Stoc kclocks are 550/950/1350 IIRC, I have it running at 650/1050/1500 at all time, when I want to do benchmark or to push the limits, I can get it up to about 700/1100/1650 without much problems, I have yet to find the break point of this babyThe M15x has such a great cooling system, even overclocked my GPU never got over 60 degrees Celsius.
Argh, I'm hoping I get mine next week, it's my spring break
I hate having to do everything on my crappy netbook. Actually I'm on a Mac Pro in my Maya class right now, but almost no one's here so I'm stuck wondering what I'm supposed to be doing right now...
Well it's been sat in Tamworth since midday and not moved. Now it's about 2hrs to where I live. So if my calculations are right that's past 6pm
So might not get my lovely M15x today :cry:
I was right it's now almost 8pm so no laptop tonight -
Saturday delivery only if you opted for standard ground shipping which uses Fedex Home Delivery (Tues - Sat)
If you get any kind of Fedex Express service than the delivery schedule is Mon - Fri -
managed to get 700/1100/1700 stable with the 197.16 drivers... thanks a HUGE increase from 550/950/1350 ...and is WELL noticeable in games
does tend to geta little warmer at those clocks..( and by hot i mean 73-75degrees, which is really quite cool
Long Story short...stick with NST...
Ahhh its nice to see so many of you getting your M15x soon...god i remeber waiting for the UPS guy to come like it was yesterday....damn was it so VERY painful to wait...
On a good note... Don't worry about the estimated Delivery Date... It's really about a week sooner
Most system take 7-10 working days to come..2 weeks from when you finalize your order.
Also, don't rely too much on the Dell Page... As its terrible and doesn't update like it should. My Laptop went from Boxing Stage, to Package on Truck for Delivery to my house in a couple of hours... its like they update it all at once.. instead of updating it along the way.. well for me anyways..
That being said... one thing is for sure... YOUR ALL GOING TO FALL IN LOVE WITH YOUR M15X. This thing is just awesome -
I can't wait to get mine colorwared
Ordered today and currently in build.
EDD 4/27
$1389 shipped w/ NBD delivery.
i7-620 (finally lol), 1080p, 4GB were the only things I upgraded. Left the stock 240 in there as I will be purchasing a 5870 from hemi (or dell - whichever gets it to me quicker and I am betting on hemi). I also have 2 SSD's here and don't know which to use. I have the 160GB Intel G2 and also a 256GB Sammy that I just bought. Space or reliability is the issue. I also have a wifi 6300 to put in as well.
Waffled back and forth on BD but I rarely use my laptop to watch movies so it left me more money for the colorware job -
awesome yea i can't be patient as ive been waiting to buy this thing for awhile but most likely will upgrade to the 5870m after some time has passed with other m15x users seeing the difference and any unforeseeable bugs. Most likely when i have the money to buy the upgrade and when nvidia drops their mobile fermi to force price drop of 5870 ill get the upgrade. can't wait for this beast of a machine
also i checked your coloware contest page quickly looked at a design with having abyss blue and lightning with soft touch cobalt for palm rest contrasting with abyss blue with lightning highlights it looks good but this comp is horrible for screen shots and is too slow for me to post the screen shot lol -
After having the 5870 in the G73, I want it again. BADLY lol.
Such a good card. -
yea i bet but ive never had something even close to the 260m so ill be content until i really want the 5870m
I thought u went with the M17x-R2 sleey0, what happened? I myself just got an M15x too, refurbed with specs in my sig for 1300. Gonna toss a 5870 from hemi in there hopefully also
Innovative Cooling just sent me a free tube of their ICDiamond thermal compound. Do you guys know if it's something I can use on the GPU as well as CPU? Haven't actually popped off the heatsinks, so I'm not sure if it uses pads or anything.
yes you can use the ICDiamond on both but i prefer AS5 due to it having better long term performance
Yes, you use the IC just like any other TIM.
I have never used that particular paste but I hear it works well. Although you sometimes have to apply it more often because I have also heard IC7 can dry out.
I stick with MX-3.
Anyway, the VRAM on the GPU won't need it. For those you would use thermal pads (you can just reuse the ones already on there if you don't have any thermal pads laying around). -
mx-3 works well...artic silver also... never had a issues with either and both work great.
AS5 has been out of my toolkit for a while now.
I find MX-3 not only works better overall, but is easier to apply and also has no curing time. -
hmm was thinking of switching to a new paste will try when i get my m15x also what do find is the best way to remove prior thermal paste?
Rubbing ETOH and q-tips work well (or any other lint free type cloth).
thermal paste!!! man thought it was tooth paste, oh well time to wipe off the colgate off my gpu.
ok got that in house woot
time to order up some new paste once i get my m15x
wow even smaller platform than the m11x how small will alienware go
Yay <dances around> my M15X is now in transit to my house, but I bet it arrives at 6pm tonight
anyone else having issues with loose usb ports my devices keep disconnecting if i bump any of the ports and i tried different cables to make sure its not the cables
Question, regarding the 1080p screen, do u guys game on it native res or lower? I feel like the 1080p screen is not as automatically chosen as an upgrade compared to other computers with a screen option upgrade.
I will have to admit JWest's right when it comes to gaming, sometime i had to go lower res on my 1080p for gaming for some more demanding games, BUT, I love 1080p screen for everything else, playing blu ray, older games and less demanding games (Counterstrike, etc, and SC2!). It doesn't strain my eye, i like having more space in my desktop, it's absolutely beautiful on 15 screen.
I had to play BC2 on 1600x900, it looks fab! I was worried it would look little fuzzy or something, but it didnt. On other games, it looks clearly fuzzy when you downscale it from 1080. -
thewhitewizard Notebook Evangelist
Hey smegedit.. Did you
solve ur powermizer issue...
And hey J & inap sorry guys.. Been long... Was busy... M15x thread seems a bit slow but more users jumpin in i see... Nice! -
1080p is a must.
With the 5870 you will not need to worry about game performance or using a lower resolution. lol
Nothing against the 1600 x 900 screen but for me personally and also resale value is always much more desirable with the higher res screen.
Need some info, folks.
Anyone here get a M15x with the 240M could tell me if the heatsink is the same as the 260? -
Yay I am now the very proud owner of anice silver M15X <dances around the room>
gah well just called dell and found out that the 620m is back ordered so im probably gonna get my m15x on the 26th gah.
I ordered the i7-620 as well -
Ok quick question when I ordered my M15x when it got to the wireless card selection I picked Wireless : ROW Intel WiFi Link 5300 (a/g/n) Wireless LAN Card. But when i look in the device manager on the laptop it tells me I got a broadcom 802.11g Network Adapter. Should I call Dell and moan at them for supplying the wrong card or am I just being silly and this is really what the card should have been?
thewhitewizard Notebook Evangelist
If you are lucky might as well get something free like a mouse or a headset.. -
Are you positive that you selected the 5300 and not the 1520?
And no one here has the GT 240M that they can tell me about the heatsink? -
I'm all for the 1080p screen... its really just beautiful even on a 15.6'' screen... but that comes down to personal preference...that being said... the 900p is also very nice...
Intel's 5300 is probably the best mobile wireless card i've ever owned... friggin thing has crazy range at default settings...if you go in the settings and increase the signal power, it can highjack wifi signals from neighbours like 2-3 houses down!...
The 5300 is good but not as good as the 6300 I have sitting here waiting for my system
It seems to me that the M15x ships pretty quick. Is that accurate? -
I'm going to try n do a quick search and see if i can find anything for u -
yeah if everything is on stock, normally take about 2 weeks to build and ship.
yeah have never seen the 240 heatsink but i think they should be the same. but i've been known to be really really wrong,lol
anyone here also have an M11x? how is the audio on that? thinking of getting one and turning it into my cars audio/video center.
*OFFICIAL* "All Powerful" M15x Owners Lounge - Part 4
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by BatBoy, Feb 27, 2010.