If you are using latest Nvidia drivers from Nvidia website get rid of it. That latest low latency is garbage for this laptop. None of low latency drivers are working for this unit.
I recommend latest OEM nvidia drivers from Asus website or if you want to use one from Nvidia website go for 431.60 WHQL or lower.
Anything above that is not working for this model.
I asume is has something to do with the pannel itself. It's not fuly G-sync suported. It is just G-sync compatible which is not quite the same thing.
Until Nvidia fully suports this panel with low latency setting those drivers are not good.
Even if you turn this low latency feature off in Nvidia control there will still be issues.
Actually I wanted to ask here how these new nvidia drivers work for others.
OvidiuM likes this.
Hi all, firstly I installed carbonaut as @OvidiuM has and said he had good results, I spoke to him on message to save clogging up this area and he was very very helpful! So thank you to @OvidiuM
Not undervolted, cpu not limited 8750h stress test with mx4 was max 93c, and max with carbonaut was 85c!
Limiting the cpu to 3.4ghz as I did before this, playing the new call of duty online highest settings + Ray tracing saw an average temp of 66c! I was amazed! Mx4 was about 78 with same settings and cpu limit!
Now on to the fps drop, what racing game are you trying to play? I'm happy to test on my machine! I haven't noticed any significant fps drops, call of duty sits about 144fps with gsync enabled and Ray tracing, when I die and respawn it will drop as low as 110fps but guessing that's it reloading all the assets, and randomly playing/running it will dip to 125fps. I am using the latest nvidia drivers!
In nvidia control panel I've set it to prefer maximum preformence, every time it updates you have to set this setting again
Also if I use the laptop with 1 charger I get all kinds of stutter and problems, so I only ever game with 2 chargers if it helps!
Sent from my LYA-L09 using TapatalkOvidiuM likes this. -
Biggest problem for me using any of low latency drivers is when I play CS Source or Global Offensive.
It drops from 144 to 70 fps. Using older driver is always above 280fps.
If anyone can test these 2 games and let me know what your results are would apreciate it.
I do play alot of those games and not so much new releases but I did play metro exudus and shadow of the tomb raider which ran okay with low latency drivers. So I don't know why CSS and CSGO perform so bad.
Glad to help and I hope everything keeps running great.
BTW... are you seing any performance loss with your CPU clock to 3.5Ghz?
I am thinking about limiting it too. -
In benchmark for farcry new dawn I see about a 3fps difference, some titles could be a little more but that's just an example! I done mine through windows 10 power settings at 3.4ghz!
I'll also let you know the difference on it with limited and unlimited on counter strike later
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It's SpeedShi(f)t that's caussing the framedrops. It's implementation is rather broken or TS and Armoury Crate and Windows are all fighting each other in this regards.
When you're at desktop, the core clock looks normal but when you're playing games, the clock keeps dropping to 800MHz, hence the massive FPS fluctuactions.
Funny that when you alt+tab the game, the clocks will be 4.3GHz again, reopen the game and they drop to 800-1200MHz.
I've tried the latest ASUS Nvidia drivers but they are useless, it's an old version that still crashes out Forza Horizon 4 when entering tunnels, the game just shuts down. However even with the old drivers the slowdowns were identical. -
I am not experiancing these frame drops, so i can only assume its TS, as i have not used that on this install, previous installs of windows i did and i kept getting random issues but id put it down to me not knowing what i was doing with throttlestop as i had never used it before! thats why i ended up not undervolting the CPU!
All max settings with sync on at 1080p
I left the processer limited to 3.4ghz throughout this test as i forgot to unlimit it basically, but did just check with COD:MW and when respawning it made around a 6fps differance on that game
Once the map loaded for the first time it did not dip below 144fps! Played two whole games
Ram usage: 5.8GB Approx
GPU: 1575Mhz, at 49c average, 30% Usage, Approx 900mb vram at 7200mhz
CPU: 55c Average at 20% Usage approx
CounterStrike: GO
Direct X9
Without vertical sync enabled it was 200-270 fps at loading, but main menu was 117-118fps? 175-190fps moving around but was 150fps every time i died
With triple buffer vertical sync it was 280-320 fps at loading, but main menu was 117-118fps? 165-230fps moving around but was 155fps every time i died
Ram usage: 8.6GB Approx
GPU: 2025Mhz, at 61c average, 72% Usage, Approx 1.98gb vram at 7201mhz
CPU: 61c Average at 27% Usage approx
Hope this helps! without vertical sync on call of duty i again get random fps jumps to as low as 113fps to as high as 140ish fps!OvidiuM likes this. -
All good info. Thanks! So it might be TS at fault it seems.
I will try without TS and see if anything changes. -
Sent from my LYA-L09 using Tapatalk -
Thanks again @rmillsg703, I will give it a try these days.
@martin778 any fix how to make things stable between TS and armoury crate? I really like TS since it drops temps and gains a bit of free performance
I will limit turbo boost to see how things compare and post the update here -
Hello all,
Well I did try TS and I did try XTU and what I can said ? Hm... a good question.
XTU work better with Armory but have lots of issues and TS, very good but dont wanna work on this model with the Armory ... !!!
Mine advise ? After all benchmarking what I did, after one machine burn out I decive do a another factory reset ( 6-7 in last 3 days) and leave it with out TS or XTU.
I setup mine Armory to run at OC mode, but take all cores to 4.6 and dont overclock GPU at all and the results ? No drops, no thermal throttling and no power thritlelong, so if someone wanna tryyou are more then welcome.
What you could do is set things how you want in Armory Crate, then disable the service from running automatically. That way you can use TS, and preserve whatever settings you want through Armory Crate. If you were to do that, you’d also need to disable the XTU service from running automatically as well.
Alternatively, disable the XTU service and use Armory Crate and TS. This might disable some functionality in Armory Crate though.OvidiuM likes this. -
Well... after messing with nvidia settings in 3d options and setting power mode to performance with new driver works everything.
I never used those settings before and with old driver there was no need to set anything but just let it to default.
Neither XTU, armoury crate or TS made any difference to fps in CSS or CSGO.
Speedshift doesn't change anything also which I can only asume it is a driver issue on my unit.
So my question is does anyone else has peeformance power mode option enabled in Nvidia CP with new nvidia drivers? -
If you mean setting the power option to prefer maximum performance, I've done that on this laptop the whole time I've owned it because farcry fps was a bit all over when I got it, but that was the only game
Also have been on the laptop for nearly 11 hours straight now (20 min break half way through) and the max temp it hit was 90c, which was only once, room temp of 26c, I thought it was rather good!
Sent from my LYA-L09 using TapatalkOvidiuM likes this. -
Thanks for the quick reply.
Like I said I never changed any settings in Nvidia CP before since I just asumed they will optimize everything without user input.
And the interesting thing I only have to put it in performance mode with these low latency drivers.
I will try some more twicks to see if any more stuff change.rmillsg703 likes this. -
Changing the shader cache settings can help on a game by game basis, and some games benifit from pre rendering frames, an example is two point hospital stops stutter if you do that! Terribly optimised game
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Aside from the CPU undervolt (which I am still trying to find a way to make it launch with windows and not doing that sleep/wake cycle) it seems to be working great. No frame drops with newer VGA drivers and AC and TS to work for now.
If performance is indeed good with turboboost limited at 3.5GHz then there is no need to undervolt. -
Sent from my LYA-L09 using Tapatalk -
Hi all, since just a few hours ago my computer has suddenly decided it hates me!
Limited to 3.4ghz in windows 10 power settings, no problem, now the fan started revving up earlier and when I checked it was ignoring the limit whilst in games but when not in games it followed the rule, after checking I got a service running called 'ASUS_FRQ_Control', killed it in task manager, this made no difference!
Anyone have any ideas before I try throttlestop again? Thank you
I just installed Intel xtu, and it is allowing me to change any setting I want with the 8750h, where as before it would never let me even view things in program!
Does not let me change clock speedsLast edited: Dec 3, 2019 -
I didn't have this issue at mine G703 yet but I had similar problem with asus G502GE and believe me or not I did try everything but only what work for me was factory reset.
Try download ccleaner ( is free for 30 days ), uninstall the Armory and clean whole Registry, then instal it back from store.
If you lucky will be working for you, hope yes, if not, then factory reinstall ( is some of kinda bug )rmillsg703 likes this. -
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Hi again, just an update, i done a system reset via windows 10. It is still on 1909 but by disabling gamemode it does now stay at 3.4ghz while gaming (tested call of duty modern warfare), im unsure what caused it before as i tried what was suggested but ended up resetting, but i guess just a bug when updated
hope this helps anyone that might need it
@rmillsg703 What XTU version were you using? I tried alot of them bit without luck. No version I was using was compatible with 8750h
When I tried to add a new profile it wouldn't let me as 'monitoring is stopped' or something and wouldn't let me change cpu frequency (greyed out) , let me adjust voltages and turbo time ect have wiped computer since then so can't find out version now sorry :/
Sent from my LYA-L09 using TapatalkOvidiuM likes this. -
But on my end was due some services I had disabled. Windows error reporting and Event log. I followed some sugestions that for stability those 2 should be disabled but took out my wifi and no stability improovement whatsoever -
New BIOS version on ASUS website version v.305
Secondly the first non security update on win 10 1909 overrides cpu max frequency power setting during gameplay, with game mode disabled.
So again I've had to reset the computer this morning, and temporarily disable all Windows updates!
Does the newest update override throttle stop if someone could try for me? Only when gaming not normal desktop use! And to use throttle stop do you just enable speed shift and move the multiplier? And then turn on.
Thank you
Sent from my LYA-L09 using Tapatalk -
Throttlestop is not afected by windows updates. The only issue I have is Asus locked down this CPU and for throttlestop to work with your undervolt settings you have to put the computer to sleep and then wake it.
I usualy do this sleep/wake cycle everytime I boot it up. It only takes 2 clicks so it is not too bad. I tried clock limit in windows control panel but I will stick with throttlestop for now.
You can follow these steps if you want to give Throttlestop a go.
Just remember that after you set it up you need to do that sleep/wake cycle for the undervolt to work and to be able to see it in HardwareMonitor of other monitoring software you use.
As for the BIOS update download and then exttact it to a flash drive. I recomend extracting it on the root folder so you'll have just that BIOS file on the entire flash.
After extracted plug it in and enter notebook BIOS. Under advanced options you should see the ez flash 3 utility and just folow the steps from there. It should automaticaly locate your flash drive and bios file. Select that 305 bios file and wait for bios to complete flashing. It will take about 5 min or so. -
Thank you for your help, so I have just tried this and it worked, throttle stop will limit my cpu after sleep! Since Im. Now using throttle stop I tried undervolting, clueless what I'm doing, does all this seem right? Not sure if it's actually set or not as don't know how to check!
This is also an aid64 stress test for 5 mins as I didn't know how to check the stability in any other way
Thank you
Sent from my LYA-L09 using Tapatalk -
You just need to repeat steps for CPU Cache like you did for CPU Core so where it says in Hardware monitor LLC/Ring Offset there should be the same -0.128V like.
You can undervolt CPU Cache in the options menu of FIVR in ThrottleStopAttached Files:
rmillsg703 likes this. -
Ah okay great thank you! That really made a difference!
With the cpu limited to 3.4ghz, both cache and core undervolted to -125, on stress test now, this is 2 mins in, doesn't normally get much hotter over 10 mins
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Hi guys
Is there a difference between the G703GX and G703GXR? BIOS in the Asus website is only 302 not 305. -
Yes there is a different in CPU, the GXR come with unlocked 9980HK -
Hi everyone, been tweaking with throttlestop today and think i have a semi-breakthrough for enabling it easily.
1. I opened task scheduler, and set throttlestop to open with start up, not logon! In throttlestop i set it to open minimized.
2. Then i opened notepad, typed this:
powercfg -h off
rundll32.exe powrprof.dll,SetSuspendState 0,1,0
powercfg -h on
and saved it as sleep.bat
3. use task scheduler to once again start the sleep.bat file 10 secs after startup, not logon.
This will make the computer automatically go into sleep mode on start up, with throttlestop already running. So all you need to do then is press a key or move the mouse to turn the pc on from the sleep! (maybe you can make it turn straight back on after sleep? cant find anything online)
To set this up, i initially tested it with a notepad file with text in, to ensure waking up from sleep would not count as start up and put it back to sleep! It would open when i started pc, i would close it and put it to sleep to ensure it did not open when waking from sleep, it did not. I would recommend doing this test first so you do not get stuck in a sleep boot.
I hope this helps some of you which are putting pc to sleep straight away speed up this process, please let me know how you get on
RyanOvidiuM likes this. -
Seems like a good way to make it work.
@rmillsg703 - If you are having problems with ThrottleStop not working as soon as you first start it, why not post some pictures so I can see how you have it setup. Without one of these Asus laptops to experiment with, it will probably be impossible for me to solve your problem.
It is possible that the bios has set the lock bit on the voltage control register. If this is true, the only way to unlock it is with a sleep resume cycle so your bat file might be the easiest solution. Once a register is locked, it is usually impossible for any software to unlock it while you are sitting in Windows.
For screenshots, try using the Windows Snipping Tool. It makes pics much easier to see compared to cell phone pics.rmillsg703 and OvidiuM like this. -
I do think all of us using this asus notebook with i7-8750h chip are stuck on sleep/wake cycle. I think Asus has lock it and at least on my unit there is no undervolt effect taking place untill I do sleep/wake cycle.
Furthermore in XTU everything is greyed out in cache and core undervolt settings.
I have also tried undervolting using throttlestop without any proprietary software like armoury crate or live service but still wouldn't work untill sleep/wake cycle.
XTU was still greyed out without Armoury crate so the only option is Throttlestop.
Maybe there is something we missed in TS. Will post some screens of my settings in TS later.
Thank you for lending us a helping hand -
The photos are after it has done the sleep loop! Before it does a sleep loop it does not let me change turbo ratio limits in FIVR menu, or the voltage settings. Thank you for your help
t -
@rmillsg703 - When Speed Shift is enabled, ThrottleStop will show SST in green. The Set Multiplier function does not have any control over your CPU speed when Speed Shift is enabled. That means there is no reason to check the Set Multiplier box. I also never check the BD PROCHOT box but on this laptop, it does not look like Asus is using this function so checked or not probably does not matter.
Do they only become unlocked after you do a sleep - resume cycle? If these are locked you can try adjusting the maximum CPU speed by lowering the Speed Shift Max value in the TPL window. This is not as convenient or as useful as being able to adjust the turbo ratio limits.
When you first boot up and start ThrottleStop and you change voltages in the FIVR window and hit Apply, what happens? Does the monitoring table in the top right corner of the FIVR window continue to show 0.0000 for all of the offset voltages?
Intel CPUs use multiple sets of Turbo Power Limits. On many computers, you need to have the FIVR - Disable and Lock Turbo Power Limits box checked. This feature is used to block the secondary set of turbo power limits. This allows the primary turbo power limits that are adjusted in the ThrottleStop TPL window to be in control of the CPU.
If you want to help me figure things out, when you first boot up, before you run ThrottleStop, can you run the Dump program by Dufus? This program will show me what values are in what registers. It will create a file called Dump.txt which you can send to me in a private message or you can attach it to your next post.
If the Asus bios has locked out some CPU registers / features then there is probably nothing I can do about it. Once registers are locked, a sleep - resume cycle will sometimes unlock them but this is as good as it gets. Without a modified bios, there is no other way around this issue.Guntraitor Sagara likes this. -
Okay the first part i originally had the speed shift enabled but the cpu frequency just bounched around alot, so i disabled it, will fix that.
second part your correct, they are grayed out until i do a sleep cycle. When i change it in the FIVR menu, this is what it shows:
I have attached the dump file in a zip file, for some reason it would not upload as a .txt file.
Thank you for your helpAttached Files:
I had to get back to manualy put it to sleep/wake cycle after a few uses.
It gave me terible mouse lag and sometimes just froze up. I am using a wireless rog gladius 2 mouse and after boot with the .bat file on I had to always disconect my mouse and reconecting it again to be usable.
This notebook has a new problem for every fix lol.Last edited: Dec 11, 2019 -
I've actually got different info inside my bat file to what I posted here, but to run mine you need to first disable hibernate mode, I just found this made it sleep quicker than code I put here! When I'm on the laptop I'll send you the code and how to disable hibernate, see if that helps!
I've lowered mine to delay only 1 sec after startup, so it literally shows the login screen and sleeps before I even press a key
Sent from my LYA-L09 using Tapatalk -
Can you post the command you set up in .bat file? I have hibernate disabled also.
I found that running the first command you posted it was switching it to hibernate so I had to disable it. -
rundll32.exe powrprof.dll, SetSuspendState 0,1,0
Not actually in the computer to check a sec! Just an idea, check the mouse doesn't have a driver task or service starting, as if it starts after this but before you wake from sleep then this might cause the issue your having!
Maybe try booting to windows, then just opening the bat file manually rather than using task scheduler, to rule out it being a driver as it would have started by then
You can also set it to run after login, I just had it on startup as it made it quicker and easier in my case
Sent from my LYA-L09 using Tapatalk -
Thanks, I will give it a try.
BTW... I just got a update for windows. It might be a non issue but if you set it up to run the .bat file at start it may cause problems and prevent windows from finishing up with updates after restart.
Luckily I set it up to 10 sec and with ssd as a OS drive instalation was faster then 10 sec but it made me think that maybe next time it will get stuck in a boot loop.
So running it after log in might be safer...
Anyway, I am done for tonight with it. More tomorrow.
Thanks againrmillsg703 likes this. -
I had not thought of that, but I don't think sleep would affect it, it's early morning here, so I'm just walking the dog before work, after work ill delete a windows update and redownload it, and see what happens and let you know
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Hi all, i changed my sleep mode to 5 secs, just to be sure it was going to happen! I uninstalled all of my windows updates and reinstalled them (this took a long time)
When windows is configing windows updates during a restart/power on it cancels the sleep mode. It took 14 secs to config all updates after restart on stopwatch from the moment it showed that on screen, once login screen displayed i didnt touch anything and left it for 3 mins, it never went to sleep so can only assume it tried to sleep during config, and computer says no! -
My english is pretty bad sorry
I would like to share this zip that contains a complete dump of the bios with its factory values the interesting place I think you will find it in: "Advanced -> power & performance" and "Advanced -> Overcloking..."
You can read the values.
For us users this menu is hidden, but it exists.
Also attached is an image showing a 1000mV undervolt runing R20.
The notebook has been in its suspended state and taken out of it to be able to edit the voltages. The voltage cache if the lower one corrupts the system, but the other seems not to apply...
https://www.dropbox.com/s/x9qbz077h8y6jho/bios%20asus%20g703gxr.zip?dl=0 (bios)
@HideXs - For these CPUs, Intel recommends that the core and cache voltages should be set equally. When using Intel XTU, it forces the CPU to use the same values for both. Intel knows more than I do so there might be a reason why XTU has this limitation.
Some users have had some success by setting the core offset to a larger negative value compared to the cache offset. If there is any benefit to doing this, you will reach a point where increasing the core offset more and more will simply be ignored by the CPU. The true voltage offset will be determined by what you have set for the cache offset.
If your cache is only stable at an offset of -105 mV, start by testing with both offset voltages set to this value. Keep the cache offset voltage constant and then drop the core voltage offset more and more and test again and again. If you see no benefit in terms of temperatures or performance by setting the core offset lower and lower, then you can argue with people that are convinced that this is a good thing to do. I am still on the fence whether this is good, bad or makes no difference.
With variable fan speeds, getting consistent data out of a laptop to prove this might be difficult. You need to do some A-B-A testing. That means go back to your original settings and try to confirm that the change you made really does make a difference.Last edited: Dec 13, 2019HideXs likes this.
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Discussion in 'ASUS Reviews and Owners' Lounges' started by Spartan@HIDevolution, Jan 9, 2019.