Since I have not ordered the heatsink with the card from hemi, im looking into where I can find some extra thermal material to make sure I have enough for the ram. If the ddr5 is possibly ramping up the overall heat then this is something im going to look into before mine arrives. So far iv only found a few products including:
Anyone know a good retailer in the UK where I can buy heat transfer material made for Ram chips?
Oh my god Dell support is crap! I've had my lovely M15x for just under 3 weeks now and when it was sent to me they'd put the wrong wireless card in it, Strange thing is the one they put in it you can't even choose on the UK website. After speaking to customer support, Tech support, Customer support, tech support and then finally customer support again (this was over two days!) They finally came to the decision that they could go ahead and send me the correct card for me to fit myself! (Yay I thought). Then today got a call saying that they now can't send the card and the only way that customer support can sort it is by sending me a whole new laptop!. So 7-10 day I should hopefully have a nice new M15x with the correct wireless card! (Not going to hold my breath though)
What are the average temps for the GTX 260?
The M15x has such a great cooling system, dont even worry about it! -
Don't except your laptop too soon mate. With the whole UK being without Air Travel. UPS who deliver to us have suspended all deliveries !
Mine is stuck in Shanghai at the moment according to the tracking website !
Mind you, by the time they have made your laptop the Volcano ash would have gone hopefully... -
Hello everybody.
I'm new at notebook review.
I bought an alienware m15x this month, it's fresh.
I have the Core i7 920xm, with 4Gb DDR3 at 1333, 500GB hard drive, DVD RW+,
GTX 260M, and so on, silver shadow version.
Long threads...
I read them whem i have free time.
Have a nice day. -
Allright, folks.
5870 is in and I am almost ready.
I installed the GPU. SSD, and Intel 6300 so my system is how I want it now
In case anyone was wondering, the new Intel Rapid Storage driver does pass TRIM commands (at least in crystaldiskinfo it shows TRIM enabled so I am assuming it passes the command).
Anyway, I will be running some benches soon so check out the M15x benchmark thread. -
Quick vantage run at stock clocks with 10.3
thanks alot bro!
Happy 420 guys. Smoke em if you got em. Lol
wish i did also the huge dpc i was having on my rig has disappeared 8D. also just got off the phone with a alienware tech who got my screen replacement ordered and apparently reinstalling the idt drivers over again after uninstalling them fixed the dpc and audio crackling (no it did temporarily fix the issue ima call back tomorrow when i want to spend a hour or so on the phone with dell)
and happy 420 wish i had one for today but eh i celebrate when ive moved -
How did you know!lol
So 4:20PM was an hour ago, most of this thread's posters are probably eating a lot of doritos or something at that moment.
8D -
woohooo 5870 just came but to baked and eazy to do anything about it,lol. and i'm on my 3rd bag of doritos hahahahah nacho cheese baby!!!!
I was reading your post and got the "i'm on my 3rd bag" part and was about to go crazy cuz 3 bags would be quite a bit to toke, 4/20 or not
Hey guys i Know im still a noob but i do not get how the audio jack works cuz when i plug in my headphones, there is no indication. All other sound system works(speakers, mikes etc.) Also that the RTC thing works for the other audio jack however the other one does not respond. Is it supposes to be this way. Also is it the RTC jack that we want to plug the headphone jack in?
Im freakin confused! is it just that the jack is broken? I just got it a month ago and never tested it before this. Is there a driver problem? -
go to idt control panel and set the jack for headphones, also there should be a setting to notify you when you plug anything in the audio jack. but probably best to wait till tomorrow for advice, too many people out enjoying 420 today,hahahah.
Don't worry about taking the money, bro. You're not asking for it, I am offering it. Due to my lack of technical knowledge, it's the only thing I do to be of some help. You send me your PayPal address or account info, I'll gladly send you 50 bucks. Don't feel bad about it, you're not abusing my goodness!
By the way, I took the afternoon off so I could download 3Mark somewhere where they have broadband internet. But when I ran it after downloading it, it crashed my system. What could that be?
I also bought some stuff for my laptop and asked around for the 5870. They're freely available here...for a whopping $625,°°! I think I'll stick with my 240! -
Hmm, weird, 3dmark shouldn't make your computer crash, which one did you download?
Also yeah the 5870 is really expensive, just stick with the 240M as it'll be all good to play every today's game! -
could just be a bad install of 3dmark, i don't see a reason why it would crash like that since you do oc or anything. wow $625 for 5870 sheeesh way too high.
Je ne sais pas non plus (or something like that). -
try uninstalling it and run ccleaners then reboot and install it again.
Yeah, I guess it might be a bad install, but why does it start normally?
Well, it might be a while before I have time to download it again.
My apologies for those waiting for the 240 benchmarks. I promise to do it as soon as I can. -
you don't have to download again, just reinstall it again. and take your time with the benches, no big rush. actually no rush at all.
That is why you re-install it after running ccleanerlol
ok so i just reinstalled the os again lol now it runs perfect waiting on lcd screen replacement. also where can i download the alienware 1080p wall papers and theme?
uninstall the program only, do not delete the original installer you downloaded.
then reinstall it again with your original downloaded installer. -
just wallpaper and avatars
and go here to download a file to get your slienware login screen back: -
First link -
LOL sleey0...
Well, I reinstalled the program again, but apparently 3DMark vantage is celebrating 420 as well!
I'll try again tomorrow. -
hahaha good one harry, what settings are you running for vantage, and are you pressing anything when vantage is running?
There is a rumour going round that im the noobiest person to own an m15x.
So the rumour goes anyway... Cheers Inappropriate for the help. Thought id say a quick hi to all you lot.Im off to sleep. Staying up til 3am fixing this thing was a good idea, but im knackered!
Night guys.
Chris -
But you can stick to english since I'm the weirdo here.
Anyway I spend so much time on my computer I'm pretty sure I write more in english than I do in French!
I got 3dMark Vantage to crash a couple of times too.. though I just rebooted an int worked great. (Got a lame score but that's another story)
i guess im abit late.... but happy 420 everybody... i've been smoking crazy medical alllll dayy longggg...and just polished a twofour between me n my bud. hahahaha bud. come to think of it we were even drinking bud. lolll dats crazy. anyways before i annoy too many ppl ( ima try not to turn this into a drunken/stoned rant, for all the good ppl on these forums) i just wanna say.... FREE THE WEED. GOd put this plant on earth for a reason. Weed neva hurt nobody .. Just cause the gov't aint making a cut its illegal, and thats straight up BULLSHHH if u ask me. Alcohol kills pppl everyday, yet its legal. WHYY??? cuz they are making a cut. Well fcuk them. Mods gna be after me on this one. i know it. but i dont really give a damn. I'll end it here be4 i get too carried away. Enjoy that herb everybody. Enjoy every puff of it. its so mmm mmm good. Goodnight.
and ohh Inap...Lovin' that pic -
lol Jstarnino
Hi guys looking for some advice here...
Looking to buy a new lappy as my current 1 isn't sufficient/is starting to crap out of me. Am a gamer at heart so obviously very seriously looking at the m15x.
I am in year 12 (NZ years) at school so uni in a few years. I want a laptop that can handle games well, generally playing WoW but some Crysis every now and then if the lappy can handle it. Obviously that makes the m15x prime candidate but its lack of battery and portability worries me. Can someone give me honest expectations of battery life for power saver, lowest screen brightness doing word processing and maybe browsing the net? Also, what is it like to carry around? Does anyone here bike to uni or work with it that can report back on what it is like?
Finally, can anyone think of another possible lappy in the 15" range that meets my requirements? Preferably sony.
Thanks very much for any and all responses -
A -
thanks,6 cell is what i wuld get, dont wanna go over base price haha
So I have a slightly noob question of my own that needs some answering.
When my M15x arrives i'm going to want to swap my 500GB 7,200rpm Drive for my G Skill Falcon II SSD. My question is rather than performing a full clean install is there a simple "free" way to clone the contents of the original drive to the new one? Or am I a basically SOL. (and keep in mind i'm going from regular drive to SSD so will there be any windows 7 optimization issues if I simply do a drive clone?.
Thanks all. -
You are better off just doing a clean install, IMO.
If you would rather do what you want to, that is easy.
The M15x comes with Dell Datasafe which lets you make a backup image of the system. So, just run it (takes 2 DVD's IIRC) and swap drives after it finishes.
Then pop in the DVD's and voila!
No other software necessary than the stuff it already comes with -
Ah, I completely forgot about that. I'll do the backup image see how that works (and i'll be able to keep the backup on hand for future reference) then i'll be able to do a clean install if anything is buggy.
Thanks! sleey0 -
Well, I am officially a member of the Alienware M15X Club... just placed a order via the Dell Outlet. Been going back and forth on what I wanted to spend for the last few weeks, but saw one today that has the 260M/6GB DDR3/WideHD+ 1080p Screen/9 Cell Battery/500GB 7200RPM HDD and with the 25% off coupon it rounded out at $994.
Way to good for me to pass up, so while the process is just the simple I3-330M, I plan on upgrading that later on. Really, really excited to get this machine and see what it can do. Wasn't even a refurb, it was a "Previously Ordered New" - only thing is I wish I had went with faster shipping! I went 3-5 days due to it being free, but now wish I had spent the $70 for NBD so I could have it on Friday! -
thewhitewizard Notebook Evangelist
wow J thats the best one yet, well worth the wait bro. agreed 100%...hahaha my i love this guy,lol.
and welcome blurredreality, M15x is great. -
*OFFICIAL* "All Powerful" M15x Owners Lounge - Part 4
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by BatBoy, Feb 27, 2010.