am a conservative BIOS 206 and nVidia driver 197.16 user at this time. But you guys with the new drivers are on my "good book" list, and that is the absolute truth. It is good to know that the new things are working out for you all, because progress is important and new drivers SHOULD be better than the old ones or they don't belong on the menu. :)

    See above, as the questions have been answered I hope...
    If you find all of this endearing or distasteful, or somewhere in-between all of that, you're not alone! :p

    I honestly don't mean any harm so excuse my exuberance and enthusiasm for this G51JX-A1 laptop, but I think that it's an exceptional machine and all of us lucky enough to own one of them has the bull by the tail, so to speak.

    If I have offended any of you my apologies in earnest go out to each and every one who feels that way, and for those of you who are entertained by this whole thing going then so be it.

    I think that we are an exceptional group of owners, the owners of the best sub-$1500 laptop in the world, and my only hopes are that we can continue to enjoy and propagate this laptop and all its great features and anything in-between the lines.

    I don't frankly know of a better Core i7 720QM CPU-equipped laptop of any type, brand, name, whatever that exists in the marketplace. and I think that as owners we all have a big THANKS to give our manufacturer, Asus Computers, a big hand of approval.

    Asus made the winning combination an easy thing to have, hold and own in the G51JX-A1/X1 series of notebooks...there may be better iterations of the Core i7 mobile CPU and related accessories than the G51JX-A1/X1 have going for them, but I'd have to be shown such a setup and it would have to beat this notebook right here for Class Honors. The G51-series of Asus notebooks are the Class Standard, and I think that owning such a machine is good for business, good for your soul, just great for all manners of work and fun.

    If you've got a better setup than the Asus G51 notebook that is in the signature of this post, by all means let me know about it because I think that I've got the best 15" notebook in the world right here, right now. I have spent a lot of time, energy, and good old fashioned $$$ in the pursuit of making the finest performing 15" notebook that exists, so be my guest if you think that your notebook is in any way, shape, or form better, superior, to this setup that I'm typing on right here, right now.

    I think that we all have our prejudices and general outlook on what is good, what is great, and what is superior, but when I put my fingers on the keyboard of my Asus G51JX-A1 notebook I feel fantastic about doing virtually any assignment on it, it doesn't matter what it is, because I know that this notebook can pull it off. There is no exception to that statement, it's simply the best 15" notebook in the world.
  39. 3DMadness

    3DMadness Newbie

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    I agree, for me this is a perfect mobile workstation, I work with 3D animation and video editing and this is the only sub $1500 notebook with the combination of i7 7xx (quad core + HT = 8 cores rendering), GTX360M 1GB (works better than Ati with 3D animation) and full-HD display, all packed in a 15.6 that is suitable to go everywhere, so if for some this is a gaming laptop, for me this is an amazing cheap mobile workstation, only one week working everyday with it and already loving it.
    Oh, and the illuminated keyboard is great for some over night works. ;)
  40. Mr190E

    Mr190E Notebook Enthusiast

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    hello und greatings from germany,

    i own an asus g51j-3d and i want to drill some holes in the bottom of the case. So, i want to buy a new back panel from Asusparts , but i can´t find the topic "G51J" ! is there an other asus notebook with similar back panel i can use?
  41. oneb1t

    oneb1t Notebook Consultant

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    i payed !!!882.19$!!! for my brand new G51Jx (with board from G60Jx)
    bluetooth missing and got only 4GB of memory and i3-330M


    360M GTS
    Full hd
    fast drive
    pretty nice materials
    so i am totally happy
  42. extremepower

    extremepower Newbie

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    I did read his posts. I actually have read every single post in this thread. I failed to read the last page before posting unfortunately.


    Thank you for your response.
  43. tiagp

    tiagp Newbie

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    I have an ASUS G51JX (Core i7 720QM; GeForce GTS 360M; 8GB RAM DDR3 @ 1333MHz) and during the boot of Ubuntu 10.04 64Bits I get the following messages and the PC freezes:

    Anyone knows how to solve this problem?
  44. rexrzer727

    rexrzer727 Notebook Deity

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    Hello back at you there Germany-guy, and welcome to our international Club-Asus G51! I can't help you with regard to another laptop that is similar to this one in terms of the back panel, because it is *unique* to this laptop, alone. Can't you call your local Asus Tech Support telephone number (regional for Western Europe) and find out where to buy such a thing? I would think that they would be more than pleased to assist, being computer-heads like the rest of us seem to be.

    Pray tell why *?* are you wanting to drill holes in the beast? There is certainly adequate cooling holes in the OEM bottom cover, and it's surely ergonomically unique to this model, so you won't find a duplicate bottom cover anywhere else but on another G51 laptop, AFAIK. Let me know what you're up to, and maybe there's another solution at hand. :wideeyed:

    Ditto here, even though my uses are purely social and simple compared to yours, at least we see the same end result: a superior piece of tech that is crafted to be unique, and monetarily cheap by other notebook standards anyway, while the quality seems to be right up there with higher-end notebooks like Apple, Lenovo, and the upscale HP notebooks. :spinny:

    We just get a superior "bang for the buck$" with the G51 series notebooks that you cannot find elsewhere, and the design and ergonomics are superior to the competition like Sony, Toshiba, Acer et al...really no comparison there to be found. Bottom line: Asus designers and craftsmen seem to be purely computer-phreaks of a sort that I like a bunch!

    And have you seen some of the new, the brand new Asus notebooks that are based on high-test metal alloy chassis's now, to boot? Put that design team together with some heavy metal specialists like those that make up Apple computers, and you will see some very, very nice results! I cannot wait for that Asus bunch to go hog-wild on the next generation G51, and build it in high-tech *metals*!! How about that scenario which is coming to life right now? :D :D

    No problem there, I didn't do much thinking to figure out that you need a new WiFi card! It just stands to reason that out of a big run of N-6300 WiFi cards there's bound to be one or two that come out all wrong, it's just the math in that equation speaking really, and your bad luck to get one of them, but I wouldn't worry about it. Just tell the nice people at Don Stratton's (paladin44's) company about the situation, and I'll betcha that they will front you a replacement WiFi card to install's very, very simple to do, even a novice can do such an installation in just a couple minutes. :wink:

    Take off the entire bottom cover, and in the upper left, middle part of the chassis is the WiFi card and antenna apparatus. Simply ground yourself well, snap off the antennas on 2 poles of the WiFi card, the 3rd antenna will be taped to the WiFi card's top surface; then loosen the two retaining mini-screws that secure it to the chassis; next slide out the card after removing those precious screws (and do NOT lose them! put them aside in a secure container or place until you need them for installing the new card), as it's a simple press-fit into the PCI-Express port there that doesn't require much to remove; then install the new card, carefully sliding it back into the PCI-Express slot (it only goes in one way), secure those two screws in place, hook up the three antennas again, and BAM! You're done! Easy, simple and quick! :yes:

    You will be up and running with the new WiFi card instantly...the most of which will be reinstalling the WiFi card's drivers, because Windows will recognize it as a new hardware, so you need to install the driver package again just to be certain it's recognized, RESTART the computer, and then you will be Golden. :GEEK:

    I hope that is exactly what happens in your case, because there's no use in sending in the whole notebook for the WiF card's replacement! It's so simple to remedy the situation...I hope that the nice people in tech support at see it the same way that I do, which they should do from just a practical standpoint.

    Good luck to you, and I hope that I have instilled some confidence in your ability to remedy this yourself... Because it is really just that simple, easy, and quick to fix.

    I remember installing my new N-6300 Ultimate WiFi card in about 3 minutes when my notebook was barely an hour old, maybe less! I just tore into mine the second I got my hands on the wrapping materials and papers and protective stuff, and got rid of all of that so I could work on it, and tuit suite! I had everything buttoned up and done, the WiFi card installed, the HD to SSD swap, and the memory 'enhancement' done--all that in less than 30 minutes or so, and WHAMO! I was ready to Clean Install my OS and drivers/utilities, did that in short order, and had a working notebook just a couple hours after I opened the last package of parts and pieces! :smile:

    I wish I was there to get yours handled for you in no time flat, at all! I'd do it for free for you, just to getRDone and back in working order fast, sure, and quick. :cool:
  45. AndyB17

    AndyB17 Notebook Enthusiast

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    Quick help needed :D...

    Computer shows 6gb of ram but says only 2gb are usable. How can I get all 6gb running again??


    EDIT: NVM it's fixed
  46. Monty04

    Monty04 Notebook Enthusiast

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    I ran software called Driver Scanner on my G51Jx, and it reported that I should update 3 drivers that are very out-of-date. They are:
    Realtek High Definition Audio (update to
    Atheros AR8131 PCI-E Gigabit Ethernet Controller (NDIS 6.20) (update to
    Atheros AR9285 Wireless Network Adapter (update to
    I am very hesitant to mess with drivers. Is it safe to update these or should I just leave them alone?
  47. EOM

    EOM Notebook Consultant

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    If they're working fine, I would probably leave them alone. Or you could check Asus' website and see if there are newer versions of those drivers available. But I wouldn't go looking for them somewhere else just because a program said they are out of date.
  48. PrivateReid

    PrivateReid Notebook Consultant

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    I use Driver Scanner as well.
    I updated those 3 drivers you mentioned and my laptop is running fine. everything still works and is stable.

    I say go ahead.
    But with the Realtek driver, you have to reset the sound equalizer if you don't want your sound really soft.
  49. AndyB17

    AndyB17 Notebook Enthusiast

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    Does anybody have the Asus G51JX wallpapers that come on the computer when first bought? I did a clean install as soon as I laid my hands on this puppy therefore they were deleted. If anyone by chance has them could they please upload them! :D
  50. PrivateReid

    PrivateReid Notebook Consultant

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    I just thought I would say that after numerous tweaks and hacks with Windows 7 I've got It just the way I like it, but most importantly It boots in 41 seconds! (Taken from the time I select "Windows 7" in the grub, including the time it takes for me to type the password)

    How long does it take other G51's?

    EDIT: I stop the timer when the last of my 7 gadgets load.
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