ok i no i keep bugging everyone here but i got the latest build of ati gpu tool (9.8) and it says error no valid device so i got an older build but everytime i try and change the clock speeds surgested my screen goes black and i cant do anything
The Revelator Notebook Prophet
This is the one that works with the 5870/5850: Download AMD GPU Clock Tool v0.9.26.0 For HD 5870 | techPowerUp
You should also update your vbios to A02 if not already done and install the most recent 10.10 drivers from either Dell or ATI/AMD. That should eliminate the black screen problem. -
isnt a02 an older vbios i hav a08
A02 for the GPU. A08 is for the laptop.
Nope i've updated the vbios to a02 and i still get the same problem i can set the speeds to anything up to the normal default clocks but when i go past to like 750/1050 it just goes black
I'm trying to overclock my 920xm, and I'm trying to use wPrime to test stability, but I can't seem to get wPrime 1.55 to run correctly. Everytime I run the stability or speed test, it stops the test after a few seconds and the last line says "Error occured: Automation error%1 is not a valid Win32 application. FYI, I'm opening the program with "run as administrator" selected. I also have gone in advanced settings and entered 8 threads. Any suggestions?
DaneGRClose Notebook Virtuoso
Have you tried an uninstall and reinstall?
Slap in a reboot in there, maybe a power drain, and you should be good to go
The Revelator Notebook Prophet
The Revelator Notebook Prophet
actually been playing around with another hobby is all. -
hahaha makes sense... alright man well i hope your enjoying your new hobby then bud. nice to see you drop by again
stevenxowens792 Notebook Virtuoso
BFBC2 Benchmarks - All high, low shadows, no hsao, 1aa and 1af (I decided to go no AA because frankly at this high pace I just dont see it)
I got a huge boost clocking the gpu from 700 to 750. So I took the time today and clean and applied Shin Etsu to the gpu. I dont know why but bfbc2 loves the higher gpu clock. The GPU is only utilized between 40-60 percent most of the time. Sometimes less.
2010-10-31 22:21:41 - BFBC2Game
Frames: 16437 - Time: 150862ms - Avg: 108.954 - Min: 73 - Max: 183 -
stevenxowens792 Notebook Virtuoso
Here is my 3dmark score at the settings I play games at. 750/1000. The Shin-etsu made a big difference for me. Best Wishes, StevenX
Uploaded with ImageShack.us -
Dayum! So close to 10k!!! -
DaneGRClose Notebook Virtuoso
Post a run with a cpu-z in the shot and I'll put ya on the leader boards miahsoul.
Not as good as before in the GPU, but better overall imo. -
DaneGRClose Notebook Virtuoso
Looks like its time to add a new category
Congrats len888!
DaneGRClose Notebook Virtuoso
I'll update everything this weekend guys, I will still keep up on the bench thread even though my m15x has now gone to MrD1sturbed.
Call me when a 460 beats my score, and I'll FINALLY be convinced they outperform 5850s/5870s
Nice score none the lessgood stuff. Now crank those clocks up till they're begging you to stop
I'm excited to see how the 460s will do -
DaneGRClose Notebook Virtuoso
^^^^^Agreed! With the scores I'm seeing so far I don't know if the 460m can even hit the gpu top scores chart let alone the top of it.
Len888, can we see some Vantage scores with Physx turned off?
When I get my hands on a 470m... I will aim possibly for a 11k GPU score. I has already reached 10894 in the clevo forums. Grrrr
yea like i said the 470m>5870m ... nto by as much as i thought though... 300-400 vantage points ahead won't give you much of a difference in games.. maybe 1-2fps?
Still, its a beast. And if put in the right hands im sure it'll skyrocket over 11k(now if only i had one... lol) Guess my 5870s will just have to do
sweet finally some official 460m numbers, thanks len888. now put it over a ac unit and crank that baby up, hehehhehe
Hmm, I may have to try and rent a pair of 470s
470s are beast ... i bet the r3 will have em ... dont think we'll ever get 480s though
I just ran 3d mark and was wondering what kind of ballpark scores i should be seeing. I got CPU:14135 and GPU:7946 does this sound in the right range?
The Revelator Notebook Prophet
Alright thanks I wasn't sure what I should be seeing as this is the first time I've benchmarked
DaneGRClose Notebook Virtuoso
Matty the temps will definitely change if you do enough of an OC to get anywhere near that leader board lol. You have a system that could easily take a run at just about any one of those boards though. Other than inap with his 940xm/5850 combo that's the best config we've seen in here for a while. If you want to make a run at it inap is a good person to talk to on OC'ing the CPU, either Me, Jstar, Revelator, or inap are good on the GPU and can help with that. If you'd like to make a run at it just let us know and we'll help you through it
The more I looked at DaneGR's clocks, the more I'm getting amazed lol.
I mean, the 5850m in my m15x can never hit 1100 mhz for Memory Clock, I'd get instant Gray/Red bar screen when I click Set Clock. I wonder why D:
Is the stock thermal paste really that bad?
I've flashed the bios to 750/1050 1.15v too.
Best Vantage GPU score was 9.4k region @ 900/1000..
When I increase the memory clock to 1050, it will never work. (900/1050) -
DaneGRClose Notebook Virtuoso
The thermal paste on every system I've ever had has been barely good enough for bone stock, it's horrible to be honnest. You also have to realize that my card was a freak of nature so is inap's. I also had my computer's back panel pulled off sitting on a cranked a/c vent any time I went over 900/1100. I've said this before and I'll say it again: most of the cards that come in these systems will never hit the 10k gpu score mark, no one to date has hit the clocks I did with my rig, now it is possible but it's very dangerous as you risk a fried card that won't be covered under warranty. If you want to try by all means go ahead, just be slow at raising your clocks, make sure you have aftermarket paste/pads and additional cooling over about 850/1075. And as always ask if you'd like help there's a lot of people who are more than willing in here.
I suppose the first step I should be doing now is applying new thermal paste lol. But I'm not sure if I have the balls to do it on my own..lol.
DaneGRClose Notebook Virtuoso
It's really not that difficult, inap has an awesome guide in his signature on it, go back to the bottom of page 28 and it's there. It has pics and what not as well.
every card is different, so even if you change the paste it won't help you increase the core or memory clocks.
Dane's card is insanely powerful even i gave up chasing it, hahahah -
DaneGRClose Notebook Virtuoso
lol, you could take it if you wanted inap I just got lucky on my card, or should I say MrD1sturbed's 5850 now
yeah your score should be omitted since you don't own it anymore, hahahahah
DaneGRClose Notebook Virtuoso
Funny thing is if we did the "no ownership, no record" deal you'd be in 1st place lol. Nice try inap
:tongue: :laugh:
Hmm well I Wouldn't mind making a run at it as long as I could get it back to where it is now after. I guess the thing is I've never OC'd anything before so I really don't know where to start.
oh, i didn't notice that, hehehhehehe
was worth trying!!!! lolz
prolly wait till new bios or some incredible new driver, before the new round of benches. but i doubt i will ever beat it. -
wow your specs is awesome, just need a ac unit if your gunning for top spot. -
If run at your screen resolution the woudn't qualify for the scoreboards, or be compareable to those scores.
I have a window with a fan. Would that work?
I have it connected to my hdtv right now.
Here is a good link to flashing the vbios in order to OC.
*OFFICIAL* "All Powerful" M15x Benchmark Thread Part 2
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by DaneGRClose, Oct 10, 2010.