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    Asus G51Jx Owners Lounge

    Discussion in 'ASUS Reviews and Owners' Lounges' started by janvandongen, May 28, 2010.

  1. robbied

    robbied Notebook Enthusiast

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    If Asus had a readme with the BIOS, we'd know what it is that they changed. Perhaps they fixed something in the thermal mgmt, perhaps they blew up Bluetooth (lol), but without that readme, you won't know what the difference is.

    I would much rather know that they fixed some errors/issues so I could choose whether to upgrade or not.

    I upgraded to 208, and it killed my bluetooth. I don't use bluetooth for anything, so I haven't freaked out about it, but I fully expect that I'm going to have to RMA this thing when I have a couple of weeks without travel.

    Don't go to 208 from 206. Stay right where you are until they give another update that won't kill your bluetooth & cause you to RMA. Why that BIOS is still posted I have no idea. Seems like they're just begging you to send them your notebook.

    Oh - and keep your eye on this forum & wait for somebody else to do it first and report it's ok! ;)
  2. nfshp253

    nfshp253 Notebook Evangelist

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    I'm the kind of person who wants all the drivers on his laptop to be the latest ones. I am extremely tempted to upgrade to 208, but like others have said, what real improvements does it bring? The bluetooth survived the 207 BIOS update, but I'm worried about 208. Unless there's better fan control to cool the laptop, I really won't upgrade to 208 just yet. I'll wait and see.

    Sorry that I'm not as active on the forum as the past few months, because I am getting real jealous :eek: of rexrzer727's many upgrades for his G51Jx, namely the 16GB RAM, SSD and such. Damn, only if I had the money like that. There wasn't really much to discuss about because the last few pages were all about the screwed up P4G Extreme Turbo and the Bluetooth issues which I didn't really encounter. Maybe I should join in the discussion just for fun more often, but I am really envious of rexrzer727's insanely-upgraded G51Jx. The only consolation I can have is that I'm the only one here who got Snow Leopard working on the G51Jx!! :)
  3. nfshp253

    nfshp253 Notebook Evangelist

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    I really wonder if ASUS reads these forums to realise how screwed their last 2 BIOS updates were. Should I email them and ask them about 208 and the killing Bluetooth symptom?
  4. xlichking

    xlichking Notebook Enthusiast

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    Hi friends .
    How I can install the driver ?
    I can't install web cam driver .
    Please help me .
    Thanks .
  5. nfshp253

    nfshp253 Notebook Evangelist

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    You have to use Device Manager, select the camera device (should be the one with question mark since it isn't recognized as camera yet), then find the option to locate driver manually. Browse to the inf in the driver folder and click Install. Should be working now. Remember, the webcam requires an extraordinary amount of light to work good. If that requirement is met, the quality of the webcam will be mind-blowing! (I'm exaggerating of course, but it's quite good compared to some webcams in other laptops).
  6. robbied

    robbied Notebook Enthusiast

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    Rexrzer's got some sweet upgrades going, but read his posts about 16GB not working, and suggestions to stick to 12GB max.
  7. xlichking

    xlichking Notebook Enthusiast

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    Thanks but i don't have nothing here :(
  8. Jack2727

    Jack2727 Notebook Consultant

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    Odd in my device manager I got two things that say Base System Device
    Location: PCI Slot 4 (PCI Bus 6,device 0, function 1)
    Location: PCI Slot 4 (PCI Bus 6,device 0, function 2)
    The drivers for this device are not installed. (Code 28)

    Wonder what it could be....

    Edit: Hmm I actually think it might be for the card reader, because when I did a clean install I couldnt get it on

    LAST Edit: I was right :D I used the disc to get on the Ricoh Card Reader and the Question Mark disappeared lawl
  9. Jack2727

    Jack2727 Notebook Consultant

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    Right and I would just like to say that the Nvidia 258 driver is unstable...
    Whenever I boot up my computer, it always freezes for a sec and then says something about the driver rrestarting

    It could possibly be the changes I made in EVGA Precision, because that when the problem started
    Also have it set to apply this setting upon start up
    Core Clock: 600
    Shader Clock: 1600
    Memory Clock: 2100

    Can anyone confirm if 197, is stable with EVGA?
  10. nfshp253

    nfshp253 Notebook Evangelist

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    @xlichking, I guess you need to manually add hardware then. Look it up in Windows Search and add hardware by pointing to the right .inf file.

    @Jack2727, I'm using 259.47, if that helps. It's stable.
  11. daemon33

    daemon33 Notebook Enthusiast

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    Hi everyone,

    Just a question, I have read about Intel Turbo boost technology and I have gone to install the Turbo Boost monitor gadget as well. My understanding is that its triggered automatically. But can you force it to turbo boost using P4G, if so how?

    Also has anyone tried to OC the GPU and disable throttling using Set FSB at the same time and game with it? If so how are your temps?
  12. rexrzer727

    rexrzer727 Notebook Deity

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    Jack, don't be dismayed by my missive response to your question, but it IS sort of redundant to ask all of us about BIOS updates when you have read, seen, heard about so much TROUBLE, TROUBLE and more TROUBLE these fools at Asus are causing with their "BIOS updates"---which are nothing more than regurgitated MORE TROUBLE, time and time again!

    Let me ask you this...why would you do something like replace your car's tires with a bad brand, have flats and accidents and lose the use of your car because of it, and then go ahead and buy MORE of the same kind of bad tires when those wear out? You wouldn't do that, would you now?

    Same thing with these BIOS updates from the idiots at Asus Tech Support. They probably don't even know why they are giving us updates at this point, but the engineers in charge of doing these things have to do *something* to justify their jobs apparently, so more bad BIOS comes out of the same group of engineers at Asus Central, and we are the guinea pigs that get to "see if it works that time" don't we, if we so choose?

    I say FORGETTABOUTIT! Don't participate in these stupid games the engineers want us all to play, risking the very use and good performance of our "Now performing fantastic" G51JX-A1 notebooks, and worse...BIOS has been shown to actually DAMAGE and render unusable the BlueTooth Modules in the notebooks has it not? (sure as Hell did just that in my notebook, and others also didn't it?) So just forget about updating BIOS beyond v.206 is my recommendation to everybody who owns one of these notebooks, and even those who are entertaining purchasing one, too!

    What is different about each BIOS update? Well Jack, I just don't know that answer nor would I, or should I, or can I have any hope of figuring that answer out! Nor do I care to! FRUCK those engineers, that's what I've got to say! If they think that damaging our notebooks is a good thing, something for the service end of Asus Tech Support/RMA Depts to get business from and also justify those positions...which isn't too far fetched when you think about it for a NY Second or two...then I say "FRUCK THEM!"

    Asus Tech Support has earned my wrath and disrespect at this point, and the only thing to come of any contact with them recently has been trouble, trouble, and more trouble! Even the Supervisor who handled my case with the blown BT module and motherboard, which were BOTH REPLACED as we all should know by now, anyway the Supervisor didn't get my SERIAL NUMBER correct doing his paperwork, and my notebook went into Asus Tech Support/RMA Depts in Fremont, CA with the serial number for my UL30VT-X1 notebook and sat there incognito for 4-5 days while I tried to straighten the situation out with Fremont, day after day, and finally I got some nice lady who DID fix the situation, but ONLY by LUCK!

    Know what they wanted to do? They wanted to send my notebook BACK to me, unrepaired, and then generate a NEW RMA with the Correct SERIAL NUMBER in it, and then, and only then would they repair my notebook!

    That is just sooooo damn STUUUUPID, you know? But that is the state of mind at Asus Tech Support, in a nutshellf...and so be it, I don't want anything to do with them, if possible! God Forbid if I do ever have to have service on my notebook again, but if that happens rest assured I will do my best to fix the notebook MYSELF, and barring that-- if it's impossible for instance, if I have a big and awful hardware failure of some sort for instance...I will approach any repair with vivid and complete skepticism, healthy skepticism, but that nonetheless, until proven otherwise by those fools at Asus Tech Support!

    That is my complete outlook on this situation, generated by your question about BIOS updates, but that's what it IS and I stand by it until proven different by actions that are befitting of a 1st Class Tech Support system, which Asus at this time is NOT by any scope of that thought, and so be it!

    My apologies for the tone and nature of this response, but that's the TRUTH of the matter, and if anybody can prove ME wrong, I'm all ears... :cool:
  13. Jack2727

    Jack2727 Notebook Consultant

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    lol, your probably the only person who speaks there mind on subjects like these, but Im grateful for the information and I'll keep it in mind when the majority say something is better even if its not current then stick with it.
    Peace :cool:
  14. Jack2727

    Jack2727 Notebook Consultant

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    Thx Ill upgrade to that see if it fixes the problem, if not then Ill downgrade to 197 ;)
  15. joaomaradao

    joaomaradao Notebook Enthusiast

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    Well, I tried restoring the defaults on the BIOS and repairing the registry (using Galry Registry Repair) and then I started having some trouble with the bluetooth, so I restored the OS (C: ) partition using the asus recovery utility. The bluetooth seems to be working fine, but even without installing anything I still get some random high cpu usages by audiodg.exe (in this case, while using wmp).

    And before doing that recovery I was also having some rare artifacting problems (I believe that it's like the ones that moedameyer described). I have some pics/videos (in my case screenshots don't show the artifacts) of the last two times that it happened, even though it has already happened before:
    Pic#1 - Using Excel
    Vid#1 - Using Excel
    Pic#2 - Displaying the help file of NetLimiter
  16. Fendora

    Fendora Notebook Consultant

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    joaomaradao : Try this.
  17. deviousracing

    deviousracing Newbie

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    i just got a g51, mine crashes all time, i thinks its related to the gpu, when I use dvdfab to copy a blu ray it crashes right on the end every time, and crashes all the time while watching videos, the screen just freezes, and hitting on the keyboard does nothing
  18. rexrzer727

    rexrzer727 Notebook Deity

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    Those are very handy-dandy videos you made of the anomaly on your LCD screen, and I have a couple questions for you:

    1) Are you using a UPS for a power supply with the laptop, or straight into the wall socket, or some type of power strip?

    2) If you are or aren't, are there any power-related issues at the place you're using the laptop, ie the PSU, or the wall socket, or the home/office/room?

    3) Do you experience brown-outs, or blackouts, or power surges where you are living or using the laptop?

    You may not even be aware of such things happening, but those are things that can drastically affect the power that a laptop or desktop gets and can cause all sorts of crazy things happening with respect to the display, and activities relating to the distribution of power to the machine itself.

    The reason that I am suggesting that there may be a power issue going on is that I have seen similar "artifacting" on a desktop before, but it was strictly caused by a flaky PSU and a bad power supply situation at the wall socket itself, it was not anything to do with the computer per se, but rather how and what power supply it was getting.

    This is the 1st thing that struck me when I viewed your films/pictures, that you have a power supply issue going on either with your PSU, power cord/cables/connectors, or with the wall socket itself where you are using the laptop. If all is well in that regard, and/or you are not having brown-outs or blackouts or power surges that you are aware of, I would suggest that the laptop is having a PSU issue itself...flaky or inefficient PSU's are 90% of the cause of such things happening with computers of any sort, be it desktop or laptop....if it's not the cables to the screen themselves, that is...

    That pretty much covers all the possibilities that I am aware of for such things happening with an LCD display... :cool:
  19. joaomaradao

    joaomaradao Notebook Enthusiast

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    I've already experienced this both here at the attic and also at my bedroom. On both I had the cable plugged into a power strip. And I haven't noticed any power issues here at home lately. I have the battery on the laptop, so I believe that if any very short (unnoticeable) blackout would occur, the laptop would start using the battery instead.
    What's also weird is that it usually only happens on a single window (when I got those artifacts on Excel the taskbar had none) and they're kept there only until I minimize the window. If I remember correctly, on the help file, when I scrolled down the text the artifacts just moved as if they were part of the text.

    Well, I think I'll just RMA it... And pray that I'll get this and the other audiodg.exe problem solved. :rolleyes:
  20. rexrzer727

    rexrzer727 Notebook Deity

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    Dare I ask this, but what BIOS are you using at this point? Did you recently update it, by the way? Just an aside, but here's what is really happening, in my view anyway...

    On the PSU and electrical surge idea, it is commonly thought that a laptop can "switch" to battery power when problems happen to the regular input of power, very quickly, when in fact they DO NOT! It can take several seconds for a laptop's software and hardware circuitry to "switch" to battery power, and in that time this "artifacting" can indeed take place, and continue once started for a fairly long time...up to several minutes in fact.

    I always use a UPS with any computer I am using, at my home, home office, or at the office, so my power is always regulated to the computers be they laptops or desktops, and it is my belief that this is a great benefit to avoiding problems such as what you are experiencing, amongst many others which are power-related problems. I never have issues like you are experiencing, and it's my belief that the UPS use contributes to my computer systems' overall stability to a HUGE degree, especially with my overclocked desktops...

    But the laptop is often overlooked in terms of UPS use because people, like you, believe that it doesn't need regulated power, when in fact they do very much need it just like a desktop does!

    If you are not using a UPS with your laptop, battery or not being perfect and a fair part of the sequence of events, it could very well be the reason you are experiencing artifacts, sorry to say. I'd try using the laptop with a UPS and see if the problems go away before I RMA'd the thing to Asus, because you may be slaying the good lizard along with the dragon by just shot-gunning it into them without any serious trouble-shooting.

    UPS use is a precursor to preventing a host of problems, all power-related, and if you aren't using one with your laptop I'd give it a try before I gave my laptop to Asus to "fix" something that may not even be a problem at may be just needing to regulate the power to the laptop correctly, aka Sine-Wave constant power that a PSU generates opposed to the random and often irregular power from a power strip or power outlet of normal kinds.

    Trust me on this, try the UPS idea out before you RMA that laptop, it's certainly worth a shot and it may prove to eliminate the issues altogether. If it does not solve the issues, then you indeed should RMA the laptop but try to remedy the problem with constant, regulated power to the machine first. :cool:
  21. Jack2727

    Jack2727 Notebook Consultant

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    Hey rex when you use EVGA Precision, is it comon for your driver to restore itself after you apply the EVGA settings?

    It happens everytime for me... not that it really bugs me because it only happens once adn only when the settings are applied, does this for both 197 driver and 258 driver

    Attached Files:

  22. Hino

    Hino Notebook Enthusiast

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    I'm using 258.96 driver right now with EVGA precision 2.0.0., with 20 percent over-clock or under-clock, I haven't experience that recovery bug yet, but I have encounter before, when I was watching a movie while ago lol.
  23. joaomaradao

    joaomaradao Notebook Enthusiast

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    Atm, I have BIOS 208. I'm not sure if the first time that the artifacting problem was with BIOS 206 or 207. I've been updating the BIOS hoping that it could solve the audiodg.exe problem (that one I'm sure it was happening with BIOS 206).

    About the UPS idea... The only UPS that I have doesn't have the "normal" power output, so I can't really connect my laptop power cable there.
    And if the problem is about the power the laptop is receiving I would say that it's really picky about it, because I've only experimented (big) artifacting two times here at home with all the computers. One time it was because of a damaged capacitor on the PSU of my old computer (it ended up killing most of my hardware, including my graphic card - good old Radeon 9600XT :rolleyes: ) and the other time was on my current desktop while playing solitaire, but after updating the graphic card driver I've never had another artifacting problem. On both cases, unlike my laptop, the screenshots that I took also had artifacting.
  24. Jack2727

    Jack2727 Notebook Consultant

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    I've decided to stop using EVGA Precision... its just causing me distortions and sometimes freeze on start up, even though it run at lower temps with the 600, 1600, 2100 settings... I'd prefer no freezing -_-

    ALso ive learned that it was slowing my games down BADly to... odd becasue it worked fine on my defective laptop :p.... of course...
    But if uninstalling EVGA and restoring to defaults is wat I must do to run clear then so be it, Id rather want a floating boat then a sinking one
  25. wolverin0

    wolverin0 Notebook Enthusiast

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    I have an issue, hopefully someone had it already, or can guide me through
    screensaver won't work if batterylife.exe (had to terminate processes one by one to idenfity this, and waiting 1 minute till the screensaver starts automatically) is opened
    when i kill batterylife.exe, screensaver works perfectly. what should i config or do for this to work properly?
    thanks in advance :)

    edit: my god.. been fighting with this for a day, and it just was "presentation mode" "ON" on quiet office mode......... now its off and screensaver will work.
  26. Hino

    Hino Notebook Enthusiast

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    I'm noticing a bit of crappy performance with the new EVGA too, was playing SC2 today, and it crashed to desktop like 3 times. Not too sure if it's EVGA acting up, or the new 208 bios, need to do some testing.

    Edit: First test without EVGA, yup full performance again, I am thinking could be that because I under-clock my setting, and tries to set it to default when I went to play games, some how it got stuck in under-clock setting.

    I'll do more test tomorrow.
  27. rexrzer727

    rexrzer727 Notebook Deity

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    "About the UPS idea... The only UPS that I have doesn't have the "normal" power output, so I can't really connect my laptop power cable there.
    And if the problem is about the power the laptop is receiving I would say that it's really picky about it...." you wrote.

    Well now we have hit some paydirt here, I have a feeling! Guys, and gals (if any are here), all electronics are "really picky" about the power that they receive, and I can assure all of you reading this small discussion that a lot of damaged laptops,(that is laptops that suffered hardware damage of various sorts during their lifetime and needed time in the shop to repair them) had that damage either begin, or end (terminally so!) because of the owners NOT believing in using clean, or abridged, regulated power to their machines. This is not my assertion I assure you all, these are facts from industry studies about PSU's and UPS's, of the AVR/AVS type, whereby the power to the computers are regulated for both actual voltage and for the Mhz or Khz (such as it can be for the larger supplies) of that signal also, ie a signal of power that consists of current in the voltage realm of 120VAC +/-10% and regulated 60Hz impedance (+/-3%), so not only is the power regulated for voltage and amps, but the signal itself is a "Simulated Sine Wave" signal with a specific and also regulated impedance (ie 60Hz), and thus computers can benefit from this "clean signal and power" which reduces PSU "adjustments and self-regulation" within the computer itself, and allows that PSU to work with the clean signal to provide unexpurgated, signal-free electricity to the various components in a given computer, a huge benefit, and one that allows all of the various parts and pieces that depend on CLEAN POWER to function optimally, and without faults.

    Faults occur when that power is unregulated and biased toward higher voltages without any sort of Sine Wave components, which is dangerous power to be giving a sensitive electronic instrument like a computer, or an HDTV or stereo system for that matter (all will suffer similar fates over time, the longer that the dirty power is applied to their PSU's and components), and studies have shown remarkable damages to all virtual components in computers and peripherals, to the point that some were rendered into piles of reputable "junk and parts and pieces" in a very short time, ie in let's say a normal product's "lifetime warranty period of 1-3 years online and functioning 24/7". Suffice to say that few, if any of those products survived a nominal warranty period without some type of severe or terminal component damage, be it to video cards, hard drives, the PSU's internally themselves, or the various components in a computer that deal with power on a constant basis, namely motherboards and regulators and capacitors of various sorts and shapes and sizes, the things that go "poof" when this unregulated and unfiltered Mhz-Khz-wise power is applied to computers or electronics over time.

    I'm a big believer in regulated UPS's for all electronics of any worth, be it a special hifi system you might have, stereo system with expensive amp/pre-amp systems and tuners and the like, to HDTV's and entertainment centers of all types, to of course our dear friends our laptop and desktop computers that we take for granted can survive unregulated power, and you know what? They cannot!

    Computers that are plugged directly into power strips and wall sockets and fed a variety of unregulated power and voltages die early, premature deaths time after time after time, (in the field of my experience anyway, this is 100% gospel and so very true), and those of you who choose to be callous or refuse to believe or act in good faith in that regard and provide your computer systems with clean, regulated power and voltage will find that the computers you so treasure will most likely have a component failure or two, or worse. during their lifetime, when it just didn't have to be that way at all! But because you chose to believe otherwise with respect to power and its regulation for your computers, the fates are yours, and yours alone, and I for one have no sympathy for any of you, and I am dead serious about what I just wrote.

    I own some 12 computer systems that are online and working here in my studio, home, or office, and each one has a dedicated UPS that it attaches to for power supply, bar none, there is no exception to that rule! And it has been like that with my computers for years and years, ever since I discovered the principles of my previous statements to be 100% true across the board, bar none.

    The service technicians that I consider friends of mine to a one also told me tale after tale of people's computer systems that were ruined, rendered unusable and worthless but for very, very expensive parts replacements of key components, time after time again...and I became a believer in using UPS's of the highest quality with all my computer systems... To this day each computer that I have online has its own dedicated Belkin Tower Rack Series a one, and each one with its own UPS system has survived well year after year, after year, PC and Mac both...right to this day!

    Such is life and love, is it not so true? We each make our choices and pays our $$$ and there but for you go I, and vice versa, correctamundo? I think so! And if you want to go ahead and use your G51JX-A1 computer, a fine, fine laptop though it may be right presently, without any power regulation or UPS between the wall socket and its precious PSU and internal components, then By God you deserve whatever fate the power Gods give you, whether it's good or bad I have no idea honestly, but all I am sure about it that I am not playing that Russian Roulette with my G51JX-A1 or any other of my precious computers, to a one: they will always have clean, regulated and safe UPS power, bar none, end of discussion!

    That is all that I have to write, or say in this matter, and I am not being an elitist or snob when I tell all of you, to a one, that my computers will NOT BE ONLINE WITHOUT A PREMIUM UPS between themselves and the wall sockets, and I well mean every single word of it, period, END OF STORY! You want to risk your stuff to the winds and wilds of unregulated power and no UPS? Fine, be my guest! Go ahead and be a fool, there's one made every day, you know that?

    OK, I am done for the evening, as this subject has really got my serious nature up and on its haunches because there is nothing I can't stand more than pure and unexpurgated stupidity, and this "UPS or Not" subject brings the idiots out in droves it seems. I for one will have nothing to do with them, as I prefer to associate with known people who practice prudence and safety with their computers and expensive electronics, and to the rest, well I can only say, "Good Riddance"!!!

    If you can't afford a nice, clean, and safe UPS for your expensive computer components, then you should NOT have any computer components, that's the way I feel about it! If somebody can spend $1500 on a new laptop and goodies to go along with that laptop, then they can just as surely spend $200 or so on a nice, state-of-the-art UPS to protect and keep it clean and safe from power surges, bad blackouts and brownouts, and every other type of anomalous power and light show known to mankind, period, end of story!

    You have your choices to make nice people, and I can only hope that each and every one of you owns a quality UPS to go with your laptops and desktops, one per customer per computer, or Rex doesn't have any friends here at all, I guess...after all! :cool:
  28. fireillu

    fireillu Newbie

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    my horizontal light on the back cover isnt working, do i need to install some application to get it to light up again? or is the light simply bust?
  29. ginnipig

    ginnipig Notebook Enthusiast

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    if your computer is on the light should be on, if it's not it's busted. sorry bud.
  30. ginnipig

    ginnipig Notebook Enthusiast

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    use MSI afterburner, was using 1.6.1 going to try 2.0.0 , :) works great 24/7 at 620/1640/2100
  31. Jack2727

    Jack2727 Notebook Consultant

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    Thx for the info, I'll look into it and update when I've run a few tests

    Update: Driver doesn't crash upon startup but it does crash in game, and when the game did run it was laggy

    Im fine with wat I got not wit out modifications, so Ima stay away from these programs : ) (Of course I still turbo xD)
  32. rexrzer727

    rexrzer727 Notebook Deity

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    For general comparison here is the Everest Ultimate memory bandwidth tests from my computer with 16GB RAM mounted up, last week, and they reflect two things:

    1)computer will not operate at higher than 1600Mhz speed (CPU) before crashing hard, and memory overclocking is limited to less than 1400Mhz overall speed...I could NOT conduct these tests in Extreme Turbo mode.

    2)the memory controller (On-CPU controller plus the motherboard's controller for the physical RAM itself combines in the notebook in the G51JX-series w/Core i7 CPU) is not capable of coping with 16GB RAM effectively either, with hard crashes and BSOD's occurring with any attempt to use Turbo, Extreme Turbo, and forcing me to restart and go into BIOS and load Mfr Defaults before the computer would re-start after said BSOD's and crashes

    Folding@Home was non-functional @ any speed higher than 1630Mhz, which I could not achieve anyway with Turbo Mode, and Extreme Turbo was impossible to achieve under stress also, ie any 100% Load would BSOD the computer every time...LinX 0.6.3, PRIME95, and OCCT v3.1 tests would all crash and BSOD the computer and cause a hard reset before it would restart...not much fun!

    The computer was barely functional with 16GB RAM mounted, and would not take 100% Load with all that RAM mounted under any circumstances, most disappointing. Nonetheless the memory benchmarks @ 1600+/-Mhz 3% were astonishing! The notebook performed at memory bandwidths greater than many Core i7 desktops were capable of doing, including XEON server CPU's, and may Quad core CPU's at 2.8Ghz and faster speeds...

    This preceded my tests with 12GB RAM, which follow in the next post. Compare those results to these, and you can see that 12GB RAM is faster, does better memory bandwidth tests 100% across the board than with 16GB RAM, sort of a shocking result frankly! Anyway, compare the two sets of results, same computer, 12GB RAM and 16GB RAM, and you can see why I came to the conclusion that 12GB is better suited to this notebook's memory control mechanism than 16GB RAM is---far, far better suited!

    You can also note that the memory performed @1400+Mhz speeds with ease with 12GB RAM mounted, in fact it performed up to 1430Mhz easily, no crashes, no stresses, in 100% control no harm, no foul, all good!
  33. rexrzer727

    rexrzer727 Notebook Deity

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    Here are those 12GB RAM test results, and they are STOUT and astonishing! Check out the 14K MB/sec read performance especially, which is faster than a Core i7 965 CPU equipped test computer, with Asus P6 motherboard and 6GB RAM @ 3.33Ghz CPU speed, amongst others the notebook beat handily!

    In fact all of these tests are off-scale totally, and you would never guess a little notebook could do such feats until tested like I did this one! These tests were all conducted with Extreme Turbo enabled, no problem there at all overclocking the RAM up to 1430Mhz as the results show...also note the bandwidths for write and copy performance as being better than all desktops in the test sequences, and latency improves to 4th overall speed at just higher than 57Ms, ie lower is better in that test, and it out-performs a lot of very fast computers!

    So once again, 12GB RAM is optimum for this notebook, and 16GB is NOT!

    These results speak volumes to that effect, and confirm what I suspected all along, that Asus should not certify these notebooks with 16GB RAM, as they will not perform well, while @12GB RAM on board the notebook is rather good, don't you think?

    I wanted to post these results consecutively for reference tonight so you all could see what I am talking about with respect to 12GB RAM vs 16GB RAM, and I hope that I've made my points clear by now... :cool:

    Attached Files:

  34. shinnam89

    shinnam89 Newbie

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    Hi guys, I'm a real noob so please be patient with me. I've owned this laptop for about a week and recently I've been getting blue screens, each time while streaming a video (never happens with youtube though). Anyone have the same problem or can provide advice as to how to fix it?
  35. Jack2727

    Jack2727 Notebook Consultant

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    I'd suggest updating yor bios to 206, if you havn't alrdy you can find it on the ASUS website under your laptop model... (Do not get 207 or 208 there ) and if you havn't alrdy update your graphics driver to 197 or the latest 258(No glitches so far reported)
  36. arcadiansky

    arcadiansky Notebook Enthusiast

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    This may seem like a dumb question, but is there a driver that makes the touchpad behave like a multitouch pad?
  37. Fendora

    Fendora Notebook Consultant

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  38. Jack2727

    Jack2727 Notebook Consultant

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    Whats a multitouch pad... I honestly dont know... >>Im a MOuse Person xD
  39. Fendora

    Fendora Notebook Consultant

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    A pad with multitouch abilities like the iphone's screen. ^^
    You can use two fingers to pince the screen to unzoom/zoom, two fingers to scroll...
  40. Jack2727

    Jack2727 Notebook Consultant

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    AH Ok, I get it now, that makes sence

    But why exactly would u want that :confused:
  41. Hino

    Hino Notebook Enthusiast

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    Man I'm having problem connecting my laptop to the TV with hdmi, the laptop detects the TV, but the TV doesn't detect the connection, it just won't display anything, I've tried with everything, except a different driver.

    While was playing with the setting, I found this HDCP status ... anyone know what is it?

  42. Hino

    Hino Notebook Enthusiast

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    useful when you don't have a mouse, and have to use the touchpad. :D

    specially this SYNAPTICS | Scrybe
  43. Jack2727

    Jack2727 Notebook Consultant

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    lol i took a look at that link and it looked pretty cool -_- suppose it would be nice t o have multitouch, at school when I can't use the mouse

    Edit: and I love it when they include in the pdf manual,
    Scrybe does not require additional hardware, because most modern Synaptics TouchPad™ and
    ClickPad™ sensors have built-in support for Scrybe. :D I might give this a shot
  44. billmahan

    billmahan Notebook Enthusiast

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    Well, all is right with the world again. I just received my baby back from repair and all seems to be working. Paperwork says they replaced the Bluetooth board. So no more BIOS updating for me any time soon!!! :rolleyes:

    Thanks for everyone's help!!!

    Bill :D
  45. deviousracing

    deviousracing Newbie

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    any ideas for me?
  46. shinnam89

    shinnam89 Newbie

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    I have BIOS 206 and the appropriate NVIDIA, and yet I'm still getting BSOD's several times a day. I'm trying to follow the clean install guide but I can't even follow the initial instructions. 1)From where do i 'gather and select' the listed utilities?
    2)how do i 'source the OS'? My package never came with a windows7 disc, just a driver&utilities disc, so I'm wondering how I can do this.

    This machine is would be so awesome without the frequent crashes... someone please help me out !
  47. Jack2727

    Jack2727 Notebook Consultant

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    Sometimes, you just end up with a defective machine... My old one bsod's only when playing games, it was updated to 207bios with newest nvidia driver... had done a regular wipe and used the driver disc... then i wiped it and did a clean install, and the bsod persisted....

    If I were you I would just send it in or get an exchange for another one if you have warranty at the store.... (If I remember correctly most stores do 15-30 days warranty) unless you pay for more

    Edit: By the way I got mine replaced :D No BSODS for 2weeks since i got it
    ALso you can find the drivers at the ASUS website... just click on "Services" and then "Support" then it will load a page, you should see "Download" click on that and when it loads, on the left hand panel
    you'll see "Windows 7 supported product models" you want to click on "Notebooks" in that section.. Assuming you have the G51 series, you'll want to scroll down to the G51 series, and select G51Jx
    then you select whether your windows 7 is normal or 64bit or Others... all your updates will be there

    deviousracing: have you tried updating your graphics driver or perhaps getting the suggested stable one (197), a link is provided at the beginning on this forum... also download HWMonitor and see how hot your laptop runs when you do some of this stuff... 85degrees C is normal for the GPU when gaming or watching vids...
    if you havn't alrdy, update your bios to 206, a guide is provided at the beginning of this forum
  48. Syvere

    Syvere Notebook Enthusiast

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    Would 360m handle Dragon Age and Mass Effect 2 at 60fps at 1080p with maxed settings (no AA)? How good is screen color-wise?
  49. AndyB17

    AndyB17 Notebook Enthusiast

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    It can play them well but maxed out with 1080p if I remember correctly the fps was ~20ish. As far as screen color wise I think the G51jx is awesome! certainly not perfect but it does quite well
  50. arcadiansky

    arcadiansky Notebook Enthusiast

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    Anyone else have a problem with their HDMI? Whenever I connect mine to the TV screen, the speaker output mysteriously dies.
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