Just benched again broke my score... not by much though....
thewhitewizard Notebook Evangelist
man had my best gpu bench last night but my internet was some how disconnected and didn't get a pscore so i don't think it counts. gpu score was 9908. the bench failed the 2nd and 3rd time around, dang that sucks. still don't know how to break the 10k mark, now that i see moo's score i know its possible.
thewhitewizard Notebook Evangelist
Moo has a clevo and a different PSU as well.. And just look at his gpu scores that is not normal... 26c is not normal even at idle.... He would be using something like liquid nitrogen to pull of that score.... lol -
but here is the screen shot anyways, man i think the 920 is pulling to much power, i either get a high gpu score or a high cpu but never both. really want to get my hands on a bigger psu to see if it can gave me better scores.
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nice score sad that it didnt give you a pscore
Larry@LPC-Digital Company Representative
thewhitewizard Notebook Evangelist
i need to get a ssd... don't have the cash now... intel g2's cost more than £300 here.. and am also looking at OCZ Vertex 2 200gb (£600)...
Hi guys,
I ran a 3DMark06 bench today to submit. Basically to give people an idea of the gt240m's performance.
Uploaded with ImageShack.us -
I got the below mentioned benchmark scores. They seem to be too low :-(. This is with stock clocks and no modifications done with anything, apart from the install of ATI 10.4 drivers. Some how I am not able to paste the screenshots here. Any suggestions? -
At least post the score
Upload your pics to imageschack and paste the forum codes they give you here so we can check it out.
Ha ha ha! Some simultaneous typing there, Inap! -
Man Harry you been on fire lately. Just do as Harry says. And I find the 10.3 bench much better than the 10.4
here's my stock score for M15x i7 820qm w 5870m card;
P8648 3DMarks
cpu- 12315
gpu- 7867
ORB - World of Performance -
Larry@LPC-Digital Company Representative
Sorry for the delay, scores will be updated tonight (my time
So, new driver anyone tried it yet?
So, downloaded and tried the new driver, sucked, It couldnt stand my OC clocks (675/1150/1670).
Bawww -
Installed the new drivers and ran 3dmark06 with my GT240M card:
Uploaded with ImageShack.us -
I should try it again with slightly lower OC clocks!
Good job Harry! These scores are pretty good! -
THanks man! I have no idea really, but it's actually kind of fun to do!
please break that score without phsx's i would like to be pushed into upping the voltage as i don't feel inspired to beat 10pts above my highest score
Ran a 3dmark vantage as well:
Uploaded with ImageShack.us -
Nevermind :S, I gotta run a new vantage with my enw clocks.
Ya the above Vantage score and the updated 3dMark06 score are as good as I can get it. So, new High Score
awesome will be doing something about that tomorrow when i update bios to A06 and drivers to 257.15. hopefully im not stuck to the 197.31 drivers forever(audio issues). oh the excitement is back woot.
Hey everyone! I found a fix for coreparking slowdowns in Win7 (i7 etc)
It made my basic benchmarks increase slightly too.. might help here! -
we've gotta get the results page updated while i'm still on top
before Tuenkamen goes and beats my score
lol da nuh da nuh da nuh...
for a second there i was like Wwhhhaa, your i7 720 is crazy.
ok well you win by a cpu lol
i update my bios to A06 and updated my drivers to 257.15 and only was able to get 13405 at 690/1150/1700. so my only option to beat your score now is to up the voltage i had no other processes running.
i didnt screen shot because i didn't beat your score.
also the 257.15 drivers drop the WEI from 6.8 to 5.9
and in the 3 gpu test the screen flashes once even at stock clocks so this driver doesn't seem that awesome to me.
going back to 197.31 drivers very stable. -
. lol
don't be surprized if i get higher score the next time i post most likely will have flashed my gpu to 1.03v.
lol, yeah i'm not gonna flash my vbios, i'd rather not push my luck with it. Even though there is a good chance this system is going to get replaced soon
i would for the heck of it but be as careful as possible as to not void it over flashing the gpu.
also the highest clocks i got with the 257.15 drivers was above and crashed at 700/1150/1700 tried again with the 197.31 drivers but had 690/1150/1725 with the higher shader clock crashed it. so either a miracle driver appears in the next four weeks i can't beat you yet. hehe
but happy in the end, got past the 13.4k mark woot -
lol yeah only a few weeks ago we broke the 13k mark.
yea lol im demanding on this machine lol
wow you guys owned this thread, hahahhaha
Sorry guys, I know I've been slacking, works been crazy and score list will be updated as soon as I can get to it, should be tonight, but if not, I am off friday.
latest run 10.5 drivers, gave me much lower score than 10.3. but at least i beat my cpu score with this run. too bad my last 10.3 score didn't gave a pscore or that would of been the top gpu score, now it fails everytime at those clocks.
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*OFFICIAL* M15x Benchmark Thread
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by BatBoy, Jan 30, 2010.