i keep hearing bout just cause 2... hmm ima look into it...
Yeah so on high settings the game still crashes when I scale everything down to low it runs fine a high FPS. The game goes right to 30 FPS max after I add a few graphical settings. I don't think this is normal since its causing the game to crash.
I have all my settings on high in just cause 2, and I am able to run, yet it doesn't seem fluid on high or medium. I think the gameplay just sucks
Whats up with killing a million people in that town square and having no objective??!! -
yeah NST actually has profiles it can load automatically for each game(or program) and automatically set the clocks that you set for that program...never really used it though, since i've always just went for stable clocks across the board, no matter what game or program i ran... Its just a hell of alot easier... than finding diffrent clocks for each game...yess the card could probably be clocked higher for some games... but the slight diffrence in clock speeds won't give you any noticeable diffrence...UNLESS your benching...but even then you'll only score a few points higher...
Most of the time though....i find the 260m being more than capable of handling games...and i rarely load my OC'd clocks...even on BC2...
... dont we all
Herr, anyone got a way to make the media button on the M15x to work with VLC? >.>
Yeah, I think the game is maxed at 30 FPS which amounts to why it runs so choppy.
That, coupled with the fact that it's a open ended sandbox game like GTA so it'll not run as smooth as most games i've thrown at my M15x.
Still runs great for the most part. I just wish there was a way to get rid of that 30fps limit. I think that's what is hurting performance the most to be honest. -
thewhitewizard Notebook Evangelist
Hey!! Does anyone's DRAM frequency fluctuate in the memory tab for cpu-z. Because mine fluctuates between 650-665.. Will try just cause 2...
I deleted the Demo for JC2 it plays fine on all low settings and I couldn't get the game to go above 30 FPS when I increased the graphic settings however the game randomly crashed all the time on Med-High graphics so I deleted the demo.
It caps out at 30 unless you can go above 45 (or something like that).. 30fps is good as long as it's smooth. I got 60 too by turning stuff down..
There are 2 - one in the nvidia driver panel (this affects many games and provides a more natural lighting effect at the cost of some fps so turn it off if you aren't bothered)..
The other is in the JC2 settings - SSAO (Screen-space Ambient Occlusion) - this applies the effect at the per-pixel frame level. I can set it to low without affecting performance, higher values cost a few fps.. Low is fine.
To get 30fps at 1920x1080 on my computer I did the following:
Water detail - Medium
Shadows - Medium
Objects - High
SSAO - Low
AntiAliasing - 0
Anisotropic - 8x
Motion Blur - Off
Everything else set to max.
It runs fine for me.. Oh also I set the CPU's to 0 and 2 using StartAffinity ( http://forum.notebookreview.com/showthread.php?t=468534)
The game didn't seem to use more than 2 threads, so forcing it onto 0 and 2 allowed the turboboost to push the cpu clock up a bit which helped increase the FPS a few notches and avoided some of the brief stutters I was getting without doing this.
Hope that helps -
steelcurtain11 Notebook Consultant
If anyone wants to go to that link (yeah its a referall thing) it gives tokens to me for biowares contest they have going. = )
you don't have to sign up or anything, just click and exit. -
ok guys found a sweet app to remove the arrows from your shortcuts. i just used it and it worked great, also have other useful tools included. here is the link:
went to that link for you steellcurtain. good luck -
New driver for the 200m series, what do you think of it?
^^^ thanks, didn't know about it. just released today so i guess you have to wait a few days to get a good answer.
Yeah, well I have it installed, no difference whatsoever on benchmarks, nothing has changed on COD6 either.. But oh-well,
cod6 already runs amazing, hopefully i have time to try it out with bf2 tonite, i'll keep you posted.
So I've been messin' with the BIOS for the past hour, I noticed my ram is set up to work in a single channel, which is really sad
I guess I'll buy a 4gb stick asap!
Also, if I set up my ram to 1600Mhz (just for the show) Should I select more Volt for the said memory? O_O
EDIT:Well CPU Z says my memory is running in dual channel,
EDIT2: Now that we're at it, how come I cant find a way to overclock my GPU from the BIOS?
I want moar sp33d -
thewhitewizard Notebook Evangelist
You can't OC gpu using bios on m15x. You have to use Nvidia System tools instead.
Can you check your Dram frequency in cpu-z memory tab for any fluctuations if any because mine fluctuates between 640-665... -
Pretty much the same...
My nvidia system tools appears to be broken, I never got to overclock anything with it.. As for the i7, I guess it's not overclock-able either?
Besides, I got my WEI up to 7.1 on the processor by clocking my memory to 1600Mhz -
doesn't it just revert back to stock 1333, because M15x isn't really compatible with 1600. correct me if i'm wrong. also only 920xm is overclockable at the moment.
Nvm, got to overclock, now running at 650/1050/1500, got my WEI score for graphic up from 6.7 to 6.8...! Whooo!
Ram running at 1600Mhz too, totally stable! -
btw my score jumped from 106xx to 12515 while benchmarking with 3dmark06 -
wow nice score.
WOOOOTTT!! i just got Fiber Optic internet baby from Bell!!!! 25Mb/s down|7Mb/s up .... Can't wait! should be effective wedsnesday!!!! Jdownloader... HERE I COME
moving on...
So i see the overclocking bug is still going around huh!! loll...
BTW SoccerThierry...the "single channel" your seeing in the bios is a known glitch... so don't worry about it...
Also... any confirmation on the 1600mhz ram? like Inappropiate said... i thought 1333mhz was as high as it goes for the m15x... We'll i hope we're wrong...
And yea i7's are too new to overclock yet.. only the 920 can be right now... but give it a bit of time... and i'm sure we'll be able to OC them soon enough... no matter what model... We just need the right ppl to experiment with them... -
Hmm, it says my effective clock is 1353Mhz...
My memory speed is still marked as 1333Mhz though.. Can it be the official stuff?
EDIT: Baw, nop its really running @ 1333Mhz -
Lol, what driver do you use?
you have the 820m which effect the gpu score
Ahah,. thinking about the same, My internet hardly goes over 3 Mbs down
Wasnt fiber optic like 100$/month? -
no mine is 6.8 too, but wei score is stupid and doesn't really reflect real system performance. it goes up and down depending on the mood, lol. so don't worry about it. i can make your wei score to say what ever number you want.
thewhitewizard Notebook Evangelist
Nice jstarnino... 25mbps down and 7 mbps up thats nice... I've got 50mbps down and 1.5 mbps up...
I have wei score of 6.9 O.C and wei score of 6.8 on stock clocks with 195.62 whql drivers
Btw just if you guys missed my last post about dram. Does anyone notice DRAM frequency fluctuation on the cpuz memory tab... -
It does fluctuate around 660Mhz
Also what is your overclocking speed? -
thewhitewizard Notebook Evangelist
Mines fluctating between 650-665 usually remaining above 660.
O.C. My gpu to 680/1125/1650 @ stock voltages. Did O.C. Higher than that but had artefacts on ati tool even though i ran 3dmarkvantage without any problems -
still milking it living at home... hehehe lol
And yea... the WEI scores are so full of *horse manure* .. You should just ignore them all together... stick to benchies for a MUCH MUCH BETTER evaluation of your hardware... or my philosophy...If it performs in real-time for what you need it to do, then your goodscrew synthetic tests
Yo sorry Whitewiz haven't been on that much lately... approaching the end of the semester...with finals just around the corner...so my social life has been taking a hit...that being said.. i took a day off today LOL...
Anyways yea it's perfectly normal for your ram to fluctuate... As long as they don't dip Rediculously low....what your getting is normal... So don't worry about it... same way CPU/Gpu clocks fluctuate... so does ram... by alot less mind you.. but none the less...it does
Did anyone else notice that BC2 seems WAYYY smoother after installing the new nvidia drivers?
maybe it was just me, I was running the latest beta drivers.. -
i put on the new drivers today, nothing noticable but I didn't bench anything to test it.
I didn't see anything in the changes pertaining to W7 x64 or 260M so I guess it probably just fixes the fan issue on some of the machines..
I think there's an updated PhysX to support the new games (Dark Void - which doesn't realy seem to use physx in any kind of interesting way anyway!)..
When are we going to get GPU accelerated Havok anyway?
Oh wait, ATI are just launching it..
http://www.tomshardware.com/forum/261967-33-demonstrate-havok-physics-acceleration -
50mbps??? WHAT DA *sack of lemons*(awkward isn't it?...thanks alot NBR Moderators) ?? thats insanity! which ISP you with? i know theres faster ISP's than bell...but damn thats like top spot on speedtest.com....sheesh
i to got 50mbps down and 1.6 up i'm with virgin media in the uk they are also trialing 100mbps now -
hi i just ordered my new m15x laptop hoping it gets here before the est delivery
Personally i see it as having an i7 920xm processor... with like a slow 1000rpm harddrive, and sdram rated at like 200mhz.... you know what i mean?
Only reason i ended up getting the up'd speed is because i initially wanted more Gigs/per month to download... and it comes in packages with my ISP and was included in the price... so i kinda had no choice
If your max bandwidth was used on a day-to-day basis ... even 1-2mb/s would be good enough if you ask me... -
thewhitewizard Notebook Evangelist
When ISP's say 50mbps it is actually 50 megabits per second. Every byte has 8 bits so with 7mbps = 7/8 nmegabytes per second (max 900 kbps download speeds).
with a few tweaks you can get the full bandwith. When i was using a premium account, (megaupload
) I got around 6 megabytes per second download speed. (downloaded 2 gig file in 6 minutes).... AWESOME isn't it!!!!
I am with Virgin Media UK as well and unlimited downloads and no fair usage policy....
When you get 25mbps, with that kind of broadband you will definitely be getting something around 3 megabytes per second whilst downloading. -
4GB Dual Channel DDR3 at 1066MHz
15.6-inch Wide FHD 1920x1080 (1080p) WLED
Intel WiFi Link 5300 802.11AGN Half Mini Card
9-cell (85Watt) Lithium-Ion Battery
Total: $1,785.78
but est delivery 04/26/2010 -
thewhitewizard Notebook Evangelist
I heard wonderful things about the 620M!
You bought it for gaming purpose I guess?
You're gonna have so much fun -
thanks for clearing that up whitewiz...as i always thought it was megabytes per second... now it makes alot more sense!
And yea so its been a while since i game (3-4 days) so i fire up BC2 tonight... and my 3d clocks won't kick in... so i restarted...and fired up borderlands... same thing... i fired up ati-tool...same thing...
Tried rivatuner to force on the 3d clocks... no luck
SO i turned to NST and set the clocks to default stock clocks... and got the dreaded " cannot apply the current settings" error or wtv it says...
This was just... the last straw... not sure why all of a sudden this started happening... but i lost my patience...
After getting fustrated, i went on an uninstalling rampage LLOLL...and uninstalled rivatuner, nhancer, nvidia 195.62 drivers, and NST..ran CCleaner... downloaded the new 197.16 drivers ( i was half way there so why not) installed...rebooted...and did a bios reset ( i always do after installing/uninstalling drivers)
now i haven't check the 3d clock problem yet... but i now get this stupid damn error msg about the system tray that i remember seeing once be4...but disappeared... thing is.. its not disappearing this time lol...
As im low on patience... who wants to gimme a quick fix ?? it will be much appreciated
Hows that for spicing up the forum?? lolll we needed some problems didn't we? Now we have some.. well i do anyways lol
EDIT: just realized its the fast access facial recognition acting up... not the system tray lol.. can u tell im too annoyed to read properly?Attached Files:
*OFFICIAL* "All Powerful" M15x Owners Lounge - Part 4
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by BatBoy, Feb 27, 2010.