Thanks! I thought I was gonna break the jack for a second... but it all worked out good!
I ordered it the 26th and they told me I should be receiving it in 2 weeks anyone with any experience from them?
I ordered mine from Xotic on ohhhhh....June 6th. Once the C90's started shipping from other sites I started contacting Xotic and all I ever got was "We might be getting some in soon." After seeing people who ordered their's waaaay later than me actually receiving them I contacted Xotic one last time and received the same response (This was just this past Tuesday). So I canceled the order and replaced with Gentech for $100 less, a bigger hard drive, an extra gig of ram (3 rather than 2) and most importantly, a trustworthy delivery date. I say nay to the Xotic way.
I think I'm going to do that can any reseller on these forums match the price Or give a little lower or something? I was actually really looking foward to getting this laptop but At this point I'm thinking that I might just order just something for just school and save a thousand or so I feel like Everytime I try that cheat thing on The Xotic website they don't respond anymore for me maybe they stopped responding period to anyone, but then what's the point of having that option to call them. It's a little ridiculous also I removed my mouse from the price, they gave me the wrong total once I removed the mouse, but I trusted them anyway with it when I did double check I figured out i was being overcharged fifty dollars. Then i talked to someone They told me I would get my money back. the extra fifty so then I send my check I get a call from them telling me my check is short money I explain to them I actually overpaid they said they would pull up conversations and emails to prove it. They said they would call me back. They never called me back I called them again they gave me the price they had messed up on I told them that They actually owe me 50 dollars they said they would call me within two days. Never called me. I went to use the chat which they haven't responded to since june for me. And got a email back finally saying that they owed me money. That it would be sent along with the laptop in 2 weeks which isn't it a little ridiculous considering my order was on the 25th well I don't know if I could get exactly what I want for a little cheaper Then I will definetlly cancel my order, and order from a differen't place, but if not then I feel like it isn't even worth it.
Ordered it. After two weeks of internal debating, I bit the bullet and ordered from GenTech. (Would have down BTO, but there was over $150.00 in taxes!!!)
C90S here I come. -
vinceboiii Animals are friends, not food.
well it looks like some people are gonna get ripped off with that price/specs
vinceboiii Animals are friends, not food.
thats horrible and sad for them =(
Hehehe... this is my first post on my new C90
I am very pleased I chose this laptop. I think it is soooo cool. Then again I am a notebook n00b... with this being my first one so I really don't have anything to compare it to. I think if anyone out there is stuck between the C90 and another notebook, they should pick the C90. IMHO it feels very sturdy and is comfortable to use, even with the heat on the left side. You get used to it real quick. -
Does anyone know if the C90S can take advantage of the new C2D (E6750 and E6850) running at 1333mhz?
ViciousXUSMC Master Viking NBR Reviewer
no its on an old chipset so dont do it.
I bought me one from GenTech..
Basically the same specs as Cancer777. -
If you are not aware, I have posted numerous times about the lack of overclocking on the 8x00m series cards in drivers above the 101.19 (in XP) and 158.45 (in Vista). If you want nVidia to STOP SLACKING and give you some overclocking support in newer drivers than the plain glitchy game problem having 101 drivers go here and ask for overclocking support in new drivers in the 8x00m series cards:
Note that since November 2006 people have been complaining about 8x00 desktop problems and nVidia has just now realeased a driver that fixes only 70% of the issues (163.11). In other words, if you want them to stop IGNORING their MOBILE graphics cards youd better speak up now or wait another EIGHT MONTHS for them to get around to it! ITS JUST THAT SERIOUS! I dont want to wait that long to enjoy gaming performance on my brand new $1400 gaming laptop with 8600m GT!
Post something when you submit to the link to keep this alive! -
Congrats Navicalist.
Swoley2k same as before the link says page not found... -
thanks swoley done my part
thanks cancer
vinceboiii Animals are friends, not food.
sorry for asking this and its so NOOBIE cuz i never got the answer, but when u do a fresh os install , the part where u get to choose a regular format or one with (quick) whats the difference besides that the (quick) one does reformat a lot faster
I was just wondering if there is a huge delay between ordering and shipping on these from resellers. I have been waiting for the computer in my sig for over a month and given that I leave the country soon, its time to start weighing options... Where did everyone order theirs?
AlexOnFyre Needs to get back to work NBR Reviewer
There is not a solid way to tell, you can order over-night and rush processing (about 150 bucks on top, for both) and you should get it in a week at the latest (if you order after all of that week's shipments are out.
vinceboiii Animals are friends, not food.
thanks for explaining so a quick format is not recommended
When you erase a file, Windows removes the space allocated to it from the disk directory and makes it available for new files. A quick format rewites the file allocation table (directory) of the disk so eccentially its a big erase of all the files on the hard drive.
You can use a quick if you want to save time and you know your disk is in good shape. All of the old data is still on the disk - its just the computer doesn't know whats where any longer.
A full format does the above, but also does an error check of each sector of the partition and attempts to fix it and will remove it from what can be allocated if it finds its bad.
If you're selling your hard drive, you want to make sure you use a utility that overwrites the drive with random information. You should be able to google for free utilities that do that. -
any news on the ati card?
Just cancelled my xotic pc order and ordering now with btotech. It takes 7 - 14 days to get my money back......Anyway how long does it take to get if I place my order now?
I did not preorder from Gentech like everyone else. I waited til they were in stock to order. I know and was told by Gentech that they are testing all the components before they are shipped so that there are no DOA's. So even though I am impatiently waiting, I am glad they are testing so I don't get a dud.
But my case is a special one... -
Axlvtt, same here. I was told it should ship in 2-5 business days. That would be anywhere from today until Friday. If it ships Friday, I'll have it before I leave on the 3rd for my first (weeeee) business trip. I've got to be able to watch movies.
AlexOnFyre Needs to get back to work NBR Reviewer
well...on the C90 you may be lucky to watch movie unless you have an airplane and/or car adapter plus an airplane/car that supports it and if not an extra battery or two.
Well I got my laptop yesterday, and have been doing a lot of tweaking today. I just have a question about the GPU drivers. What is the current best drivers for the 8600m GT in vista 32bit? I would also like to overclock a bit if possible any suggestions. I have heard that 158.45 is good but when I try installing it I get an error saying "could not locate any drivers that are compatible with your current hardware".
This link shows what you need:
I made it and am updating it as needed. Another driver has come out the 20th that I still need to put on but I don't know if it will overclock yet. -
great, thanks. Must have missed that tread when I searched.
Does anyone know about what cpu temps these average idle and under load?
well hell, i must be lucky because mine is idling at around 55-60 celcius and thats with running internet, word, etc
btotech installed e6700 with artic silver 5 -
Heh, maybe my temps are under load.
Yeah, they are... Never mind. -
anyone know why my turbogear button and turn off touchpad button isn't working?
i have installed the utility twice and internet and mail works, and turbogear used to work, but no longer does. the touchpad button has never worked -
So I'm not completely crazy..
Most everyone is reporting the touchpad button not working. The turbo button just stopped working? Did you reinstall the driver for it? -
another issue??? im starting to regret getting this laptop and i havent even got it yet....
so what are my chances of getting a problem free c90??? -
Is it really a problem that you cannot turn off the touchpad? I have lived with that for 6 years with my previous notebook.
Like someone said before, only 2 people out of 20+ have had severe problems with their c90. Those were shipped before the resellers started testing them. So I would say our chances of getting a problem free (computers problem free?!?!) notebook is 99%
BTW 73.8% of all statistics are made up on the spot. -
lol i think it was myself about only Vicious and Swoley having mayor issues... not really concern about the touchpad since my current laptop doesnt even have a touchpad disable button...
the thing is I keep jumping form tread to tread an one person is complaining about one thing and another person is complaining about something else... guess i just got carried away by all the negativity...
sigh... better to wait for my notebook before sperading more negativity -
I'm excited about this new format for notebooks, but because it and the overclock system are so new there are some glitches that will need worked out. And in today's instant gratification society (im one of them) R&D is rushed in order to get the products to us. So we are all volunteer R&D scientists. Makes me want to buy some pocket protectors. -
ViciousXUSMC Master Viking NBR Reviewer
my touchpad disable button works fine, and even if the button didnt work you can do it manually thru the software.
issues like this are software related most probably and not fault of the hardware. -
i was in the same boat, starting to think maybe the ifl90 or e1520 was a better choice.. then mine came and all that stopped (=
and that's one less worry knowing low 70's isn't a big problem -
I am not so worried about my order. I bet they will try to fix and solve the current issues as best as they can while they build and test the units, and then ship them out when they are ready. That is a lot better than just building and testing them as fast as they can and then leaving it to us to make all the corrections
Definitely, because I don't know how to make corrections. Trust me, once I get mine, you guys, hopefully, will be able to direct me to what I need to do to get it running as smoothly as possible. (ie, drivers(thought they always came installed?), memory tests and other odd and ends.)
Thanks in advance. -
I also found out that it is going to take a little longer (around 8 instead of the usual 5 days) because they are fixing the BSOD issues... so it takes longer to test every unit.
ACTUAL C90 Owner's Lounge
Discussion in 'ASUS Reviews and Owners' Lounges' started by AlexOnFyre, Jul 12, 2007.