I have never seen this before, but ran the benchmark to provide some point of reference. Don't know what it means either. Maybe it's explained on the program publisher's web site.
The Revelator Notebook Prophet
Figured I'd post this here since I just ran it for someone else
Completely stock run (OS is factory install from Dell and all related drivers are stock). No OC, either.
Power plan was set to High Performance. -
Anything I should do to push the numbers? (With that I mean do things other people might be interested in me doing before running the benchmarks). -
just a stock run would be fine harry, just good to have a i7 720 and 240m combo on the board for reference. glad to have you on the forum but man 6.5 days for a download, thats seriously slow, man your awesome for even trying.
Nvidia System Tools is bugging out on me again, it won't let me change my clocks -_-
Is there a guide on how to overclock with RivaTuner? -
go to M15x throttling page, on first page should be info on how to use riva tuner.
I know what you mean though, NST sux hairy nuts because every now and then, it'll give you that damn message. Seems like how to solve it varies from person to person. For me, i always just had to unistall it (and rivatuner if it was installed), run CCleaner, then Reboot, and re-install and it would fix it. Some people have had to: Uninstall NST/RivaTuner-> Reboot -> Uninstall Video drivers-> Reboot ->install Video Drivers -> Reboot -> Install NST -> shut down and do a bios reset -> and then boot up again to have everythign solved.
Quite annoying... i know.. but lets just hope you can get away with just unistalling/rebooting/and installing NST again to fix it -
Heh yeah I'm not even gonna bother with RivaTuner. My 5870 comes in tomorrow anyway, but I wanted to do some last benches with the 260M before I put it in.
Jstar is the man when it comes to oc problems. You blow my mind bro. Lol
Thanks Jstar, the method you use works for me. Was able to push out a nice benchmark before retiring the 260M
Scrap that above, this is my last bench with the 260M. Goin out with a bang
Clocks at 675/1100/1690 and max temp was 77
wow awesome score man. what drivers are you using?
When I have some time I'll drive somewhere with normal internet speeds, download it from futuremark, and run the benchmarks. -
here are both of my benching scores with 197.16 drivers
3dmark vantage
http://s772.photobucket.com/albums/yy6/tuenkamen/?action=view¤t=3dmarkvantage_driver19716.png -
One of the best score I managed to get.. CLassic OC @ 650/1100/1500
I'll see how far I can get before it crashes.. -
So its pretty much official now, the i7 620M gets better benchmark than the i7 720QM at same clock speed!
Well, until benchmarks start using 8 cores
Just hit 12808 on 3dmark06, not sure if I should try to overclock more. the temp is all good, but we never know!
So for now, that score will be my all-time best! -
This is easy bro. You only study the subject you're good/the best at. The other one you completely ignore. In fact, what you do with thew second exam is make a cheatsheet, a very elaborate one. Then you you take out the most important items of this cheatsheet and make another one of it. Then another cheatsheet with only the most important items in it, and so on. By the time the sheet is small enough to take it into class, you copied all important things enough times for it to be saved on your internal hard drive. More importantly, as you have only been copying and not purposely studying this matter, it does not interfere with the subject you have actually been studying for. Mind you, this won't give you an A+, but it has always given me the points needed to pass (all I have ever been interested in). Believe me, I have 2 masters and I am one of the laziest people on the face of this earth!
Good luck man, I hope you do great on your exams! -
hehe, great tip, I'll remember it!
Also, tried to bench with 3dMark Vantage after my 12800 run on 3dmark06, but my gpu driver crashed.. Then I restarted and got about 2500 >.> Baw I dont know if its the bios or the driver acting, but it shucks -
nice beat my oc of 650/1050/1500 by like 100 on 3dmark 06 lol what was the oc when u got that score
The 12800?
I'm always running at 650/1100/1500, when I try to go over it, my gpu crashes or something..
I had all my setting set to performances and I had NOTHING running in background
I'm sure the 260M can go further, I haven't even reach 65 degrees, even though I've ran 3dmark06 at least 5 times in a row!
If it wasnt of this bug.. -
thats good i mean the difference between the 720 and 620 is pretty slim if i were you i wouldn't worry yes i meant the 12800 score. i got 12748 when i oced
Ok, fellas! This run was stock with the 10.3 mobility driver and I just finished a fresh install of Win 7 Ultimate. FWIW, I did not have any problems installing the official 10.3 drivers from ATi.
Monitoring temps with hwinfo32 and amdgpuct showed max temp of 81C.
Not too shabby - my previous score was with the 240M so I would say the $400 spent for the 5870 was WELL worth it, wouldn't you?Attached Files:
Wow, That 5870 makes a world of differance. Looks like you may have had more services running in the background. Your CPU didn't score as high as the previous run, but the GPU more then makes up for it. Can't wait to get my hands on a pair of those!
Ahh, yea makes sense
The g92 is no match for the juiper-based MR 5870!!!
ok here is my first bench with the 5870 stock.
Attached Files:
This thread is kinda dead. No one likes to bench the M15x or what? lol
Anywho, here is a run I just did. Clocks were @ 750 / 1050.
Not too shabbyGonna try some more!
Oh, temps. Sensor 0 maxed @ 70C and sensor 1 which I assume is VRAM maxed @ 77C.Attached Files:
750 / 1100 but got some artifacts with the memory at those clocks.
Temp went up 1 degree on each, so 71 / 78.Attached Files:
Ok. ALMOST at 9k vantage
Drake - you got any tips to get this last 200 points? lol
Clocks were 800 / 1100, temps same as last.Attached Files:
Is anyone going to keep score?
Who has the highest scores for the M15x? -
lol seems like you are talking to yourself. :-(
Sorry dont have the M15x to test for ya.. -
Hit 9k+Attached Files:
sorry all the bencher bought M17x's,lol
Hoping I get mine as quick as you got yours -
So whats your opinion about the Intel Core i7-620M ? So fat the fastest in a single core -
Well, looks like I topped-out.
900 / 1100 didn't do me any better than 850 / 1100. Card needs more juice, me thinksAttached Files:
The Revelator Notebook Prophet
I think it is definitely the clear choice over the 720 due to the smaller die process, less power consumption, and less heat.
That is another discussion for a different place though
And my GPU score was higher -
The Revelator Notebook Prophet
Both with 620Why such difference ?
I knew you'd pop your head in here eventually, drake
Nice too see there aren't any throttling issues. The M15x is now a legitimate choice over the w860cu.
*OFFICIAL* M15x Benchmark Thread
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by BatBoy, Jan 30, 2010.