You can get a better idea of the CPU if you disable Physx in the nvidia control panel
thewhitewizard Notebook Evangelist
GPU OC @ 675/1150/1750
not 100% stable on ati tools artefacts but 3dmarkvantage benched quite smoothly...
3dmark Vantage
Score 7785
GPU Score 6263
M15X ROX.... -
stevenxowens792 Notebook Virtuoso
Anyone have a 3dmark score from a m15x with the 240m? I have searched but haven't found anything yet.
Best Wishes,
StevenX -
sorry man no actually post for 240m yet, plus M15x users are not really the bench marking type as you can see.
Maybe this is for owners lounge but was wondering thoughts on 720qm owner considering a 920xm? -
720 is very adequate...and will breeze through anything without a hitch
you should only get the 920xm IF:
1. your a Speed junkie, and like the most speed possible, even if you won't notice a diffrence in everyday tasks and can afford the price tag.
2. You spend a substantial amount of your time using CPU intensive programs (video editing/programming/ripping/graphics editing, etc ) and want some extra performance.
3. Your planning to Overclock your cpu .
Personally i think the i7 720qm is the best bang for your buck. I have the 820 and i regret it, as the 720 performs just as well, and you wouldn't be able to tell the diffrence between them. Sure benchmarks will tell a diffrent story, but in real-life applications.. you can't tell ( if your not doing any encoding/programming). Even then, the diffrence is what...a couple seconds? I dunno up to you mani would use the extra cash you save form getting a 720 instead of the 920 ( like 500$) and buy a SSD.... NOW THERE is where you'll see a HUGE performance diffrence
.. just don't get the ones from dell.. buy one off and make sure it has TRIM.
Hope this helps buddy
EDIT: ok so i didn;t notice you already have a 720, and a SSD. hehehe... You're good man, don't touch your setup
listen to this guy ^^^^ he's a an A++++ super pro. your setup is totally sweet, 920xm is only for stupid people who like to waste money just to get the best. lol yeah its up to you if you need the power or not, i do also of graphics stuff thats the only reason i got it, if just gaming and regular stuff the 720 is more than enough.
^^^^ look whos talking man.. got a problem? no sweat... just ask InappropiateName_3 and Poof! You'll be up and running in no time! loll
And yea...hell if i had the cash, i would've got the 920xm in a heatbeat
but i don'tso i didn't
Oh yeah and i also forgot to mention i'm COMPLETELY jealous with your setup bro... from the 920, to the ssd, to the 4yrs complete care... man oh man.. doesn't get any better -
yes i can understand your jealousy, i'm used to it,lol. had my company pick up half the check, thats pretty much the only reason i could afford it. but the ssd i got on my own, if you would have joined earlier i had a super sweet deal on those at the time, and when i say sweet i mean back of a van kind of a deal.
damn...gotta love those "back of a van kind of deals" lolll
I'll get one eventually tho...when the price drops -
LOL, thanks you guys are too funny. K I won't buy a 920xm..sometimes the "must have more power junkie" inside of me kicks in and I need the voice of reason to rationalize.
damn it why are my scores so low!!!
only got
5020 GPU & 23k CPU
im freakin stressed out dude, my stuff dont compare to inappropriatename_3 even though our spec are not that much different
what can i do to reach your scoress?;jsessionid=862557292846E1F18B840868C5C1E7FC -
thewhitewizard Notebook Evangelist
check my score...
did you select high performance in the power option.... -
None of your links work
My score on 3dMark06 with overclock, 12515About 2k better than with stock clocks!
thewhitewizard Notebook Evangelist
Agree with Jstar. 720 all the way....If you have disposable cash to spend on ANY RANDOM item then sure, upgrade...but id rather put that money towards memory, or accessories (I put it towards my 23" Alienware LCD)
Really nice score thewhitewizard! :O
man your scores are awesome wiz, i haven't had time to oc lately but hopefully can share some new oc benches in a week or so.
Sucks I dont have the license for vantage, I can only bench once.. and I've done it noob mod
That's an eye sore. Use screen shots or the snipping tool.
Just got my M15x, OCed to 650/1050/1500
Decent, but I have a feeling I could do better...
Also my max gpu temp was 73, is that normal or a bit high? -
yea 73 degree is very acceptable when oc'ing, actually it is very good. you should only worry once it passes the 90 degree mark.
Ok I've been messing around with overclocking my 260m, but was wondering how do i take off the overclock and put it back to the way it was before I started messing with it?
what oc tools are you using? most of them you have to manual turn on, so if you don't turn it on then it won't do anything. or you can just unistall the oc tools and that should set everything back.
I'm using riva tuner 2.24 but when I uninstalled it my clock speeds aren't maxing out when i play MW2 they sit at 383/300/766 and it's starting to worry me
try to reset your bios, turn off system, take out battery, and open the bottom panel and unplug the coin battery connector. then press power button for 20 sec. and put back. try to see if that helps.
when you unistalled riva tuner did you clean out all the registries? try reinstalling it and set your clocks back then uninstall it. sorry man i never ran into this problem before, only tested riva tuner for a day or so.
EDIT: Oops, didn't see that previous post. haha -
Ok I'm thinking it might have to be a full system reinstall as I even tried to do a restore point before I installed Riva tuner and it's still not running at max to be honest it's running slower!
well good luck with that man, sorry to hear about all the trouble. but a clean install will fix everything, i like to do a clean install every 6 months or so to clean out all the junk and viruses.
383/300/766 - this is the "sleath mode" settings, are you sure it is not turned on? (only asking as I fell foul of this little issue for a few days last week)
actually if you never did a clean install before then it a good thing. i did a clean install when i receive my M15x, i never trust the factory install, but thats just me.
1. Uninstall Rivatuner+ NST, or whatever you have been Oc'ing with.
2. Restart.
3. Go in Control panel/programs and features (previously add-remove programs) and locate Nvidia drivers. Uninstall + run CCleaner.
4. Restart.
5. Reinstall Video drivers.
6. Shutdown.
7. Do a bios reset ( unplug, remove battery & hold powerbutton down for 20secs)
8. Boot up.
You should now be A-OKAY.
If that DOESN't solve the problem. nothing will LOL... but don't worry. It will.
^^^ wow that is masterful, your greatness blows my mind!!!!
^^^coming from the master himself
Im in the middle of studying for finals and needed to take a break. I also just noticed how studying for two finals that are on the SAME DAY means theres no way im passing either of them. im so F'd
Yes , i am going through a post-semester/pre-final breakdown. Maybe i shud just sell drugs for a living...Who needs Acountants anyways? loll -
Accountant? Thats nice, where are you studying?
[/Off subject] -
man i hope that guy reads this before he formats, but anyways reformatting doesn't really hurt,lol
i always like it because that's when the computer runs at its best due to not having many background applications
for background applications, run/msconfig is your BESTFRIEND.
I always have it running like it did when i just got it, actually i think i even disabled a few more apps. Anyways point is, my pc boots up in a jiffy for a HDD (its no SSD though), and doesn't have to load anything but the essentials.
I would recommend, everytime you install a new program that starts-up on boot-up, even though you unchecked that box (that should always be unchecked in my opinion) that says " run XYZ program when windows starts", you should always go in msconfig and make sure it's unchecked, along with any processes related to that program also unchecked.
a few background apps is alright, but once you start having too many, it'll make even the fastest computers slow down, which is a bummer since it could easily be avoided. -
A05 bios lowered my bench about 10 points on the same clocks. Going to run a few more benches with the 260M before my 5870 gets here tomorrow
I posted this in the owner's lounge as well, but maybe this is the indivated thread for it.
I did the benchmark test from HWiNFO32 and these are the results:
I have no idea what the numbers mean or if the results are good or suck. Could someone please explain them to me?
The test was done with standard configuration (out of the box). Please remember that I have the 240 card.
Thanks a lot in advance for any feedback! -
Harry the most standard test are 3dmark06 or 3dmark vantage those actually test the gpu. you can find a link for a free version of them in the first page of this thread. btw they are pretty big files may take forever for you to download. or i can send you a disk in the
*OFFICIAL* M15x Benchmark Thread
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by BatBoy, Jan 30, 2010.