I've been running my CPU undervolted for quite a while now and everything seems stable on my unit.
CPU temps are as low as they can be on regular thermal paste which is around 72- 78 in the most CPU intense games like Battlefield 5 or Far Cry 5. But when I run a game that is more graphically demanding like Metro Exodus GPU temps are going above 78 and starts underclocking as low as 1780 mhz. As soon as my GPU hits 75 degrees it throttles. The fans don't start spinning faster if the CPU doesn't hit high enough temp and the graphic card gets toasty. I think both fans are bound to CPU temp only.
So I decided to undervolt my GPU also. After a few tweaks I got it stable to 900mV and a core clock of 1920 mhz. Now the temp sits in demanding games at 72 and it does not throttle. I did hit 75 degrees in Deus Ex Mankind Divided but the clock was only down to 1890 mhz which It is a huge improovement.
Also I ran some benchmarks and I got higher fps across the board.
Only thing that is missing is making bigger holes for air intake.
Is anyone getting 190+ W usage on GPU after undervolting the videocard? After 195W I get power limit throttle.
Don't know if this is normal.
Any way to unlock the power limit? -
What do you guys do with you previous gaming notebooks?
I'm not sure if the used laptop sales are just slow on this forum or why is no one buying my G751JY. I've priced it fairly and I've posted a lot of details...
Also, I'm lazy, I know I could post it in more places but I really don't like craigslist and for now I couldn't be bothered with ebay, but I'll probably try. -
But I get power limit throttle. I could go between 800 and 850mV but with lower clock which it's a good compromise I guess and no power throttlingAttached Files:
Last edited: Jun 28, 2019cucubits likes this. -
It makes me wonder about how Max-Q cards with lower power limits will handle games with RTX.OvidiuM likes this. -
At 900mV all games and benchmarks have higher numbers but the only downside is heat and fan noise. It's strange how the fans wotk now. CPU is cool enough and doesn't trigger fan high rpm unless it goes above 70. As soon as the temps are down the fans go low rpm and it keeps doing this loop with high/low rpm every few minutes.
It doesn't bother me too much though now that I don't see temps in to the higher 90's like out of the box. Until I make time and take care on the intake holes I think it's as good as it gets without loosing performance.sniffin likes this. -
Hi everyone, been reading this post for a while now!
I've got the g703gx (i7 8750h, rtx 2080, 32gb ram) and I limited the processer to 3400mhz via windows 10 power settings! It then ran at a more comfortable temperature for me as I don't actually use it alot!
But since then it's slowly got warmer assumibly paste dried out already, so yesterday I repasted it (artic mx-4 2019), and I only did CPU and GPU, didn't do vrm and all because videos I seen didn't do them, I know knocked a bit of the old paste off the heatsink for vrms or memory bits or something (I just found it on back of arm once done)
Anyway it's now once again running tops of 79c on CPU, and GPU is tops of 76c, but I went on farcry new dawn (ultra settings with hd images/textures added and installed via uplay) and it's sturggling to maintain 60fps now, highest is 91 but it drops down to 52fps alot! Has anyone else had any problems like this after repaste? Going to do it again Tuesday with all vrms, waiting for more paste! Thank you -
I keep mine at 3200mhz and I don't feel it's a bottleneck at all. Everything runs fine and I very rarely see the CPU above 70C. Mind you, I put liquid metal on CPU/GPU and repasted all the vrms and bits around there with K5 Pro thick paste.
I'll redo it all Tuesday with the the artic mx-4 non conductive as I know that's long lasting and am terrified of damaging something with liquid metal! As I said before I don't game for more than a half hour to a hour at a time and usually not daily, the machine is way overkill for what I need!
The brown tape type stuff around the CPU/GPU did you take that off? I saw in an earlier post something about it being taken off but was a bit confused! the original thermal paste still under that as I couldn't get to it to remove it! If I take that off and just replace it with this stuff from Amazon (UK), will that work? Polyamide kapton tape gold resisting sticky 30mm?
Also did yours have the wireless Xbox control adaptor inside it? Right down by left of battery, will see the driver in device manager
Thank youLast edited: Jun 30, 2019 -
I thought it was daft but didnt know if they had a good reason but will re do for sure then, also noticed there's no more coil whine when loading farcry (use to get slightly then) so can only assume that's overheating and reducing power, causing no coil whine and lower fps!
No mine didn't, I spent hours trying to get it to work as mine was advertised with it and called them and they sent me a usb one for free, didn't realise wasn't in this model -
Now that I think about I did notice similar behavior before repasting all vrms properly. Before the K5Pro, I tried some thermal pads but could not get the right thickness and the CPU would act up. After repasting everything with K5Pro, it's all good.
Yes, I did take off that brown tape and I applied a layer of conformal coating and fresh kapton tape.
I don't see anything xbox related in the device manager. Can you maybe point the thing out in one of my pictures in this thread, if it can be seen? -
On an unrelated note, I do have one slight annoyance with this thing. I would love to have only one, longer, power cord plugged in the laptop. Is there maybe an aftermarket PSU from which one plug would be enough? Or, thinking out of the box, is there a way to maybe DIY connect together the two stock PSUs and have only one cord go to the laptop?
OvidiuM likes this. -
Right so I repasted the lot yesterday morning as my friend had a new mx-4 spare. Im 100% sure I got absolutely everything, and there is about the right amount of paste.
When I turned it on I unlimited the CPU speed for testing purposes, farcry 5 and new dawn bith got about 70-80 average I think but did dip down to 55 a couple times (ultra settings), but if you look online they say on ultra it will average 140 ish, but I could not get it to do that without shutting loads of stuff down, and somehow they were only using 2.9gb of vram, I was using 7 and without hd textures I was using 4! Thinking maybe they've updated the game since those benchmarks were done? Unsure
Other than that game I got fairly good/average results I think, as followed:
- Shadow tomb raider max settings (ray trace off) 95-105 fps average over 3 benchmarks
- GTA v max settings 100fps average
- Battlefield 5 installed settings 140fps, changed to ultra with ray trace off 95ish fps average!
Has anyone else got these games so that they can test them to see if I'm getting the right sort of results?
If you look next to the battery on the motherboard, it comes to a small end which says Xbox, but on mine there is no chip solidered on, but was advertised with it! It's only to connect all types of Xbox one controls but for a machine this expensive, surely spending £5 to put that on would have been a good move?
I know what you mean about the charger, it annoys the hell out of me, it's not that it uses two plugs, it's just that it takes up just as much desk as my laptop, so when I go anywhere I gotta get both of them with it and it's a massive pain! Hoping they do a aftermarket one, but haven't seen one yet :/
Sent from my FIG-LX1 using Tapatalk -
Just to add, I had hw monitor and fps monitor (trial) open the whole time for these, with CPU unlimited it actually ran at 3895mhz (or something similar, never actually seen it past that ever) and the GPU did sometimes hit 2050mhz at least!
So I'd assume none of these are bottlenecking, as they've both hit 100 percent a few times and were both being used alot!
During the test with cpu unlimited it hit 83c tops (according to hw monitor), when I limited the CPU again it hit 76c, and I have not undervolted because reading previous stuff it's a real pain! I'm comfortable with those temps -
Have you got the i9? That could explain why I can't get the results I see on the videos (farcry) of this laptop model, they have the i9 probably
just searched the i7 8750 and rtx 2080 and it's about right now (but before I repasted it again it wasn't so good!)
Can I undervolt gpu and still turn laptop off? I never done the CPU because you can only use sleep mode and sometimes I won't use the laptop for a couple weeks!
The fans don't annoy me because it has brilliant speakers, and wear headset sometimes! But the GPU sits around 70c, I have seen it hit 75 since repaste and before repaste saw it hit 84c! -
I'll take a look at it tomorrow, never undervolted so will need to learn
have you also done the CPU or only GPU?
I’ve also done the CPU. I recommend Throttlestop. It’s better than XTU in every way.
I thought based on previous comments people could only get throttle stop to work when using sleep mode rather than turning off? That's the only reason I didn't so this before repasting!
I thought it may have been a weird interaction between Asus software and XTU/TS, but again it doesn’t affect HK processors, and users in this thread that are affected have said removing that software doesn’t help.
So yeah, it’s an issue that may put you off undervolting the CPU. -
I won't do the CPU then I will leave it limited to 3400hz, but I'll look at the GPU, thank you
You don't have to do the undervolt from start like the first time.
Use windows Task Scheduler to start TS with windows and everything is easy and literally one click away. -
I haven't tested but from what I've heard if you use this with only one brick plugged in, it will work but the battery will discharge.
I think the 2 x power bricks are overkill but it was cheaper for Asus to do this instead of one way too big or two of different sizes... -
(Unlike most games quake rtx runs the whole Game, not just shadows and lighting, without rtx it's like 1000fps) -
Still I would try a 330W if that was an option -
Last edited: Jul 2, 2019OvidiuM likes this.
today I noticed it was asking for "update and restart" at the usual power button. I thought it was some random windows update so I let him restart. Sure enough it started updated the bios all by itself. We're on 303 now.
I really really hate this behavior, no notification, no changelog, nothing, they just force the updated on our machines...
In any case, I don't have time to check it out today, let me know how it works out to you guys. -
Just found this link, maybe they've fixed this as laptop model is listed:
I got caught out by it too. So far with 303 there seems to be no noticeable difference.
This is with and without the 2nd power cable on quake 2 rtx, fps difference! And my update will install when my battery finally hits 40%
Following the bios update I had an update in the Armoury crate, my limit on CPU clock speed is still set in windows power options, but is now invalid, it goes straight past as if it's not therr
The CPU speed limit I set with Throttlestop still works after this bios update. Haven't tested anything else yet.
800mhz most likely means armoury crate switches to power saving profile automatically when only 1 PSU is used... but yeah, I don't see a reason for using this without both connected.
rmillsg703 likes this. -
BIOS v304 uploaded on Asus driver support page.
I used to check here: https://www.asus.com/us/supportonly/G703GX/HelpDesk_Download/
but it seems like really outdated. Right now I only see up to 302 on this site. -
Wow, ASUS website really is a mess. It worked as you said and there I see 304 bios.
If I do it the way I did it first (google g703gx bios) it gives very similar website with no 304 there. Very strange.
Also no proper changelog, as usually.
This works, just select the model and OS, and it shows latest versions:
This is very similar but only bios 302 is shown after selecting the model:
https://www.asus.com/us/supportonly/G703GX/HelpDesk_Download/OvidiuM likes this. -
Both links show the 304 version on my side..
The second one has both 304 and 302 BIOS. -
Ok, thanks for checking. I'll see if I get the same on a different machine too... maybe my browser needs some cleanup.
From what I've seen everything seems to be working the same.
On a side note, I followed your recomendation to use K5-Pro thermal paste for Vram and other heat sensitive areas. For the GPU and CPU dies I went with Phobya Nanogrease Extreme 16W/mk. It's thicker thak Kryounat and may have a better spread on laptop uneven heatsinks. Temps do not go above 70c and fan speed stays at 50%. Best results so far. Hopefully Phobya has longer life and doesn't start degrading or drying out too fast. I am planing to not repasting again in near future.
But yeah, that K5-Pro does great work transfering heat. Wish I knew thermal pad size for vrams and other areas.
I do not like the mess these pastes make under the heatsink -
Just turned my computer on and it is upgrading to bios 304, but it's actually dates the 29/5/19? after other updates for bios it restarted about 4 or 5 times, after this one it restarted a good 15 times all at different points of bios booting process, got a little twitchy! But after 15 mins or so it all seems to be working well!
irfan wikaputra Notebook Consultant
Guys and Girls, I just recently purchase this beast as well, the one with pedestrian i7=8750H
After reading most of the threads, I came to conclusion to share with you all fellow owners of G703GX
1. Armoury crate is not necessary, without it, I am doing fine and temps are also okay
2. Synthetic results and gaming are faster without Armoury Crates
3. Undervolting CPU is fine without Armoury Crates
4. In fact, my results are top notch among those with I7-8750H and RTX 2080 (can't compete with those who has desktop/unlocked processor)
5. My settings are : CPU : -125 mV for core and cache, while iGPU I kept it -30 mV. for GPU : +175 core and +520 Memory (1040 Mhz)
6. Cinebench R11.5 CPU 13.75 points is the highest, it will hover between 13.40 - 13.70ish after several runs
This laptop is a beast and its only weakness is the single core performance, but beyond that, if given faster RAM, it may compensate.
rmillsg703 likes this. -
What temps are you getting? Some of the pictures will not load for some reason!, And link isn't working, I'll try it on mine later and see how it performs!
irfan wikaputra Notebook Consultant
GPU never goes above 70
All these with stock paste, kinda scared to apply LM since I am a noob.
Strange, link is working fine on my browser, anyhow you can look up to results in 3DMark for timespy, port royal and firestrike and you will see my steam username RigaldOsmond. -
*** ASUS ROG G703GX-XS71 Owner's Lounge ***
Discussion in 'ASUS Reviews and Owners' Lounges' started by Spartan@HIDevolution, Jan 9, 2019.