What good is this test if gaming on ultra settings temps are decent?
It doesn't throttle under normal usage so what's the point.
I never understood running Prime and Furmark together to see how high temps get since both stress the system way beyond your normal use.
Sure I understand some people run CPU heavy programs but then again if your looking for a laptop that runs CPU dependent work there are better laptops for that.
I'm sure it is somewhat luck of the draw with factory stamped on paste. Heck, I've even had the occasional Alienware 15/17 current gen models with good paste applications (not talking quality of paste, just quality of application) .
Since you have both this model( Max Q) and Aorus X7 both with GTX 1080 exactly how many more or less FPS to you get in games?
Would love to see exactly how much less performance you get with Max Q.
If you had to choose one or the other which one would it be?
One thing that really bothers me is excessive fan noise and the does the Zypherus still get loud when overclocking the GPU?
Thanks.Darkhan likes this. -
FPS is about the same on all games I have tried on both machines, not enough difference for the current games to make a clear winner, newer games releasing later this year may be another story but I think will still be close.
As Far as overall system choice, if I had to pick just one. It would be the GX501 due to size, weight, Fan noise is incredible low (regardless what some people post DB is, the actual noise you hear is nothing) Keyboard is pretty good. Now with that being said, I still love the X7, the screen in 4k is absolutely beautiful, the sound from the speakers is better than the asus (the asus is not terrible but lacking)
The biggest negative I can see from the Asus is the one hard drive slot, so you should consider at least upgrading to a 1tb.hmscott, IKAS V, bsch3r and 1 other person like this. -
The tradeoffs you make with the ASUS are well worth it in my opinion.
Wish they had a 17" version, I wouldn't be able to resist. -
Hello, happy (I guess?) Zephyrus owners!
When it got announced I thought I had my laptop dreams fulfilled, but tests/reviews show it makes a lot of trade offs (obviously).
@Darkhan , since you also have the X7 DT which I'm eyeing (together with the X5 and the P650), could you compare battery life? It seems like the biggest flaw, and Aoruses have 94whrLast edited: Aug 25, 2017hmscott likes this. -
Nvidia 1080 Max-Q Laptop Gaming Benchmarks
The ROG Zephyrus’ innovative cooling lets a thin gaming laptop play like a desktop
http://edgeup.asus.com/2017/06/27/rog-zephyrus-gx501-thin-gaming-laptop-handsLast edited: Aug 23, 2017Darkhan likes this. -
He had 55dBA measured at head level here in this post, but it looks like he edited that detail out...
What's up with that @Darkhan ? If it's true, and you posted it, why add to the Max-Q deceptions by editing out the useful details?
I was quite impressed that you posted the honest real measurements even though it disproved Asus's Max-Q claim of 39dBA - what happened?Last edited: Aug 23, 2017 -
Measuring Noise is very particular to the ambient room noise, the precise location of the meter, I removed because I personally think I should have took my time, turned off the ceiling fans, turned off the AC and recreated a lab like result.
Yes I measured 55db, actually 55 with spikes of 56-57. But without performing proper technique I felt like I should remove until I have time to test it in the lowest noise environment ( i think this is what the reviews did?)
I live in a large home with all tile floors and hardwood. I just don't think my noise test are up to par to post unless I felt sure about them.mason2smart, bsch3r and hmscott like this. -
If you want to couch your readings in some kind of disclaimer, that's cool, I understand wanting to provide context, but quietly removing them from half a dozen posts isn't the way to do it.
Please add the disclaimer, but please don't remove readings completely without explanation, that's part and parcel with hiding the truth.
You did the right thing to start, thanks for reposting themLast edited: Aug 25, 2017mason2smart likes this. -
A quiet room measures 40db, such as the average quiet room in a home without a fan or AC blowing.
mason2smart, hmscott and Darkhan like this. -
ASUS ROG Zephyrus GX501 Gaming Laptop Review
mason2smart Notebook Virtuoso
ayyy its now an owner's lounge
Having some issues with framerate drops in bf1 and NVidia not showing in the taskbar at all. not sure gysnc is working. trackpad a little over sensitive for long distance movements and zooms when scrolling sometimes (very sensitive pinch zoom). Speakers are eh. Can't figure out exactly how sonic studio works...hmscott likes this. -
Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk -
If Asus supplied a 180w PSU, which they could have - I'm sure that would have been a bad idea with lots of failures in the field.
You need to leave a nice margin for safe operation. Those PSU's get hot especially near their limitsPapusan likes this. -
Measured using a kill-a-watt
Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalkmason2smart and hmscott like this. -
I don't have a specific suggestion for an inexpensive peak reading meter, but if you find one please let us knowLast edited: Sep 2, 2017mason2smart likes this. -
Folks, I picked up a Zephyrus just a couple of days ago. Noticed immediately that one of the four USB ports power any device connected to it. Reinstalled the chipset drivers without success.
Asus recommends sending in for RMA. I thought I'd check in with you for any thoughts before I pack it up.mason2smart likes this. -
mason2smart Notebook Virtuoso
asus just emailed me again 2+ weeks later... Told me again to get the psu from a reseller. I went and checked online. Still no PSUs being sold by resellers in the US... LMAO!
hmscott likes this. -
SKU : CHARG230WG750PN : 0A001-00390000
Amazon Shop - stick with the original Delta models:
https://www.amazon.com/s/?ie=UTF8&keywords=asus+230w+power+adapter\ -
mason2smart Notebook Virtuoso
I suppose you already asked Asus if their traditional 230w PSU will work?
Please post a photo of your GX501 power jack and PSU laptop power connector so we can see the difference.
https://www.google.com/search?q=asu...7#imgdii=DjMrseSyVaOVkM:&imgrc=1oCmx9KNjlgtkM:Last edited: Sep 3, 2017Papusan and mason2smart like this. -
@mason2smart - here's a Asus GX501 specific Asus branded PSU being sold:
Asus Rog GX501 GX501V GX501VI Charger Ac Adapter 230w
http://lps-gopower.com/lps-ac-adapt...v-gx501vi-charger-ac-adapter-230w-p-7263.htmlbsch3r and mason2smart like this. -
mason2smart Notebook Virtuoso
@mason2smart - so what happened with your "100c CPU" Zephyrus?
Did you swap it out? How's it running? -
mason2smart Notebook Virtuoso
hmscott likes this. -
spudds and mason2smart like this.
mason2smart Notebook Virtuoso
hmscott likes this. -
Please come back and let us know how the GX501 does with your school work and when you have free time to get back to gaming... in 4-6 year'sLast edited: Sep 4, 2017 -
mason2smart Notebook Virtuoso
mason2smart Notebook Virtuoso
Been having a slight issue with the trackpad... its not sensitive to small movements and seems to make the mouse go towards the top of the screen. this is evident when making circles with my finger -- i find myself lowering my circles to keep the pointer in the center of the screen. The trackpad seems to not be sensitive in some areas and for some reason sometimes completely rejects my fingers even though its on the highest sensitivity (or its for some reason turning down the pointer speed)
hmscott likes this. -
Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalkhmscott likes this. -
Anybody checking their Zephy's battery wear levels? I use Battery Bar and it is showing 7.4% wear after only 3 full discharge-recharge cycles
Can anyone else check theirs and report back? -
Anyone else thinking of upgrading the 512GB NVME SSD on their Zephy's? I just ordered a 1TB PM961 off Amazon for US$399
hmscott likes this. -
The pre-programmed estimate of capacity is just that, a theoretical target for a particular capacity that may or may not be the actual manufacturing target of the unit you have. Plus there are variations from "perfection", so a few percent more or less than average - probably around 8% is normal.
After a few charge discharge cycles, or maybe a bunch of smaller ones, the "wear level" stabilizes, the absolute number doesn't really matter as it's really the "zero level" for that particular battery.
My wear levels have been 5%, 4%, 8%, and I have seen 15% all stable after months, years, and as an actual wear level it doesn't mean anything until way down the line when the battery starts loosing capacity due to age, and that number starts increasing again.
Even when the number starts increasing again you should still get years of life from a typical laptop battery, probably through the first 2 or 3 owners.
Occasionally someone gets a bad battery out of the box, and that number keeps increasing over days and weeks, if that happens it's time to RMA it for a new one. I've seen on occasion that number go from 5% - 25%+, that's not good, and time to RMA.
Unfortunately unless the battery is a complete DOA it's a bad battery may not show up in the 14 day acceptance time.Last edited: Sep 6, 2017rene_Canlas likes this. -
Thanks for the explanation. I was worried because everytime i did a full discharge and recharge, the wear level increased from 3.2 to 4.5 and now to 7.4. Full discharge/recharge cycles are unavoidable with the poor battery power of the Zephys.
Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalkhmscott likes this. -
mason2smart Notebook Virtuoso
My battery wear level has been around 4% constant...
rene_Canlas and hmscott like this. -
mason2smart Notebook Virtuoso
Gx501 trackpad issues. Sensitivity randomly varying sometimes mouse won't move, lot of jitter and jumping when using the trackpad
hmscott likes this. -
mason2smart Notebook Virtuoso
hmscott likes this. -
I have had no issues, and felt the trackpad was decent.
hmscott and mason2smart like this. -
mason2smart Notebook Virtuoso
Gesendet von meinem SM-G955F mit Tapatalk -
it's your finger, or overly sensitive trackpad. You're not going to get buttery smooth motion with a fat finger vs a laser in a mouse.
My gl502vm trackpad is kind of like that too. You think you're going in a straight line, but your finger contact patch actually varies as you slide along.
You really can't keep even pressure, even if you think you are.
your finger will be more jittery than a mouse.
Put your phone on the trackpad, and run your finger along the straight edge of it. Your mouse cursor won't travel in a straight line.
You're not going to get smooth motion unless you move your finger fast.mason2smart, hmscott and Darkhan like this. -
NVIDIA WhisperMode Tested - Quieter Gaming for Notebooks
Asus GX501 Max-Q 1080 vs. MSI GS63VR Max-Q 1070
Haven't people been capping their gpus with afterburner for years ?
or is whispermode more advanced ?mason2smart and hmscott like this. -
Here's Nvidia's info area for WhisperMode:
GFE WhisperMode add's 400+ game profile's, data for WhisperMode, so WM is adjusting game settings as well as Frame Rate.
https://www.geforce.com/whats-new/articles/nvidia-geforce-gtx-whispermode-for-laptopsDarkhan, mason2smart and Papusan like this. -
mason2smart Notebook Virtuoso
Darkhan likes this.
ASUS ROG Zephyrus GX501 Owner's Lounge
Discussion in 'ASUS Reviews and Owners' Lounges' started by HamzimusPrime, May 20, 2017.