Does anyone block windows 10 updates? The person who was helping us with throttlestop messaged me to help me out a bit better, and was very good I'm very greatful!
He also informed me that Intel is releasing an microcode update to disable voltage control which stops us from undervolting, some people from overclocking! 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th gen cpu, to fix a security flaw to do with 'plundervolt'
As yet I haven't been on the laptop to disable the win 10 updates, but just wondering if it has been rolled out on this machine yet :/
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I am not a big fan of having Microsoft or Intel forcing things on me that I may not want.
Until everyone finds out more about Intel's recent microcode update and potentially blocking under volting, it is best to play it safe and keep a close eye on what is being installed on your computer.
I would definitely not be first in line to update my bios. Let other brave users be the guinea pigs for Intel's experiments.rmillsg703 and Papusan like this. -
Damn, so soon no more undervolting?
This CPU is hot enough even undervolted let alone running it at stock voltage...
I had buyers remorse 3 days after having this laptop and things only go from bad to worse with this thing.
I guess ryzen is the way to go from now at least for the next couple of years ahead -
Mine with a cpu only stress test hits max temps of 63c now, which I think is really really good because if you look online all gaming laptops sit around 90c!
Its carbonaut, -125mv and limited to 3.45ghz. But when gaming cpu gets up to 72-74 ish over time, I guess the gpu brings temp up with shared heatsink
Sent from my LYA-L09 using TapatalkOvidiuM likes this. -
Here is an example of the Windows microcode update that I have been talking about. Once this update is installed on a computer, under volting and turbo ratio adjustments will be disabled.
Save a copy of this file and you might be able to use it to reverse any future microcode updates.
C:\Windows\System32\mcUpdate_GenuineIntel.dllrmillsg703, OvidiuM and Papusan like this. -
Right now my CPU with just -125mV undervolt and 60% fan speed with Carbonaut never goes above 72C no matter how much I stress it or how long I game for but if intel will stop us from undervolting that will not be as easy to keep it cool.
I guess I have a less warped heatsink because I dont have to limit it's clock.
CPU IMO is a bigger issue in a laptop because it cannot be upgraded with this BGA socket. I think by this time next year 8core 16 threads will be the new standard for gaming. It's hard to keep 6 core cool in a laptop let alone 8 or more.
Ryzen looks like it is cooler with more cores plus it has alot of support from game developers with new consoles releasing next year which also use 8 cores 16 threads.
If I have done more research into all this intel security flaws that need to be patched at a performance cost no way I would have wasted money on them but I am stuck with it now so no other choice than to deal with all the issues it has.
Thanks to users here on this forum it works better than I hoped for. For now at least -
Would those with 9980HK be affected? Its an unlocked CPU so obviously you would be able to change multipliers but I wonder about undervolting.
OvidiuM likes this.
Because we like better cooling more than warranty
I'll post temp updates after some testing
wilpang, OvidiuM and rmillsg703 like this. -
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I think that those holes under the heatsink are a good way to go since alot of heat gets trapped inside the laptop even with fans runnig high rpm. -
Hi all, just checked for updates and found these, unsure what the asus one is and weather the windows one (being 85gb!!!) will affect system, being cautious about all updates since every update i install on this machine always results in me wiping everything and starting again
also on another note, the headphone jack seems to work if and when! ARGGGGG
*headphone jack works, when you plug in, open realtek centre embedded in windows 10, bottom left has hardware, and you select headphone or headset (opposite to one it's on), works perfect plugged and unplugged, until a restart
Installed all updates one by one, in sledgehammer updater if you use option 2 minitool then it gives you more details a out the update, so I was able to see the updates were all fine.Attached Files:
Last edited: Jan 25, 2020 -
New BIOS version up on ASUS website but it looks like undervolting still works with TS and sleep/wake cycle.
Also latest windows updates didn't change anything in undervolting the CPU at least on my unit.
Curious though if and when TS will completly stop working.
Anyone else experiencing different results with the latest BIOS and windows updates? -
I did try to uninstall the sledgehammer program end of February but I couldn't work out how to! As windows updates are still blocked when I remove it
P.S thank you for helping me with armoury crate on message few months back, I never got around to replying but the info really helped!
Sent from my LYA-L09 using Tapatalk -
After 7 years of owning ASUS g750jx i want to buy new laptop.
My first candidate is/was?! g703gx with RTX 2080 and i9-8950HK.
Then i came across this thread. I make my way through a lot of pages, but i want you guys to give me summary and anwser some of my questions.
1. As i get it, this is thread for i7 version of g703gx and i see a lot of heating of i7 procesor. Am i right that i9 will be heating even more?
2. My ASUS g750jx does not even move from around 70-75 °C when at full load. But here i am seeing tempertures closer to 95°C....are those temperatures normal for procesor this days?
3. I saw here a lot of bad thing about ASUS software (armoury). Are problem fixed or not?
4. A lot of talk was about some undervoltage, overclocking and frequency limiting. Does this laptop really need to be tuned by users? Is ASUS really become that bad?
5. A lot of talk was about repasting this laptop. Is this neccessary for normal use (playing games). For 3k+ laptop i would want ASUS to take care of this things at least for first 2 years..... With quality paste out of factory)
6. Is this laptop (i9 version) is worth buying? -
Yes, the i9 will run hotter and I believe the cooling hardware is exactly the same as for the i7.
2. My ASUS g750jx does not even move from around 70-75 °C when at full load. But here i am seeing tempertures closer to 95°C....are those temperatures normal for procesor this days?
I had the g750 too and you're right. It had much better cooling. Out of the box with this new one, I expect you'll see above 90C temps easily. I had to repaste with liquid metal and put additional heatsinks, limit CPU clock, undervolt and lift rear side to get better temps.
3. I saw here a lot of bad thing about ASUS software (armoury). Are problem fixed or not?
Not as far as I know. Still garbage software. Unreliable.
4. A lot of talk was about some undervoltage, overclocking and frequency limiting. Does this laptop really need to be tuned by users? Is ASUS really become that bad?
Sadly, yes.
5. A lot of talk was about repasting this laptop. Is this neccessary for normal use (playing games). For 3k+ laptop i would want ASUS to take care of this things at least for first 2 years..... With quality paste out of factory)
See above. Without repasting with liquid metal, I don't see how you'll see better temps.
6. Is this laptop (i9 version) is worth buying?
In my opinion, no, it's not worth buying. Asus has gone downhill with their laptop quality. This is mostly subjective but if I were to go back with what I know about it now, I wouldn't have bought it. In my case it's my daily machine sitting all the time on the desk. Smart move would have been to build a cool and quiet PC.
Who knows, maybe since this came out, Asus made improvements but I wouldn't rely on this gamble. I don't know what other good alternatives are there. -
And knowing how thick and robust ASUs is built i assume that every other laptop have the same problem? -
Maybe wait for others to chime in too. Don't base your purchase or not purchase decision on this thread only.
I had high hopes for Asus, I really loved their previous machines. Don't get me wrong, this thing is powerful even with the i7 in mine and with the reduced clock speed. The RTX2080 is awesome and will run anything I can think of.
On the other hand, you're right, at almost $3k, it's sad you have to do all these to get decent temps. Well maybe you could get the same temps if you turn all the way up the fans too, but the main reason I wanted an Asus was for noise. All the previous models had good cooling and were quiet enough for gaming.
By the way, to change the topic for just a sec. A while ago I was complaining about coil whine with this laptop. I haven't done anything about it but at some point it just went away completely. I'm assuming it's not my ears that filtered it out since I could clearly hear it from anywhere in the room. Now it's fine. Maybe a driver update fixed it? -
Hi all, firstly my opinion:
I believe the i9 comes with liquid metal on cpu but I could be wrong so check that before buying!
From doing lots of research and watching reviews from 'lower end' you tubers (less than 1k subs), not official reviews, they are reviewing a product they bought and not samples supplied and almost all gaming laptop see over 90c out of the box, reviewers don't sometimes, which doesn't surprise me they want people to think they are better than they are!
I've not put liquid metal, I've got with a carbonaut pad (yes I know they have mixed reviews) but with that mine sits about 80c max on stress test, with undervolt it's about 68c but while gaming as it shares heatsink with gpu it does creep up to the same temp as gpu around 74c. I think as it has a proper mount around it not a cheap one laptops normally have a terrible mount for heatsink. Also easy to install with no mess.
Armoury crate isn't the best but it has improved, all of the features currently work for me in the latest update as of last week.
Undervolting is a pain, a few pages back you will see I've set mine to launch throttlestop on start up then sleep 1 sec after start up, so as soon as you see login screen it sleeps before you have time to press anything, then a few secs later I wiggle mouse and login and it's all done, this hasn't affected any windows updates as they just block it from sleeping.
All modern gaming laptops have stupidly loud fans, they're all headset laptops these days! Even the Asus one with the slide down keyboard so it can get air from top!
Don't think there's anything I've missed, I'd go with one of these again as the raw preformance is better than most, but it's worth watching reviews from lower end people as I said, they tend to be more honest and reliable!
Also cucubits, did you get any better temps with the modified case after? Thanks
And my coil whine also went away, I could only hear mine when I was trying to listen to it, but read your post a couple days ago and have been on my machine alot lately with reduced hours at work, and have been trying to listen for it and it's gone, hopefully an update fixed it!
Sent from my LYA-L09 using Tapatalk -
rmillsg703 likes this. -
Okay thank you
Which mode does everyone use in armoury crate? I've been using turbo as although it's the loudest, it also appeared to be the coldest,
Tried balanced so the gpu wasn't overclocked, hoping it would last longer before eventually failing and to run cooler, but due to the fan curve It actually peaks hotter while gaming, tried manual but I think this also uses the balanced fan curve!
Gpu not undervolted usually peaks about 74c, on balanced it was about 78c ish, did spike to 82c, cpu I'm happy with temps of below 73 usually, spikes to 78 if sudden load but never sits this high when fan kicks in.
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Speaking of armoury crate being garbage, does anyone know why the Panel Overdrive option is missing in the latest versions?
This is how it used to look like (pic is from some random website):
And this is how mine looks like now, panel setting missing completely.
I'd like to mess with screen settings as I see some blurring while moving in a game with lots of small details and I'm wondering if I have the screen set to the lowest response time. I can't find the setting anywhere in the new armoury crate. -
If you Google Asus rog g703, open Asus page, in there picture it doesn't have it or mention it on the page, maybe wasn't avaliable on this machine?
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It was. I remember seeing the setting in the armoury version it came with. I have to try to install an older one to see if it's there. Doesn't make much sense for asus to just take it out though... no idea what's going on.
Maybe it's in the windows 10 settings? I will look Tomorow
Also the gpu clock speed use to look like this when I first got it, but not since now it's just a blue bar, any idea why?cucubits likes this. -
I use my graphics in optimus mode, so tried switching back and forth, panel overdrive never showed up!
In windows 10 settings and nvidia control panel you can set your monitor refresh rate if this helps at all but no overdrive options!
Also just installed latest bios 306, nothings changed all seems to work exactly the same! And still have to sleep to activate undervolt! Does make me wonder if the gxr bios would work as it is same mobo! Might try to find someone who modify bios and can look at code of each bios who understands it to see if it's a straight work!
Also is myasus program, hardware settings is now greyed out? So I can't limit how much battery charges anymore
Sent from my LYA-L09 using TapatalkLast edited: Apr 19, 2020 -
Since talking on here I decided to play with my rgb on keyboard, shortly after I realised that none of the aura software, or older armoury crest, or rog aura core on Windows store support British keyboard lighting correctly and can't change setting to support it!
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Your enter key is bigger than mine
I don't know how you could change your keys rgb correctly if asus didn't release proper localized support for different layouts.
rmillsg703 likes this. -
myasus was on it when I got the machine, its just basically account details, warrenty experation date, and you could choose battery options such as long life (only charging to 60% never more) max power saving (takes forever to charge) and another just normal, I used long life to protect battery. It was also good for updating everything such as armoury crate, Asus live services ect ect. Can also run system diagnostics*
From what I can work out UK has that keyboard layout, but can't find another country that does! A few UK YouTube reviews had same keyboard as mine, so I'm not a one off! If in aura creator I highlight whole keyboard and set it to static red, that '/' key and the '#' key are the only tow that don't light up! I have emailed Asus, but doubtful they will fix it!
'rog aura core' app in windows app store works on our laptop and you can change region on that one, but doesn't have English UK wierdly :/ wishing even more that I didn't get the laptop now! Just knowing it doesn't work wind's me up!!
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Have contacted Asus, they checked I was running latest version, reinstalled it from there website ect ect, and after exhausting all other options they have forwarded it, hopefully they sort it!
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Hi all, firstly Asus never replied when I asked an approximate time frame, no surprise!
Secoundly does anyone play Call Of Duty Modern Warfare (2019)? It's worked brilliantly on my laptop until just recently! Last couple of months it's been giving me massive frame drops to about 45fps from approx 115-135fps. It's fine on my desktop machine, and I think this is the only game doing it! (mind I don't play alot of different games that you'd notice, normally strategy games) Doesn't always do it either?
Speedshift is off as I know that caused someone else problems. Nvidia is on prefer maximum preformance, laptop is in manual mode with both chargers and overclock disabled. Cpu running at 3.6ghz - 125mv (have tried disabling throttlestop and this made no difference, unvolt not to blame). Latest nvidia drivers (never had issues with updating them before with this machine) latest Windows 10!
The only way I've managed to work around it is if I set priority to high in task manager, but even then it isn't a flawless experience as before? Unsure what to do or if it's the game on high end hardware?
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Anyone facing GPU throttled at 75c temp limit?
Gpu-z shown 87c, but temp still limited at 75c.
Thanks. -
I'll check mine Tomorow to see if I'm getting it
Sent from my LYA-L09 using Tapatalk -
Not a power limit. Shows temp limit in afterburner and GPU-Z.
I think got some issue with the GPU. It went to 75c in 1-2 seconds from idle 45c when running heaven.
Btw, its ok. I've already returned the laptop to the seller. Bought it used.
Thanks.rmillsg703 likes this. -
@Amal77 ah okay, probably just needed repasting!
on a similar note, as mentioned before COD was playing up, but sometimes it would work fine! so i decided to just assume it was the game. Recently i bought spyro, and i keep getting random frame drops, at first i assumed game again then noticed that no one online mentioned any problems like this. I installed it on my friends PC and they didnt get the problems im getting.
Once again the game will run flawlessly and then randomly stutter for just a few secs. On a game such as spyro it isnt a deal breaker but on cod online it really is!
i found that the GPU clock seems to have made a habit of fluxuating alot from max boost to base clock speeds. Not sure if this is because the game doesnt require the horse power or weather there is a fault? Max temp on this game is like 63c so its not throttling! Have disabled throttlestop, and am currently reinstalling all nvidia drivers. -
Hi all, has anyone put another m.2 in this machine?
Have just tried replacing original one with another, wouldn't read it, put it in one of the empty two slots, wouldn't read it. It's brand new and works in another machine!
Can't see any setting for it in bios, thanks
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I just repasted my G703GX (i7 9750H, RTX 2080) with liquid metal and temps drop by 20°C @@@. Before, the CPU was hovering around 98-99°C playing COD at max fan and now it just 76-78°C with quieter fan! This stuff is amazing, it's a shame that Asus only use it for the model with the i9.
Papusan and rmillsg703 like this. -
I also limit cpu to 3.6ghz so it saves a bit more temp, lower fan noise as under 70c! Only lose like 2-3fps!
Mines an 8750h not the 9750h, so if you tried that you may be able to set it at a slightly higher speed. Do it in windows 10 power settings or you can add it to the registry. Also can undervolt with throttlestop but will have to put the computer to sleep with throttlestop running every time you use machine. If you read further up you'll see how I've made it happen automatically
Could only get an nvme m.2 to work, pci e wouldn't. Thought I'd restore pc, make a copy of the image and reinstall Windows to see if it fixed my issue. In the middle of restore the computer crashed, and corrupt the hard drive! I couldn't recover it after a hour or so, have installed fresh install of Windows. Seems to be working better, but I don't actually know yet! The games were lost on the hard drive, they're downloading as we speak
Sent from my LYA-L09 using TapatalkLast edited: Jun 25, 2020cucubits likes this. -
Just installed update Windows 10 update 1909 and when I first started throttlestop, the voltage setting have applied immediately. It's possible no sleep/wake cycle is needed anymore.
Would like a confirmation from someone else with 1909 if this is indeed the case, I don't want to power off now -
New BIOS is up on ASUS website. It will disable undervolting so if you plan to update to new BIOS be mindful that you might loose the option to undervolt.
I did try another shutdown and after this 1909 windows update, the voltage changes are made instantly, no need for the sleep/wake cycle.
I'll stay away from the bios update. -
Yes it is completly disabled. Sleep/wake cycle doesn't work after this BIOS update.
I am on windows v2004 BTW and it doesn't work. It did until today when I updated the BIOS.
The good news is that you can downgrade to an older BIOS version. After going back today to v306 undervolting in back. I just hope they don't push this upgrade through windows updates like they did with v303Last edited: Jul 13, 2020cucubits likes this. -
I am probably running those m.2 drives on one lane instead of 4 but they still work. SATA drive works too. -
The task scheduler wasn't putting pc to sleep and wasn't starting throttlestop. Resetting the tasks fixed it, but still wasn't starting every time as before And since I've used newest version Of throttlestop it doesn't show in task bar icon (have checked settings, redownloaded ect)
I did notice that if I do a sleep cycle and open throttlestop after, it appears to work, where as before throttlestop had to be open before and then during the sleep cycle, I will try opening it before sleep Tomorow to see if this works as this would be amazing to just set throttlestop to launch at login!
Hopefully the bios won't force update, although I disable Windows updates and do them manually!
I got the m.2 to work, I couldn't get a pcie one to work, only nvme pci, so it's got a 1tb sabrent rocket drive in there now which seems to work a treat (although as Windows was installed on this and original drive it seemed to completely corrupt both!!, the bios wouldn't recognise either as boot drives so had to wipe both and start again which worked, spent about 5 hours trying to get it to boot before wiping)
Only have a mouse and cooling mat plugged into the pc, sometimes I'll use headphones but rarely and sometimes it charges xbox control but rarely! -
I'm also on version 2004 (idk when I got that, don't remember installing it) and I can confirm it does not work. I still have to do a sleep wake cycle
I'll look into weather that windows can be reverted later on tonight and let you know how I get on
Looks like when I had to reinstall os from usb I've had since ver1903 it automatically updated to the latest version when it's 'checking for updates' in install process. Therefore without another reinstall I'm not going to be able to downgrade.Last edited: Jul 14, 2020 -
Well, I guess I'll be enjoying this while it lasts. Most likely I won't fight windows when it will want to update further.
rmillsg703 likes this. -
I really hate to say it but I just checked Asus website, and since there is an windows update version released at the same time, I'm expecting it to come in a windows update format sooner or later
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cucubits likes this. -
Maybe a newer version of Throttlestop will work? I haven't been following its thread but who knows. If we do lose the undervolting option, I guess we'll see how much it will affect the temps. To be honest, I don't want to spend too much effort on this.
So far the laptop has been working well, even after all my attempts to destroy it:
- drilled out the case bottom for better airflow
- put liquid metal on CPU/GPU
- added extra heatsinks (tiny glue-on copper heatsinks on various parts of the cooling system) - this may bite me as last time I picked it up, some have fallen off and now they are just dingling inside)) I placed the laptop slowly back on the table and haven't moved it since - this was, a few months ago.
I don't know if this will help or if it even stops bios updates, but incase Asus do it via Windows update I've done this:
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Hey guys,
I've got the G703GXR version and currently on 2004 and new Bios has become available for me it's 303. Is it better to hold off? I think you guys are on 308...
*** ASUS ROG G703GX-XS71 Owner's Lounge ***
Discussion in 'ASUS Reviews and Owners' Lounges' started by Spartan@HIDevolution, Jan 9, 2019.