Ok so i ran the 3dmark vantage trial.. it didn't give me a 3dmark score, but it gave me a cpu and gpu
cpu: 10634
gpu: 4586
do those look right?
some of the gpu things were running at around 20fps, that seemed pretty slow
steelcurtain11 Notebook Consultant
Wel I'm sending my M15x back tomorrow. Its been a good 20 Something days with this Laptop and its a great computer but I'm just going to wait for the refresh on the M11x.
I know!!!!!!! but it isn't worth the price in my opinion. Plus I never really realized how important portability was until I bought this untameable beast. -
i feel yea, at least your still in the alienware family.
M11x refresh?
You are going to be waiting a while and it will never come close the what the M15x can offer GPU-wise.
That and the screen is the worst I have ever seen so there is no way I could get past that part of it. -
Yup I'm sure the refresh will be another 5 months from now. The GPU is great but the CPU needs a refresh so I don't mind waiting.. I still have a bunch of 360 Games that I need to beat and some achievements that I want as well. The M15x is still a great CPU none the least and I would recommend it to anyone.
Well, the processor isn't backordered anymore, but apparently the keyboard still is (and again I say, the keyboard? really?). My frustration continues to build
Agreed. The M15x is only 8 lbs, not light but not heavy either. To each their own I guess. -
This one's still slim, but a tad larger. Up to you. I just wanted the smallest possible...thats why i went with the 15" model
http://belkin.com/IWCatProductPage.process?Product_Id=458962 -
It's not heavy to move around, but by no means is it a "lap" top
Finally pulled the trigger!
haha part of the M15x family now! -
I even use it on my chest while laying down. -
Gahhh now the wait is going to kill me! aha
Didn't think I would be able to haggle in the UK but a proved myself wrong....good times! ^^ -
Congrats, now get yourself a 5870m and you will be on the cutting edge! -
So you might not have to wait too long -
Delivery in a week!? awesome Sleey0...There is hope
Are you in the US though? -
i know this is REALLY off topic... but i need some help. I'm resurrecting an old pc thats in my garage to use for word and internet browsing and its currently a P4 2.4ghz northwood cpu with 1gb of ddr400 non-ECC ram. Now the motherboard supports up to a 3.4E Ghz Prescott cpu (the one with HT), but i can't friggin find one! i've found some for like 300$ but that were just outdated web pages from 5 years ago LOL
I'm also looking to up the ram to 2gb DDR400 non-ECC.
If anyone can help me out with this little project it will be much appreciated!!! The pc is actually for my little cousin, but i want to give it a little boost in performance first, and then possible OC that beech. ( it has an ATI all-in-wonder 9800 pro in it LOL.. i remeber when that was Badas)
Does anyone know where i can pick-up -
is this what you looking for bro?
and yes i'm that good,lol -
man harry i guess where you live money does grow on trees,lol. man i should move to margarita island too.
wow that awesome bro. i feel the same way, i try to gave back to the community when i can, mostly with community service and few few dollars here and there. your a good person and i'm really glad to know you. this forum is full with great people.
EDIT: Not selling the Sammy.
Selling the Intel G2 now. Decided I'd rather have the capacity since this is a single drive system. -
haha what a family i have joined!
Would someone be able to tell me if the 240m and the 260m use the same heatsink in the m15x. I am looking to buy as cheap as possible with the specs I want and then buy a 5870m, and a SSD and pop them in.
If so, this will basically ideal for me providing the gpu heatsink will be adequate for the 5870m :
http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Dell-Alienwar...Laptops_EH?hash=item2eac89ccbd#ht_4679wt_1165 -
Yes, they use the same hs.
I had to get some peoples help about a week ago with the same info because I skimped out on the 260 because I was getting a 5870 from hemi anyway -
No benches.
I had to install Windows on the disk just to confirm FW and TRIM.
No time for benches. Those can be found all over the net as the PB-22J is pretty common. -
Edit : I have just bought that laptop so it now looks like I am a member of the m15x owners club! now onto the 5870m -
I'm selling my 2 day old 5870 card if you're interested. You can email me at [email protected]
/10char -
A few pages back I explained why, sorry soccer, I'm out again
Also tomuk, my sale thread is in the marketplace if you want to see details. -
Thanks s0ysauce but I have just snatched one up from Babyhemi. I will be posting here and on the other related thread when I receive the laptop and card to let anyone interested know how it has gone for me.
Grabbed one of these today for $909 after tax. Not as flashy as most of yours judging by sigs, but it's a huge upgrade for me!
How much do 260m's go for, card only?
EDIT: Been in build for 1 week now...*sigh* -
Was it a used system or something? O_O -
Yeah probably a refurb one with the 25% coupon off.
Refurb through the outlet.
tuenkamen, by the time I was able to snag it, there weren't many options available. I figured I'd just grab the first thing that was around $850 before tax. -
Thats an awesome price.. O_O You wont be disapointed. The 240M is good enough for most of today's game while the 720QM is great [/me glances at tuenkamen] and you have it in red! 8D
I paid more than twice this price to buy mine.. It hurts. -
Yeah, I don't plan on doing a ton of gaming on it. I just wanted to get the best system I could for the money - I'm starting school soon (12 years too late, lol) and want this to last me a while.
Wow congrats on new lappy and awesome price man.
*OFFICIAL* "All Powerful" M15x Owners Lounge - Part 4
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by BatBoy, Feb 27, 2010.