I just might have such things in my OS installer DVD ROM for my UL30VT-X1, or maybe even my OS installer DVD ROM for this beastie G51 laptop, who knows? I'll have to actually pull them both out of *mothballs* and check it out later tonight as I'm not @home as yet...on an airplane right now, out of touch with all you nice folks for the weekend...but I promise to check when I arrive back at Computer Central! Hah-Hah!
It's been awhile since I looked at those installer discs, but I *think* that's where the lovely wallpapers reside...I don't use them, always do custom screen savers and wallpapers for my notebooks and desktops and iPhone for that matter too...but if you reallllly want those things I'll see if I can scrounge them up for you later tonight. I'll be home in about 3 hours from right now.
Sent from Rex's iPhone 4
If you can find them that'd be awesome! I appreciate the scrounging -
AndyB17, you're not going to appreciate the news I have, I'll betcha...
Then again maybe it's what you are looking for.
If it's those pretty, fetching, and modern Asus Wallpapers that you are after which are the dark gray to gray-black art-nuveau backgrounds with the Asus logo's buried deep within the designs, sort of trendy and motif-laden scenes, those are only on the installer DVD ROM and are installed as part of the OS installation, at the very, very end of the installer packages.
OTOH there is a "Screensaver" package which is part of the Drivers and Utilities Software program also, which may include what you are looking for...and that is part of the Driver/Utility DVD ROM which you *should have*, not the OS installer, but the installer for all the drivers and utilities from Asus.
Open the driver and utility disc's files and get to the sub-heading "Software"> then to "Asus">then to "Screensaver", and therein is a 19.5MB installer file which you can simply extract and use to install *that part* and that part *ONLY* of the package by simply double-clicking it.
You will not have a say in what gets installed, but therein are a bunch of "themes" and the like which are that dark-gray motif stuff that you might be looking for, I dunno...I am simply guessing about now, but that is available also. You might give that a try and see if it's what you want, what you are looking for, and you've got that bunch of items in your possession right-- now unless you *lost* the Driver & Utility DVD ROM!
(hope not!)
Other than the things that get installed when the OS installer does its thing, that is all I am aware of relating to that "Asus themes" art and backgrounds that the driver and utility package has included within its software package.
THAT is about all I can help you with, and I can only guess about it at this point, but I think that is what you are after...
EDIT: Just to make it easier for you, in case you can't find that disc or for other reasons
can't find the files I alluded to above, get it here:
That is my iDisk, an Apple Storage Cloud facility for files/photos, et c that I give public access to...
Simply click on my iDisk above, then to go the files in the Public folder there, and you
will find the file "Setup Folder" ZIP file there. Choose the Download Arrow at the top of the web page after clicking on the file to select it, and BAM! The file will download to your
computer (specificy the desktop typically for downloads like that), UnZIP it, and inside of
the folder is the Application to install all those screen savers and wallpapers etc.
THAT is the best I can do for you! Have fun! -
Ty once again for the help! The images on the driver & utility disc were exactly what I was looking for! Though, to point one thing out, there is only 1.03mb (2 pictures) under my "screensaver" folder on the disc (Maybe due to the fact I own an -X5 and you own an -A1?). Maybe one day, whenever you get some time again , if you could upload your discs "screensavers" just so I can see what I'm missing out on.
EDIT: That works too! Thanks -
next step nvidia optimus (and pci allocation ) -
HO. LEE. F*%#. Please explain to me what the is going on as it is quite intriguing haha And how do you have the intel onboard GPU?
As far as I think I know you've discovered intel's onboard GPU and and you are going to link it with the 360m?? Please do tell! -
am I seeing what I think I'm seeing?
Mr. oneb1t;
It couldn't be more graphically evident than you have shown us all here with your Everest Ultimate and Device Manager clips showing that your admittedly *different* G51JX Asus computer indeed does have an "Arrandale"-based Intel Integrated Graphics Controller, in addition to the nVidia GTS-360M GPU that those of us with the Core i7-720QM-based G51JX's all have.
Our USA-model (and World models, too) G51JX-A1/X1-5 don't have the Arrandale-based motherboards, it's strictly the Intel 5500M-based boards for the Core i7 720QM-CPU computers, and there is no semblance of any integrated graphics of any type with our setups.
Thus it seems like your CPU gets integrated graphics, but is it possible that Asus has disabled this system, too? Do you have any ability to utilize it, or is it not available via software/hardware controls in your computer?
I am a bit confused about it frankly, and have no idea whether you actually can use integrated graphics or not...(?)?? Please clarify the situation for us thank you, it would be appreciated because we have mostly Core i7 CPU-equipped computers, and this thread is dedicated to the Intel Core i7-based laptops, not your model specifically, which I find to be a bit unusual I guess considering that I've never seen one myself, nor used one, or perused one for that matter either.
It is interesting that Asus has not seen fit to utilize the integrated graphics in your model, if that is the case, indeed it seems a bit of a waste of resources...if you get my thinking about it anyway.
This would be the best of both worlds if we were able to have an integrated graphics controller in addition to our nVidia GTS-360M 1GB DDR5 GPU and controller system, but it is not to be. We are stuck with and able to *only* use the nVidia 360M setup with our computers, that is the way these were conceived and made and executed for the World markets.
What is it exactly that we should be thinking about your particular model? Specifically? Please explain, thanks... -
Hey oneb1t,
All the Arrandale dual core CPUs from Intel have an integrated graphics controller built in, but can you actually use yours? It was my understanding that Asus doesn't have any sort of graphics switching technology enabled in this laptop model. That would be very interesting if you somehow got switchable graphics to work. You could probably get some great battery life running on the Intel integrated graphics chip.
It's a moot point for those of us with quad core CPUs anyway, since there's no integrated graphics chip. -
as EOM sayd only arrandale dual core have IGP (intel GMA HD) and you need HM55 to do it
for now i can only enable graphic card but i cant use it because of memory allocation
there is tutorial how to do it
this command enables card
setpci -s 0:0.0 54.l=8:8
now i need some way how to allocate memory for this card
my version of G51Jx is G60Jx motherboard with G51Jx display
there is also processors like i7-620 which is dualcore 32nm with IGP http://ark.intel.com/Product.aspx?id=43560
and world version http://www.amazon.com/Republic-Gamers-G51JX-X3-15-6-Inch-Gaming/dp/B00361G0ZO -
We all seem to be having like ZERO problems with our notebooks these days, which is really quite remarkable considering the woes and problems of those owners of the sibling-like G73-series notebooks, or so is my impression of things right about now.
We don't have things that will *go haywire* apparently, which is such a good thing that I can only comment about it thusly: Thank God for simple things!
Admittedly we have a remarkable high-performance laptop in the G51JX-X and A1 variations, and I am purposefully excluding the computer that oneb1t owns from this statistical analysis of sorts because that is a different computer than the basis for this thread is all about.
I'd like to stay on topic is the reason I mention this, but what topics do we have to chat about, or "fix" these days is the question? If nothing seems to be happening with respect to having glaring faults and problems with our G51JX-A1-X laptops, then what can we discuss? We can't even discuss adding OS X (Apple) Snow Leopard, or Leopard, or Tiger for that matter because a certain Moderator seems to get upset about the Apple EULA (End User License Agreement) and all that it implies, which I consider somewhat irrational, but so be it...
What should we be discussing if not things of interest I guess is the reason for my post? We don't have any reason to discuss "intel HD GMA graphics" because our notebooks don't have this capability; we seem to be universally aok fine with respect to performance options and Asus OEM product management, ie the things that Asus has given us as owners to enjoy and use with this notebook...so what is left?
Is there any controversy out there that is needing investigation or owner participation? (other than the Apple OS situation...) I dunno, I just hate to see this thread becoming stagnant and people not participating in it because the notebooks offer no problems to speak of, and therefore nobody posts!
Shall we talk about my iPhone 4 and how I'm using it with the G51JX-A1 notebook? Hah-Hah!
Did you all know that I have a Military Macaw named Tio (uncle, in Spanish), who often travels with me when I am not on assignment? He's a full fledged member of the Psittacine family of birds, a Brazilian Military Macaw specifically genetically speaking, and I've owned him for some 24 years now, since he was 70-days old and a "fledgling" baby parrot (full feathered and sized, just still on the pablum that we feed young parrots until they get used to real parrot food). I bought him from a friend/local breeder of parrots here in the Newbury Park area of Ventura County, CA, and he's a native-born parrot not an import (ie his parents are 1st generation Macaws, a mated pair that are still together to this day)...ooops, I am getting waaaay off topic now, sorry about that.
What to discuss that is on-topic, but somewhat of interest...hmmm. OK, how about Seagate HD's, which these notebooks have as OEM equipment...? Did you know I loathe them? I have not used a Seagate HD, but for my older backup full-sized HD's that I bought prior to 2008 (Enterprise HD's with 5 -year warranties), for anything these days, and it's not just because I am using SSD's in my laptops either! :yes:
I guess we could discuss that topic if we want...as the notebooks do have those Seagate OEM 2.5" platter HD's from what I can gather...OK, does anyone have a different HD other than a Seagate in their G51JX-A1-X notebook?
Prior to the SSD I had installed a Hitachi 7200RPM 2.5" 500GB HD in the notebook, I am so paranoid about the Seagate HD's failing with all my precious data on them...did you all know that fact also? Don't think I've said anything about that yet...here anyway.
OK that's it for this post, I will leave it to others to chime in about anything they want with even distant relativity to our notebooks...we need to have some ongoing discussions is my intention here, no other. :wink:
I sure love my G51JX-A1 notebook though, as it just seems to be everything a desktop replacement gaming and multi-media notebook should be, and more... -
All our computers work so perfectly, so what else is there to talk about? -
I agree that we should be able to talk about mac osx but I guess oh well for now I am very pleased that our laptops are running pretty much flawlessly as of now A question for you as usual to add to this topic.. Do you have your ssd and hd drives both installed or just the ssd? I am curious because I would like to purchase an ssd but need a bigger hard drive to store all the goods And to add a little more spice to our dulling lounge I am curious to what is so bad about the seagate hd's?? -
I agree that we should be able to talk about mac osx but I guess oh well for now (or maybe start our own forum for mac!) I am very pleased that our laptops are running pretty much flawlessly as of now A question for you as usual to add to this topic.. Do you have your ssd and hd drives both installed or just the ssd? I am curious because I would like to purchase an ssd but need a bigger hard drive to store all the goods And to add a little more spice to our dulling lounge I am curious to what is so bad about the seagate hd's?? -
I would like to buy a refurbished Asus G51VX. Has anyone had to deal with renewed Asus?. I'm not from USA so I will not have a 90 day warranty. Do you know a company offering a warranty extension force in Europe as well? -
I haven't been posting here quite as often as I did previously. I agree with you rexrzer727, there's nothing much to discuss these days. The laptop's flawless and even Mac OS X Snow Leopard on it is flawless. (Mods, please allow us to talk about OS X; Apple's EULA doesn't matter). Does anyone have any suggestions for a wireless card that I can buy to replace the Intel WiFi Link 1000 in mine and which works in Snow Leopard? I know many of the Atheros work, but which are the ones that support Wireless N and work on this laptop.
Just for fun and for your info, I've added a link to the YouTube video I uploaded showing my G51Jx booting up Mac (the booting is slightly different now; I've removed the verbose booting and use a BootCamp theme for the Chameleon bootloader now, maybe I'll take a new video and upload it soon).
<param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/T2Sd9nX6wZg&hl=en_US&fs=1?hd=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/T2Sd9nX6wZg&hl=en_US&fs=1?hd=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width='960' height="745"></embed></object>Last edited by a moderator: May 6, 2015 -
SSD's and platter HD's can *live* together in harmony, but only one at a time in our notebooks, unfortunately. I don't have the ability to install two HD's in my G51 laptop because Asus removed the hardware for the 2nd HD install, so that means I am running just the SSD. I use an external USB/eSATA HD for all media and non-critical programs, and have no issues with storage: the SSD remains my speed demon for programs, the OS, and the external HD is for everything else, and I am not alone in doing this sort of thing: it's normal.
Seagate 2.5" HD's are still having quality control (QC) issues, and the Asus notebooks use them in an OEM sense without exception, which is at best a difficult situation to deal with. I have no idea why Seagate HD's continue to have problems with spindles, out of round/balance platters, and other QC issues but it hasn't changed in a long, long time. I don't trust them as a rule, and prefer to use other brand HD's when I am not using an SSD...such as Hitachi or Western Digital.
I see no conflicts with discussing the install of OS X, so let's proceed unless we are censored, and let's hope that doesn't happen because it is senseless to do so...people will do what they will do, and Apple EULA is not something to enforce in this forum.
The Intel N-6300 WiFi card will work with OS X I am certain, just as the Intel 1000 does right now, correct? I'd order one of them if I were you and wanting to upgrade the WiFi card in your notebook...see no reason why not to do so.
We seem to have at least one thing to discuss and that's the install of Mac OS X, barring intervention, so any questions or directions about doing this install please direct them to Mr. 253 and let's get going on it if it's of interest to others here. -
Hello, back with another question.
Do the G51Jx laptops come with a recovery disk to restore to factory settings, or would I have to make one? If this is the second case, then how would I go about making the recovery disk(s)? I'm pretty much a noob in this regard. -
Yes, you would have to make your own Recovery Discs, and that is easily done with a program that comes OEM on the laptop called Asus eRecovery, something like that anyway. I used the program to burn 5 DVD's for my UL30VT-X1 Asus laptop when it was new, but I haven't done it with the G51 because I still have the OEM HD in its 'virgin state', ie it's never been used (!), and I keep it in mothballs in case of emergency only.
I Clean Installed my SSD with all new factory drivers and utilities when the laptop was brand new, never even fired up the OEM HD once, just removed it!
So yes, you can make your very own backup DVD's with that program, but I really see no reason to do it, honestly...Just Clean Install the OS and drivers and utilities to get rid of all the bloatware and factory crapolaware that Asus installs with their OEM laptop HD formatting, and you'll be much better off.
See my Clean Install Guide, which is linked off the 1st page of this thread...it will do you a world of good! -
Just a quick question; Does the notebook feel like a 15.4" or a 17" notebook?
Im thinking of getting one of these but i don't want it to be 2 big. If it feels like a 17" i could get a real 17" with a 5870.
Anyone knows how APB runs on this machine?
Ah can't w8, just ordered it so will get it delivered tomorrow xD Will see myself lol.
Thanks though -
The size of the G51Jx is closer to a 17" laptop. My G51Jx-X3 has a 15.6 1080 display and it doesn't feel too small.
@rexrzer727, I'm quite sure that the Intel WiFi Link 1000 does not work with Mac. The 6300 will also not work either. Maybe some Atheros cards will.
It should be quite safe if you don't try managing HFS+ partitions in Windows or try to manage NTFS partitions in Mac. Recovery would work like normal if anything screws up. I recommend that you get the modified Snow Leopard install disk that has support for MBR partition tables, so the dual-boot will work flawlessly.
Hey guys,
I just ordered a G51Jx-x3 from amazon. This one specifically:
Amazon.com: ASUS Republic of Gamers G51JX-A1 15.6-Inch Gaming Laptop: Computer & Accessories
It hasnt arrived yet and I was wondering if there were any updates to drivers/bios that I should do when I get it or what programs/applications I should delete when I get it so that the startup is faster.
also is there a 9 cell battery that fits this exact model?
thanks -
read page 1...
has there been a solution to the issue with the built-in chicony webcam's low frame rate?
WhatInStartup - Free software downloads and software reviews - CNET Download.com
That little program will eliminate or cure 90% of all startup issues, once you learn how to use it, that is...simplistic really, but then again so is Life if you can make it as organized as that program can make your startup sequences.
I use it with religion in all my PC's, without fail...average startup time with normal HD's= c. 40 seconds; with SSD's=c. 25 seconds (not kidding at all)!
When I asked myself those questions I realized a couple things:
1) I never make Recovery Discs anymore (because)
2) You makes yer own luck with computers, esp the OS...it's sort of like a very good friend with acute schizophrenia--you never know which face you're gonna get when you say, "Hello"?
I recommend a good shrink if you have any doubts about the above (JK)...
*** *** *** *** ***
(page break)
It is great to see some questions about our laptop but paleeeze, start at the top! Page No.1 has been nicely, and thoroughly organized by our mentor Mr. janvandongen to answer basic questions; after you read that you'll be much better informed to ask us real KUHL stuf!
*** *** *** *** *** -
Here's question for all you G51Jx owners: how does it perform?
I own an MSI gt627 that recently broke down on me. I'm considering replacing it with a G51Jx, probably the A1 version (720QM, 4gb, 360m).
Here are the specs on the MSI:
2.4 Ghz Core 2 Duo, overclock to 2.88 Ghz
4gb DDR2
Nvidia 9800m GS 1GB
How will the G51Jx compare to the MSI in terms of gaming performance? I play a pretty wide variety of games, everything from RPGs like Oblivion and Fallout to Strategy games like Napoleon: Total War and Starcraft 2 (as of a few days ago ). The MSI was able to handle all of these pretty well, with the lowest performing being Battlefield: Bad Company 2, which ran on medium settings (and only barely). How will the G51Jx stack up? -
@rexrzer727, I'm talking about which wireless card to get which works in both Mac and Windows.
i have a question. i am looking at either getting this laptop to replace my g50vt have now or either getting the g53 when someone can confirm what gpu it will have and the price. my question about the g51jx is how good are the speakers? i have read some reviews saying that they are on average with gaming laptops, but what does that mean? my g50vt sucks on speakers. not very loud at all! i have a apple computer for work and it has awesome loud speakers. can any one give a better idea of what i can expect from the g51jx?
also, has this been fixed?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LVl4vguku5s&feature=related -
So after playing around with the laptop for a couple days, I found a couple of problems with it freezing up.
The laptop seems to freeze up WHENEVER I instant message or receive an instant message on aim. It also freezes up when I try to install a game: Dragon Age Origins. More specifically, it freezes when I click the "install game" button in the startup menu for the game.
Any ideas of what could be wrong? -
I am not 100% sure what could be wrong but other users have reported similar occurrences and it seems like it's possibly a bad BIOS. Do you know what version you have? I had to update mine to the latest v206 after purchasing and have had zero problems! -
I also have flashed to BIOS v206. Also, another thing to note is that it seems to happen even when sending/receiving IMs through browser based aim websites (meebo.com for example).
I just got this laptop a few days ago from newegg, and I have a few questions/concerns:
1. I searched this thread, and it seems the only way the twin, side LED lights on the lid turn off is under battery saving mode, yes? My cousin has an earlier G-Series laptop and through an Asus OEM program called Direct Console 2.0 he can turn off the side LEDs on his machine (as well as control turbo boost, etc.) Did Asus remove this option?
2. In World of Warcraft, I can rarely get 60fps, even in isolated areas, without ANY other characters around, just me and the enviorment. Average seems to be 30-45 FPS. This is running the game at 1920 x 1080 on highest settings. My almost three year old desktop with an upgraded Radeon HD 5770 1GB DDR5 and a Intel QQ6600 runs at 60FPS no problem. Shouldn't this machine at least do WoW at 60fps?
I have updated the bios to 206 and the nvidia drivers to 197.16.
Also, is the only way to enable Turbo Boost through Power4Gear Hybrid? -
Thanks for the reply! I did allready order, couldn't w8 lol.
Recieved it friday but couldnt unbox it till now because i needed to go but fortunatly it isnt bigger then an 15" acer 5920 so i am totally comfortable with it!
Strange thing is the retailer said there was only 6gb RAM in it and in this thing there is 8GB DDR3 1333 RAM and there is also an Bluray optical and a mobile 3G UMTS card in it wich also was not mentioned by the retailer.
Is that standard or am i just lucky? -
1) Extra RAM
2) 1333Mhz RAM
3) Free "Silent Upgrade" in the WiFi department!
My best guess is that you got somebody else's order, in fact I cannot imagine getting all those extras without either a mistake happening at Asus, or the retailer's ordering desk, but so be it, lucky you!
I think that you will have a wonderful experience with your G51JX-A1/X1 based on the above factors, plus you also probably have the 9-cell battery vs the 6-cell battery (not that it makes much difference, but it's a nice extra)...right? Well, do you have the 9-cell battery? 6-Cell battery? That would be another nice silent upgrade.
"Silent Upgrades" are things that you get without any notice for no cost, which happens now and then in the Apple product line also, especially on refurbs IMO. I have gotten upgraded RAM and video cards and HD's, not necessarily all in one machine, but in various CPU's from Apple, many times, which is another reason that I tend to buy the Apple refurb's vs retail products...when I am buying Apple of course. This sort of thing never, or rarely happens in the PC side...for me anyway this is true.
Also, another question: which BIOS does your new CPU have? I am curious if they are flashing the latest and greatest models with v.206 (they should be doing this at Asus central by now) BIOS, because it fixes so many issues and problems that it's natural that Asus would be sending the newest laptops down the pipe with this BIOS inside of them...or asre they?
That is my question to all of the people who got laptops in the last month, in general...did you receive your laptop with BIOS V.206?
Also, is anyone getting their laptops with an OS installer DVD ROM (Windows 7)? You know that here in the USA that you can purchase said DVD ROM with Windows 7 OS on it for some $30+shipping fees from Asus's Online Store...if necessary, this is something to think about for USA customers. Some folks might consider this a benefit, although it is also possible to find Windows OS from other sources for free, ie no cost at all from the Digital River source for one, and there are others (MicroSoft is another source, ie the blank, open-source OS), but some prefer having the factory installer DVD ROM--for USA customers it's an option to get it from Asus.
It is good to see new members here posting about their laptop experiences, so I encourage others to do the same, both positive and negative experiences...we don't care, in fact it's good to hear ALL of it.
If there are any questions that the new members have for me specifically I'd be happy to answer them, so fire away... -
Do not think i got someone elses order tbh, i ordered it from a very big retailer who just orders different types of models and then sells their own stock and when i look now, the notebook isnt even found on their website lol. Guess i got the last one. Maybe they messed it up, someone else bought the upgraded model and they erased it from the site but that person sended it back and they didnt take the effort to advertise it back or something dunno, but i think this laptop has been in someone else hands. Not that its broken or something but having unboxed alot of stuff in my life i can just see when something is wrapped again
It's the 6 cell battery that was included and it does have bios v206 on it.
No windows CD here, only driver & utilities but as we speak im clean installing it with a win7 ultimate OS so i am not really bothered by it. -
Hi Guys, after an excruciating wait time and follow ups with Asus. I now have a perfect G51JX unit. No BSODs, for the past week of it being 24/7. =)
May be I just need to work on calibrating the colors. I'm no expert hehe. -
Hmm when i install Turbo Boost it says my system does not meet the minimum requirements? Any ideas?
All hardware is installed..
EDIT nvm fixed (; -
i just purchased the g51jxx2 from tigerdirect.does anyone have experience with this particular model? thanks
Just forgettabouttit!
If your Turbo system works in CP P4G, that's all you have to worry about...as long as you installed the necessary P4G CP and associated files (two of which are on the web site not the Driver Utility DVD ROM) that should be working 100%, Clean Install or not.
I am not at my laptop right now (at work), but my best recommendation is to just use your favorite Registry Cleaner/organizer/fixer on all those CPs and extensions/drivers and items added from the driver install, and enjoy! You've done the hard part, now it's time to kick back and see how she performs.
It is truly a joy to have a Clean Install in the new laptop, is it not?
I do hear you about the "previously owned/owner items still in the laptop" situation going on with your new laptop...sounds like the old owner was either in a hurry, or just plain *forgot* to remove his extra 2GB of RAM and that 3G/WiFi card, which is a dear extra and nice to have (!!), and sent the thing back to the reseller as-was (and then the reseller forgot to check what was going on with the unit and just blew it out to you...Lucky You!)...and BAMO!
Silent Upgrade Happened!! Customer Gets Lucky and Better...it's all good!
That BluRay optical drive is no doubt a BluRay reader/DVD+/-RW writer, yah? It's not a BluRay burner? The previous owner may have ordered the laptop like that, or had it custom configured by the reseller, either way you win!
I've got the best BluRay burner (slim type anyway) around in the Sony Optiarc 5730S, which I upgraded in my G51JX-A1, a painless and simple upgrade that took all of 10 minutes to handle, and I highly recommend that system if you want to go that route, by the way.
You'll need some BluRay player/software to go with that laptop or you won't be able to play dipshirts on it in terms of BluRay playback, and I recommend the CyberLink PowerDVD Ultra 10 or CyberLink Hi-Definition Suite (cheaper) for your BluRay needs, either way you end up going with the BluRay deal you've got going on.
Windows does *not* have a native BluRay player, so you're out of luck there unless you score some type of software player/utility suite and the CyberLink systems are the best at that sort of thing, and the most comprehensive bunch of software controls for BluRay you can buy...and you have to buy something unless you got the PowerDVD utility DVD ROM in your "kit".
Good luck, and again, Lucky You! -
Cant really check the ODD atm as im installing but it says 4xBluRay so i guess its just a ROM not a burner.
And i have Cyberlink Power DVD 10 Works great! Also Power Director 8 Ultra for some basic editing.
And yes always nice to do a clean install but it takes sooo long! The best thing of it is when u all done and acronis finished making his backup and u can start using the machine heheheh ;P
THanks ^^ -
Wich GPU drivers do u recommend btw? I installed the newest from Nvidia 258.x but when running 3Dmark06 on stock settings the score seems a bit lowish, around 7800. I have seen reviews when stock settings gave like 9500+ scores
Hi to everybody, i've been reading this post for some days now, and I can say i finished reading evaaaaarything ( )
Well, I'm a new owner of this model: Asus G51JX-SZ187 ( Asus G51JX-SZ187 Portátil 15,6", PC Portátil. Compra Asus G51JX-SZ187 Portátil 15,6" en Fnac)
but, i will be putting my hands on it Wednesday 4am -3:00 GMT and counting (since my uncle bought it for me in Spain, where he lives)
I think i got it a bit pricy for what I'm looking at ebay, but... well, i think i rush'd it now
The differences I could find, without having it in my hands yet, is: GDDR3 in place of GDDR5 A1 has, 1333mhz Kingston modules in place of 1066mhz. 640gb 5400rpm instead of 500gb 7200rpm. And 8gb in place of 6gb.
What do you think about pros and cons, and price? (I will ask more important questions wich never asked before, and I think they are :key: things)
I've found this thread amazing, and I'm hoping to help everyone else the way rexrzer727 has done, hoping to do it with much less writing haha, since I consider myself an advanced user in every aspect of hardware.
I'm Gonzalo from Argentina by the way
Will report later with every detail about this "model", hoping to get "silent upgrades" thats for sure!
Cheers -
I have a G51JX-X5 bought from B&H PHOTO.
Does anyone know how to switch off the lights on the top cover ? I tend to leave the laptop on overnight and even thought the monitor is off these lights stay on.
krishna -
I'm sticking with what I have until proven indifferent, Hah!
I overclock the GPU with EVGA's Precision software, and have always like it for simplicity and kindness, have wild good luck oc'ing the GPU terribly, no damages, no heat issues, et al...YMMV!
Good luck, and have fun...!
Asus G51Jx Owners Lounge
Discussion in 'ASUS Reviews and Owners' Lounges' started by janvandongen, May 28, 2010.